PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society

PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society

PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society


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- serratifolia<br />

- sibirica<br />

- “ 'White Moth'<br />

- spooneri<br />

- ‘Star of India’<br />

- ‘Sylvia Denny’<br />

- ‘Tango’<br />

- tangutica<br />

- “ seed heads<br />

- ‘Tentel’<br />

- terniflora<br />

- texensis<br />

- ‘The Bride’<br />

- ‘The President’<br />

- ‘The Velvet’<br />

- tibetana ssp. vernayi<br />

- triternata ‘Rubromarginata’<br />

- ‘Valge Daam’<br />

- ‘Venosa Violacea’<br />

- versicolor<br />

- ‘Victoria’<br />

- 'Ville de Lyon'<br />

- ‘Viola’<br />

- 'Vyvyan Pennell'<br />

- viticella<br />

- “ subs. Campaniflora<br />

- “ ‘Flore Pleno’<br />

- “ ‘Royal Velours’<br />

- " 'Purpurea Plena Elegans'<br />

- ‘Voluceau’<br />

- ‘Vostock’<br />

- ‘Warazawska Nike’ (EL)<br />

- ‘Whirligig’<br />

- ‘White Moth’<br />

- ‘Xerxes’<br />

- ‘Zoin’<br />

- sp. with small dark brown flowers<br />

- seed head<br />

CLERODENDRUM bungei<br />

- trichotomum<br />

- " fargesii fruits<br />

CLIANTHUS puniceus<br />

CLINTONIA andrewsoniana - fruits<br />

CLIVIA miniata<br />

CODONOPSIS clematidea<br />

- convolvulacea<br />

- forrestii<br />

- grey-wilsonii 'Himal Snow'<br />

- ovata<br />

- tubulosa<br />

- vinciflora<br />

- viridiflora<br />

COLCHICUM autumnale<br />

- " 'Alboplenum'<br />

- byzantinum<br />

14<br />

- cilicium<br />

- parnassicum<br />

- speciosum<br />

- " 'Album'<br />

- 'Waterlily'<br />

- white double<br />

COLLETIA armata<br />

- paradoxa<br />

COLLOMIA grandiflora<br />

COLQUHOUNIA coccinea<br />

COLUTEA x media showing seed pods<br />

- arborescens<br />

COMMELINA tuberosa<br />

- " Coelestis Group<br />

CONVALLARIA majalis 'Albostriata'<br />

- " 'Vic Pawlowski's Gold'<br />

CONVOLVULUS althaeoides<br />

- cneorum<br />

- sabatius<br />

CORDYLINE australis ‘Albertii’<br />

- banksii<br />

COREOPSIS auriculata ‘Schnittgold’<br />

- ‘Goldfink’<br />

- grandiflora variegated<br />

- tinctoria ‘Mahogany Midget’<br />

- tripteris<br />

- verticillata<br />

- " 'Grandiflora'<br />

- " 'Moonbeam'<br />

CORIARIA terminalis var. xanthocarpa<br />

CORNUS alba<br />

- “ sibirica winter stems<br />

- " 'Spaethii'<br />

- canadensis<br />

- capitata<br />

- controversa ‘Variegata’<br />

- florida inflorescence<br />

- “ autumn foliage<br />

- kousa<br />

- " var. chinensis<br />

- ‘Norman Hadden’<br />

- nuttallii<br />

- officinalis<br />

- sanguinea ‘Magic Flame’ winter stems<br />

- sanguinea ‘Winter Beauty’ winter stems<br />

- stolonifera ‘Falaviramea’ winter stems<br />

COROKIA cotoneaster<br />

- x virgata<br />

CORONILLA valentina 'Citrina'<br />

- " subsp. Glauca<br />

- " glauca ‘Citrina’<br />

- “ “ 'Variegata'<br />

CORREA pulchella<br />

CORTADERIA fulvida<br />

- selloana

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