Print English to Chin (Hakha) Dictionary

Print English to Chin (Hakha) Dictionary

Print English to Chin (Hakha) Dictionary


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irreproachable - (adj.) soisel khawh lomi<br />

irresistible - (adj.) donh khawh lomi<br />

irresolute - (adj.) lung aa thlek kho lomi<br />

irresolution - (n.) lung i thleh khawh setsai lo , fek tein um khawh lonak<br />

irrespective - (adj.) aho aho ti loin , thleidannak zeihmanh um loin<br />

irresponsible - (adj.) ttuanvo la lo i duh paoh in a ummi<br />

irretrievable - (adj.) lak tthan , hmuh tthan khawh lomi<br />

irreverence - (n.) hmaizah lonak<br />

irreversible - (adj.) let tthan khawh ti lomi , hnulei i khirh tthan khawh ti lomi<br />

irrevocable - (adj.) let tthan khawh ti lomi<br />

irrigate - (v.) kahcham tilak in lo tipek<br />

irrigation - (n.) kahcham tilak in lo tipeknak<br />

irritability - (n.) thintawinak , ingchiatnak<br />

irritable - (adj.) a thin a tawimi , a ing a chiami<br />

irritant - (n.) thinhuntertu, ingpuantertu<br />

irritate - (v.) 1. thinhunter, ingpuanter; 2. thakzatter, thahter zatter<br />

irritation - (n.) thahter i bo i sennak; e.g. The rough cloth caused irritation on the child's tender skin = Puanchia hrat nih ngakchia vun nemte kha<br />

a thahter senter i boter<br />

irruption - (n.) luhhnawhnak<br />

is - (v.) a si, a um; e.g. The Earth is round = Vawlei cu a pum; e.g. He is in Yangon = Yangon ah a um.<br />

Islam - (n.) Muslim biaknak phung<br />

island - (n.) tikulh , tikulh bantuk a simi thil<br />

islander - (n.) tikul i a ummi minung<br />

isle - (n.) tikulh, tikulh hme deuh<br />

-ism - (suff.) cafang donghnak ah chap tawnmi; tahchunhnak ah; e.g. 'baptize' cu 'baptism', 'criticize' cu 'criticism.'<br />

isn't - (v., contraction) 'is not', a si lo, a um lo.<br />

isolate - (v.) a dangte i chiah , a dangte i umter , a dangte i umnak<br />

isolation - (n.) a dangte i chiahnak<br />

isolationist - (n.) hawi rem lo i mahte lawng i a ummi<br />

issue - (v.) 1. chuah; e.g. The magazine is issued once a month = Mekkazin cu thla khat ah voi khat an chuah; 2. pek; e.g. Food and clothing are<br />

issued <strong>to</strong> the soldiers = Ralkap cu rawl le hnipuan an chuah hna<br />

issue - (n.) 1. ca chuahmi; e.g. The last issue of the newspaper contains the s<strong>to</strong>ry of his accident = Tadinca an chuahmi a hmanung bik ah<br />

eksident a <strong>to</strong>nnak kong kha a um; 2. zapi nih an ceih lulhmi; e.g. Football is a current issue = Atu lio i zapi nih an ceih lulhmi cu pumpululh a si, i ceih<br />

lengmangmi<br />

-ist - (suff.) biafang donghnak lei i chapmi; e.g. '<strong>to</strong>ur' cu '<strong>to</strong>urist', 'piano' cu 'pianist.'<br />

isthmus - (n.) vawlei nganpipi pahnih a pehtu vawlei rawrek; Panama Isthmus = Panama vawlei rawrek.<br />

it - (pron.) thil, hmun, thil ummi, ruahnak, a um ciami chim tthan tik i hmanmi bia; a tawinak bik cu 'a', ti a si ko; e.g. He saw a house and bought it<br />

= Inn pakhat a hmuh i a cawk; e.g. It is rainy = Ruah a sur; e.g. This book is good, it is worth reading = Hi cauk hi a ttha, rel tlak a si.<br />

italic - (n.) cafang ngawi<br />

italic - (adj.) a ngawimi cafang hna; e.g. These words are in italic type = Hi cafang hna cu cafang a ngawi in ttialmi an si<br />

italicize - (v.) cafang ngawi in ttial<br />

itch - (n.) thakpherh zawtnak , a thakmi<br />

item - (n.) 1. a bu chung i thil pakhatkhat , cazin chung i ttialmi thil pakhatkhat; e.g. The first item on the programme (U.S. program) is reading<br />

names of the members of the committee = Prokarem chung i thil hmasa bik cu komiti member hna min rel kha a si; 2. thawngpang pelpawi tadinca<br />

i chuahmi.<br />

itemize - (v.) pakhat hnu pakhat in ttial<br />

iterate - (v.) chim i nolh tthan lengmang<br />

itinerant - (n.) hmun khat in hmun khat ah khual a tlawng lengmangmi<br />

itinerary - (n.) khualtlawnnak lam le a can timhmi<br />

it's - (contraction) 'it is'<br />

its - (adj., pron.) a ta, a ngeihmi; e.g. The cat plays with its kittens = Chizawh cu a fale he lente an i cehl.<br />

it's a pity - (v.) ngaihchiat awk a simi. e.g. Vanlawng na tahn lo cu a poi ngangai ko.<br />

itself - (pron.) 1. fek deuh in chim duh tik i hmanmi a si; e.g. The land itself is worth the money, without the house = A vawlei lawng-lawng hmanh<br />

kha tangka pekmi cu a man ko, a inn chim loin; 2. amah can ah khan hman a si; e.g. The baby hurt itself =Ngakchia cu amah le amah aa tu; 3.<br />

mah le mah; e.g. The dog saw itself in the glass = Uico nih thlalang chungah amah le amah aa hmu<br />

-ity - (suff.) holh fang donghnak ah chapmi; e.g. 'active' cu 'activity' ah a cang, 'sincere' cu 'sincerity' ah a cang<br />

I've - (contraction) I have.<br />

ivory - (n.) vui hao<br />

ivy - (n.) vampang ah an kaiter tawnmi zunhri aa dawhmi phun<br />

-ize - (suff.) biafang dinghnak ah hmanmi; e.g. 'public' cu 'publicize' ah a cang, 'author' cu 'authorize' ah a cang, 'memory' cu 'memorize'<br />

ah a cang.<br />

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