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Scarica il quaderno - Vicenza Jazz

Scarica il quaderno - Vicenza Jazz


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Francesco Martinelli<br />


90<br />

Marsha Bryan Edelman, Discovering Jewish Music, Jewish Publication Society<br />

Claudio Canal, Tutti mi chiamano Ziamele, Musiche yiddish, La Giuntina<br />

Gabriele Coen e Isotta Toso, Musica errante, tra folk e jazz: klezmer e canzone yiddish, Nuovi<br />

equ<strong>il</strong>ibri/stampa alternativa<br />

Gabriele Coen e Isotta Toso, Klezmer! La musica popolare ebraica dallo shtetl a John Zorn,<br />

Castelvecchi<br />

Mario Fragiacomo, Vecchio e nuovo. Klezmer, <strong>il</strong> <strong>Jazz</strong> ebraico, “Musica <strong>Jazz</strong>” 7/94, luglio 1994<br />

Fabrizio G<strong>il</strong>ardino, Radical new Jewish Culture, in “musiche” 16, autunno-inverno 1994<br />

Paul G<strong>il</strong>roy, The Black Atlantic /trad. it. L’Atlantico nero, Meltemi 2003<br />

Peter Gradenwitz, The Music of Israel: From the Biblical Era to Modern Times, Amadeus<br />

Abraham Zvi Idelsohn, Storia della musica ebraica, La Giuntina<br />

Michael Lerner e Cornel West, Jews & Blacks: A Dialogue on Race, Religion, and Culture in<br />

America, Plume<br />

Marcello Lorrai, La mia banda suona <strong>il</strong> klezmer, Ultrasuoni, 14 apr<strong>il</strong>e 1996<br />

Gian Mario Maletto, Benvenuto “klezmer”, <strong>il</strong> <strong>Jazz</strong> ebraico, in “Il Sole 24 ore”, 7 novembre 1993<br />

Michele Mannucci, Incontro con Don Byron, “Musica jazz” 2/94, febbraio 1994<br />

Francesco Martinelli, Klezmer, in “musiche” 16, autunno-inverno 1994<br />

Franco Minganti, Cenni di Radical New Jewish Culture: un’agenda di considerazioni intorno<br />

alla musica di John Zorn e Don Byron, in Musica/Realtà, luglio 1995<br />

Velvel Pasternak, The Jewish Music Companion, Historical Overview, Personalities,<br />

Annotated Folksongs, Tara Publications<br />

Seth Rogovoy, The Essential Klezmer; A Music Lover’s Guide to Jewish Roots and Soul Music,<br />

from the Old World to the <strong>Jazz</strong> Age to the the Downtown Avant-Garde, Algonquin<br />

Hanry Sapoznik, Klezmer! Jewish Music from Old World to Our World, Schirmer Books<br />

Henry Sapoznik, The compleat klezmer, Tara Publications<br />

Stefania Secci, La musica ebraica nel Nuovo Mondo: influenze nel <strong>Jazz</strong> dei primi anni Trenta<br />

e successivi sv<strong>il</strong>uppi, tesi di laurea, Conservatorio di Cagliari, a.a. 2008/2009<br />

Mark Slobin, Fiddler on the Move, Exploring the Klezmer World, Oxford University Press<br />

Mark Slobin, ed., American Klezmer; Its Roots and Offshoots, University of California Press<br />

Francesco Spagnolo: Se <strong>il</strong> violinista cade dal tetto…l’Italia nel Revival della “musica klezmer”,<br />

Musicologia XXXVI/1 2002<br />

SITI WEB<br />

Klezmer Shack: http://www.klezmershack.com/<br />

Istitute for Jewish Research: http://www.yivoinstitute.org/<br />

Der Bay: http://www.derbay.org/<br />

“Black Sabbath, the secret musical history of black-jewish relations”: http://www.idelsohnsociety.com/blacksabbath/<br />

Matt Temkin, American Yiddish Instrumental Fusion Music in the 1950s and 1960s:<br />

http://matttemkin.info/Masters_Thesis/Table_of_Contents.html<br />

M<strong>il</strong>ken Archive for Jewish Music: http://www.m<strong>il</strong>kenarchive.org/<br />

Moni Ovadia: http://www.klezmer.it

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