lost to be found. book 16

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, Units al Length<br />

I aqate (iypography) =<br />

.0/ rnci<br />

1 angslom = .0000001 mm =<br />

. I cable's lenqlh 720leet<br />

lchain{engineers} l00feel<br />

l.hallcuie'so sdrypvoas, 66 feet<br />

I cubit 18 inches<br />

I degree (geographicall 69.05 mrles<br />

I decamese = l0 metes<br />

I fathom = 6{eet<br />

I hand 4 inches<br />

lleague. 3mries<br />

1 light year = 5880m0000000m+s =<br />

I rl,{GLtre'sosu<strong>to</strong>eyor's) - 7.92,nches<br />

I lrl (engrneer's) I <strong>to</strong>ot<br />

I micromete .001 millimeke<br />

I micron .001 milkmere<br />

. I mrl .001 inch<br />

t 1 ,illimicron .000001 milUmerre<br />

I nanomfre = .000001 milhmetre .<br />

1 nautical mile = 1.1 5 miles<br />

I perch or pole : <strong>16</strong>.5 feel<br />

I point (typographyl = 0.1 inch<br />


.l I centimetre<br />

.000000004 inch<br />

219.46 metres<br />

30.48 metes<br />

20.1 2 mefes<br />

45.72 centimetes<br />

lll.l2kilometres<br />

32.81 feet<br />

1.83 metres<br />

l0:1 6 centimetres<br />

4.83 kilometes<br />

9,462,684,000,000 kms<br />

20.12 centimetes<br />

.31 metre<br />

.000039 iich<br />

.000039 inch<br />

0.3 millimetre<br />

.000000039 inch<br />

.000000039 inch<br />

1.852 kilometres<br />

5 metres<br />

Units of Area or Surtaee<br />

.35 millimete<br />

Units af Vdane .<br />

I cubic inch = .00058 cubic foot . <strong>16</strong>39 cubic cms<br />

I cubicioot = l,728cubic,nches - 28,32cubicdms<br />

I cub,c yard = 2/ cubic leel = .76 cubic mere<br />

I cu$c millimetre = .001 cubic cm - .000061 cubic in.<br />

1 cubic<strong>be</strong>ntimete = 1,000 cubic nms = .06 cubic inch<br />

1 cubic aecimetre = 1,000 clbic cms = 61.02 cubic inches<br />

I cobic mere = I 000 cubic dms 35.31 cubic leer<br />

I stere : 1 cdicmefe = 35.31 cu$cfeet<br />

Units of Capacity {Dry}<br />

1 banel (smndardl = 105 quans = 115.61 lites<br />

1 barel {cran<strong>be</strong>ries) - 86,70 quafrs = 95.46 litres<br />

lbshel{lJsl.$acLnedsJre= 32quads 35.24lirres<br />

1 bush (U.S.), heapad = 40.9 quafts : 45.03 litres<br />

' I lubic inch = . .015 quaft = .0<strong>16</strong> liEe<br />

1 cord {firewoodl : 128 cubic = 3.62 cubic netes<br />

1 cubicdecimete = 1 lire = .91 quaft<br />

, l,peck = 8quatu = 8.81 lities<br />

I pint =<br />

.5 quans : .55 litres<br />

1 quart(U.S., : 6T.2cubicinches = 1.1 litres<br />

1 qlart(British) : 1.032qlarslU.S.l = 1.036lires<br />

I<br />

''#<br />

1!<br />

, I ares = 100 square metres = 1,076.39 sq. leet<br />

I square (burldingl = 100 square tFet 9.29 sq. mflres<br />

I sqsarc chain = 4,356 sqwr€ teet = 404.69 sq. mekes<br />

i square link =62.73 square iiches 404.69 sq. cms<br />

1 squareperch . 212.25 sq&tel&t - 25.29sq. meres<br />

1 square pole 272.25 squarcleel 25.29 sq. melreE<br />

I <strong>to</strong>wnship 36 square miles 93.24 sq. kms<br />

Units ol Capaeity {Liqnid}<br />

I sael = gl ro 42 s;hns<br />

l rubic ldiiL = 7-48 sAlloa$<br />

I cubi. inch - .55 lluidome<br />

l;ecalitro = lolites<br />

: I g€llon lBrjtirhimpsiall . 1.200ailom lU,S.l<br />

1 qitl<br />

=<br />

4 fluid oqnre$<br />

"<br />

t',<br />

I minim - .002 fluid Mb&<br />

I lqran{Briri$h} =<br />

l,20quaisl!!-S.}<br />

,,j,<br />

I <strong>to</strong>blespoqn = ,5luidoqree -<br />

llsaspoor= !.33luiddrffis<br />

.tr^@S \a-<br />

SINCE: 1985 ''<br />

= 117.34<strong>to</strong>158.981it8<br />

= 28,32,it.es<br />

: .0zcontilitre<br />

= 2.64 gallon.<br />

= 4,5slitres ,"<br />

+ ,t2centilite<br />

=.06millilitre<br />

= 1.14liae<br />

= 1.45 eentilit@s<br />

= 4.gzsillililres<br />

Man-ufacturins By: SUNDARAM MULTI PAP LTD,<br />

4 i. Kazi Sayed Street. Masjid Bufoer Mumbai - 400 003. lNDtA.<br />

'<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>fier Carc | +91-22-2347 OO2O<br />

E- nail : sundaramshop@gmait.mn w.sundaramgroups.in<br />

Units ol Weight or Mass<br />

I assay <strong>to</strong>fl = 29. I 67 grms 1<br />

= .03 ounces<br />

lcffit = 2oo.milligrams = 3.09 gGins<br />

I decigram = l00milligEms = l.54grains<br />

ldeEgmm=' lograms =.35ounce<br />

I dEm lapothecari6) 60 gmins<br />

. - 3.888 g€ms<br />

I gross hundrqlweigfft = I 12 pounds 50.802 kilogrm<br />

I gross tgn = ?.?4opounds = 1,0<strong>16</strong> kilogGms<br />

,loruhlndredweight- 1l2pdnds = 50.802ki<strong>to</strong>qrans<br />

1 long <strong>to</strong>n 2.240 pounds = 1,0<strong>16</strong> mffic hns<br />

, fricrogmm .' .000001 gram . .000000035 ounce<br />

I ounce {apothecaries) = I 0gTMcAlawrdup0'sl .- 31.10 grams<br />

I ounce {<strong>to</strong>y} 1097<strong>to</strong>@lavoiduposj 31.10 grams<br />

.<br />

lpennyweight = z4gmins = 1,555grams<br />

I poifr = .03 grams = 2 miiligrcms<br />

I pound (apottEcariesi = J23plunl(avoilduporsl = .37 kilograms<br />

I p@nd (koyl . .823 piud lavoidwoist - .37 kilograms<br />

1 ffiple {apdhe@riesl = 2b grains - 64.79 mifligrms<br />

l.s<strong>to</strong>ne= l4pounds =6.35kiloSrams<br />

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