Luciano Berio - Universal Edition

Luciano Berio - Universal Edition

Luciano Berio - Universal Edition


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<strong>Luciano</strong><br />

<strong>Berio</strong><br />



<strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

(*24 October 1925, Oneglia, Italy – † 27 May 2003, Rome)<br />

5 The Past as Future: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

6 Il passato come futuro: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

7 Die Vergangenheit als Zukunft: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

8 Le passé en tant qu’avenir: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

10 Worklist by instrumentation<br />

15 Chronological list of works<br />

20 Catalogue of works<br />

56 Transcriptions, arrangements, etc.<br />

contents<br />


The Past as Future: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

In the aftermath of the Second World War, many composers of <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>’s generation<br />

felt obliged to wipe the slate clean. To a composer with roots as deep in the achievements<br />

of the past four centuries as <strong>Berio</strong>, this was never an option. His work constantly re-invented<br />

continuities where others saw only the possibilities of rupture. Not that he was ever tempted<br />

by the assorted nostalgias that haunted some part of the music of the last century. On the<br />

contrary, he maintained an insatiable curiosity about the explorations of his contemporaries<br />

– musical or otherwise. But his dialogues with literature, with linguistics, with structural<br />

anthropology, with ethnomusicology always proved to be the most inventive of piratical raids<br />

– seizing the materials that he needed as a musician, and drawing from them creative<br />

consequences often far removed from their original context. They are a fraternal “homage”, not<br />

an imitation. Beyond his apprentice years of the late forties and early fifties, much the same<br />

might be said of his response to his musical contemporaries. His oblique relationship to the<br />

post-Webernian mainstream was the first instance of a trait that has remained central to his<br />

work ever since. Seizing with relish upon its demonstrations of inexhaustible metamorphic<br />

potential, he expanded this into a basic principle: you may always re-write what is already<br />

written.<br />

The exuberant melodic confidence of his work from the late fifties and sixties – whether the<br />

nervous brilliance of the flute Sequenza I, or the by now classic lyrical intensity of works<br />

written for Cathy Berberian, such as Circles or Sequenza III – bears witness to the confident<br />

authority with which he grasped these means. Equally, the series of Chemins that revisit solo<br />

Sequenzas demonstrate not just a Joycean “work in progress”, but our obligation to treat each<br />

completed work as a “listening in progress”. But the sixties also saw the first indices of an<br />

unwillingness to side-line issues central to his rigorous sense of musical tradition. Where some<br />

contemporaries seemed content to treat harmony as simply a subcategory of “texture”, <strong>Berio</strong><br />

insistently returned to the harmonic dimension as central to his larger musical aspirations.<br />

Training his own and his listeners’ ears to find their way through the harmonic jungle was at<br />

first a matter of brilliantly alert intuition – in, for instance, Sequenza IV for piano – but was<br />

soon absorbed into a focussed framework, first in O King, but then in many subsequent works<br />

of the early seventies, by exploring the consequences of harmonic projections from a line. The<br />

fruits of this patient process of exploration came in the major works of the eighties and<br />

nineties, where harmony resumed its rights as the organising force behind such major theatre<br />

works as La vera storia, Un re in ascolto, and Outis, but could equally determine the masterly<br />

concision of Sequenza XIII for accordion.<br />

Although <strong>Berio</strong> drew admiration in the late fifties as an exuberant explorer of electronic<br />

resources, his vivid empathy for the risks and rewards of live performance tended to gain the<br />

about his music<br />


6<br />

upper hand over any disembodied search for “new sounds”. However fragile and temporary the<br />

community created in the concert-hall by a brilliant performance, it is one that <strong>Berio</strong> served<br />

with singular fixity of purpose. Since the sixties a vigorous inhabitant of McLuhan’s “global<br />

village” (of which any concert-hall or radio station may propose itself as a temporary<br />

microcosm) he asserted music’s obligation not only to its own singular history, but also to the<br />

re-statement of human concerns that, without such patient and committed reiteration, could<br />

so easily evaporate. His is a music that “refuses to forget”.<br />

David Osmond-Smith<br />

Il passato come futuro: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale molti compositori della generazione di <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong> si<br />

sentirono obbligati a ricominciare daccapo. Un compositore come <strong>Berio</strong> però, le cui radici<br />

ancoravano profondamente nelle conquiste di quattro secoli, non prese mai in considerazione<br />

questa opzione. La sua opera re-inventò costantemente delle continuità laddove altri vedevano<br />

come unica alternativa la rottura. Non che fosse mai stato attratto da quelle nostalgie aleggianti<br />

in alcune musiche del secolo scorso. Al contrario, mantenne una curiosità insaziabile verso le<br />

esperienze di ricerca dei suoi contemporanei – musicisti ed altri. Ma i suoi dialoghi con la<br />

letteratura, la linguistica, l’antropologia strutturale, la musicologia etnica si sono sempre<br />

dimostrati i più ingegnosi raid corsari: egli acquisì i materiali di cui aveva bisogno come musicista,<br />

per trarne delle conseguenze creative, spesso molto distanti dal contesto originale. Sono un<br />

omaggio fraterno, non un’imitazione. Al di là del periodo di apprendistato tra la fine degli anni<br />

’40 e l’inizio dei ‘50, si può affermare praticamente lo stesso a proposito della sua interazione con<br />

i suoi contemporanei musicali. La relazione non sempre diretta con la corrente di pensiero<br />

postweberniana fu il primo dei tratti che da allora caratterizzarono la sua opera. Impossesandosi<br />

con gusto dell’immenso potenziale metamorfico di tale pensiero, <strong>Berio</strong> lo trasofrmò in un<br />

principio di base: è sempre possibile ri-scrivere ciò che è già scritto.<br />

L'esuberante sicurezza melodica delle sue opere degli ultimi anni ’50 e ’60 – sia la brillantezza<br />

nervosa della Sequenza I per flauto, sia l'ormai classica intensità lirica dei brani scritti per Cathy<br />

Berberian, tra cui Circles o Sequenza III – testimonia l’autorevolezza con cui <strong>Berio</strong> ricorreva a<br />

questi mezzi. La serie dei Chemins, rivisitazioni delle Sequenze per strumento solo, non soltanto si<br />

dimostra un “work in progress” nel senso joyceano, ma ci obbliga anche a considerare ogni opera<br />

compiuta come un “listening in progress”. Gli anni ’60 vedevano però anche i primi indizi della<br />

volontà di non trascurare istanze centrali del proprio senso rigoroso della tradizione musicale.<br />

Mentre alcuni contemporanei sembravano accontentarsi trattando l’armonia semplicemente<br />

come una categoria subordinata di “texture", <strong>Berio</strong> non smise mai di tornare con insistenza alla<br />

dimensione armonica come fulcro delle sue aspirazioni musicali più ampie. L’allenamento del<br />

proprio udito e di quello dei suoi ascoltatori, così da trovare un percorso attraverso la giungla<br />

armonica, fu inizialmente un aspetto dell’accortissima intuizione beriana – per esempio nella<br />

Sequenza IV per pianoforte. Presto però quest’intuizione divenne parte di una concezione messa<br />

bene a fuoco, prima in O King, poi in tante opere dei primi anni ‘70, nelle quali esplorò le<br />

about his music

conseguenze delle proiezioni armoniche partendo da una linea di suoni. I frutti di questo paziente<br />

processo d’esplorazione si poterono cogliere nelle opere principali degli anni ‘80 e ‘90, dove<br />

l'armonia reclamava i propri diritti quale forza organizzativa dietro opere teatrali così importanti<br />

come La vera storia, Un re in ascolto e Outis, ma determinava ugualmente anche la magistrale<br />

concisione della Sequenza XIII per fisarmonica.<br />

Malgrado <strong>Berio</strong> fosse apprezzato nei tardi anni ’50 come esuberante esploratore di risorse<br />

elettroniche, la sua vivace empatia per i rischi e le ricompense dell’esecuzione dal vivo ebbe<br />

tendenzialmente la meglio su qualsiasi ricerca astratta di “nuovi suoni”. Per quanto fragile e<br />

temporanea sia la comunità che si crea in una sala da concerto in occasione di una brillante<br />

esecuzione, <strong>Berio</strong> si dedico ad essa con singolare determinazione. Abitante convinto, sin dagli anni<br />

’60, del “global village” mcluhaniano (nel quale un auditorio o una stazione radiofonica<br />

potrebbero proporsi come una sorta di microcosmo temporaneo), egli ha affermato l’impegno<br />

della musica nei riguardi non solo di se stessa e della sua storia particolare, ma anche nel ribadire<br />

tutto ciò che concerne l’umanità che, in mancanza di una simile reiterazione, paziente e dedita,<br />

potrebbe facilmente dileguare. La sua è una musica che “si rifiuta di dimenticare”.<br />

David Osmond-Smith<br />

Die Vergangenheit als Zukunft: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg fühlten sich viele Komponisten dem Ruf nach einer tabula rasa<br />

verpflichtet. Ein Komponist wie <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>, dessen Wurzeln so tief in den Errungenschaften<br />

von vier Jahrhunderten verankert waren, zog so etwas nie in Erwägung. Sein Werk hatte<br />

ständig Anknüpfungspunkte ge- und erfunden, wo andere nur die Alternative eines Bruchs<br />

sahen. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass er jemals von der Nostalgie befallen wurde, die in vielen<br />

Kompositionen des vegangenen Jahrhunderts spürbar ist. Ganz im Gegenteil hatte er sich<br />

stets eine unstillbare Neugier auf die Erkundungen seiner Zeitgenossen bewahrt – sowohl<br />

auf die musikalischen wie auch auf andere. Aber seine Dialoge mit Literatur, Linguistik,<br />

Musikethnologie oder Anthropologie hatten sich immer als höchst schöpferische Feldzüge<br />

erwiesen. Er eignete sich das Material an, das ihn als Musiker faszinierte, um daraus kreative<br />

Konsequenzen zu ziehen, die oft weit entfernt vom originalen Kontext waren. Das ist<br />

eine kollegiale ‚Hommage‘, keine Imitation. Einmal von seinen Lehrjahren in den späten<br />

40er und frühen 50er Jahren abgesehen, konnte man Ähnliches über die Reaktion auf seine<br />

musikalischen Zeitgenossen konstatieren. Schon damals zeigte sich in seiner postwebernschen<br />

Gesinnung eine Eigenheit, die seither für sein OEuvre bezeichnend geblieben war. Aus<br />

der anfänglichen Faszination über das grenzenlose metamorphische Potential schälte sich<br />

allmählich <strong>Berio</strong>s Grundsatz heraus: Man kann schon Geschaffenes immer wieder<br />

nachschöpfen.<br />

Die melodische Ausstrahlung seiner Werke der 50er und 60er Jahre – sei es nun<br />

die nervöse Brillanz der Sequenza I für Flöte oder die mittlerweile klassische lyrische<br />

Intensität der für Cathy Berberian geschriebenen Stücke wie Circles oder Sequenza III –<br />

bezeugt <strong>Berio</strong>s Fähigkeit, mit der er sich dieser Mittel bediente. Die Serie Chemins su<br />

about his music<br />


8<br />

Sequenza steht nicht nur als ein Beispiel für ein work in progress (im Sinne von James Joyce),<br />

sondern auch als eine Verpflichtung, jedes abgeschlossene Werk als ein listening in progress<br />

zu betrachten. In den 60er Jahren gab es aber auch schon die ersten Anzeichen für einen<br />

Unwillen, musikalische Tradition zu vernachlässigen.<br />

Obwohl einige Zeitgenossen sich damit abfanden, Harmonie einfach als eine Form von<br />

‚Textur‘ zu betrachten, hatte <strong>Berio</strong> immer wieder die harmonische Dimension als wichtigste<br />

Kategorie seines musikalischen Denkens begriffen. Die Erziehung seines eigenen Hörverhaltens<br />

in Sachen Harmonie, wiewohl auch desjenigen seiner Hörer, beruhte ursprünglich auf <strong>Berio</strong>s<br />

ungewöhnlich wacher Intuition – z. B. in Sequenza IV für Klavier. Diese Intuition kristallisierte<br />

sich aber bald zu einer klaren Konzeption, zuerst in O King, dann in vielen Werken der frühen<br />

70er Jahre: nämlich das Erkunden der Konsequenzen, die bei der Projektion einer melodischen<br />

Linie auf die harmonische Ebene entstehen. Die Früchte dieses geduldigen Forschungsprozesses<br />

konnten in den Hauptwerken der 80er und 90er geerntet werden, wo die Harmonie ihre<br />

Rechte als organisatorische Kraft hinter solch wichtigen Musiktheaterwerken wie La vera<br />

storia, Un re in ascolto und Outis einfordert, aber auch das meisterhafte Konzept der Sequenza<br />

