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PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society

PHOTO LIBRARY - Hardy Plant Society


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- fruticosum<br />

- spinosum<br />

BUPTHALMUM salicifolium<br />

- speciosum - see TELEKIA<br />

Cabbage - ornamental<br />

CALAMAGROSTIS x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'<br />

- " 'Overdam'<br />

- arundinacea<br />

- brachytricha<br />

CALAMINTHA grandiflora 'Variegata'<br />

- nepeta subsp. nepeta<br />

CALANTHE sieboldii<br />

CALCEOLARIA fothergillii<br />

- biflora ‘Goldcrest’<br />

- F1 Sunset<br />

- integrifolia<br />

- " 'Kentish Hero'<br />

- uniflora var. darwinii<br />

- ‘Walter Shrimpton’<br />

CALENDULA officinalis<br />

- “ ‘Queen Sophia’<br />

CALLICARPA bodinieri var. giraldii -fruits<br />

CALLISTEMON citrinus<br />

- " 'Splendens'<br />

- salignus<br />

CALOCHORTUS barbatus<br />

- sp.<br />

CALTHA palustris<br />

- " var. alba<br />

- " 'Flore Pleno'<br />

CALYCANTHUS occidentalis<br />

CALYSTEGIA hederacea ‘Flore Pleno’<br />

CAMASSIA cusickii<br />

- leichtlinii<br />

- " Caerulea Group<br />

- quamash<br />

CAMELLIA japonica ‘Adolphe Audusson’<br />

- “ ‘Apollo’<br />

- “ ‘Brigadoon’<br />

- “ ‘C M Hovey’<br />

- “ ‘Lily Pons’<br />

- x williamsii ‘Donation’<br />

- “ ‘E. G. Waterhouse’<br />

- “ ‘Jury’s Yellow’<br />

CAMPANULA alliarifolia<br />

- 'Burghaltii'<br />

- cochleariifolia<br />

- " 'Elizabeth Oliver'<br />

- collina<br />

- garganica 'Blue Diamond'<br />

- " 'Dickson's Gold'<br />

- glomerata 'Joan Elliott'<br />

- “ ‘Caroline<br />

- " 'Philip Boughton'<br />

10<br />

- " 'Superba'<br />

- ‘Hallii’<br />

- incurva<br />

- 'Kent Belle'<br />

- lactiflora<br />

- " 'Loddon Anna'<br />

- " 'Superba'<br />

- latifolia<br />

- " 'Alba'<br />

- “ ‘Brantwood’<br />

- “ ‘Buckland’<br />

- “ ‘Roger Wood’<br />

- latiloba<br />

- " 'Hidcote Amethyst'<br />

- persicifolia<br />

- " alba<br />

- “ ‘Blue Bloomers’<br />

- " 'Chettle Charm'<br />

- " double blue<br />

- " 'Fleur de Neige'<br />

- " 'Frances'<br />

- " 'Hampstead White'<br />

- " var. planiflora<br />

- " 'Telham Beauty'<br />

- portenschlagiana<br />

- “ ‘Lieselotte’<br />

- poscharskyana<br />

- “ 'E H Frost'<br />

- punctata<br />

- " 'Alba'<br />

- " var. hondoensis<br />

- " f. rubriflora<br />

- " hybrid<br />

- ‘Sarastro’<br />

- saxifraga<br />

- takesimana<br />

- “ ‘Elizabeth’<br />

- thyrsoides<br />

- trachelium var. alba<br />

- " 'Alba Flore Pleno'<br />

- turbinata 'Jewel'<br />

- versicolor<br />

CAMPSIS grandiflora<br />

CANNA indica 'Purpurea'<br />

- iridiflora<br />

- ‘Striata’<br />

CARDAMINE heptaphylla<br />

- pentaphyllos<br />

- pratensis 'Flore Pleno'<br />

- quinquefolia<br />

- waldsteinii<br />

CARDIOCRINUM giganteum<br />

- “ var. yunnanense<br />

CARDUUS nutans<br />

CAREX albida

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