PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society

PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society

PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society


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- ‘Charger (T.B.)<br />

- chrysographes - black form<br />

- " 'Rubella'<br />

- 'Clee Hills' (sibirica)<br />

- 'Cleeton Moon'<br />

- 'Cleeton Watercolour' (sino-sib)<br />

- 'Cliffs of Dover' (T.B.)<br />

- 'Connie A' (sibirica)<br />

- danfordiae<br />

- ‘Dardanus’<br />

- delavayi<br />

- douglasiana<br />

- 'Elinor Hewitt' (sibirica)<br />

- ensata<br />

- “ ‘Alba’<br />

- " ‘Katy Mendez’<br />

- “ Landscape at Dawn ?<br />

- “ 'Moonlight Waves'<br />

- “ ‘Stippled Ripples’<br />

- “ ‘Yezo-nishiki’<br />

- 'Flight of Butterflies' (sibirica)<br />

- 'Florentina'<br />

- 'Flying Squadron'<br />

- foetidissima fruits<br />

- " citrina<br />

- “ ‘Fructu Albo’ fruits<br />

- - " 'Variegata'<br />

- forrestii<br />

- 'Frank Elder' (retic.)<br />

- ‘Franz Hals’<br />

- x fulvala<br />

- 'George' (retic.)<br />

- 'Gerald Derby' (x robusta)<br />

- germanica<br />

- " 'Flaming Sword'(?)<br />

- graeberiana<br />

- graminea<br />

" var. pseudocyperus<br />

- ‘Green Spot’<br />

- 'Gudrun'<br />

- 'Guernsey Pict' (?)<br />

- iberica ssp. eleganissima<br />

- 'Harmony' (retic.)<br />

- 'Harpswell Happiness' (sibirica)<br />

- 'Helen Astor' (sibirica)<br />

- histrioides<br />

- “ 'Lady Beatrice Stanley'<br />

- " 'Major'<br />

- 'Hoar Edge' (sibirica)<br />

- 'Holden Clough'<br />

- hoogiana<br />

- humilis<br />

- innominata<br />

- japonica<br />

- " hybrid<br />

30<br />

- " 'Ledger's Variety'<br />

- " white form<br />

- 'Jolie' (TB)<br />

- 'Katharine Hodgkin' (reticulata)<br />

- 'Kenabee' (sibirica)<br />

- 'Kent Pride' (TB)<br />

- ‘Kentucky Bluegrass (SDB)<br />

- kerneriana<br />

- lacustris x gracilipes<br />

- 'Lady Mohr'<br />

- laevigata<br />

- " 'Alba'<br />

- " 'Monstrosa'<br />

- " 'Snowdrift'<br />

- " 'Variegata<br />

- 'Langport Sun' (IB)<br />

- ‘Langport Wren’ (IB)<br />

- latifolia<br />

- " alba<br />

- lazica<br />

- “ darker form<br />

- 'Leo Hewitt' (sibirica)<br />

‘ ‘Little Sheba’<br />

- magnifica<br />

- 'Main Sequence' (Arilbred)<br />

- 'My Mary' (TB)<br />

- 'Natascha' (reticulata)<br />

- 'Navy Brass (sibirica)<br />

- 'Nora Distin' (sibirica)<br />

- onocyclus hybrid<br />

- orientalis<br />

- 'Orion'<br />

- pallida 'Argentea Variegata'<br />

- " 'Variegata'<br />

- " subsp. pallida<br />

- 'Papillon' (sibirica)<br />

- 'Pauline'(reticulata)<br />

- 'Perry's Dwarf' (sibirica)<br />

- 'Pirate Prince' (sibirica)<br />

- pseudoacorus 'Variegata'<br />

- pseudocyperus<br />

- pumila<br />

- 'Radiant' (TB)<br />

- 'Red Lion' (TB)<br />

- 'Roanoke's Choice' (sibirica)<br />

- sanguinea<br />

- seedling<br />

- setosa (violet-blue)<br />

- sibirica<br />

- “ ‘Cambridge’<br />

- " 'Cool Spring'<br />

- “ ‘Perfect Vision’<br />

- “ ‘Sparkling Rosé<br />

- " 'Welfenschatz'<br />

- " white

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