XIII für Akkordeon bereichert.<br />

Obwohl <strong>Berio</strong> in den späten 50er Jahren als unermüdlicher Forscher elektronischer Musik<br />

geschätzt wurde, zog er immer die Risiken und Möglichkeiten des realen Musizierens der<br />

abstrakten Suche nach ‚neuen Klängen‘ vor. Wenngleich die Gemeinschaft, die in einem<br />

Konzertsaal entsteht, eher zerbrechlich und von kurzer Dauer ist, ist es eine, um die sich <strong>Berio</strong><br />

mit einzigartiger Zielstrebigkeit bemühte. <strong>Berio</strong> war schon seit den 60er Jahren ein<br />

leidenschaftlicher Anhänger von McLuhans Idee des ‚global village‘ (einer Gemeinschaft<br />

übrigens, in der ein Konzertsaal oder ein Radiosender einen Mikrokosmos bilden könnte). So<br />

formulierte <strong>Berio</strong> die Aufgaben der Musik nicht nur im Hinblick auf ihre eigene einzigartige<br />

Geschichte, sondern auch im Hinblick auf allgemein menschliche Anliegen, die ohne ein solch<br />

geduldiges und engagiertes Beharren sehr leicht in Vergessenheit geraten könnten. Seine Musik<br />

„weigert sich zu vergessen“.<br />

David Osmond-Smith<br />

Le passé en tant qu’avenir: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

Après la deuxième Guerre mondiale et les séquelles qu’elle causa, de nombreux compositeurs<br />

de la génération de <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong> choisirent de faire table rase. Pour un compositeur comme<br />

<strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>, profondément enraciné dans les acquis musicaux de quatre siècles, il ne fut jamais<br />

question de choix. Son oeuvre a toujours réinventé des continuités, là où d’autres ne voyaient bien<br />

souvent que des possibilités de rupture. Cela ne signifie pas pour autant qu’il était empreint de la<br />

nostalgie qui fut commune à un grand nombre de compositions musicales du siècle passé. Bien<br />

au contraire, il a conservé une curiosité insatiable pour les expériences exploratoires de ses<br />

contemporains, qu’elles soient sur le plan musical ou bien autre. Mais ses dialogues avec la<br />

littérature, la linguistique, l’anthropologie structurale ou l’ethnomusicologie s’avérèrent toujours<br />

des excursions plagiaires très innovatrices – c’est en tant que compositeur qu’il s’est approprié les<br />

about his music

matières qui le fascinaient, afin d’en extraire des effets souvent fort éloignés de leur contexte<br />

d’origine. On doit les considérer comme un «hommage» fraternel rendu par le compositeur, non<br />

comme une imitation. Abstraction faite de ses années d’apprentissage à la fin des années 40 et<br />

au début des années 50, on peut considérer qu’il en est de même quant à sa réponse à ses<br />

contemporains musicaux. Sa relation indirecte avec le courant esthétique postérieur à Webern a<br />

été et demeure l’une des caractéristiques essentielles de son oeuvre. A partir de sa fascination<br />

initiale pour le potentiel métamorphique et son infinité, le principe fondamental de <strong>Berio</strong> s’est<br />

cristallisé pas à pas: tout ce qui a déjà été écrit peut être réécrit.<br />

Le charisme mélodique de ses oeuvres composées à la fin des années 50 et au début des années<br />

60 témoigne de la faculté de <strong>Berio</strong> de se servir de ces moyens, que ce soit à travers la brillance<br />

nerveuse de la Sequenza I pour flûte ou l’intensité lyrique devenue entre-temps classique des<br />

pièces composées pour Cathy Berberian telles Circles ou la Sequenza III. De même, la série<br />

Chemins su Sequenza n’est pas seulement la manifestation d’un «work in progress» inspiré par<br />

James Joyce, mais doit être une obligation de considérer chaque oeuvre accomplie sous l’aspect<br />

«listening in progress».<br />

Mais les années 60 ont vu l’émergence des signes avant-coureurs d’un refus de négliger les<br />

thèmes centraux de la tradition musicale. Tandis que certains contemporains semblent s’être<br />

contentés de traiter l’harmonie comme une simple sous-catégorie de la «texture», <strong>Berio</strong> a fait de<br />

la dimension harmonique l’un des points centraux de son idéal musical. L’éducation de sa propre<br />

oreille musicale ainsi que celle de ses auditeurs afin de s’orienter au milieu de la jungle des<br />

harmonies reposait avant tout sur son intuition exceptionnellement vive, telle que dans la<br />

Sequenza IV pour piano. Cette intuition s’est cependant rapidement transformée en une<br />

conception claire, tout d’abord avec O King, ensuite dans de nombreuses oeuvres du début des<br />

années 70: ce fut alors l’exploration des conséquences issues de projections harmoniques d’une<br />

ligne mélodique. Les fruits de ce patient processus d’exploration ont pu être récoltés dans les<br />

oeuvres majeures des années 80 et 90, où l’harmonie s’affirme aussi bien en tant que force<br />

organisatrice d’arrière-plan dans les compositions lyriques importantes telles La vera storia, Un re<br />

in ascolto et Outis, qu’en tant que facteur d’enrichissement dans la concision magistrale de<br />

l’oeuvre Sequenza XIII pour accordéon.<br />

Bien que <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong> ait joui à la fin des années 50 d’une grande admiration pour son<br />

exploration exubérante des ressources de la musique électronique, sa vive empathie pour les<br />

risques et possibilités de la représentation «live» l’a continuellement amené à préférer cette<br />

dernière à la recherche désincarnée de «nouveaux sons». Même si la communauté qui se crée<br />

dans une salle de concert lors d’une représentation de qualité est fragile et temporaire, <strong>Berio</strong> a<br />

cherché à l’établir avec une détermination singulière. Depuis les années 60, <strong>Berio</strong>, habitant<br />

convaincu du «village global» de McLuhan (dans lequel une salle de concert ou une station de<br />

radio pourrait se constituer en microcosme temporaire), a prôné l’engagement de la musique, non<br />

seulement envers sa propre histoire, mais aussi envers les intérêts humains qui, sans une<br />

persévérance patiente et engagée, pourraient très facilement s’évanouir . Sa musique est une<br />

