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44. I regolamenti <strong>di</strong>dattici114restoration: integration of the gaps;removal of the ad<strong>di</strong>tions; substitution;restoration of the matter; f<strong>il</strong>ling up; reestablishment;anast<strong>il</strong>osi; <strong>di</strong>smantlementand reassembling- Cultural rules for architectural restoration;- The project of Restoration: formulation ofthe project; organization of the documents,etc- The preservation issues and the law:evolution and contents of the rules for theconservation- Techniques of intervention: shore works;improvement and consolidation of bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngstructures: foundations and masonries;- Techniques of intervention: horizontalstructures: ce<strong>il</strong>ings, vaultsdomes,coverages- Themes and issues of restoration:description and <strong>di</strong>scussion of someexemplary interventions of architecturalrestoration in Italy and in EuropeLezioni <strong>di</strong> ‘Teorie e tecniche costruttive nelloro sv<strong>il</strong>uppo storico’ B- Approccio alle costruzioni murarie- Lettura dei quadri fessurativi –prima parte- Lettura dei quadri fessurativi –secondaparte- Richiami e <strong>di</strong>versificazione dei meto<strong>di</strong> <strong>di</strong>verifica strutturale- I modelli strutturali- La vulnerab<strong>il</strong>ità degli e<strong>di</strong>fici in muratura- Il restauro del legno- Elementi portanti orizzontali: archi, voltee cupole: tipologie principali; <strong>di</strong>ssesti emeccanismi <strong>di</strong> collasso; meto<strong>di</strong> <strong>di</strong> verifica edeterminazione della spinta- La normativa sismica: circolare 3274 eccTopics of ‘Theory and Techniques ofConstruction in their historicaldevelopment’ B- Configurations and Shapes of masonrybu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngs- Survey of cracks evolution – first part- Survey of cracks evolution – second part- Methods of structural analysis- Structural Modeling- Masonry structures vulnerab<strong>il</strong>ity.- Restoration of timber structures- Horizontal bearing structures: arches,vaults and domes. Main typologies;collapse mechanism; structural analysismethods and drift evaluation- National and International seismic codesCorso C/ Giacomo Martines, Rita GrecoTema d’annoCastelli <strong>di</strong> PugliaDesign ProblemCastles of ApuliaLezioni <strong>di</strong> Restauro architettonico BIl corso prende come oggetto <strong>di</strong> stu<strong>di</strong>o iseguenti monumenti:1. Castello <strong>di</strong> Carlo V a Lecce2. Castello <strong>di</strong> Mola <strong>di</strong> <strong>Bari</strong>3. Castello <strong>di</strong> Trani4. Cattedrale <strong>di</strong> Andria5. San Leucio presso CanosaDopo una prima fase <strong>di</strong> analisi, sarannoforniti gli strumenti metodologici atti adelaborare <strong>il</strong> progetto <strong>di</strong> restauro, attraversol’analisi e l’interpretazione dei dati <strong>di</strong>r<strong>il</strong>ievo.I principali argomenti delle lezioni sarannorelativi a:- Le ragioni del restauro architettonico- Meto<strong>di</strong> del restauro architettonico- Restaurare, ripristinare o conservare?- Ricerca storico-archivistica finalizzata alrestauro- Tecniche costruttive: murature,strutturevoltate, fondazioni, orizzontamenti ecoperture in legno, scale in pietra, laterizioe legno (4 incontri)- Lo “stato normale”- La “grammatica” delle facciate- La progettazione dell’antico- Tipologie <strong>di</strong> degrado- Tecniche <strong>di</strong> consolidamento- Il restauro delle superficiTopics of architectural restoration CThe monuments chosen as study cases are:1. Castle of Carlo V in Lecce2. Castle of Mola of <strong>Bari</strong>3. Castle of Trani4. Cathedral of Andria5. San Leucio in CanosaAfter the analysis of the monuments, themain topics w<strong>il</strong>l be referred to the problemof restoration design:- The architectural restoration reasons- The architectural restoration methods- Restoration, reconstruction orconservation?- Historical research finalized to therestoration- Bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ng technologies- The “correct form” of the monument- The facade “grammar”- Design historical architecture- The architectural process of decay- The structural restoration- Restoration of the surfacesLezioni <strong>di</strong> ‘Teorie e tecniche costruttive nelloro sv<strong>il</strong>uppo storico’ C- Problemi strutturali dei monumenti edell’ed<strong>il</strong>izia storica.- Elementi strutturali e tecniche costruttivemurarie tra<strong>di</strong>zionali- Il legno: caratteristiche fisiche emeccaniche; elementi strutturali;l’assessment delle strutture lignee.- La vulnerab<strong>il</strong>ità strutturale: Meto<strong>di</strong> <strong>di</strong>valutazione: Le schede <strong>di</strong> I e II livello: Casi<strong>di</strong> stu<strong>di</strong>o.- Diagnostica e riab<strong>il</strong>itazione strutturale perle costruzioni in muratura.- La sicurezza strutturale per gli e<strong>di</strong>fici inmuratura: quadro Normativo.- Linee Guida per la valutazione e riduzionedel rischio sismico del patrimonio culturalecon riferimento alle norme tecniche per lecostruzioni.Topics of ‘Theory and Techniques ofConstruction in their historicaldevelopment’ C- Structural problems of Monuments andhistorical bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngs- Structural elements and tra<strong>di</strong>tionalconstruction techniques- Woods: physical and mechanicalcharacteristics; structural elements,assessment- Structural risk: evaluation methods, studycases.- Structural investigation and remedy- Structural security: Normative.- Guide-lines for the evaluation andreduction of the seismic risk in the culturalvaluesEsercitazioni

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