latte - Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani

latte - Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani

latte - Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani


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G.F. Greppi e P. Roncada97αs 1-Cn loci. XXIX Simp. Int. Zoot., Milano, 233-240.145. Rando A., Ramunno L., Masina P. (2000). Mutations in casein genes. Zoot. Nutr.Anim., 26: 105-114.146. Rapetti L., Falaschi U., Lodi R., Vezzoli F., Tamburini A., Greppi G.F., Enne G.(1995). The effect of liquid whey fed to dairy goats on milk yield and quality. SmallRuminant Research. 1995. 16(3).147. Recio I., Perez-Rodriguez M.L., Ramos M., Amigo L. (1997). Capillary electrophoreticanalysis of genetic variants of milk proteins from different species. Journal ofChromatography. 768(1): 47-56.148. Reinert P., Fabre A. (1996). Utilisation du lait de chèvre chez l’enfant. Expériences deCréteil. “Intérêts nutritionnel et diététique du lait de chèvre”. G. Freund Editeur,INRA Editions, 119-121.149. Remeuf F. (1993). Influence du polymorphisme génétique de la caséine as1 caprinesur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques et technologiques du lait. Lait, 73: 549-557.150. Remeuf F.,Verdalet-Guzman I., Lenoir J. (1995). Technological adjustment of goatmilk containing low synthesis-rate alpha-s 1-casein variants. International Dairy Journal.5(4): 381-392.151. Restani P., Gaiaschi A., Plebani A., Beretta B., Cavagni G., Fiocchi A., Poiesi C., VelonaT., Ugazio A.G., Galli C.L. Cross-reactivity between milk proteins from differentanimal species. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 29(7). July, 1999. 997-1004.152. Roncada P, Carta F, Greppi G.F. (2003) Goat milk: building a proteomic map. Atti de38° Simposio internazionale di zootecnia. Maggio 2003 Milk & Research 285-292.153. Roncada P., Carta F., Greppi G.F (2003). Identification of minor proteins of goatcolostrum and milk by two dimensional electrophoresis. 54 th Annual Meeting of theEuropean Association for Animal Production.154. Roncada P., Carta F., Greppi G.F. (2003) Identification of proteins in goat milk.International Meeting of Proteome analysis. Proteomic Forum 2003, Monaco diBaviera, settembre 2003.155. Roncada P., Cuccuru M.A., Malagutti L., Zannotti M., Lauzi S., Greppi G.F. (2004)Proteomic analysis of goats milk experimental feeded with aflatoxin B1. Atti del 58°Convegno Nazionale SisVET. Grado, settembre 2004.156. Roncada P., Gaviraghi A., Greppi G.F. (2002) Identification of Lactoferrin in serumgoat milk with proteomics technique. In 26 th IDF World Dairy Congress. Parigi settembre2002.157. Roncada P., Gaviraghi A., Greppi G.F. Analisi proteomica nello studio di caseificazionedel <strong>latte</strong> caprino. In 37° Simposio Internazionale di Zootecnia di Montagna valorizzazionedella Agricoltura.158. Roncada P., Gaviraghi A., Liberatori S., Canas B., Bini L., Greppi G.F. (2002) Iden-

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