musique qui «refuse l’oubli».<br />

David Osmond-Smith<br />

about his music<br />


10<br />

Worklist by<br />

instrumentation<br />

Stage Works<br />

a – ronne<br />

Allez-hop<br />

Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda (Monteverdi)<br />

Compass<br />

Cronaca del Luogo<br />

La vera storia<br />

Laborintus II<br />

Naturale<br />

Opera<br />

Outis<br />

Passaggio<br />

Per la dolce memoria di quel giorno<br />

Un re in ascolto<br />

Turandot (Puccini)<br />

Twice upon ...<br />

Vor, während, nach Zaide<br />

Wir bauen eine Stadt (Hindemith)<br />

Vocal Works<br />

a – ronne<br />

Agnus<br />

Air<br />

Altra voce<br />

Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit (Weill)<br />

Beatles Songs<br />

Calmo<br />

Canticum novissimi testamenti<br />

4 Canzoni popolari<br />

Chamber Music<br />

Che dice la pioggerellina di marzo? (Ernesto <strong>Berio</strong>)<br />

Circles<br />

Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda (Monteverdi)<br />

worklist by instrumentation

Coro<br />

Cries of London<br />

E si fussi pisci<br />

E vó<br />

El mar la mar<br />

Epiphanies<br />

Folk Songs<br />

5 Frühe Lieder (Mahler)<br />

6 Frühe Lieder (Mahler)<br />

Le Grand Lustucru (Weill)<br />

Hör<br />

Magnificat<br />

O King<br />

Ofanìm<br />

Opus Number Zoo<br />

Otto Romanze (Verdi)<br />

Recital for Cathy<br />

Sequenza III<br />

Shofar<br />

Siete Canciones populares españolas (de Falla)<br />

Sinfonia<br />

Stanze<br />

Surabaya Johnny (Weill)<br />

There is no tune<br />

Orchestra<br />

Accordo<br />

Allelujah I<br />

Allelujah II<br />

Contrapunctus XIX (Bach)<br />

Bewegung<br />

Chemins IIb<br />

Continuo<br />

Divertimento<br />

Eindrücke<br />

Ekphrasis<br />

Encore<br />

Entrata<br />

Fanfara<br />

Festum<br />

Formazioni<br />

worklist by instrumentation<br />


12<br />

LB.AM.LB.M.W.D.IS.LB<br />

Nones<br />

Notturno<br />

Quatre dédicaces<br />

Quattro versioni originali (Boccherini)<br />

Re-Call<br />

Rendering (Schubert/<strong>Berio</strong>)<br />

Requies<br />

Variazione sull’aria di Papageno<br />

Variazioni<br />

Solo Instruments and Orchestra / Ensemble<br />

Alto saxophone Récit<br />

Basset horns (2) Variazione sull’aria di Papageno<br />

Bass clarinet Chemins IIc<br />

Flute Serenata I<br />

Flute, violin, 2 pianos Tempi concertati<br />

Guitar Chemins V<br />

Harp Chemins I<br />

Clarinet or viola Brahms – Opus 120 Nr. 1<br />

Clarinet, viola Alternatim<br />

Clarinet, violin, harp, celesta Concertino<br />

Oboe Chemins IV<br />

Piano ‘points on the curve to find ...’<br />

Piano Concerto II<br />

Pianos (2) Concerto<br />

Soprano saxophone Chemins IV<br />

Trombone SOLO<br />

Trumpet Kol od<br />

Viola Chemins II<br />

Viola Chemins III<br />

Viola Voci<br />

Violin, 2 horns Corale<br />

Violoncello Ritorno degli snovidenia<br />

Chamber Music<br />

Autre fois<br />

Call<br />

Différences<br />

Duetti per due Violini<br />

worklist by instrumentation

Due Pezzi<br />

Glosse<br />

Korót<br />

Linea<br />

Memory<br />

The Modification and Instrumentation (Purcell)<br />

Musica Leggera<br />

Naturale<br />

Notturno<br />

Opus Number Zoo<br />

Quartetto<br />

Ricorrenze<br />

Sincronie<br />

Study<br />

Terre chaleureuse<br />

Wasserklavier<br />

Solo Instruments<br />

Accordeon Sequenza XIII<br />

Alto saxophone Sequenza IX<br />

Bass clarinet Sequenza IX<br />

Bassoon Sequenza XII<br />

Clarinet Lied<br />

Clarinet Sequenza IX<br />

Doube bass Psy<br />

Doube bass Sequenza XIV<br />

Flute Sequenza I<br />

Flute Mozart Cadenze<br />

Guitar Brin<br />

Guitar Sequenza XI<br />

Harp Sequenza II<br />

Harpsicord Rounds<br />

Piano 5 Variazioni<br />

Piano Brin<br />

Piano Canzonetta<br />

Piano Erdenklavier<br />

Piano Feuerklavier<br />

Piano Leaf<br />

Piano Luftklavier<br />

Piano (4-hands) Maria Isabella (Adolfo <strong>Berio</strong>)<br />

Piano Petite Suite<br />

worklist by instrumentation<br />


14<br />

Piano Rounds<br />

Piano Sequenza IV<br />

Piano Six Encores<br />

Piano Sonata<br />

Piano (4-hands) Touch<br />

Piano Wasserklavier<br />

Oboe Sequenza VII<br />

Organ Fa – Si<br />

Soprano saxophone Sequenza VII<br />

Treble recorder Gesti<br />

Trombone Sequenza V<br />

Trumpet Gute Nacht<br />

Trumpet Sequenza X<br />

Viola Sequenza VI<br />

Violin Sequenza VIII<br />

Violoncello Les mots sont allés ...<br />

Violoncello Sequenza XIV<br />

Electronic Music<br />

a – ronne<br />

Chants parallèles<br />

Diario immaginario<br />

Momenti<br />

Mutazioni<br />

Perspektives<br />

Thema<br />

Visage<br />

Music for children<br />

Opus Number Zoo<br />

Twice upon …<br />

Wir bauen eine Stadt (Hindemith)<br />

worklist by instrumentation

Chronological worklist<br />

1946–47 4 Canzoni popolari<br />

1947 Petite Suite<br />

1949 Magnificat<br />

1951 Due Pezzi<br />

1951/70 Concertino<br />

Opus Number Zoo<br />

1952 El mar la mar<br />

1952/85 Study<br />

1952–53 5 Variazioni<br />

1952–59 Allez-hop<br />

1952/55 Mimusique No 2<br />

1953 Chamber Music<br />

Mimusique No 1<br />

1954 Mutazioni<br />

Nones<br />

Variazioni<br />

1955 Mutazioni<br />

1956–55 Allelujah I<br />

Perspectives<br />

Quartetto<br />

Variazione sull’aria di Papageno<br />

1956–57 Allelujah II<br />

1957 Divertimento<br />

Serenata I<br />

1958 Sequenza I (flute)<br />

Thema<br />

1958–59 Différences<br />

1959–60 Tempi concertati<br />

1959–61 Epifanie (withdrawn, see Epiphanies 1991)<br />

1960 Circles<br />

Momenti<br />

1961 Visage<br />

1961–62 Passaggio<br />

1963 Esposizione (withdrawn)<br />

Sequenza II (harp)<br />

Traces (withdrawn)<br />

1964 Folk Songs (mezzo soprano and 7 instruments)<br />

chronological worklist<br />


16<br />

Sincronie<br />

1964/73 Folk Songs (mezzo soprano and orchestra)<br />

1965 Chemins I<br />

Laborintus II<br />

Rounds (harpsicord)<br />

Wasserklavier<br />

1965–67 Beatles Songs<br />

1965–90 Six Encores<br />

1966 Il Combattimento (Monteverdi)<br />

Gesti<br />

Sequenza III (voice)<br />

Sequenza IV (piano)<br />

Sequenza V (trombone)<br />

1967 Beatles Songs<br />

Chemins II<br />

Rounds (piano)<br />

Sequenza VI (viola)<br />

1968 O King<br />

Prayer (withdrawn)<br />

Sinfonia<br />

1968/73 Chemins III<br />

1969 Air<br />

Erdenklavier<br />

Memory<br />

The Modification and Instrumentation (Purcell)<br />

Sequenza VII (oboe)<br />

1969–70 Opera (rev. 1977)<br />

1970 Air<br />

Chemins IIb<br />

1971 Agnus<br />

Autre fois<br />

ORA (withdrawn)<br />

1971/84 Bewegung<br />

1972 Amores (withdrawn)<br />

Bewegung II (withdrawn)<br />

Chemins IIc<br />

E vó<br />

Recital for Cathy<br />

1972–73 Concerto<br />

1972/93 Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit (Weill)<br />

Le Grand Lustucru (Weill)<br />

Surabaya Johnny (Weill)<br />

chronological worklist

1973 Linea<br />

Still (withdrawn)<br />

1973–74 Eindrücke<br />

1974 a – ronne (5 actors)<br />

Musica Leggera<br />

Per la dolce memoria di quel giorno<br />

‘points on the curve to find ...’<br />

1974–76 Cries of London<br />

1974/89 Calmo<br />

1975 a – ronne (8 singers)<br />

Chants parallèles<br />

Chemins IV<br />

Diario immaginario<br />

Fa – Si<br />

Ritirata notturna di Madrid (Boccherini)<br />

1975–76 Coro<br />

1976 Sequenza VIII (violin)<br />

Les mots sont allés ...<br />

1976–77 Ritorno degli snovidenia<br />

1977–80 La vera storia<br />

Siete Canciones populares españolas<br />

1978/81 Encore<br />

1979–82 Un re in ascolto<br />

1979–83 Duetti per due violini<br />

1980 Entrata<br />

Sequenza IX (clarinet)<br />

Sequenza IX (alto saxophone)<br />

1980–81 Accordo<br />

1981 Corale<br />

1982 Fanfara<br />

1983 Lied<br />

1983–85 Requies<br />

1984 Sequenza X<br />

Voci<br />

1985 Luftklavier<br />

Naturale<br />

Terre chaleureuse<br />

1985–87 Call<br />

Formazioni<br />

Ricorrenze<br />

1986 5 Frühe Lieder (Mahler)<br />

Gute Nacht<br />

chronological worklist<br />


18<br />

1987 6 Frühe Lieder (Mahler)<br />

Wir bauen eine Stadt (Hindemith)<br />

1988 LB.AM.LB.M.W.D.IS.LB<br />

Sequenza XI (guitar)<br />

1988–89 Concerto II<br />

1988–97 Ofanìm<br />

1989 Festum<br />

Feuerklavier<br />

Psy<br />

1989–91 Canticum novissimi testamenti<br />

Continuo<br />

1990 Brahms – Opus 120 Nr. 1<br />

Leaf<br />

Rendering (Schubert)<br />

1991 Canzonetta<br />

Touch<br />

Otto Romanze (Verdi)<br />

Epiphanies<br />

1992 Chemins V<br />

1993 Notturno (string quartet)<br />

1993/95 Notturno (string orchestra)<br />

1994 Compass<br />

There is no tune<br />

Twice upon ...<br />

1995 Hör<br />

Re-Call<br />

Sequenza XIII (accordion)<br />

Shofar<br />

Vor, während, nach Zaide<br />

1995–96 Outis<br />

1996 Ekphrasis<br />

Kol od<br />

Récit<br />

1997 Alternatim<br />

Glosse<br />

Sequenza XII (bassoon)<br />

1998 Korót<br />

1998–99 Cronaca del Luogo<br />

1999 Altra voce<br />

1999–2000 SOLO<br />

2000 Interlinea (withdrawn)<br />

2001 Albumblatt (unpublished)<br />

Alois (withdrawn)<br />

chronological worklist

Contrapunctus XIX (Bach)<br />

Sonata<br />

Turandot (Puccini)<br />

2002 E si fussi pisci<br />

Sequenza XIV (violoncello)<br />

2003 Stanze<br />

chronological worklist<br />


20<br />

Catalogue of works<br />

a – ronne 1974<br />

a radiophonic documentary for five actors — 32’<br />

text: Edoardo Sanguineti<br />

tape (CD) on hire.<br />

For rehearsal or broadcast only. Not for live performance.<br />

a – ronne 1974<br />

for 5 actors — 32’<br />

text: Edoardo Sanguineti<br />

première: 30/06/1974, Hilversum. KRO Radio<br />

performance score on hire<br />

a – ronne 1975<br />

for 8 singers (2S, 2A, 2T, 2B) — 30’<br />

text: Edoardo Sanguineti<br />

première: 1975, Liège. Swingle Singers II<br />

choral score on hire<br />

Accordo 1980–1981<br />

for 4 wind bands — 30’<br />

basic instrumentation of each band: 2 1 3 0 - 2 2 3 3 – perc(2) - sop.sax, alto sax,<br />

t.sax or bass cl, flhn(6).<br />

This instrumentation has to be multiplied ad lib., possibly with at least 400 players<br />

première: 1980, Assisi.<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE17712 (special order)<br />

Agnus 1971<br />

for 2 sopranos, 3 clarinets (and electric organ) — 6’<br />

language: Latin<br />

première: 1971, Indiana. Scheurer, Sambuco<br />

for sale:<br />

UE13755 • score<br />

UE30538 • set of parts<br />

catalogue of works

Air 1969<br />

from ‘Opera’ for soprano and orchestra — 7’<br />

text: Alessandro Striggio<br />

language: English<br />

première: 1971, Rovereto. Alide Maria Salvetta<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE13799 • score<br />

Air 1970<br />

from ‘Opera’ for soprano and 4 instruments — 7’<br />

text: Alessandro Striggio<br />

language: English<br />

première: 1971, Rovereto. Alide Maria Salvetta<br />

for sale:<br />

UE14986 • score<br />

UE14987 • set of parts<br />

Allelujah I 1955<br />

for orchestra — 9’30’’<br />

première: 29/04/1957, Cologne. Michael Gielen<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Allelujah II 1956–1957<br />

for orchestra — 19’<br />

première: 17/05/1958, Rome. Bruno Maderna and <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Allez-hop 1952–1959<br />

Racconto mimico for mezzo-soprano, 8 actors, ballet and orchestra — 28’<br />

text: Italo Calvino<br />

première: 23/09/1959, Venice, N. Sanzogno<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Alternatim 1997<br />

for clarinet, viola and orchestra — 30’<br />

4 1 5 1 - 1 2 1 1 - sop.sax, alto sax, str<br />

première: 16/05/1997, Amsterdam. Paul Meyer (cl), Christophe Desjardins (vla),<br />

Concertgebouw Orkest, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31439 • study score (special order)<br />

catalogue of works<br />


22<br />

Altra voce 1999<br />

for alto flute, mezzo-soprano and live electronics — 10–12’<br />

text: Talia Pecker <strong>Berio</strong><br />

language: Italian<br />

première: 22/08/1999, Salzburg. Michele Marasco (fl), Monica Bacelli (mezzo-soprano),<br />

Thierry Coduys (electronics)<br />

study score and performance score on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE33146 • study score (special order)<br />

Autre fois 1971<br />

Berceuse canonique pour Igor Stravinsky<br />

for flute, clarinet and harp — 1’<br />

première: 1971, Venice.<br />

for sale: UE18701 • score and parts<br />

Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit – Song of Sexual Slavery 1967/1972<br />

from ‘Die Dreigroschenoper’ (‘The Threepenny Opera’) by Kurt Weill (1928)<br />

arranged for alto (low) and ensemble (original key) — 3’<br />

text: Bertolt Brecht, language: German (translations available)<br />

cl, bass cl, acc, vib, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

première: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberian<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit – Song of Sexual Slavery 1972/1993<br />

from ‘Die Dreigroschenoper’ (‘The Threepenny Opera’) by Kurt Weill (1928)<br />

arranged for alto (high) and ensemble (transposed) — 3’<br />

text: Bertolt Brecht, language: German (translations available)<br />

cl, bass cl, acc, vib, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

première: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberian<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Beatles Songs 1967<br />

by John Lennon and Paul McCartney (1965)<br />

arranged for voice and instruments — 8’<br />

language: English, French<br />

Michelle I for voice and 3 instruments (fl(2), hpsd or fl, ob, hpsd) (2’)<br />

Michelle II for voice and 7 instruments (alternative arrangement) (fl, cl, hp, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2’)<br />

Michelle II for voice and 7 instruments (transposed version) (fl, cl, hp, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2’)<br />

Ticket to Ride for voice and 8 instruments (fl, ob, tpt, hpsd, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2’)<br />

Yesterday for voice and 3 instruments (fl, hpsd, vc) (2’)<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

catalogue of works

<strong>Berio</strong> Family Album 1975<br />

Adolfo <strong>Berio</strong> (1847-1942): Maria Isabella (Waltz for piano for 4 hands)<br />

Ernesto <strong>Berio</strong> (1883-1966): Che dice la pioggerellina di marzo? (for female voice or female<br />

choir unisono and piano)<br />

<strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>: Petite Suite for piano (1947)<br />

for sale: UE15950<br />

digital download available<br />

Bewegung 1971/1984<br />

for orchestra — 14’<br />

3 3 3 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(3), hp, pno, e.org, alto sax, t.sax, str<br />

première: 1971, Glasgow, Scottish National Orchestra, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>;<br />

première revised version: 26/10/1984, Basel. Basler Sinfonieorchester, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31495 • study score (special order)<br />

Brin 1990<br />

for piano — 1’30’’<br />

for sale: UE33013 ‘Six Encores’<br />

digital download available<br />

see also Six Encores<br />

Brin 1990<br />

for guitar — 1’30’’<br />

arrangement: Bruce Charles (1994)<br />

for sale: UE30302<br />

Call 1985/1987<br />

for 5 brass instruments — 4’<br />

tpt(2), hn, tbn, bass tuba<br />

première first version St. Louis Fanfare: 31/07/1985, St. Louis. Nashville Contemporary Brass<br />

Quintet<br />

première revised version Call: 31/03/1987, New York.<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

‘Call is a short musical ceremony; a call to the audience; an invitation to listen – before the feast begins.’ (<strong>Berio</strong>)<br />

Calmo 1974/1989<br />

(in memoriam Bruno Maderna)<br />

for mezzo-soprano and 22 instruments — 20’<br />

text sources: Homer, Edoardo Sanguineti, Saadi, Cantico dei Cantici<br />

language: Italian<br />

2 0 4 1 - 1 2 1 0 - perc, hp, alto sax, vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)<br />

catalogue of works<br />


24<br />

première: 25/03/1974, Milan. Paoletti, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>;<br />

première revised version: 16/10/1990, Paris. Slavka Taskova, Ensemble Intercontemporain,<br />

Pierre Boulez<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE19478 • score (special order)<br />

UE31270 • study score (special order)<br />

7 Canciones populares españolas<br />

see Siete Canciones populares españolas<br />

Canticum novissimi testamenti 1989–1991<br />

Ballata for 4 clarinets, saxophone quartet and 8 voices (2S, 2A, 2T, 2B) — 18’<br />

cl(Eb), 2 cl, bass cl, sop.sax, alto sax, t.sax, bar.sax<br />

source text: ‘Novissimum Testamentum’ by Edoardo Sanguineti<br />

language: Italian<br />

première: 18/12/1989, Paris. Raschèr Saxophone Quartet, London Voices, Ensemble<br />

