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During the lessons, theoretical andtechnical bases w<strong>il</strong>l be provided, in order tosupport the practical development of thein<strong>di</strong>vidual design theme, allow thecomprehension of the structural behaviourof monumental bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngs and the definitionof the constructive and structural model.A specific attention w<strong>il</strong>l be devoted to thestudy of the “rule of the art” (on the baseof historical treatises and the analysis ofpara<strong>di</strong>gmatic case stu<strong>di</strong>es) and to thedefinition of the ideal model (with regard tothe structural arrangement, masonrytexture, constructive elements,connections, structural deta<strong>il</strong>s). It w<strong>il</strong>l thenbe possible to identify the defects in thestructural organization (either intrinsic orinduced by external events).During the course the modern guidelinesfor the structural safety of historicalconstructions w<strong>il</strong>l be <strong>il</strong>lustrated, by asystematic analysis of recurrent collapsemodes and of the technical codes actuallyadopted at international and national level.The phase of the structural modelling andverification w<strong>il</strong>l be supported by thetra<strong>di</strong>tional tools of graphical statics and byadvanced 3D modelling methods.EsercitazioniLe esercitazioni in aula si conducono ingruppi <strong>di</strong> non più <strong>di</strong> tre allievi sumonumenti concordati con la docenza, iquali siano esemplificativi <strong>di</strong> alcune delleproblematiche <strong>di</strong>sciplinari.Il tema d’anno verrà stu<strong>di</strong>ato per fasisuccessive:1. La conoscenza (stu<strong>di</strong>o <strong>di</strong>retto delmonumento e analisi storica)2. L’analisi (articolazione spaziale,consistenza materiale, specificitàcostruttive e figurative, fenomeni <strong>di</strong>degrado e meccanismi <strong>di</strong> danno)3. Il progetto (problemi <strong>di</strong> smontaggio erimontaggio, integrazione delle lacune,rimozione <strong>di</strong> aggiunte, completamento,consolidamento, riconversione d’uso).ExercisesExercises are drawn up by groups of threestudents. The churches analysed by eachgroup are representative of some typicalrestoration knots. The study case isanalysed along successive phases:1. Knowledge (architectural survey andhistorical study);2. Analysis (spatial articulations, physicalconsistency, formal aspects, decayphenomena, structural damage);3. Design problems concerning<strong>di</strong>sassembling and reassembling of theworks, f<strong>il</strong>ling in the gaps in walls, removingad<strong>di</strong>tions, completing structures, lookingfor consolidation solutions, changing thefunction of bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngs.Corso B/ Ignazio Carabellese, DomenicoRaffaeleTema d’annoCampan<strong>il</strong>i d’età barocca in Terra <strong>di</strong> <strong>Bari</strong>Design ProblemBaroque bell towers in Terra <strong>di</strong> <strong>Bari</strong>Lezioni <strong>di</strong> Restauro architettonico B- Motivi del restauro – oggetto del restauro– approccio metodologico – spiegazionedei termini caratterizzanti la <strong>di</strong>sciplina(glossario del restauro)- Inquadramento storico delle strutturemurarie: Degrado e <strong>di</strong>ssesto: <strong>il</strong> <strong>di</strong>ssesto e iquadri fessurativi; - Diagnostica generale;Cause e rime<strong>di</strong>; Rapporto tra forma eresistenza delle strutture agli eventi dellastoria- Il r<strong>il</strong>ievo per <strong>il</strong> restauro: <strong>di</strong>mensioni,qualità, struttura- Storia e restauro – meto<strong>di</strong> <strong>di</strong> indagine : lefonti e i luoghi della ricerca, rapporto fraconoscenza storica e progetto- Anatomia e fisiologia delle fabbrichetra<strong>di</strong>zionali: materiali – fondazioni –murature in elevazione- Anatomia e fisiologia delle fabbrichetra<strong>di</strong>zionali: orizzontamenti – coperture –impianti- Cause e meccanismi del degrado –Patologie dei materiali lapidei- L’umi<strong>di</strong>tà ed <strong>il</strong> risanamento igienico dellecostruzioni- Il concetto <strong>di</strong> identità nelle sue possib<strong>il</strong>iimplicazioni – con<strong>di</strong>zioni ambientali e suoiriflessi sul progetto <strong>di</strong> restauro- I no<strong>di</strong> critici del Restauro architettonico:integrazione delle lacune; rimozione delleaggiunte; sostituzione; restauro della materia;completamento;ripristino; anast<strong>il</strong>osi;smontaggio e rimontaggio- I documenti della cultura del restauro;- Il progetto <strong>di</strong> Restauro: impostazione delprogetto; pre<strong>di</strong>sposizione degli elaborati,ecc- La tutela e la norma: evoluzione econtenuti della normativa <strong>di</strong> tutela- Tecniche <strong>di</strong> intervento: opereprovvisionali; risanamento econsolidamento <strong>di</strong> strutture murarie:fondazioni e murature in elevato- Tecniche <strong>di</strong> intervento: strutture <strong>di</strong>orizzontamento: solai, volte, cupole,coperture- Temi e argomenti <strong>di</strong> restauro: descrizionee <strong>di</strong>scussione <strong>di</strong> alcuni interventi esemplari<strong>di</strong> restauro architettonico in Italia e inEuropaTopics of architectural restoration B- Reasons for the restoration - object of therestoration - methodological approach -explanation of the specific terms of the<strong>di</strong>scipline (glossary of the restoration)- Historical organization of the bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngstructures: degrade and <strong>di</strong>sarrangement:the <strong>di</strong>sarrangement and the ruptureframes; - general <strong>di</strong>agnostics; Causes andreme<strong>di</strong>es; Relationship between form andresistance of the structures to the events ofthe history- Detection for the restoration: <strong>di</strong>mensions,quality, structure- History and restoration - methods ofinvestigation: the sources and the places ofthe research, relationship betweenhistorical knowledge and project.- Anatomy and physiology of the tra<strong>di</strong>tionalbu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngs: material - foundations -masonries- Anatomy and physiology of the tra<strong>di</strong>tionalfactories: floorings and ce<strong>il</strong>ings - coverages- fittings- Causes and mechanisms of the degrade -Pathologies of stones- The damp and the hygienic improvementof bu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ngs- The concept of identity in its implications -environmental con<strong>di</strong>tions and theirinfluences on the restoration choices- The critical nodes of architectural44.2.10 Progetti <strong>di</strong>dattici del II ciclo del CdLm in Architettura113

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