Print English to Chin (Hakha) Dictionary

Print English to Chin (Hakha) Dictionary

Print English to Chin (Hakha) Dictionary


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wizened - (adj.) a romi , a carmi , a kermi<br />

wobble - (v.) i thui hnuapmap i um<br />

wobbly - (adv.) i thui hnuamap in.<br />

woe - (n.) hanak, vanchiatnak, lungretheihnak.<br />

woeful - (adj.) harnak a ingmi.<br />

woke - (v.) past tense of wake, hung nun.<br />

woken - (v.) past participle of wake, tthangh, i hlauh.<br />

wolf - (n.) cenghngia ngan phun , ttih a nung ngaimi hngartlai<br />

wolfhound - (n.) uico ngan phun, cenghngia dumnak i an hmanmi.<br />

wolfish - (adj.) cenghngia bantukin ttih a nungmi, mah zawn lawng aa ruatmi.<br />

wolflike - (adj.) cenghngia bantuk a simi.<br />

wolves - (n.) cenghngia pakhat nak tam.<br />

woman - (n.) nu, hringtu nu si loin nu paohpaoh<br />

womanhood - (n.) nu sining, nu sinak.<br />

womanish - (adj.) nu bantuk a simi<br />

womankind - (n.) nu vialte<br />

womanlike - (adj.) nu a lomi.<br />

womanliness - (n.) nu sinak.<br />

womanly - (adj.) nu bantuk.<br />

womb - (n.) nauinn<br />

wombat - (n.) Australia ram saram phun khat, vom fate a lomi.<br />

women - (n.) plural of woman, pkhat nak tam nu.<br />

womenfolk - (n.) pakhat nak tam nu.<br />

won - (v.) past tense and past participle of win, tei.<br />

wonder - (n.) 1. khuaruahharmi thil; e.g. The pyramids are one of the wonders of the world = Pyramid cu vawlei cung thil khuaruahhar pakhat an<br />

si. 2. lung chung i khuaruahhar in um khi; e.g. The child looked at the Christmas tree with wonder = Ngakchia nih Khrismas thingkung kha a zoh<br />

tikah khuaruahhar in a um.<br />

wonder - (v.) hngal setsai lo i um; e.g. I wonder what time it is now = Atu hi sumilam zeizat dik a hei si hnga.<br />

wonderful - (adj.) 1. khuaruahhar a simi; e.g. The works of God are wonderful = Pathian thil tuahmi hi khuaruahhar an si ko. 2. hman<br />

sawsawhnak ah, thil a tthat lei kong chimnak i hman; e.g. It's wonderful that you could come - Na rat khawh cu a ttha hringhran ko.<br />

wonderland - (n.) khuaruah harmi thil tampi umnak hmun.<br />

wonderment - (n.) khuaruah-harnak.<br />

wondrous - (adj.) khuaruahhar a simi.<br />

won't - (contraction) = will not.<br />

wont - (adj.) a zia a simi; e.g. He is wont <strong>to</strong> read books at bedtime = Ih caan ah carel kha a zia a si.<br />

won<strong>to</strong>nness - (n.) duhduh in umnak.<br />

woo - (v.) ngaknu nupi tthit awk ca i helh<br />

wood - (n.) 1. thing a sa; e.g. firewood = tih thing. 2. ramlak thing tamnak hmun.<br />

woodbine - (n.) zun pangpar phun khat aa dawh ngaimi<br />

woodchuck - (n.) saram phun khat, a mei a borh ngaimi; tthal caan ah a thau i khuasik ah cun a kua chungah a it ko.<br />

woodcock - (n.) vate phun khat, a hmur a sau i a ke a tawimi.<br />

woodcraft - (n.) 1. ramlak i cawlcangh thiamnak. 2. ramvaih le rap chiah thiamnak.<br />

woodcut - (n.) canamnak ding ca i thing sermi<br />

woodcutter - (n.) thing hautu , thing hlamtu<br />

wooded - (adj.) thing tamnak a simi.<br />

wooden - (adj.) 1. thing in semi. 2. thing bantukin a hakmi. 3. a hrutmi, lungpingmi.<br />

woodland - (n.) thing tamnak hmun.<br />

woodman - (n.) thing hlamtu.<br />

woodpecker - (n.) thingbawmcu , thlauhpi , thlauhte<br />

woods - (n.) thing tampi a bupi in a ummi, tupi.<br />

woodshed - (n.) thing chiahnak inn<br />

woodsman - (n.) ramlak i a ummi, ramlak umtuning a thiammi.<br />

woodwork - (n.) thing in sermi<br />

woody - (adj.) thing tampi umnak; e.g. A woody hillside = Thing tampi umnak tlangpang.<br />

wooer - (n.) nupi ca i ngaknu a helhtu<br />

woof - (n.) thiamphei, a phei in a kalmi la.<br />

wool - (n.) sahmul la<br />

woolen - (adj.) sahmul la in tahmi<br />

woolly - (adj.) hmul a ngeimi.<br />

word - (n.) biafang , bia<br />

wordiness - (n.) bia tam tuk chimnak.<br />

wording - (n.) biachimning , biafang hmanning<br />

wordless - (adj.) bia um loin a simi<br />

wordy - (adj.) bia tam uk hman a simi.<br />

wore - (v.) past tense of wear. hruk.<br />

work - (v.) ttuan , rianttuan<br />

work - (n.) rian.<br />

workable - (adj.) tuah khawhmi, ttuan khawhmi.<br />

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