PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society

PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society

PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society


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SYNTHRIS missurica<br />

SYRINGA meyer 'Palibin'<br />

- emodi<br />

- microphylla 'Superba'<br />

TAMARIX gallica<br />

- ramosissoma<br />

- tetrandra<br />

TANACETUM haradjanii<br />

- parthenium<br />

- " 'Aureum'<br />

- “ ‘Rowallane’<br />

- thomasi<br />

- vulgare<br />

- “ ‘Golden Feather’<br />

- “ ‘Isla Gold’<br />

- “ 'Silver Lace'<br />

- “ var. crispum<br />

TECOMA smithii<br />

TELEKIA speciosa<br />

TELLIMA grandiflora<br />

- " Rubra Group<br />

TELOPEA oreades<br />

TETRANEURIS scaposa<br />

TEUCRIUM ackermannii<br />

- chamaedrys<br />

- fruticans<br />

- scorodonium ‘Crispum’<br />

THALICTRUM aquilegifolium<br />

- " var. album<br />

- " 'White Cloud'<br />

- delavayi<br />

- " 'Album'<br />

- " 'Hewitt's Double'<br />

- diffusiflorum<br />

- flavum<br />

- " subsp. glaucum<br />

- “ ‘Illuminator’<br />

- kiusianum<br />

decorum<br />

- lucidum<br />

- rochebruneanum<br />

THERMOPSIS mollis<br />

- montana<br />

- villosa<br />

THLASPI praecox<br />

THUJA occidentalis (in fruit)<br />

- plicata (in fruit)<br />

THYMUS sp.<br />

- citriodorus 'Silver Queen'<br />

- serpyllum<br />

- “ Goldstream’<br />

- “ Ruby Glow<br />

- vulgaris aureus<br />

- polytrichus SSp britannicus<br />

47<br />

- in a bed<br />

TIARELLA cordifolia<br />

- trifoliata<br />

- wherryi<br />

- “ ‘Bronze Beauty’<br />

- “ 'Green Velvet'<br />

TIBOUCHINA urvilleana<br />

TIGRIDIA pavonia<br />

TOLMIEA menziesii 'Taff's Gold'<br />

TOLPIS barbata<br />

TONESTUS lyallii<br />

TRACHELOSPERMUM jasminoides 'Varieg.' l'vs<br />

TRACHYCARPUS fortunei<br />

TRACHYSTEMON orientalis foliage<br />

TRADESCANTIA x andersoniana<br />

- " 'Bilberry Ice'<br />

- " 'Blue Stone'<br />

- “ ‘Concord Grape’<br />

- “ ‘Innocence’<br />

- “ 'Isis'<br />

- " 'Osprey'<br />

- “ ‘Purple Dome’<br />

- “ Zwanenburg Blue’<br />

- pallida ‘Purpurea’<br />

TRADESCANTIA brevicaulis<br />

- virginiana 'Valour'<br />

TRICYRTIS affinis<br />

- formosana<br />

- " Stolonifera Group<br />

- hirta<br />

- " 'Miyzaki'<br />

- “ ‘White Flame’<br />

- latifolia<br />

- macropoda<br />

- ohsumiensis<br />

- ‘Tojen’<br />

TRIFOLIUM pannonicum<br />

- pratense ‘Susan Smith’<br />

- repens 'Purpureum Quadrifolia'<br />

- rubens<br />

TRILLIUM albidum<br />

- apetalon<br />

- catesbyi white form<br />

- cernuum<br />

- chloropetalum<br />

- " var. chloropetalum<br />

- " var. giganteum<br />

- cuneatum<br />

- " green form<br />

- decipiens<br />

- decumbens<br />

- discolor<br />

- erectum<br />

- " f. albiflorum<br />

- " f. luteum

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