latte - Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani

latte - Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani

latte - Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani


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G.F. Greppi e P. Roncada9156. Feligini M., Civardi G., Pasquini M., Greppi G.F., Enne G. (1995). Caratterizzazionedella popolazione caprina verzaschese al locus αs 1-caseina. Atti Conv. Naz. “Parliamodi ....produzione e trasformazione del <strong>latte</strong>”. Fossano (Cuneo), 19-20 Ottobre1995: 211-214.57. Feligini M., Pasquini M., Greppi G.F., Enne G. (1996). Polymorphism at the locusalfas 1casein in some autochthonous goats. Food and health. Role of animal products.125-128. Ed. Elsevier.58. Ferrari R.P., Laurenti E., Cecchini P.I., Gambino O., Sondergaard I. (1995). Spectroscopicinvestigations on the highly purified lactoperoxidase Fe(III)-heme catalyticsite. J. Inorganic Biochemistry. 58(2): 109-127.59. Fox P.F. (1992). Advanced Dairy Chemestry. Proteins. ed Elsevier London.60. Freier S., Kletter B., Gerv I. (1969). Intolerance to milk protein. J. of Pediatry, 75:623-631.61. Galliano F., Saletti R., Cunsolo V., Foti S., Marletta D., Bordonaro S., D’Urso G.(2004). Identification and characterization of a new beta-casein variant in goat milkby high-performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometryand matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. RapidCommun Mass Spectrom.; 18(17): 1972-82.62. Gaya P., Medina M., Nunez M. (1991). Effect of the lactoperoxidase system on Listeriamonocytogenes behavior in raw milk at refrigeration temperatures. Applied &Environmental Microbiology. 57(11): 3355-3360.63. Gerstberger R., Schuetz H., Olsson K. (1997). The goat mammary gland as a targetorgan for atrial natriuretic peptide. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. 160(1): 9-14.64. Gomes A.M.P., Malcata F.X. (1998). Development of probiotic cheese manufacturedfromgoat milk: Response surface analysis via technological manipulation. Journal ofDairy Science. 81(6). June, 1492-1507.65. Gothefors L., Marklund S. (1975). Lactoperoxidase activity in human milk and in salivaof newborn infants. Infection & Immunity. 11(6): 1210-1215.66. Greppi G.F., Roncada P., Feligini M., Bossi A., Enne G. (1997). Caratterizzazione dellaLattoferrina in differenti specie animali. XII Cong. Naz. ASPA, PISA, Giugno 1997.67. Grosclaude F., Mahé M.F., Brignon G., Di Stasio L., Jeunet R. (1987). A Mendelianpolymorphism underlying quantitative variations of goat α s1-casein. Génét. Sél. Évol.,19: 399-412.68. Grosclaude F., Martin P. (1997). Casein polymorphisms in the goat. Milk proteinpolymorphism FIL-IDF Palmerston North, New Zealand 241-253.69. Grosclaude F., Ricordeau G., Martin P., Remeuf F., Vassal L., Bouillon J. (1994). Dugène au fromage: le polymorphisme de la caséine α s1caprine, ses effets, son évolution.INRA Prod. Anim., 7: 3-19.

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