folia entomologica hungarica - Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum

folia entomologica hungarica - Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum

folia entomologica hungarica - Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum


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Volume 68 2007 pp. 5−40.<br />

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola)<br />

C. FIERA<br />

Institute of Biology, Romanian Academy, 296 Splaiul Independenþei,<br />

P.O. Box 56-53, 060031 Bucharest, Romania. E- mail: criss_ivanescu@yahoo.com<br />

Abstract – A checklist of the springtails (Collembola) of Romania (388 species) is presented.<br />

Comments on some problematic species are given.<br />

Key words<br />

Collembola, checklist, bibliographical data, Romania.<br />


The checklist provided in this paper includes all species of Collembola<br />

with published records and unpublished species from three collections: Institute<br />

of Biology, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, Institute of<br />

Zoology, University Vienna, Austria and Institute of Systematic and Experimental<br />

Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland. Based on information<br />

of the occurrence of springtails in surrounding countries, many new<br />

species are to be expected for the fauna of Romania. Especially, peat bogs,<br />

(FIERA in prep.) coastal and island sand dunes near the Black Sea, heather<br />

fields and the littoral zone have been poorly studied. These habitats should<br />

have the special attention of Collembola specialists during the next years.<br />

Until now, the faunistic data on the Romanian Collembola have not been<br />

summarized in the form of a checklist. The first study of the collembolan fauna<br />

of Romania was the work of TÖMÖSVÁRY (1883), who recorded three species<br />

from the western part of Romania, followed by VELLAY (1900), who reported<br />

30 species of springtails from Banat, Criºana, Maramureº and Transylvania –<br />

Romanian regions, which belonged to Hungary that time. Since these basic<br />

works, numerous taxonomical and faunistic papers on the Collembola of Romania<br />

have been published.<br />

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6 C. Fiera<br />

Valuable contribution to the knowledge on Collembola of Romania was<br />

made by C. N. IONESCU (1914, 1915, 1922), STACH (1947–1963), M. IONESCU<br />

(1951), MACK-FIRÃ (1961, 1963, 1965), CASSAGNAU & PEJA (1979), RUSEK<br />

(1979), MARI MUTT & STOMP (1980), DEHARVENG (1986), BULIMAR (1980,<br />

1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992a, b, 1994), THIBAUD (1992), HARªIA (1997),<br />

HARªIA & GRUIA (1992) and GRUIA (1964–2003). The author of the present<br />

paper has started her carreer with investigations of Collembola communities<br />

from some Quercus forests (FIERA in SANDA et al. 2006a, 2006b) in Muntenia<br />

Region and also in some ecosystems in Insula Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Since 1990, five species new for science were described from Romania by<br />

GRUIA & HARªIA (1990), HARªIA &GRUIA (1992), GRUIA (1994), GRUIA &<br />

POPA (2005) and RADWAÑSKI et al. (2006). As for faunistic papers, DÁNYI et<br />

al. (2006) reported 66 species from Maramureº and SKOLKA et al. (2004)<br />

found 55 species of Collembola in Dobrogea. The collembolan fauna of Transylvania<br />

was studied by VELLAY (1900), STACH (1929), SZENT-IVÁNY (1938),<br />

RADU & ROGOJANU (1972), ARDELEAN (1998) and KONTSCHÁN et al.(2003).<br />

In the Romanian Carpathians, the most investigated are the subterranean collembolans<br />

by GRUIA (1969a, b, 2003), NAE et al. (2005) and POPA &GRUIA<br />

(2006). Edaphic Collembola were studied by GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU (1973),<br />

FIERA (in prep.) in the Bucegi Mountains, BULIMAR (1982) in “Codrul Secular<br />