Intercontemporain, Pierre Boulez<br />

score and set of parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31269 • study score<br />

Canzonetta 1991<br />

for piano (4-hands) — 1’<br />

in preparation<br />

4 Canzoni popolari 1946–1947<br />

for female voice and piano — 12’<br />

Dolce cominciamento (1946, revised 1973, text: anonimo siciliano)<br />

La donna ideale (ignoto genovese)<br />

Avendo gran disio (Jacopo da Lentini)<br />

Ballo (ignoto siciliano)<br />

language: Italian<br />

première: 1952, Milan. Cathy Berberian, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

for sale: UE15947<br />

Chamber Music 1953<br />

for female voice and instruments — 8’30’’<br />

source text: poems by James Joyce<br />

première: 1953, Milan. Cathy Berberian<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

catalogue of works

Chants parallèles 1975<br />

for electronic sounds on tape — 15’<br />

première: 07/04/1975, Paris ORTF<br />

no score available, tape (CD) on hire<br />

Chemins I 1965 (on Sequenza II)<br />

for harp and orchestra — 12’<br />

3 3 3 3 - 4 4 3 1 - hp(2), cel, hpsd, pno, str(8 vln.A, 8 vln.B, 8 vln.C, 8 vla, 8 vc, 8 cb)<br />

première: 1965, Donaueschingen. Francis Pierre, Südwestfunk Orchester, Ernest Bour<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE13720 • study score<br />

Chemins II 1967 (on Sequenza VI)<br />

for viola and 9 instruments — 12’<br />

fl, cl, tbn, perc(2), hp, e.org, vla, vc<br />

première: 1968, Milan. Walter Trampler, Juilliard Ensemble, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE13740 • score<br />

Chemins IIb 1970<br />

for orchestra — 11’<br />

2 1 2 2 - 2 3 2 1 - perc(3), pno, e.org, alto sax, t.sax, e.guit, vln(1), vla(6), vc(4), cb(3)<br />

première: 25/04/1970, Berlin, Ensemble Musique Vivante, Diego Masson<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE14948 • score<br />

Chemins IIc 1972<br />

for bass clarinet and orchestra — 11’<br />

2 1 2 2 - 2 3 2 1 - perc(3), pno, e.org, alto sax, t.sax, e.guit, vln(1), vla(6), vc(4), cb(3)<br />

première: 1972, Rotterdam. Harry Sparnaay, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE14948 • score<br />

The bass clarinet solo is ad lib. – without it, the work is Chemins IIb .<br />

Chemins III 1968/1973 (on Chemins II)<br />

for viola and orchestra — 15’<br />

4 0 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(4), hp(2), cel, e.org, str<br />

première: 1968, Paris. Walter Trampler, Ensemble Musique Vivante, Orchestre<br />

Philharmonique de l’ORTF, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE16654 • score (special order)<br />

UE33687 • study score (special order)<br />

catalogue of works<br />


26<br />

Chemins IV 1975 (on Sequenza VII)<br />

for oboe and 11 strings — 10’<br />

vln(3), vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)<br />

première: 17/10/1975, London. Heinz Holliger, London Sinfonietta, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31268 • study score<br />

Chemins IV 1975/2000 (on Sequenza VII)<br />

for soprano saxophone and 11 strings — 10’<br />

vln(3), vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)<br />

première: 17/10/1975, London. Heinz Holliger, London Sinfonietta, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31268 • study score<br />

Chemins V 1992 (on Sequenza XI)<br />

for guitar and chamber orchestra — 20’<br />

3 0 2 1 - 1 2 1 0 - mar, hp(2), acc, t.sax, vln(12), vla(8), vc(4), cb(3)<br />

première: 23/09/1992, Bonn. Eliot Fisk, Orchester der Beethovenhalle, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE32542 • score (special order)<br />

UE31955 • study score (special order)<br />

Chemins VI<br />

see Kol od<br />

Chemins VII<br />

see Récit<br />

Circles 1960<br />

for female voice, harp and 2 percussion players — 20’<br />

source text: poems by e. e. cummings, language: English<br />

première: 01/08/1960, Tanglewood. Cathy Berberian and members of the Boston<br />

Symphony Orchestra<br />

performance scores on hire<br />

Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda 1966<br />

by Claudio Monteverdi (1624)<br />

arranged for soprano, tenor, baritone, harpsichord and strings — 25’<br />

text: Torquato Tasso, roles: Clorinda – soprano, Tancredi – baritone, Testo – tenor<br />

hpsd, vla(3), vc, cb (the strings can also be doubled, trebled etc.)<br />

première: 1966, New York. Titus, Mandac, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

catalogue of works

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE13727 • score<br />

Compass 1994<br />

Recital for piano and orchestra — 45’<br />

4 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, alto sax, t.sax, str<br />

première: 12/03/1995, Zurich Opera. Folco Vichi (pno), Manfred Honeck (cond.),<br />

Bernd R. Bienert (choreography)<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Concertino 1951/1970<br />

for clarinet, violin, harp, celesta and strings — 11’<br />

première: 1950, Milan. Borisov, Orchester des Konservatoriums, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>;<br />

première revised version: 1970 St. Paul, Minnesota. Stanislaw Skrowaczewski<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE14979 • study score<br />

Concerto 1972–1973<br />

for 2 pianos and orchestra — 25’<br />

3 3 4 4 - 2 3 3 1 - perc(3), pno, e.org, alto sax, t.sax, str<br />

première: 15/03/1973, New York. Bruno Canino und Antonio Ballista, New York Philharmonic,<br />

Pierre Boulez<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE15783 • piano reduction (= 2 pianos and piano reduction)<br />

Concerto II 1988–1989 (echoing curves)<br />

for piano and 2 instrumental groups — 25’<br />

group A: 3 2 4 3 - 2 2 2 1 - t.sax, cel, vla(3), vc(3), cb(3);<br />

group B: 1 1 1 0 - 3 2 1 0 - alto sax, e.org, vln(20), vla(6), vc(4), cb(4)<br />

première: 03/11/1988, Paris. Daniel Barenboim, Pierre Boulez<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE30692 • score<br />

UE19117 • solo part<br />

Continuo 1989–1991<br />

for orchestra — 20’<br />

4 3 5 3 - 6 4 4 2 - mar, vib, hp(2), cel, pno, e.org, t.sax, alto sax, str(at least 12 12 12 10 8)<br />

première: 30/10/1989, London. Philharmonia Orchestra, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE19899 (special order)<br />

catalogue of works<br />


28<br />

Contrapunctus XIX 2001<br />

from ‘The Art of Fugue’ by Johann Sebastian Bach<br />

transcribed for 23 players — 8’<br />

4 2 3 1 - 2 2 1 0 - hp, alto sax, t.sax, str(1 0 2 1 1)<br />

première: 31/05/2001, Spoleto. European Orchestra of Teatro Lirico Sperimentale,<br />

Marcello Bufalini<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE32498 • score (special order)<br />

Corale 1981 (on Sequenza VIII)<br />

for violin, 2 horns and strings (at least 6 6 4 4 3) — 15’<br />

première: 17/01/1982, Zurich. Carlo Chiarappa, Collegium Musicum Zürich, Paul Sacher<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE17545 • score<br />

Coro 1975–1976<br />

for 40 voices and instruments — 60’<br />

source texts: lyrics from different cultures; poems from ‘Residencia en la tierra’ by<br />

Pablo Neruda<br />

choir: 10S, 10A, 10T, 10B<br />

4 2 4 3 - 3 4 3 1 - perc(2), pno, e.org, alto sax, t.sax, vln(3), vla(4), vc(4), cb(3)<br />

première: 24/10/1976, Donaueschingen. WDR Rundfunkchor Köln, WDR Rundfunkorchester<br />

Köln, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>;<br />

première revised version: 16/10/1977, Graz. ORF Chor und SO, Leif Segerstam<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE15044 • score<br />

Cries of London 1974–1976<br />

for 8 voices (2S, 2A, 2T, 2B) — 12’<br />

text source: English street cries, language: English<br />

première: 1975 (preliminary version for 6 voices), Edinburgh. King’s Singers<br />

première revised version: 1977, La Rochelle. Swingle Singers<br />

for sale: UE16828 • score<br />

Cronaca del Luogo 1998–1999<br />

Azione musicale — 90’<br />

text: Talia Pecker <strong>Berio</strong><br />

première: 24/07/1999, Salzburg Festival. Sylvain Camberling; Claus Guth (stage direction);<br />

Cast: Hildegard Behrens, Frode Olsen, Matthias Klink, David Moss, Monica Bacelli, Urban<br />

Malmberg; Arnold Schönberg Chor and Tölzer Knabenchor; Orchestral soloists: Gabriele<br />

Cassone, Christian Lindberg, Michele Marasco, Ernesto Molinari, David Moss, Igor Polesitsky,<br />

Georg Schulz, Folco Vichi; Klangforum Wien and Tempo Reale<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan<br />

catalogue of works

4 Dédicaces<br />

see Quatre dédicaces<br />

Diario immaginario 1975<br />

Radio opera — 31’<br />

source text: after Molière<br />

text editor: Vittorio Sermonti, Luigi Diemoz<br />

première: 1975, Florence. Cathy Berberian, Orchestra Sinfonica della RAI, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

not available as a score; tape available for radio broadcast only.<br />

Différences 1958–1959<br />

for 5 instruments and tape — 17’<br />

fl, cl, hp, vla, vc<br />

première: 1959, Paris, Pierre Boulez<br />

score, parts and tape (CD) on hire<br />

Divertimento 1957<br />

in collaboration with Bruno Maderna<br />

for orchestra — 12’<br />

première: 02/12/1957, Rome. Bruno Maderna<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Divertimento für Mozart<br />

for string trio (vln, vla, vc) — 5’<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan, RCA Edizioni musicali<br />

Divertimento<br />

see Variazione sull’aria di Papageno<br />

Due pezzi 1951<br />

for violin and piano — 8’<br />

première: 1951, Tanglewood. Lorin Maazel, Seymour Lipkin<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Duetti per due Violini 1979–1983<br />

for 2 violins — 70’<br />

Béla (Bartók) • Shlomit (Almog) • Yossi (Pecker) • Rodion (Schedrin) • Maja (Pliseckaja) •<br />

Bruno (Maderna) • Camilla (Adami) • Peppino (Di Giugno) • Marcello (Panni) • Giorgio<br />

Frederico (Ghedini) • Valerio (Adami) • Daniela (Rabinovitch) • Jeanne (Panni) • Pierre<br />

(Boulez) • Tatjana (Globokar) • Rivi (Pecker) • Leonardo (Pinzauti) • Piero (Farulli) • Annie<br />

(Neuburger) • Edoardo (Sanguineti) • Fiamma (Nicolodi) • Vinko (Globokar) • Franco (Gulli)<br />

• Aldo (Bennici) • Carlo (Chiarappa) • Henri (Pousseur) • Alfredo (Fiorenzani) •<br />

catalogue of works<br />


30<br />

Igor (Stravinsky) • Alfred (Schlee) • Massimo (Mila) • Mauricio (Kagel) • Maurice (Fleuret) •<br />

Lorin (Maazel) • Lele (d’Amico)<br />

première (of all 34 pieces): 1984, Los Angeles;<br />

for sale: UE17757 • performance score<br />

Duetti 1979–1983<br />

Selected easy duos for 2 violins — 8’<br />

Béla (Bartók) • Shlomit (Almog) • Rodion (Schedrin) • Camilla (Adami) • Daniela<br />

(Rabinovitch) • Marcello (Panni) • Valerio (Adami) • Igor (Stravinsky) • Annie<br />

(Neuburger) • Henri (Pousseur)<br />

for sale: UE17581 • performance score<br />

Duetti 1979–1983<br />

arrangement for 2 guitars: Eugenia Kanthou (1987) — 5’<br />

edited by Karl Scheit<br />

Igor (Stravinsky) • Béla (Bartók) • Henri (Pousseur) • Annie (Neuburger) •<br />

Aldo (Bennici) • Camilla (Adami)<br />

for sale: UE16728 • performance score<br />

E si fussi pisci 2002<br />

Sicilian love song for mixed choir a cappella — 2’<br />

language: Italian<br />

choir: SATB<br />

première: 05/10/2002, Siena (Umberto Eco honorary doctor ceremony). Coro dell’Ateneo,<br />

