latte - Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani

latte - Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani latte - Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani
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G.F. Greppi e P. Roncada95116. Neveu C., Molle D., Moreno J., Martin P., Leonil J. (2002). Heterogeneity of caprinebeta-casein elucidated by RP-HPLC/MS: genetic variants and phosphorylations.J Protein Chem. Nov; 21(8): 557-67.117. Neveu C., Riaublanc A., Miranda G., Chich J.F., Martin P. (2002). Is the apocrinemilk secretion process observed in the goat species rooted in the perturbation of theintracellular transport mechanism induced by defective alleles at the alpha(s1)-Cnlocus? Reprod Nutr Dev. Mar-Apr; 42(2): 163-72.118. Ng-Kwai-Hang (1997). A review of the relationship between milk protein polymorphismand milk composition/milk production. Proc. of IDF Seminar “Milk ProteinPolymorphism”, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Pub. International DairyFederation, Brussels (Belgium), 22-37.119. Ng-Kwai-Hang H.F. (1998). Genetic polymorphism of milk proteins: relationshipswith production traits, milk composition and tecnological proprietis. Canadian Journalof Animal Science 78: 131-147.120. Noè L. Caratteristiche fenotipiche della razza Nera di Verzasca. (1995). Rosato’sAdvertising-Printed Memigraph. Casargo (Lecco).121. Noè L., Greppi G.F. (2003) Estensivo o intensivo, ma sempre di qualità. InformatoreZootecnico n° 14: 60- 64, Edagricole, Bologna 16 luglio 2003.122. Park Y.W. (1991). Hypo-allergenic and therapeutic significance of goat milk. SmallRumin Res. 14: 151-159.123. Parma P., Feligini M., Greppi G.F., Enne G. (2003). The complete nucleotide sequenceof goat (Capra hircus) mitochondrial genome. DNA Seq. 2003, 14(3): 199-203.124. Parma P., Feligini M., Noè L., Aleandri R., Greppi G.F., Enne G. (1999). IEF characterizationand mRNA sequence of a rare a s1-casein variant in Nera Verzasca goatbreed. Anim. Gen. 29, 54.125. Parma P., Feligini M., Noé L., Iametti S., Greppi G.F., Enne G. (1999). Detection ofthe goat αs 2-casein variants by ASA-PCR. Animal Genetics, 30, 231.126. Parma P., Pirri G., Damin F., Chiari M., Greppi G.F. (2003). Application of DNAmicroarray technology in Bos taurus genomic analysis: preliminary results. ItalianJournal of Animal Science. 2: Suppl. 1: 61-63.127. Parodi P.W. (1997). Cow’s milk fat components as potential anticarcinogenic agents.J. Nutr. 127: 1055-1060.128. Parry T.E. (1984). Goat’s milk in infant and children. Br. Med. J. 288, 863-864.129. Parson B.L., Heflick R.H. (1997). Genotypic selection methods for the direct analysisof point mutations. Mutation Res., 387: 97-121.130. Patton S., Carson G.S., Hiraiwa M., O’Brien J., Sano A. (1997). Prosaposins, a neurotrophicfactor, presence and proprieties in milk. J. Dairy Sci., 80: 264-272.

G.F. Greppi e P. Roncada95116. Neveu C., Molle D., Moreno J., Martin P., Leonil J. (2002). Heterogeneity of caprinebeta-casein elucidated by RP-HPLC/MS: genetic variants and phosphorylations.J Protein Chem. Nov; 21(8): 557-67.117. Neveu C., Riaublanc A., Miranda G., Chich J.F., Martin P. (2002). Is the apocrinemilk secretion process observed in the goat species rooted in the perturbation of theintracellular transport mechanism induced by defective alleles at the alpha(s1)-Cnlocus? Reprod Nutr Dev. Mar-Apr; 42(2): 163-72.118. Ng-Kwai-Hang (1997). A review of the relationship between milk protein polymorphismand milk composition/milk production. Proc. of IDF Seminar “Milk ProteinPolymorphism”, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Pub. International DairyFederation, Brussels (Belgium), 22-37.119. Ng-Kwai-Hang H.F. (1998). Genetic polymorphism of milk proteins: relationshipswith production traits, milk composition and tecnological proprietis. Canadian Journalof Animal Science 78: 131-147.120. Noè L. Caratteristiche fenotipiche della razza Nera di Verzasca. (1995). Rosato’sAdvertising-Printed Memigraph. Casargo (Lecco).121. Noè L., Greppi G.F. (2003) Estensivo o intensivo, ma sempre di qualità. InformatoreZootecnico n° 14: 60- 64, Edagricole, Bologna 16 luglio 2003.122. Park Y.W. (1991). Hypo-allergenic and therapeutic significance of goat milk. SmallRumin Res. 14: 151-159.123. Parma P., Feligini M., Greppi G.F., Enne G. (2003). The complete nucleotide sequenceof goat (Capra hircus) mitochondrial genome. DNA Seq. 2003, 14(3): 199-203.124. Parma P., Feligini M., Noè L., Aleandri R., Greppi G.F., Enne G. (1999). IEF characterizationand mRNA sequence of a rare a s1-casein variant in Nera Verzasca goatbreed. Anim. Gen. 29, 54.125. Parma P., Feligini M., Noé L., Iametti S., Greppi G.F., Enne G. (1999). Detection ofthe goat αs 2-casein variants by ASA-PCR. Animal Genetics, 30, 231.126. Parma P., Pirri G., Damin F., Chiari M., Greppi G.F. (2003). Application of DNAmicroarray technology in Bos taurus genomic analysis: preliminary results. ItalianJournal of Animal Science. 2: Suppl. 1: 61-63.127. Parodi P.W. (1997). Cow’s milk fat components as potential anticarcinogenic agents.J. Nutr. 127: 1055-1060.128. Parry T.E. (1984). Goat’s milk in infant and children. Br. Med. J. 288, 863-864.129. Parson B.L., Heflick R.H. (1997). Genotypic selection methods for the direct analysisof point mutations. Mutation Res., 387: 97-121.130. Patton S., Carson G.S., Hiraiwa M., O’Brien J., Sano A. (1997). Prosaposins, a neurotrophicfactor, presence and proprieties in milk. J. Dairy Sci., 80: 264-272.

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