Slãtioara”, FALCÃ (1984) and HARªIA (1992, 1995) in the Retezat National<br />

Park and Apuseni Mountains, respectively.<br />

The goal of this paper is to complete the first updated checklist of the Romanian<br />

springtails based on the most recent and acceptable outline of the systematics<br />

of Collembola. This checklist includes 388 species, including 8<br />

problematic ones. The arrangement of the taxa follows The Checklist of the<br />

Collembola of the World by BELLINGER et al. (1996–2006). Some papers followed<br />

the taxonomic system of GISIN (1960), while others did not. Nomenclature<br />

is given after ZIMDARS & DUNGER (1994), HOPKIN (1997), POMORSKI<br />

(1998), FJELLBERG (1998), BRETFELD (1999), POTAPOV (2001), RUSEK (2002),<br />

THIBAUD et al. (2004) and DEHARVENG (2004). The name of each species is<br />

followed by the first and the last reference on the occurrence of the collembolan<br />

species within Romania.<br />

Hymenaphorura sibirica (TULLBERG, 1876) was deleted from this checklist.<br />

This species has been reported from the most parts of the Holarctic region,<br />

but it is now clear that “sibirica” of authors covers a number of species (WEINER<br />

& FJELLBERG 1994). After the redescription of this species, we consider that<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 7<br />

Hymenaphorura sibirica (TULLBERG, 1876) is not present in the Romanian<br />

fauna. The status of two species, Cryptopygus debilis (CASSAGNAU, 1959) and<br />

Cryptopygus ponticus (STACH, 1947) is not clear. The European species placed<br />

in Cryptopygus WILLEM, 1900 after the synonymisation by MASSOUD &<br />

RAPOPORT (1968) belong to Hemisotoma BAGNALL, 1949 or Proisotomodes<br />

BAGNALL, 1949. Representatives of Cryptopygus do not occur in Europe<br />

(RUSEK 2002). For some species: Hypogastrura aequepilosa (STACH, 1949) and<br />

Mesaphorura schembrii THIBAUD et CHRISTIAN, 1989 only the name of the<br />

country is reported, without any specification of the locality or habitat type.<br />

Bonetogastrura subterranea (CARL, 1906) was found in some caves of Italy and<br />

Switzerland; in Romania it was reported from a meadow with Prunus spinosa<br />

and Rosa canina. Also, the status of Folsomia monophthalma BAGNALL, 1939<br />

should be ckecked. Onychiurus spelaeus ABSOLON, 1900 refers probably to<br />

Agraphorura spelaea POMORSKI, 2004; it was found in Isverna Cave, Mehedinþi<br />

County (Romania). Ceratophysella jonescoi (BONET, 1930) and Ceratophysella<br />

ionescui (BÖRNER, 1922) are species dubiae (THIBAUD et al. 2004). Orchesella<br />

flavescens (BOURLET, 1839) has not been found for more than 100 years; more<br />

material is needed.<br />

This inventory is an open list, which will be completed as new Collembola<br />

species for Romania are found.<br />


Poduridae<br />

Podura LINNAEUS, 1758<br />

Podura aquatica LINNAEUS, 1758 – Cernica forest and Râºnoavelor Valley (MACK-FIRÃ<br />

1965), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Hypogastruridae<br />

Hypogastrura BOURLET, 1839<br />

() Hypogastrura aequepilosa (STACH, 1949) – Romania (THIBAUD et al. 2004).<br />

Hypogastrura boldorii DENIS, 1931 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1982), Cãlimani<br />

Mountains (BULIMAR 1986).<br />

Hypogastrura burkilli (BAGNALL, 1940) – Banat and Dobrogea (GRUIA 1967b), Piatra<br />

Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Hypogastrura crassaegranulata (STACH, 1949) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

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8 C. Fiera<br />

Hypogastrura manubrialis (TULLBERG, 1869) – On mushrooms, Romania (IONESCU<br />

1951), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Hypogastrura monticola STACH, 1946 – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1986, 1994).<br />