Fabio Lombardo<br />

for sale: UE32803 • choral score<br />

E vó 1972<br />

Sicilian Lullaby from ‘Opera’ for soprano and instruments — 4’<br />

language: Italian<br />

1 1 3 0 - 0 1 1 0 - perc, pno, e.org, vln(1), vla(1), vc(1), cb(1)<br />

première: 10/09/1972, Arco. Alide Maria Salvetta, London Sinfonietta, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31494 • score (special order)<br />

Eindrücke 1973–1974<br />

for orchestra — 11’<br />

3 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(3), hp, pno, e.org, alto sax, t.sax, str(12 12 10 8 6)<br />

première: 18/06/1974, Zurich, Tonhalle Orchester, Erich Leinsdorf<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE33312 • study score (special order)<br />

catalogue of works

Ekphrasis 1996 (Continuo II)<br />

for orchestra — 20’<br />

4 2 5 3 - 6 4 4 2 - mar, hp, cel, acc, pno, sop.sax, alto sax, t.sax, str(12 12 12 10 8)<br />

première: 24/01/1997, Las Palmas, RSO Frankfurt, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE30996 • score (special order)<br />

UE30998 • study score (special order)<br />

El mar la mar 1952/1969<br />

for soprano, mezzo-soprano and 7 instruments — 12’<br />

text: Rafael Alberti<br />

language: Spanish<br />

fl, cl(2), hp, acc, vc, cb<br />

première original version: 1953, Milan;<br />

première revised version: 1969, Royan. Cathy Berberian, Reri Grist, Juilliard Ensemble,<br />

<strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

set of parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE13752 • score<br />

Encore 1978/1981<br />

for orchestra — 5’<br />

4 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, pno, alto sax, t.sax, str<br />

première: 17/06/1978, Rotterdam, David Zinman<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE33018 • study score (special order)<br />

see also Quatre dédicaces<br />

6 Encores<br />

see Six Encores<br />

Entrata 1980<br />

for orchestra — 3’<br />

4 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - timp, perc(3), hp, pno, str<br />

première: 01/10/1980, San Francisco, San Francisco SO, Edo de Waart<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE33019 • study score (special order)<br />

see also Quatre dédicaces<br />

catalogue of works<br />


32<br />

Epiphanies * 1991<br />

for female voice and orchestra — 30’<br />

text sources: Bertolt Brecht; James Joyce; Antonio Machado; Marcel Proust;<br />

Edoardo Sanguineti; Claude Simon<br />

solo: soprano or mezzo-soprano<br />

4 3 4 3 - 4 4 4 1 - perc(6), hp(2), cel, vln.A(8), vln.B(8), vln.C(8), vla(8), vc(8), cb(6)<br />

première: 22/04/1993, Philadelphia. Charlotte Hellekant, Philadelphia Orchestra, L. <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

* Epifanie for female voice and orchestra (1959–1961/1965) was withdrawn by the composer.<br />

Erdenklavier 1969<br />

Pastorale for piano — 2’<br />

première: 1970, Bergamo. Antonio Ballista<br />

for sale: UE33013 in ‘Six Encores’<br />

digital download available see Six Encores<br />

Fa – Si 1975<br />

for organ (with registration assistants) — 6’<br />

première: 1975, Rovereto<br />

for sale: UE16827<br />

Fanfara 1982<br />

for orchestra — 2’<br />

4 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(2), cel, t.sax, vla, vc, cb<br />

première: 05/10/1982, Venice. Orchestra Sinfonica della RAI, Roma<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE33016 • study score (special order)<br />

see also Quatre dédicaces<br />

Festum 1989<br />

for orchestra — 2’<br />

4 3 4 3 - 6 5 3 1 - timp, perc(3), e.org, alto sax, t.sax, str<br />

première: 14/09/1989, Dallas, Dallas SO, E. Mata<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE33017 • study score (special order)<br />

see also Quatre dédicaces<br />

Feuerklavier 1989<br />

for piano — 2’<br />

première: 1989, New York. Peter Serkin<br />

for sale: UE33013 in ‘Six Encores’<br />

digital download available<br />

see also Six Encores<br />

catalogue of works

Folk Songs 1964<br />

for mezzo-soprano and 7 instruments — 23’<br />

1 – Black is the colour (USA)<br />

2 – I wonder as I wander (USA)<br />

3 – Loosin yelav (Armenia)<br />

4 – Rossignolet du bois (France)<br />

5 – A la femminisca (Sicily)<br />

6 – La donna ideale (Italy)<br />

7 – Ballo (Italy)<br />

8 – Motettu de Tristura (Sardinia)<br />

9 – Malorous qu’o un fenno (Auvergne [France])<br />

10 – Lo fiolaire (Auvergne [France])<br />

11 – Azerbaijan love song (Aserbaijan)<br />

language: English, Armenian, French, Italian, Azeri<br />

fl, cl, perc(2), hp(or guit), vla(1), vc(1)<br />

première: 1964, Oakland, CA. Cathy Berberian, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and set of parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE13717 • score<br />

UE34112 • study score (in preparation)<br />

digital download available<br />

Folk Songs 1964/1973<br />

for mezzo-soprano and orchestra — 23’<br />

1 – Black is the colour (USA)<br />

2 – I wonder as I wander (USA)<br />

3 – Loosin yelav (Armenia)<br />

4 – Rossignolet du bois (France)<br />

5 – A la femminisca (Sicily)<br />

6 – La donna ideale (Italy)<br />

7 – Ballo (Italy)<br />

8 – Motettu de Tristura (Sardinia)<br />

9 – Malorous qu’o un fenno (Auvergne [France])<br />

10 – Lo fiolaire (Auvergne [France])<br />

11 – Azerbaijan love song (Aserbaijan)<br />

language: English, Armenian, French, Italian, Azeri<br />

2 1 3 1 - 1 1 1 0 - perc(2), hp, str<br />

première: 1973, Zurich. Cathy Berberian, Collegium Musicum Zürich, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

PH544 • pocket score<br />

UE13763 • score (special order)<br />

catalogue of works<br />


34<br />

Formazioni 1985–1987<br />

for orchestra — 20’<br />

4 3 5 3 - 6 4 4 2 - perc(3), hp(2), cel, alto sax, t.sax, str(12 12 12 10 8)<br />

première: 15/01/1987, Amsterdam. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chailly<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31516 • study score<br />

5 Frühe Lieder 1986<br />

for voice and piano by Gustav Mahler (before 1892)<br />

transcribed for baritone and orchestra — 13’<br />

Ablösung im Sommer (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Zu Straßburg auf der Schanz’ (from<br />

‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Nicht wiedersehen! (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Um<br />

schlimme Kinder artig zu machen (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Erinnerung<br />

(R. Leander)<br />

language: German<br />

2 2 3 3 - 3 2 1 1 - timp, perc, hp, str<br />

première: 20/06/1986, Toblach. Thomas Hampson, Orchestra Haydn, Hermann Michael<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE18651 • score<br />

6 Frühe Lieder 1987<br />

for voice and piano by Gustav Mahler (before 1892)<br />

transcribed for baritone and orchestra — 22’<br />

Hans und Grete (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen<br />

Wald (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Frühlingsmorgen (R. Leander) • Phantasie (Tirso de<br />

Molina, from ‘Don Juan’) • Scheiden und Meiden (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) •<br />

Erinnerung (R. Leander)<br />

language: German<br />

3 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, str<br />

première: 07/12/1987, Reggio Emilia. Thomas Hampson, Orchestra Sinfonica dell’Emilia<br />

Romagna ‘Arturo Toscanini’, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE18307 • score<br />

Gesti 1966<br />

for treble recorder — 7’<br />

première: 1966, Amsterdam. Frans Brüggen<br />

for sale: UE15627<br />

Glosse 1997<br />

for string quartet — 6’<br />

première: 22/06/1997, Reggio Emilia. Quartett Lotus<br />

catalogue of works

for sale:<br />

PH546 • pocket score<br />

UE30442 • set of parts<br />

Le Grand Lustucru 1972<br />

from ‘Marie Galante’ by Kurt Weill (1934)<br />

arranged for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (original key) — 3’<br />

text: Jacques Déval<br />

language: German<br />

2 1 3 1 - 0 1 0 0 - perc, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

première: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberian<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Le Grand Lustucru 1972/1993<br />

from ‘Marie Galante’ by Kurt Weill (1934)<br />

arranged for alto and ensemble (transposed) — 3’<br />

text: Jacques Déval<br />

language: German<br />

2 1 3 1 - 0 1 0 0 - perc, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE30715 • score (special order)<br />

Gute Nacht 1986<br />

for trumpet — 1’<br />

for sale: UE19060 in ‘Fanfares – New Trumpet Pieces for Young Players’<br />

Hör 1995<br />

Prologue from ‘Requiem der Versöhnung’<br />

for choir and orchestra — 5’<br />

source text: ”Die Posaunenstelle” by Paul Celan<br />

language: German<br />

choir: SATB<br />

4 2 5 2 - 3 4 3 1 - perc(2), hp, cel, acc, pno, e.org, alto sax, t.sax, str<br />

première: 15/08/1995, Stuttgart. Krakauer Kammerchor, Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Israel<br />

Philharmonic Orchestra, Helmuth Rilling<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

only to be performed as part of the complete ‘Requiem der Versöhnung’<br />

Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda<br />

see Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda<br />

catalogue of works<br />


36<br />

Kol od 1996 (Chemins VI)*<br />

for trumpet and chamber orchestra — 20’<br />

3 1 4 1 - 2 2 1 1 - cel, acc, sop.sax, alto sax, vln(4), vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)<br />

première: 27/04/1996, Basel. Gabriele Cassone, Ensemble Intercontemporain, Pierre Boulez<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE30946 • study score<br />

* on Sequenza X<br />

Korót 1998<br />

for 8 violoncellos — 8’<br />

première: 11/05/1998, Beauvais. Octuor de Violoncelles de Beauvais<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31339 • score (special order)<br />

La vera storia 1977–1980<br />

Azione musicale in due parti — 120’<br />

text: Italo Calvino, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

language: Italian (translations available in German and English)<br />

roles: Leonora – soprano, Luca – tenor, Ada – mezzo-soprano, Ivo – baritone, Comandante –<br />

baritone, Il Condannato – bass, Ugo – tenor, Prete – tenor, Storyteller (at least 2), 3 actors as<br />

passers-by, passer-by – soprano, vocal ensemble (2 2 2 2), 3 voices in the street, mimes,<br />

dancers, acrobats<br />

choir: SATB (at least 60 singers)<br />

4 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - perc(3), hp, keyb, pno(2), alto sax, t.sax, str; stage music: acc, bells, vln (solo),<br />

pianola, guit, bass guit; banda: 3 0 3 0 - 3 3 2 1 - perc, alto sax, t.sax, t.hn, bar<br />

première: 09/03/1982, Milan. Oslavio di Credico, Giancarlo Luccardi, Daisy Lumini,<br />

Alexandrina Milcheva, Milva, Mariana Nicolescu, Alberto Noli, Roeloff Oostwoud, Gabriella<br />

Ravazzi; New Single Singers, Coro del Teatro alla Scala, Filarmonica della Scala, <strong>Luciano</strong><br />

<strong>Berio</strong>; Maurizio Scaparro (stage director)<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE30242 • study score, Italian (special order)<br />

UE34180 • study score, German (special order)<br />

UE34179 • study score, English (special order)<br />

Laborintus II 1965<br />

for voices, instruments and tape — 35’<br />

text: Edoardo Sanguineti, language: Italian, English, Latin<br />

Speaker: Italian or English (translation by David Osmond Smith)<br />

roles: 3 female voices, 1 speaker<br />

choir: 8 actors<br />

1 0 3 0 - 0 3 3 0 - perc(2), hp(2), vc(2), cb(1)<br />

catalogue of works

première: 26/09/1965, Paris. ORTF, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score, parts and tape (CD) on hire<br />

for sale: UE13792 • score<br />

LB.AM.LB.M.W.D.IS.LB 1988<br />

(dedicated to Leonard Bernstein for his 70th birthday)<br />

for orchestra — 1’35’’<br />

3 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, alto sax, str<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Le Grand Lustucru<br />

see Grand Lustucru<br />

Leaf 1990<br />

for piano — 2’<br />

première: 06/05/1990, London. Paul Crossley<br />

for sale: UE33013 ‘Six Encores’<br />

digital download available<br />

see also Six Encores<br />

Les mots sont allés ... 1976/1979<br />

(‘Recitativo’ pour cello seul) for violoncello — 3’<br />

première: 02/05/1976, Zurich. Mstislav Rostropovich<br />

for sale: UE18399<br />

Lied 1983<br />

for clarinet — 4’<br />

première: 1983, Steven Kanoff<br />

for sale: UE17812<br />

Linea 1973<br />

for 2 pianos, vibraphone and marimba — 15’<br />

première: 08/02/1974, Grenoble. Katja und Marielle Labèque, Jean-Pierre Drouet,<br />

