Relazione annuale delle attività - Centro Regionale Veneto Fibrosi ...

Relazione annuale delle attività - Centro Regionale Veneto Fibrosi ...

Relazione annuale delle attività - Centro Regionale Veneto Fibrosi ...


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Abstract presentati ai congressi – anno 2006<br />

1. Donà M, Tartali C, Lanza M, Perobelli S, Zoico E, Borruso A, Zorzanello A,<br />

Cornacchia M, Assael BM, Braggion C. Aerobic and strength training in patients<br />

with cystic fibrosis (CF) and severe airway obstruction. 29th European CF<br />

Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark 15-18 june 2006.<br />

2. Cigana C, Nicolis E, Assael BM, Melotti P. Reduction of Tumor Necrosis Factor<br />

alpha (TNFα) expression by azithromycin (AZM) in CF airway epithelial cells.<br />

29th European CF Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark 15-18 june 2006.<br />

3. Cigana C, Nicolis E, Assael BM, Melotti P. Anti-inflammatory effects of<br />

Azithromycin in Cystic <strong>Fibrosi</strong>s airway epithelial cells. 16th European Congress of<br />

Immunology, Parigi, settembre 2006.<br />

4. Cigana C, Assael BM, Melotti. Azithromycin reduces Tumor Necrosis Factor<br />

(TNF) alhpa expression in CF airway epithelial cells. NACFC, Denver, 2006.<br />

5. Assael BM, Casazza G, Iansa P, Milani S. Longitudinal evaluation of height growth<br />

in patients with cystic fibrosis in relation to lung disease severity. NACFC,<br />

Denver. 2006.<br />

6. Picci L, Cameran M, Pradal U, Scarpa M, Melotti P, Baroukh M, Castellani C. TG15<br />

T5 allele in clinically discordant monozygotic twins with cystic fibrosis. NACFC,<br />

Denver, 2006.<br />

7. Mafficini A, Vezzalini M, Della Peruta M, Bergamini G, Melotti P, Sorio C.<br />

Development an characterization of a novel antibody specific for the<br />

extracellular domain of the transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma<br />

(PTPγ). 16th European Conference of Immunology, Paris, 6-9 2006.<br />

8. Tartali C, Donà M, Lanza M, Zamboni M, Borruso A, Cornacchia M, Cappelletti LM,<br />

Assael BM, Braggion C. Effects of a combined strength aerobic training in adults<br />

with cystic fibrosis (CF) and severe lung disease. NACF, Denver, 2006.<br />

9. Menin L, Borruso A, Fedrigo E, U. Pradal, Assael B.M, Braggion C. Diffusione del<br />

monossido di carbonio (DLCO) e desaturazione notturna in pazienti con <strong>Fibrosi</strong><br />

Cistica. SIFC XII Congresso Italiano della <strong>Fibrosi</strong> Cistica, Firenze 2006.<br />


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