Hypogastrura purpurescens (LUBBOCK, 1867) – Coºova-Curtea, Timiº (VELLAY 1900),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Hypogastrura sahlbergi (REUTER, 1895) – Enisala Channel, Galaþi (IONESCU 1951),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Hypogastrura socialis (UZEL, 1891) – Sighiºoara-Sibiu (IONESCU 1951), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Hypogastrura tulbergi (SCHÄFFER, 1900) – Deva (VELLAY 1900), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Hypogastrura vernalis (CARL, 1901) – Bucureºti (MACK-FIRÃ 1963), Apuseni Mountains<br />

(HARªIA 1995).<br />

Hypogastrura viatica (TULLBERG, 1872) – Deva (STACH 1929), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Ceratophysella BÖRNER, 1932<br />

Ceratophysella armata (NICOLET, 1842) – Târgu Mureº (VELLAY 1900), Lãptici Peat Bog,<br />

Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Ceratophysella borealis MARTYNOVA, 1977 – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Ceratophysella cf. borealis MARTYNOVA, 1977 – Romanian Plain, Cãscioare locality<br />

(SANDA et al. 2006b).<br />

Ceratophysella cavicola (BÖRNER, 1901) – Isverna Cave (IONESCU 1922).<br />

Ceratophysella denticulata (BAGNALL, 1941) – Some Romanian caves (GRUIA 1967b),<br />

Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Ceratophysella engadinensis (GISIN, 1949) – Piatra Arsã Massif (GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU<br />

1973), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Ceratophysella cf. gibbosa (BAGNALL, 1940) – Insula Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Ceratophysella granulata STACH, 1949 – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

() Ceratophysella jonescoi (BONET, 1930) – Isverna Cave (IONESCU 1922), some Romanian<br />

caves (GRUIA 1967b).<br />

() Ceratophysella ionescui (BÖRNER, 1922) – Some Romanian caves (GRUIA 1967b, 1969a).<br />

Ceratophysella luteospina (STACH, 1919) – Cumpãtu-Sinaia, Bucegi Mountains<br />

(MACK-FIRÃ 1963), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Ceratophysella sigillata (UZEL, 1891) – Ialomicioara Cave, Bucegi Mountains (IONESCU<br />

1951), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Ceratophysella silvatica RUSEK, 1964 – Cumpãtu, Piatra Arsã Massif, Poiana Stânii<br />

(GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU 1973), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Ceratophysella succinea (GISIN, 1949) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), Insula<br />

Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

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Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 9<br />

Schaefferia ABSOLON, 1900<br />

Schaefferia emucronata (ABSOLON, 1900) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Schoettella SCHÄFFER, 1896<br />

Schoettella ununguiculata (TULLBERG, 1869) – Islaz-Turnu Mãgurele and Bucureºti<br />

(MACK-FIRÃ 1963), Insula Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Choreutinula PACLT, 1944<br />

Choreutinula inermis (TULLBERG, 1871) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1986), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Mesogastrura BONET, 1930<br />

Mesogastrura ojcoviensis (STACH, 1919) – Meridionali Carpathians (IONESCU 1922),<br />

Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Mesachorutes ABSOLON, 1900<br />

Mesachorutes quadriocellatus ABSOLON, 1900 – Meridionali Carpathians (IONESCU 1922).<br />

Xenylla TULLBERG, 1869<br />

Xenylla boerneri AXELSON, 1905 – Suceava, Neamþ, Vrancea (BULIMAR 1991).<br />

Xenylla brevicauda TULLBERG, 1869 – Poiana Stânii (GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU 1973), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Xenylla franzi STEINER, 1955 – Ocolul silvic Podu’-Iloaei, Iaºi (BULIMAR 1991).<br />

Xenylla humicola (FABRICIUS, 1780) – Agricultural Research Station Podu’-Iloaei<br />

(CÃLUGÃR et al. 1987), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Xenylla maritima TULLBERG, 1869 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1965b), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Xenylla shillei BÖRNER, 1903 – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Xenylla welchi FOLSOM, 1916 – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 1998b, 2000).<br />