Silvio Gualda<br />

for sale: UE15991 • score<br />

Luftklavier 1985<br />

for piano — 2’<br />

première: 1985, Florence. P. Nardi<br />

for sale: UE33013 ‘Six Encores’<br />

digital download available<br />

see also Six Encores<br />

catalogue of works<br />


38<br />

Magnificat 1949<br />

for 2 sopranos, mixed choir, 2 pianos and instruments — 13’<br />

(fl, ob, 2 cl, 2 cor, 2 trp, 2 trb, cb, perc)<br />

première: 1971, Turin.<br />

Belwin Mills Publishing<br />

El mar la mar<br />

see El mar la mar<br />

Memory 1969<br />

for 2 pianos — 13’<br />

[revised for electric piano and electric harpsichord (1973)]<br />

première: 1972, New York. Peter Serkin, <strong>Luciano</strong> Beri<br />

for sale: UE33314 • performance score (special order)<br />

The Modification and Instrumentation of a Famous Hornpipe as a Merry<br />

and Altogether Sincere Homage to Uncle Alfred 1969<br />

A hornpipe by Henry Purcell (1659-1695) transcribed for 6 instruments — 1’<br />

fl(ob), cl, perc, hpsd, vla, vc<br />

première: 22/04/1969, London. Pierrot Players<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Momenti 1960<br />

for electronic sounds on tape — 7’<br />

première: 1960, Hamburg.<br />

tape (CD) on hire<br />

Les mots sont allés ...<br />

see Les mots sont allés ...<br />

Mozart Cadenze<br />

for Mozart Flute concerto No. 2 K.314<br />

to be performed as solo pieces or as cadenzas (4) in the Mozart Flute concerto No. 2 K.314<br />

in preparation<br />

Musica Leggera 1974<br />

for flute, viola, violoncello and tambourine — 5’<br />

for sale: UE32745 • score and parts<br />

Mutazioni 1955<br />

for electronic sounds on tape — 3’30’’<br />

première: 1956, Milan.<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

catalogue of works

Naturale 1985<br />

(su melodie siciliane) for viola, percussion and recorded voice — 20’<br />

première: 1985, Taormina. Aldo Bennici, vla; Ater Balletto<br />

performance score and tape (CD) on hire<br />

for sale: UE32634 • study score (special order)<br />

Nones 1954<br />

for orchestra — 10’<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Notturno 1993 (Quartetto III)<br />

for string quartet — 26’<br />

première: 31/01/1994, Vienna. Alban Berg Quartett<br />

for sale:<br />

UE30134 • score<br />

UE30135 • set of parts<br />

Notturno 1993/1995<br />

for string orchestra — 26’<br />

première: 26/08/1995, Luzern. Accademia Bizantina, Günter Pichler<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

arrangement of ‘Notturno’ (Quartetto III)<br />

O King 1968<br />

for mezzo-soprano and 5 players — 5’<br />

text: ‘O Martin Luther King’<br />

première: 04/05/1968, Bowdoin College, Maine. Aeolian Chamber Players<br />

for sale:<br />

UE13781 • score<br />

UE13782 • set of parts<br />

Ofanim 1988–1997<br />

for 2 children’s choirs, 2 instrumental groups, female voice and live-electronics — 30’<br />

source text: the book of Ezekiel (1, 19) and Song of Songs (4, 5), language: Hebrew<br />

6 0 4 0 - 2 4 2 0 - perc(2), midi-keyb<br />

première: 25/06/1988 Prato, inauguration Museo d’arte contemporanea. Esti Kenan,<br />

Finchley Children’s Music Group, Musicus Concenticus, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

première first revised version (in memoriam Rivi Pecker): 11/11/1992, Jerusalem, dedication of<br />

The Supreme Court Building. Esti Kenan-Ofri, Ankor Children’s Choir, Tempo Reale,<br />

Jerusalem Symphony Orcehstra, David Shalon<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE32632 • study score (special order)<br />

catalogue of works<br />


40<br />

Opera 1969–1970/1977<br />

in tre atti — 90’<br />

text: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>, Italian version by <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong> and Vittoria Ottolenghi<br />

language: English, Italian, French, German<br />

roles: 13 actors, 2 sopranos, 1 tenor, 1 baritone<br />

choir: vocal ensemble 2 2 2 2 / children<br />

2 2 3 2 - 3 3 3 1 - perc(5), pno(2), e.org, alto sax, t.sax, e.guit, vln(12), vla(10), vc(10), cb(8) -<br />

on stage: fl, cl, perc, pno, vln(1), vc(1), cb(1)<br />

première: 12/08/1970, Santa Fe. Open Theatre Ensemble, Emily Tracy, Barbara Shuttleworth,<br />

Douglas Perry, Richard Lombardi, Dennis Russell Davies;<br />

première revised version: 27/05/1977, Florence. Anastasia Tomaszewska Schepis, Alide Maria<br />

Salvetta, Swingle Singers II, Bruno Bartoletti (conductor), Giovanni L. Radice (stage director)<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE16655 • score (special order)<br />

Opus 120 No. 1 1990<br />

Johannes Brahms’ Sonata for clarinet (or viola) and piano opus 120 no. 1 (1894)<br />

transcribed for clarinet (or viola) and orchestra — 25’<br />

2 2 2 3 - 3 2 1 0 - timp, str<br />

première: 06/11/1986, Los Angeles. Zukovsky, Los Angeles Philharmoni<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE18868 • study score<br />

Opus Number Zoo 1951/1970<br />

Children’s play for wind quintet — 7’<br />

text: Rhoda Levine<br />

1. Barn Dance • Tanz in der Scheune • Ballo Campestre<br />

2. The Fawn • Das Pferd • Il Cavallo<br />

3. The Grey Mouse • Die Maus • Il Topo<br />

4. Tom Cats • Die Kater • I Gattacci<br />

language: English or German (transl. by Friedl Hofbauer) or Italian (transl. by Vittoria<br />

Ottolenghi). The text is recited by the musicians.<br />

fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn<br />

première: 1952, Milan.<br />

première revised version: 1971, New York. Dorian Quartet<br />

for sale:<br />

UE15637 • score<br />

UE31262 • set of parts<br />

Otto Romanze 1991<br />

by Giuseppe Verdi<br />

transcribed for tenor and orchestra — 25’<br />

catalogue of works

In solitaria stanza (Jacopo Vittorelli) • Il poveretto (S. M. Maggioni) • Il mistero (Felice<br />

Romani) • L’esule (Temistocle Solera) • Deh, pietoso, oh addolorata (J. W. v. Goethe, transl.<br />

by Luigi Balestra) • Il tramonto (Andrea Maffei) • Ad una stella (Andrea Maffei) • Brindisi<br />

(Andrea Maffei)<br />

2 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 1 - timp, perc, hp, str<br />

première: 27/09/1990, Padova. José Carreras, English Chamber Orchestra, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE19915 • score<br />

Outis 1995–1996<br />

Azione musicale in due parti — 115’<br />

text: Dario Del Corno and <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

première: 04/10/1996, Milan. Tatiana Poluektova, Alan Opie, Luisa Castellani, Luca Canonici,<br />

Monica Bacelli, Yelda Kodally, Elena Brilova, Dominique Visse, Roy Stevens, Donald Maxwell,<br />

Peter Hall, Paolo Calabresi etc.; groupe vocal - Swingle Singers; instrumentistes en scène -<br />

Folco Vichi, Massimiliano Murrali, Michele Lomuto, Aldo Bennici, Claudio Jacomucci;<br />

Orchestra e Coro del Teatro alla Scala, Tempo Reale, David Robertson<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan<br />

Passaggio 1961–1962<br />

Messa in scena di <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong> e Edoardo Sanguineti — 35’<br />

language: Italian, (translations in English, German, and French available)<br />

soprano (solo), choir: 2 SATB (choir A in the orchestra, choir B in 5 groups, spread in the hall)<br />

2 0 3 2 - 1 2 2 1 - perc(5), hp, harm, alto sax, t.sax, e.guit, vla(1), vc(1), cb(1)<br />

première: 06/05/1963, Milan. Giuliana Tavolaccini (soprano), Kammersprechchor Zürich,<br />

Coro del Teatro alla Scala, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>, Virginio Puecher (stage director)<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE13700 • score (Italian)<br />

UE13702 • text book (Italian)<br />

UE34338 • study score, Italian (special order)<br />

UE34339 • study score, English (special order)<br />

UE34340 • study score, German (special order)<br />

UE34341 • study score, French (special order)<br />

Per la dolce memoria di quel giorno 1974<br />

Ballet after Petrarca’s ”I Trionfi” — 80’<br />

première: 09/07/1974, Florence. Ballet du XX e siècle; choreography: Maurice Béjart<br />

tape (CD) on hire (no score)<br />

Perspectives 1956<br />

for electronic sounds on tape — 7’<br />

catalogue of works<br />


42<br />

première: 1957, Milan.<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Petite Suite 1947<br />

for piano — 20’<br />

Prélude • Petit Air I • Gavotte • Petit Air II • Gigue<br />

première: 1948, Como.<br />

for sale: UE15950 in ‘<strong>Berio</strong> Family Album’<br />

2 Pezzi<br />

see Due Pezzi<br />

‘points on the curve to find ... ’ 1974<br />

for piano and 22 instruments — 16’<br />

3 2 3 2 - 2 2 1 1 - cel, alto sax, vla(1), vc(2), cb(1)<br />

première: 20/10/1974, Donaueschingen. Anthony di Bonaventura, SWF-Sinfonieorchester,<br />

Ernest Bour<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE15906 • score<br />

UE15895 • solo part<br />

Psy 1989<br />

for double bass — 2’<br />

première: 1989, Parma.<br />

for sale: UE30272<br />

Quartetto 1956<br />

for string quartet — 7’<br />

première: 12/05/1959, Vienna. Quartett Die Reihe<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Quatre dédicaces 1978–1989<br />

The title given by Pierre Boulez in 2007 to this group of four previously independent works<br />

for orchestra — 12’<br />

Fanfara (2’30’’) • Entrata (4’30’’) • Festum (2’30’’) • Encore (3’30’’)<br />

4 3 4 3 - 6 5 3 1 - timp, perc(3), hp, cel, pno, e.org, alto sax, t.sax, str<br />

première: 31/01/2008, Chicago. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Pierre Boulez<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Quattro Canzoni popolari<br />

see Canzoni popolari<br />

catalogue of works

Quattro versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid di L. Boccherini<br />

superimposed and transcribed for orchestra (1975) — 8’<br />

3 3 3 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(3), hp, str<br />

première: 17/06/1975, Milan. Filarmonica della Scala, P. Bellugi<br />

parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE15953 • score<br />

Un re in ascolto<br />

see Un re in ascolto<br />

Re-Call 1995<br />

for 23 instruments — 4’<br />

2 1 4 1 - 2 3 2 1 - vln(2), vla(2), vc(2), cb(1)<br />

première: 15/06/1995, Paris. Ensemble Intercontemporain, David Robertson<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31082 • study score<br />

Récit 1996 (Chemins VII)<br />

for alto saxophone and orchestra — 15’<br />

4 2 5 1 - 3 3 1 0 - hp, cel, pno, str<br />

première: 12/10/1996, Milan. Claude Delangles, Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana, Gabriele Ferro<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE31686 • score (special order)<br />

UE31440 • study score (special order)<br />

Récit 1996/2003 (Chemins VII)<br />

for alto saxophone, ensemble of 12 saxophones and percussion — 15’<br />

arrangement: Vincent David and Claude Delangle (2003)<br />

perc, sop.sax(3), alto sax(3), t.sax(3), bar.sax(2), bass sax (or bar.sax)<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Recital for Cathy 1972 (Recital I)<br />

for mezzo-soprano and 17 instruments — 35’<br />

spoken text: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong> (with references to Andrea Moretti, Edoardo Sanguineti)<br />

language: Italian or English<br />

1 1 2 0 - 0 1 1 0 - perc, pno(3), e.org, alto sax, bass tpt, str<br />

première: 1972, Venice. Cathy Berberian, London Sinfonietta, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE34396 • score, English (special order)<br />

UE34399 • score, Italian (special order)<br />

catalogue of works<br />


44<br />

Rendering 1990<br />

‘restoration’ of Schubert's symphonic fragment in D major D936A for orchestra<br />

2 2 2 2 - 2 2 3 0 - timp, cel, str(14 14 12 10 8 or 8 8 6 6 4) — 35’<br />

première (2 movements): 14/06/1989, Amsterdam, Concertgebouw Orkest, Nikolaus<br />

