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value of a civ<strong>il</strong> apartment with the approachfor capitalization of the yields.23. The expropriation for public usefullness.24. Notion of bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ng area. Scope of theesteem and economic aspects for the bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngareas.25. The <strong>di</strong>rect esteem and the in<strong>di</strong>rect esteemof the bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ng areas. The value oftransformation for the judgments of economicconvenience on the bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ng areas.26. The cost value. The cost appraisal in thebu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ng process for the plan of works andjobs publics.27. The cost value. The actors of the bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngprocess and the relative purposes. Normativereferences.28. The cost value. Kinds of committee29. The cost value. The cycle of the plan:contents, instruments of appraisal of theconstruction cost and their tolerance.30. The cost value. The appraisal of theconstruction costs.The prezziario of DEI.31. text and modality of development of thePractice n.4.32. The cost value. The contract documents.33. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.4.34. The cost value. The appraisal of theconstruction cost with Computo MetricoEstimativo (CME). Steps and documents ofCME.35. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.4.36. The cost value. The appraisal of theconstruction costs with CME. Themeasurement norms.37. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.4.38. The cost value. The appraisal of theconstruction costs with CME. Thedetermination of the unit prices.39. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.4.40. The cost value. The esteem of the cost ofconstruction with CME. Text and modality ofdevelopment of the Practice n.5.41. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.5.42. The cost value. The Award of the contracts.43. A concrete example of CME.44 Review of elaborates of the Practice n.5.45. The accounting of the jobs and the relatito you documents.46. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.5.47. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.5.48. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.5.49. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.5.50. Review of elaborates of the Practicen.5.51. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.5.52. Review of elaborates of the Practicen.5.53. Review of elaborates of the Practice n.5Iscrizione al corsoLe iscrizioni avvengono obbligatoriamentesulla piattaforma.Per iscriversi lo studente deve averesostenuto tutti gli esami del primo e delsecondo ciclo.Modalità d’esameL’esame, unico per entrambi i moduli, è <strong>di</strong>tipo orale e verte sugli argomenti trattatinel corso e sulle esercitazioni svolte.Laboratorio <strong>di</strong> sintesi finaleFinal Synthesis Stu<strong>di</strong>oLSF-16,5 cfu5° anno / corso annualeInsegnamenti1 Progettazione architettonica 2aannualità (Icar 14-10 cfu)2 Un insegnamento (6,5 cfu)appartenente a uno dei seguenti settoriscientifico-<strong>di</strong>sciplinari:• Icar 09, Tecnica delle costruzioni• Icar 12, Tecnologia dell’architettura• Icar 15, Architettura del paesaggio• Icar 16, Architettura degli interni eallestimento• Icar 17, Disegno• Icar 18, Storia dell’architettura• Icar 19, Restauro• Icar 21, Urbanistica• Icar 22, Estimo• Ing-inf 11, Fisica tecnica ambientaleLessons1 Architectural Design (Icar 14-10 cre<strong>di</strong>ts)2 A teaching (6,5 cre<strong>di</strong>ts) belonging toone of the following scientific-<strong>di</strong>sciplinarysectors:• Icar 09, Structural design• Icar 12, Technology of architecture• Icar 15, Landscape architecture• Icar 16, Interior design and stage design• Icar 17, Architectural drawing• Icar 18, History of architecture• Icar 19, Restoration of architecture• Icar 21, Urbanism• Icar 22, Bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ng evaluation• Ing-inf 11, Applied physics of the bu<strong>il</strong>tenvironmentFinalità e contenuti <strong>di</strong>sciplinariObiettivo del laboratorio <strong>di</strong> sintesi finale èla preparazione del progetto architettoniconecessario ai fini dell’esame <strong>di</strong> laurea. Essoè intimamente connesso alla tesi <strong>di</strong> laurea,<strong>di</strong> cui ne rappresenta una delle possib<strong>il</strong>iapplicazioni.Aims and contentsThe objective of the final synthesis stu<strong>di</strong>ois the preparation of the architecturalproject necessary for the final degreeexamination. It is intimately connected tothe research thesis, of which it representsone of the possible applications.Tema d’annoÈ definito dal collegio dei docentiunitamente al progetto <strong>di</strong>dattico delLaboratorio <strong>di</strong> laurea.Design problemIt is defined by the college of teachers inrelation to the general educational projectof the Degree Stu<strong>di</strong>o.Articolazione delle attività progettualiL’esercizio del progetto è prevalentementeconcentrato nel secondo semestre, a valledella elaborazione della tesi <strong>di</strong> ricerca.Articulation of the educational activitiesThe completion of the project ispredominantly concentrated in the secondsemester, after the elaboration of theresearch thesis.Iscrizione al corsoAvviene attraverso l’iscrizione allaboratorio <strong>di</strong> laurea.44.2.10 Progetti <strong>di</strong>dattici del II ciclo del CdLm in Architettura123

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