Acherontiella ABSOLON, 1913<br />

Acherontiella cassagnaui THIBAUD, 1967 – Romanian caves (GRUIA 1975).<br />

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10 C. Fiera<br />

Acherontides BONET, 1945<br />

Acherontides tanasachiae (GRUIA, 1969) – Dodoconi Cave, Jiului Valley (GRUIA 1969b),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Pseudacherontides DJANASCHVILI, 1971<br />

Pseudacherontides spelaeus (IONESCU, 1922) – Isverna Cave (IONESCU 1922).<br />

Willemia BÖRNER, 1901<br />

Willemia anophthalma BÖRNER, 1901 – Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Willemia denisi MILLS, 1932 – Retezat Mountains (HARªIA 1992), Apuseni Mountains<br />

(HARªIA 1995).<br />

Willemia intermedia MILLS, 1934 – Eforie (THIBAUD 1992), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Willemia scandinavica STACH, 1949 – Retezat Mountains (HARªIA 1992), Danube Delta<br />

(HARªIA 1997).<br />

Triacanthella SCHÄFFER, 1897<br />

Triacanthella perfecta DENIS, 1926 – Mehedinþi Mountains (GRUIA 1969a), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Bonetogastrura THIBAUD, 1975<br />

()Bonetogastrura subterranea (CARL, 1906) – Hatiº Hill, Apahida, Cluj (RADU &<br />

ROGOJANU 1972).<br />

Mitchellania WRAY, 1953<br />

Mitchellania franzi (BUTSCHEK et GISIN, 1949) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR<br />

1980).<br />

Orogastrura DEHARVENG et GERS, 1979<br />

Orogastrura parva (GISIN, 1949) – Piatra Arsã Massif (FALCÃ 1984), Retezat Mountains<br />

(HARªIA 1992).<br />

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Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 11<br />

Odontellidae<br />

Superodontella STACH, 1949<br />

Superodontella empodialis (STACH, 1934) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980),<br />

Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Superodontella lamellifera (AXELSON, 1903) – Cumpãtu (GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU 1973),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Superodontella nana (CASSAGNAU, 1954) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Xenyllodes AXELSON, 1903<br />

Xenyllodes armatus AXELSON, 1903 – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1987), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Axenyllodes STACH, 1949<br />

Axenyllodes bayeri (KSENEMAN, 1935) – Danube Delta (HARªIA 1997), Insula Mare a<br />

Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Stachiomella WRAY, 1957<br />

Stachiomella populosa (SELGA, 1963) – Danube Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Brachystomellidae<br />

Brachystomella ÅGREN, 1903<br />

Brachystomella parvula (SCHÄFFER, 1896) – ªapca-Verde, Cluj (STAN & COROIU 1978),<br />

wastedump from Exploatarea Miniera Rodna (HARªIA 2006).<br />

Neanuridae<br />

Friesea VON DALLA TORRE, 1895<br />

Friesea acuminata (DENIS, 1925) – Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Friesea afurcata (DENIS, 1926) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Friesea albida STACH, 1949 – Piatra Arsã Massif, Poiana Stânei (GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU<br />

1973), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Friesea claviseta AXELSON, 1900 – Retezat Mountains (HARªIA 1992), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Friesea handschini KSENEMAN, 1938 – Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al 2006).<br />

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12 C. Fiera<br />

Friesea mirabilis (TULLBERG, 1871) – Piatra Arsã Massif, Poiana Stânei (GRUIA &<br />

ZAMFIRESCU 1973), Insula Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Friesea truncata CASSAGNAU, 1958 – Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in<br />

prep.).<br />

Friesea stachi KSENEMAN, 1936 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR, 1980), Cãlimani<br />

Mountains (BULIMAR 1991).<br />

Morulina BÖRNER, 1906<br />

Morulina verrucosa (BÖRNER, 1903) – Sinaia (STACH 1951), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Lathriopyga CAROLI, 1910<br />

Lathriopyga longiseta (TARªIA, 1936) – Danube Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Monobella CASSAGNAU, 1979<br />