Harnoncourt;<br />

première (3 movements): 19/04/1990. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chailly<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE19311 • score<br />

Requies 1983–1985 (in memoriam Cathy Berberian)<br />

for chamber orchestra — 17’<br />

2 2 3 2 - 2 2 1 0 - mar, hp, cel, str(8 8 4(6) 4(5) 3)<br />

première: 26/03/1984, Lausanne. Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Armin Jordan;<br />

première revised version: 13/08/1985, Aspen. Aspen Music Festival Orchestra, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE19149 • score<br />

Ricorrenze 1985–1987<br />

for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon — 15’<br />

première: 18/04/1988, Paris. Quintetto Arnold<br />

for sale:<br />

UE18885 • score<br />

UE18886 • set of parts<br />

Ritirata Notturna di Madrid<br />

see Quattro versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid<br />

Ritorno degli snovidenia 1976–1977<br />

for violoncello and 30 instruments — 19’<br />

3 2 3 2 - 2 2 3 1 - pno, alto sax, vln(3), vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)<br />

première: 20/01/1977, Basel. Mstislav Rostropovich, Kammerorchester Basel, Paul Sacher<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE16649 • score<br />

UE30131 • solo part<br />

8 Romanze<br />

see Otto Romanze<br />

Rounds 1965<br />

for harpsicord — 4’<br />

première: 1965, Basel. Antoinette Vischer<br />

for sale: UE13716<br />

catalogue of works

Rounds 1967<br />

for piano — 4’<br />

première: 1968, New York. Joel Spiegelmann<br />

for sale: UE13794<br />

digital download available<br />

Sechs frühe Lieder<br />

see Frühe Lieder<br />

Sequenza I 1958<br />

for flute — 6’<br />

première: 1958, Darmstadt. Severino Gazzelloni<br />

for sale: UE19957<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza II 1963<br />

for harp — 7’<br />

première: 1963, Darmstadt. Francis Pierre<br />

for sale: UE18101<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza III 1966<br />

for female voice — 8’<br />

text: Markus Kutter<br />

language: English<br />

première: 1966, Bremen. Cathy Berberian<br />

for sale: UE13723<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza IV 1965<br />

for piano — 9’<br />

première: 1966, St. Louis. J. de Carvalho<br />

for sale: UE33012<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza V 1966<br />

for trombone — 8’<br />

première: 21/03/1966, San Francisco. Stuart Dempster<br />

for sale: UE13725<br />

digital download available<br />

catalogue of works<br />


46<br />

Sequenza VI 1967<br />

for viola — 8’<br />

première: 1967, New York. Walter Trampler<br />

for sale: UE13726<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza VII 1969<br />

for oboe — 10’<br />

première: 1969, Basel. Heinz Holliger<br />

for sale: UE31263<br />

Sequenza VII 1969<br />

for soprano saxophone — 10’<br />

arrangement: Claude Delangle (1993)<br />

première: 20/05/1993, Strasbourg. Claude Delangle<br />

for sale: UE30255<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza VIII 1976<br />

for violin — 15’<br />

première: 1977, La Rochelle. Carlo Chiarappa<br />

for sale: UE15990<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza IX 1980<br />

for clarinet — 13’<br />

première: 1980, Paris. Michel Arrignon<br />

for sale: UE15993<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza IX 1980<br />

for alto saxophone — 13’<br />

première: 1981, London. John Harle<br />

for sale: UE17447<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza IX 1980<br />

for bass clarinet — 13’<br />

arrangement: Rocco Parisi (1998)<br />

première: 17/10/1997, Turin. Rocco Parisi<br />

for sale: UE31234<br />

digital download available<br />

catalogue of works

Sequenza X 1984<br />

for trumpet (and piano resonances) — 10’<br />

première: 1984, Los Angeles. Thomas Stevens<br />

for sale: UE18200<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza XI 1988<br />

for guitar — 14’<br />

première: 20/04/1988, Rovereto. Eliot Fisk<br />

for sale: UE19273<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza XII 1997<br />

for bassoon — 19’<br />

première: 15/06/1995, Paris. Pascal Gallois<br />

for sale: UE30264<br />

Sequenza XIII 1995 (Chanson)<br />

for accordion — 12’<br />

première: 09/11/1995, Rotterdam. Teodoro Anzellotti<br />

for sale: UE30377<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza XIV 2002<br />

for violoncello — 13’<br />

première: 28/04/2002, Witten. Rohan de Saram<br />

for sale: UE32914<br />

digital download available<br />

Sequenza XIV 2002/2004<br />

for double bass — 13’<br />

revision: Stefano Scodanibbio (2004)<br />

première: 15/06/2004, Stuttgart. Stefano Scodanibbio<br />

for sale: UE33071<br />

catalogue of works<br />


50<br />

Serenata I 1957<br />

for flute and 14 instruments — 11’<br />

première: 1957, Paris. Severino Gazzelloni, Pierre Boulez<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Shofar 1995<br />

for choir and orchestra (part of the third cycle of Outis) — 8’<br />

source text: ‘Die Posaunenstelle’ by Paul Celan<br />

première: 1995, London. BBC Philharmonic, Charles Mackerras<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan<br />

Siete Canciones populares españolas 1978<br />

for voice and piano by Manuel de Falla (1922)<br />

transcribed for mezzo-soprano and orchestra — 13’<br />

source text: Spanish folk songs<br />

El paño moruno • Seguidilla Murciana • Asturiana • Jota • Nana • Canción • Polo<br />

language: Spanish<br />

2 2 3 3 - 2 2 2 1 - timp, perc(2), str<br />

to be performed only as a cycle<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE16791 • study score (special order)<br />

Sincronie 1964<br />

for string quartet — 15’<br />

première: 1964, Grinnel, Iowa. Lenox Quartet<br />

for sale:<br />

UE31490 • study score<br />

UE31491 • performance score (special order)<br />

Sinfonia 1968<br />

for 8 voices and orchestra — 35’<br />

text sources: <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong>, Samuel Beckett, Claude Lévi-Strauss<br />

soli: S(2), A(2), T(2), B(2)<br />

4 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(3), hp, e-hpsd, pno, e.org, alto sax, t.sax, str<br />

première (without 5th part): 10/10/1968, New York. Swingle Singers, New York Philharmonic,<br />

<strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

première (complete): 18/10/1969, Donaueschingen. Swingle Singers, Südwestfunk<br />

Orchester, Ernest Bour<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE13783 • score<br />

catalogue of works

Six Encores 1965–1990<br />

for piano — 12’<br />

Brin (1990) • Leaf (1990) • Wasserklavier (1965) • Erdenklavier (1969) • Luftklavier (1985) •<br />

Feuerklavier (1989)<br />

for sale: UE33013<br />

digital download available<br />

SOLO 1999–2000<br />

for trombone and orchestra — 22’<br />

5 1 5 1 - 4 4 3 1 - alto sax, t.sax, str(12 0 8 8 6)<br />

première: 07/12/1999, Zurich. Christian Lindberg, Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, David Zinman<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31515 • study score (special order)<br />

Sonata 2001<br />

for piano — 26’<br />

première: 02/07/2001, Zurich. Andrea Lucchesini<br />

for sale: UE31873<br />

digital download available<br />

Stanze 2003<br />

for baritone, 3 male-voice choirs and orchestra — 25’<br />

source texts:<br />

Paul Celan, Tenebrae<br />

Giorgio Caproni, Congedo del viaggiatore cerimonioso<br />

Edoardo Sanguineti, e rispondendo ho parlato da un turbine ...<br />

Alfred Brendel, The News That ...<br />

Dan Pagis, Die Schlacht (The Battle, German translation from the original Hebrew by<br />

Anne Birkenhauer)<br />

language: German, Italian, English<br />

choir: TTTBBB (minimum 12 + 12 + 12)<br />

4 3 5 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(3), glock, pno, alto sax(2), t.sax, str(12 12 12 8 8)<br />

première: 22/01/2004, Paris. Dietrich Henschel, Choeur de l’Armée Française,<br />

Orchestre de Paris, Christoph Eschenbach<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE32653 • study score<br />

Study 1952/1985<br />

for string quartet — 9’<br />

première: 1952, Tanglewood.<br />

RCA Edizioni Musicali<br />

catalogue of works<br />


52<br />

Surabaya Johnny 1972<br />

from ‘Happy End’ by Kurt Weill (1929)<br />

arranged for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (1 st version) — 5’<br />

text: Bertolt Brecht; Dorothy Lane, language: German<br />

fl, cl, tpt, perc, guit, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

première: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberian<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Surabaya Johnny 1972/1993<br />

from ‘Happy End’ by Kurt Weill (1929)<br />

arranged for alto and ensemble (transposed) — 5’<br />

text: Bertolt Brecht; Dorothy Lane, language: German<br />

fl, cl, tpt, perc, guit, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Tempi concertati 1958-1959<br />

for flute, violin, 2 pianos and other instruments — 16’<br />

1 2 3 1 - 1 1 1 0 - perc(4), hp(2), pno(2), vln(1), vla(2), vc(2), cb(1)<br />

première: 04/03/1960, Hamburg. Alfons und Aloys Kontarsky, Severino Gazzelloni,<br />

Hansheinz Schneeberger, NDR-Orchester, Ernest Bour<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE13205 • score<br />

Terre chaleureuse 1985<br />

(Fragment) for wind quintet — 3’<br />

fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn<br />

for sale:<br />

UE18280 • score (special order)<br />

UE18281 • set of parts (special order)<br />

The Modification and Instrumentation of a Famous Hornpipe as a Merry<br />

and Altogether Sincere Homage to Uncle Alfred<br />

see Modification and Instrumentation of …<br />

Thema (Omaggio a Joyce) 1958<br />

electro-acoustic elaboration of Cathy Berberian’s voice on tape — 7’<br />

première: 1958, Napoli<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

There is no tune 1994<br />

for choir a cappella — 2’<br />

text: Talia Pecker <strong>Berio</strong><br />

catalogue of works

première: 1994, London<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan<br />

Touch 1991<br />

for piano (4-hands) — 2’<br />

in preparation<br />

Turandot 2001<br />

by Giacomo Puccini (1924)<br />

completion of the 3rd act by <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

première (third act): 24/01/2002, Las Palmas. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chailly;<br />

première (full opera): 25/05/2002, Los Angeles. Kent Nagano<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan<br />

Twice upon ... 1994<br />

theatre without words for 6 children’s groups — 25’<br />

première: 1994, London.<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan<br />

Un re in ascolto 1979-1983<br />

Azione musicale in 2 parti — 90’<br />

text: Italo Calvino and <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

other text sources: W.H. Auden, F.W. Gotter, W. Shakespeare<br />

language: Italian (translations available)<br />

main roles: Prospero – bass-baritone, Regista – tenor, Venerdì – actor, Protagonista –<br />

soprano, Soprano I and II, Mezzo-soprano, 3 Cantanti – tenor, baritone, bass; ballet;<br />

choir SATB<br />

3 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - perc(2), acc, pno(2 players), t.sax, keyb, str<br />

première: 07/08/1984, Salzburg. Theo Adam, Heinz Zednik, Helmuth Lohner, Patricia Wise,<br />

Karan Armstrong, Sylvia Greenberg, Rohangiz Yachmi, Thomas Moser, Georg Tichy, Alfred<br />

Muff, Wiener Philharmoniker, Lorin Maazel; Götz Friedrich (stage director)<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale:<br />

UE17854 • libretto/text book<br />

UE32993 • study score, Italian (special order)<br />

UE33736 • study score, German (special order)<br />

catalogue of works<br />


54<br />

Variazione sull’aria di Papageno 1956<br />

No. 2 from ‘Divertimento für Mozart’*<br />

for 2 basset horns and strings — 3’<br />

première: 21/10/1956, Donaueschingen. Hans Lemser und Karl Meiser, Südwestfunk<br />

Orchester, Hans Rosbaud<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

*Divertimento für Mozart is a collection of 12 views on the air ‘Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen wünscht<br />

Papageno sich’ composed by 12 different composers. Each work can also be performed separately.<br />

The complete collection is available on hire.<br />

5 Variazioni 1952–1953<br />

for piano — 7’<br />

première: 1953, Milan.<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

Variazioni 1954<br />

for chamber orchestra — 12’<br />

première: 23/02/1954, Hamburg, N. Sanzogno<br />

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni<br />

La vera storia<br />

see La vera storia<br />

4 Versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid di L. Boccherini<br />

see Quattro versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid di L. Boccherini<br />

