Print English to Chin (Hakha) Dictionary

Print English to Chin (Hakha) Dictionary

Print English to Chin (Hakha) Dictionary


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nook - (n.) kiken<br />

noon - (n.) chunlai<br />

noose - (n.) hrival<br />

nor - (conj.) 'neither' he lawng hman khawh a si i lo tinak a si; e.g. He has neither father nor mother = Nu zong a ngei lo, pa zong a ngei lo.<br />

norm - (n.) vantlang tahnak tlangrel<br />

normal - (adj.) a si tawnmi<br />

normal - (n.) si tawnnak.<br />

normal school - (n.) sianginn saya cawnpiaknak sianginn.<br />

normally - (adv.) a si tawn ningin<br />

north - (n.) chaklei<br />

north-east - (n.) nichuah-chak<br />

North Pole - (n.) Cunglei Pol<br />

North Star - (n.) Chaklei Arfi<br />

north-west - (n.) nitlak-chak<br />

northern - (adj.) chaklei a simi; e.g. Northern part of Burma = Kawl ram chaklei kam.<br />

northward - (adv.) chaklei kam; e.g. The garden is on the northward slope of the hill = Dum cu tlang pang chaklei kan ah khan a um<br />

northwestern - (adj.) nitlakchak a simi<br />

Norwegian - (n.) Norway mi.<br />

nose - (n.) hnar<br />

nose bleeding - (n.) hnar thichuah<br />

nose-dive - (n.) biktaling in tlak<br />

nostril - (n.) hnarkua<br />

not - (adv.) lo , hlah; e.g. I do not like millet = Fatun ka duh lo; Do not lie = Lihchim hlah<br />

notable - (adj.) minthangmi , i chingchiah awk a tlakmi<br />

notably - (adv.) i chingchiah awk tlak ngaiin<br />

notary - (n.) rianttuannak biakamnak a tuahtu bawi, pakhatkhat nih chiatser in bia hmaan ka chim tiah a timi bia a ttialtu le a khumhtu bawi<br />

notation - (n.) 1. chinchiahnak he ttialmi, <strong>to</strong>nic solfa notation = d r m f in a aw ttialmi khi. 2. philhlonak ding ca i cattialmi.<br />

notch - (n.) khuar; e.g. He cut notches on a stick = Fung ahkhan khuarmi a tuah<br />

note - (v.) 1. ttha tein zoh. 2. philh lo awkah i ttial.<br />

note - (n.) 1. philhlonak ding ah i ttialmi ca 2. ttha tein i chingchiahmi 3. cakuat tawite 4. hla aw hmelchunhnak d r m f ti bantuk 5. langhternak<br />

am; e.g. A note of triumph was in his voice = Teinak am a aw chungah khan a um<br />

noted - (adj.) minthangmi<br />

noteworthy - (adj.) cinken awk a tlakmi<br />

nothing - (n.) zeihmanhlo; e.g. There is nothing in an empty box = A lawngmi kuang chungah zeihmanh a um lo<br />

nothing - (adv.) naisai lo; e.g. This coat is nothing like you old coat = Hi angkileng hi cu na angkileng hlun tluk kha a si naisai lo.<br />

notice - (v.) hmuh; e.g. I notice that you are wearing a new hat = Luchin thar naa chinh ti kan hmuh<br />

notice - (n.) 1. zoh; e.g. Bring the letter <strong>to</strong> his notice = Cakuat kha amah zoh awkah rak pu 2. hngalhternak; e.g. The notice on the wall said "For<br />

Sale" = Vampang cung i hngalhternak, an tarmi nih, "Zuar Awk" tiah a ti 3. ralrinnak pek; e.g. You must give a month's notice before you leave =<br />

Na kal hlanah thla khat ralrinnak na kan pek lai serve notice: a hlankan in ralrinnak pek<br />

noticeable - (adj.) hngalh awk tlak a simi, hmuh khawh a simi, a lang khomi<br />

noticeably - (adv.) lang ngaiin, hmuh khawh awkin<br />

notification - (n.) theihter chungnak<br />

notify - (v.) theihter<br />

notion - (n.) 1. ruahning , hngalhning , ruahnak; e.g. I have no notion of what he means = A chimmi kha a sullam zei a si a ruah awk ka hngal lo 2.<br />

zumhning; e.g. It was her notion that planes were safer than trains = Vanlawng kha tlanglawng nakin a him deuh ti cu amah zumhning a si<br />

no<strong>to</strong>riety - (n.) tthat lo lei minthannak<br />

no<strong>to</strong>rious - (adj.) tthat lo lei i a min a thangmi<br />

no<strong>to</strong>riously - (adv.) tthat lo lei i min thang ngaiin<br />

notwithstanding - (prep.) nain; e.g. Notwithstanding her homeliness, I love my daughter = Ka fanu cu aa dawh lo nain ka dawt ko<br />

nought - (n.) pakpalawng , zero , 0<br />

noun - (n.) thil min; e.g. Words like John, table and cow are nouns = Biafang a simi John, cabuai le caw hna hi noun an si<br />

nourish - (v.) rawlpek , cawm<br />

nourishment - (n.) rawl peknak , cawmnak<br />

novel - (n.) ruahnak in phan chommi tuanbia<br />

novel - (adj.) a tharmi.<br />

novelist - (n.) ruahnak in tuanbia a phanchom thiammi<br />

novelty - (n.) 1. thil thar. 2. tharnak.<br />

November - (n.) November thla.<br />

novice - (n.) aa thawkka a simi , phungki a cawng liomi<br />

now - (adv.) atu just now: atute ah khan now and then/now and again: pah lengmang; e.g. I saw him now and then = Amah cu ka hmuh<br />

pah lengmang nowadays: atu hrwng<br />

nowhere - (adv.) khuazeihmanh lo; e.g. This road leads nowhere = Hi lam cu khuazeihmanh a phan lo<br />

nowise - (adv.) azeitihmanh in; e.g. I will in nowise cast them away = Azeitihmanh in ka hlonh hna lai lo<br />

nozzle - (n.) hmurparte<br />

nuclear - (adj.) a muru he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. Nuclear bomb = A muru in a puakmi bom.<br />

nucleus - (n.) a muru<br />

nude - (adj.) hnipuan loin<br />

nudge - (v.) din nawn tein en , sawh<br />

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