Monobella grassei (DENIS, 1923) – Bãile Herculane (DEHARVENG 1986).<br />

Endonura CASSAGNAU, 1979<br />

Endonura tatricola (STACH, 1951) – Hoþilor Cave, Bãile Herculane (GRUIA 1975), karstic<br />

system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Deutonura CASSAGNAU, 1979<br />

Deutonura albella (STACH, 1920) – Subcarpathians, Sãrata-Monteoru locality (SANDA et<br />

al. 2006a).<br />

Deutonura conjuncta (STACH, 1926) – Banat (GRUIA 1969a), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi<br />

Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Deutonura phlegraea (CAROLI, 1912) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1987), Danube<br />

Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Deutonura plena (STACH, 1951) – Romanian caves (GRUIA 1975), Piatra Craiului National<br />

Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

D. stachi (GISIN, 1952) – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Neanura MACGILLIVRAY, 1893<br />

Neanura minuta GISIN, 1963 – Subcarpathians, Sãrata-Monteoru locality (SANDA et al.<br />

2006a).<br />

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Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 13<br />

Neanura muscorum (TEMPLETON, 1835) – Târgu Mureº, Mehadia (Caraº-Severin county),<br />

Coºova-Curtea, Timiº (VELLAY 1900), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Neanura parva (STACH, 1951) – Retezat Mountains (FALCÃ 1984).<br />

Thaumanura BÖRNER, 1932<br />

Thaumanura carolii (STACH, 1920) – Oltenia (GRUIA 1964), Subcarpathians, Sãrata-<br />

Monteoru locality (SANDA et al. 2006a).<br />

Thaumanura ruffoi DALLAI, 1969 – Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Bilobella CAROLI, 1912<br />

Bilobella aurantiaca (CAROLI, 1910) – Retezat Mountains (FALCÃ 1984).<br />

Adbiloba STACH, 1951<br />

Adbiloba incolorata (STACH, 1951) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Adbiloba plurichaetosa CASSAGNAU et PEJA, 1979 – Stâna de vale, Bihor Mountains<br />

(CASSAGNAU & PEJA 1979).<br />

Pseudachorutes TULLBERG, 1871<br />

Pseudachorutes corticicolus (SCHÄFFER, 1897) – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Pseudachorutes dubius KRAUSBAUER, 1898 – Cumpãtu, Piatra Arsã Massif, Poiana Stânii<br />

(GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU 1973), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

P. parvulus BÖRNER, 1901 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Pseudachorutes subcrassus TULLBERG, 1871 – Podiºul central al Moldovei (BULIMAR<br />

1992b), Insula Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Pseudachorutella STACH, 1949<br />

Pseudachorutella asigillata (BÖRNER, 1901) – Cumpãtu, Piatra Arsã Massif, Poiana Stânii<br />

(GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU 1973), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

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14 C. Fiera<br />

Micranurida BÖRNER, 1901<br />

Micranurida hasai (KSENEMAN, 1936) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1987), Retezat<br />

Mountains (HARªIA 1992).<br />

Micranurida pygmaea BÖRNER, 1901 – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1986),<br />

wastedump from Exploatarea Miniera Rodna (HARªIA 2006).<br />

Micranurida retezatica (GRUIA et HARªIA, 1990) – Retezat National Park (GRUIA &<br />

HARªIA 1990), Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Micranurida sensillata (GISIN, 1953) – Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995), Danube<br />

Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Pseudachorudina STACH, 1949<br />

Pseudachorudina palmiensis (BÖRNER, 1903) – Cumpãtu, Piatra Arsã Massif, Poiana<br />

Stânii (GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU 1973), Subcarpathians, Sãrata-Monteoru locality (SANDA et al.<br />

2006a).<br />

Anurida LABOULBÈNE, 1865<br />

Anurida ariesi HARªIA et GRUIA, 1992 – Sãlciua de Jos, Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA &<br />