Visage 1961<br />

for electronic sounds and Cathy Berberian's voice on tape — 21’<br />

première: 1961, Milan.<br />

tape (CD) on hire<br />

Not available as score. Tape available for radio broadcast only.<br />

Voci 1984 (Folk Songs II)<br />

for viola and 2 instrumental groups — 30’<br />

3 2 4 2 - 2 2 2 1 - perc(3), keyb(synth), str(12 0 5 6 4)<br />

première: 26/10/1984, Basel. Aldo Bennici, Basler SO, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE31122 • study score<br />

catalogue of works

Vor, während, nach Zaide 1995<br />

commentary on an unfinished opera by W. A. Mozart — 25’<br />

première: 1995, Florence.<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan<br />

Wasserklavier 1965<br />

for piano — 2’<br />

première: 1970, Brescia. Antonio Ballista<br />

for sale: UE33013 in ‘Six Encores’<br />

digital download available<br />

see also Six Encores<br />

Wasserklavier 1965<br />

for 2 pianos (original version) — 2’<br />

for sale: UE31413 performance score<br />

digital download available<br />

Wir bauen eine Stadt 1987<br />

a play for children by Paul Hindemith (1930)<br />

libretto: Robert Seitz<br />

Der Sandkasten<br />

arranged for piano for 4 hands (ad lib. with 7 additional instruments and tape) — 12’<br />

picc, hn, tpt, tbn, bass tuba, perc(2), pno<br />

Stadt der Zukunft<br />

arranged for chamber orchestra — 12’<br />

2 1 3 3 - 2 2 2 1 - perc(4), hp, pno, str<br />

première: 28/02/1988, Vienna. Wiener Kinderoper, Georges Sanev, Ian Strasfogel<br />

(stage director)<br />

score, performance score and vocal score on hire<br />

catalogue of works<br />


56<br />

Transcriptions,<br />

arrangements, etc.<br />

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)<br />

Contrapunctus XIX 2001<br />

from ‘The Art of Fugue’<br />

transcribed for 23 players — 8’<br />

4 2 3 1 - 2 2 1 0 - hp, alto sax, t.sax, str(1 0 2 1 1)<br />

première: 31/05/2001, Spoleto. European Orchestra of Teatro Lirico Sperimentale,<br />

Marcello Bufalini<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE32498 • score (special order)<br />

Luigi Boccherini (1743–1805)<br />

Quattro versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid di L. Boccherini<br />

superimposed and transcribed for orchestra (1975) — 8’<br />

3 3 3 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(3), hp, str<br />

première: 17/06/1975, Milan. Filarmonica della Scala, P. Bellugi<br />

parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE15953 • score<br />

Johannes Brahms (1833–1897)<br />

Opus 120 No. 1 1990<br />

Johannes Brahms’ Sonata for Clarinet (or viola) and piano opus 120 no. 1 (1894)<br />

transcribed for clarinet (or viola) and orchestra — 25’<br />

2 2 2 3 - 3 2 1 0 - timp, str<br />

première: 06/11/1986, Los Angeles. Zukovsky, Los Angeles Philharmonic<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE18868 • study score<br />

Manuel de Falla (1876–1946)<br />

Siete Canciones populares españolas 1978<br />

for voice and piano (1922)<br />

transcribed for mezzo-soprano and orchestra — 13’<br />

transcriptions,<br />

arrangements, etc.

source text: Spanish folk songs<br />

El paño moruno • Seguidilla Murciana • Asturiana • Jota • Nana • Canción • Polo<br />

language: Spanish<br />

2 2 3 3 - 2 2 2 1 - timp, perc(2), str<br />

to be performed only as a cycle<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE16791 • study score (special order)<br />

Paul Hindemith (1895–1963)<br />

Wir bauen eine Stadt 1987<br />

a play for children (1930)<br />

libretto: Robert Seitz<br />

Der Sandkasten<br />

arranged for piano for 4 hands (ad lib. with 7 additional instruments and tape) — 12’<br />

picc, hn, tpt, tbn, bass tuba, perc(2), pno<br />

Stadt der Zukunft<br />

arranged for chamber orchestra — 12’<br />

2 1 3 3 - 2 2 2 1 - perc(4), hp, pno, str<br />

première: 28/02/1988, Vienna. Wiener Kinderoper, Georges Sanev, Ian Strasfogel<br />

(stage director)<br />

score, performance score and vocal score on hire<br />

John Lennon (1940–1980); Paul McCartney (*1942)<br />

Beatles Songs 1967<br />

arranged for voice and instruments — 8’<br />

language: English, French<br />

Michelle I for voice and 3 instruments (fl(2), hpsd or fl, ob, hpsd) (2’)<br />

Michelle II for voice and 7 instruments (alternative arrangement) (fl, cl, hp, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2’)<br />

Michelle II for voice and 7 instruments (transposed version) (fl, cl, hp, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2’)<br />

Ticket to Ride for voice and 8 instruments (fl, ob, tpt, hpsd, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2’)<br />

Yesterday for voice and 3 instruments (fl, hpsd, vc) (2’)<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

transcriptions,<br />

arrangements, etc.<br />


58<br />

Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)<br />

5 Frühe Lieder 1986<br />

for voice and piano (before 1892)<br />

transcribed for baritone and orchestra — 13’<br />

Ablösung im Sommer (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Zu Straßburg auf der Schanz’<br />

(from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Nicht wiedersehen! (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) •<br />

Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Erinnerung<br />

(R. Leander)<br />

language: German<br />

2 2 3 3 - 3 2 1 1 - timp, perc, hp, str<br />

première: 20/06/1986, Toblach. Thomas Hampson, Orchestra Haydn, Hermann Michael<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE18651 • score<br />

6 Frühe Lieder 1987<br />

for voice and piano (before 1892)<br />

transcribed for baritone and orchestra — 22’<br />

Hans und Grete (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen<br />

Wald (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) • Frühlingsmorgen (R. Leander) • Phantasie (Tirso de<br />

Molina, from ‘Don Juan’) • Scheiden und Meiden (from ‘Des Knaben Wunderhorn’) •<br />

Erinnerung (R. Leander)<br />

language: German<br />

3 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, str<br />

première: 07/12/1987, Reggio Emilia. Thomas Hampson, Orchestra Sinfonica dell’Emilia<br />

Romagna ‘Arturo Toscanini’, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE18307 • score<br />

Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643)<br />

Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda 1966<br />

arranged for soprano, tenor, baritone, harpsichord and strings — 25’<br />

text: Torquato Tasso<br />

roles: Clorinda – soprano, Tancredi – baritone, Testo – tenor<br />

hpsd, vla(3), vc, cb (the strings can also be doubled, trebled etc.)<br />

première: 1966, New York. Titus, Mandac, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE13727 • score<br />

transcriptions,<br />

arrangements, etc.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791)<br />

Mozart Cadenze<br />

for Mozart Flute concerto No. 2 K.314<br />

to be performed as solo pieces or as cadenzas in the Mozart Flute concerto No. 2 K.314<br />

in preparation<br />

Variazione sull’aria di Papageno 1956<br />

No. 2 from ‘Divertimento für Mozart’*<br />

for 2 basset horns and strings — 3’<br />

première: 21/10/1956, Donaueschingen. Hans Lemser und Karl Meiser, Südwestfunk<br />

Orchester, Hans Rosbaud<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

*Divertimento für Mozart is a collection of 12 views on the air ‘Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen wünscht<br />

Papageno sich’ composed by 12 different composers. Each work can also be performed separately.<br />

The complete collection is available on hire.<br />

Vor, während, nach Zaide 1995<br />

commentary on an unfinished opera by W. A. Mozart — 25’<br />

première: 1995, Florence.<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan<br />

Giacomo Puccini (1858–1924)<br />

Turandot 2001<br />

completion of the 3rd act by <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong> (2001)<br />

première (third act): 24/01/2002, Las Palmas. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chailly;<br />

première (full opera): 25/05/2002, Los Angeles. Kent Nagano<br />

Casa Ricordi, Milan<br />

Henry Purcell (1659–1695)<br />

The Modification and Instrumentation of a Famous Hornpipe as a Merry<br />

and Altogether Sincere Homage to Uncle Alfred 1969<br />

A hornpipe by Henry Purcell transcribed for 6 instruments — 1’<br />

fl(ob), cl, perc, hpsd, vla, vc<br />

première: 22/04/1969, London. Pierrot Players<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

transcriptions,<br />

arrangements, etc.<br />


60<br />

Franz Schubert (1797–1828)<br />

Rendering 1990<br />

‘restoration’ of Schubert's symphonic fragment in D major D936A for orchestra<br />

2 2 2 2 - 2 2 3 0 - timp, cel, str(14 14 12 10 8 or 8 8 6 6 4) — 35’<br />

première (2 movements): 14/06/1989, Amsterdam, Concertgebouw Orkest, Nikolaus<br />

Harnoncourt;<br />

première (3 movements): 19/04/1990. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chailly<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE19311 • score<br />

Giuseppe Verdi (1813–1901)<br />

Otto Romanze 1991<br />

transcribed for tenor and orchestra — 25’<br />

In solitaria stanza (Jacopo Vittorelli) • Il poveretto (S. M. Maggioni) • Il mistero (Felice<br />

Romani) • L’esule (Temistocle Solera) • Deh, pietoso, oh addolorata (J. W. v. Goethe, transl.<br />

by Luigi Balestra) • Il tramonto (Andrea Maffei) • Ad una stella (Andrea Maffei) • Brindisi<br />

(Andrea Maffei)<br />

2 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 1 - timp, perc, hp, str<br />

première: 27/09/1990, Padova. José Carreras, English Chamber Orchestra, <strong>Luciano</strong> <strong>Berio</strong><br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE19915 • score<br />

Kurt Weill (1900–1950)<br />

Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit – Song of Sexual Slavery 1967/1972<br />

from ‘Die Dreigroschenoper’ (‘The Threepenny Opera’) (1928)<br />

arranged for alto (low) and ensemble (original key) — 3’<br />

text: Bertolt Brecht, language: German (translations available)<br />

cl, bass cl, acc, vib, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

première: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberian<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit – Song of Sexual Slavery 1972/1993<br />

from ‘Die Dreigroschenoper’ (‘The Threepenny Opera’) (1928)<br />

arranged for alto (high) and ensemble (transposed) — 3’<br />

text: Bertolt Brecht, language: German (translations available)<br />

cl, bass cl, acc, vib, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

première: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberian<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

transcriptions,<br />

arrangements, etc.

Le Grand Lustucru 1972<br />

from ‘Marie Galante’ (1934)<br />

arranged for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (original key) — 3’<br />

text: Jacques Déval<br />

language: German<br />

2 1 3 1 - 0 1 0 0 - perc, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

première: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberian<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Le Grand Lustucru 1972/1993<br />

from ‘Marie Galante’ (1934)<br />

arranged for alto and ensemble (transposed) — 3’<br />

text: Jacques Déval<br />

language: German<br />

2 1 3 1 - 0 1 0 0 - perc, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

for sale: UE30715 • score (special order)<br />

Surabaya Johnny 1972<br />

from ‘Happy End’ (1929)<br />

arranged for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (1 st version) — 5’<br />

text: Bertolt Brecht; Dorothy Lane, language: German<br />

fl, cl, tpt, perc, guit, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

première: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberian<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

Surabaya Johnny 1972/1993<br />

from ‘Happy End’ (1929)<br />

arranged for alto and ensemble (transposed) — 5’<br />

text: Bertolt Brecht; Dorothy Lane, language: German<br />

fl, cl, tpt, perc, guit, vln, vla, vc, cb<br />

score and parts on hire<br />

transcriptions,<br />

arrangements, etc.<br />


www.universaledition.com/berio<br />

Digital downloads available:<br />

www.universaledition.com/download<br />

Editor: Eric Marinitsch • Photos: © <strong>Universal</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> / Eric Marinitsch (pages 1, 3-63, 62);<br />

© Charlotte Till-Borchardt (page 4); © Alfred Schlee (page 49) •<br />

Graphic Design: Egger & Lerch, www.egger-lerch.at •<br />

DVR: 0836702 • Printed in Austria by REMAprint • UE KAT 60890-99 •<br />

October 2008<br />



Austria (Main Office): Bösendorferstraße 12, Musikverein, A-1010 Vienna<br />

e-mail: promotion@universaledition.com<br />

tel +43-1-337 23 - 0, fax +43-1-337 23 - 400<br />

UK: 48 Great Marlborough Street, London W1F 7BB<br />

e-mail: uel.promotion@universaledition.com<br />

tel +44-207 2929 171, fax +44-207 2929 173 .<br />

USA: European American Music Distributors LLC<br />

e-mail: ny@universaledition.com<br />

254 West 31 st Street, 15 th Floor, New York, NY 10001-2813<br />

tel +1-212-461-6940, fax +1-212-810-4565.<br />


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