GRUIA 1992), Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Anurida granulata AGRELL, 1943 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1982), Apuseni<br />

Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Anurida maritima (GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE, 1836) – seaside, Black Sea (MÜLLER 1995),<br />

Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Anurida tullbergi SCHOETT, 1891 – Danube Delta (BULIMAR 1992a), Dobrogea (SKOLKA<br />

et al. 2004).<br />

Onychiuridae<br />

Tetrodontophora REUTER, 1882<br />

Tetrodontophora bielanensis (WAGA, 1842) – Retezat, Mediaº (Sibiu county), Gâlgãu<br />

(Sãlaj county) (VELLAY 1900), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Kalaphorura ABSOLON, 1900<br />

Kalaphorura burmeisteri (LUBBOCK, 1873) – Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995), karstic<br />

system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Kalaphorura paradoxa (SCHÄFFER, 1900) – Cumpãtu, Piatra Arsã Massif, Poiana Stânii<br />

(GRUIA & ZAMFIRESCU 1973), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

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Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 15<br />

Kalaphorura tuberculata (MONIEZ, 1890) – Oltenia (GRUIA 1964), Piatra Craiului National<br />

Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Hymenaphorura BAGNALL, 1948<br />

Hymenaphorura nova POMORSKI, 1990 – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Hymenaphorura subsimilis (BAGNALL, 1947) – Sinaia, Prahovei Valley (STACH 1954), Romanian<br />

caves (GRUIA 1975).<br />

Heteraphorura BAGNALL, 1948<br />

Heteraphorura carpatica (STACH, 1938) – Romanian caves (GRUIA 1969a), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Heteraphorura variotuberculata (STACH, 1934) – Gheþarul de la Scãriºoara (IONESCU<br />

1951), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Archaphorura BAGNALL, 1949<br />

Archaphorura serratotuberculata (STACH, 1933) – Retezat Mountains (HARªIA 1992),<br />

Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Micraphorura BAGNALL, 1949<br />

Micraphorura absoloni (BÖRNER, 1901) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1986), karstic<br />

system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Micraphorura multiperforata (GRUIA, 1973) – Gheþarul de la Scãriºoara Cave (GRUIA<br />

1973), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Protaphorura ABSOLON, 1901<br />

Protaphorura armata (TULLBERG, 1869) – Târgu Mureº, Cluj (VELLAY 1900), Lãptici Peat<br />

Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Protaphorura aurantiaca (RIDLEY, 1880) – Retezat Mountains (HARªIA 1992), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Protaphorura borzica (GRUIA, 1999) – Retezat Mountains (GRUIA1999), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Protaphorura campata (GISIN, 1952) – Romanian caves (GRUIA 1975), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Protaphorura cancellata (GISIN, 1956) – Karstic system in Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA<br />

1998b), Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Protaphorura discrepans (BAGNALL, 1948) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

16 C. Fiera<br />

Protaphorura fimata (GISIN, 1952) – Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995), Piatra Craiului<br />

National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Protaphorura glebata (GISIN, 1952) – Romanian Caves (GRUIA 1975), Lãptici Peat Bog,<br />

Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Protaphorura illaborata (GISIN, 1956) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Protaphorura ionescui RADWAÑSKI, FIERA et WEINER, 2006 – Rodnei Mountains<br />

(RADWAÑSKI et al. 2006), Romanian Plain, Cãlugãreni locality (SANDA et al. 2006b).<br />

Protaphorura octopunctata (TULLBERG, 1876) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR<br />

1980), Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Protaphorura pannonica (HAYBACH, 1960) – Retezat Mountains (HARªIA 1992), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Protaphorura quadriocellata (GISIN, 1947) – Romanian Caves (GRUIA 1975), Piatra Craiului<br />

National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Protaphorura serbica (LOKSA et BOGOJEVIC, 1967) – Subcarpathians, Cobia locality<br />

(SANDA et al. 2006a).<br />

Protaphorura subarmata (GISIN, 1957) – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006), Lãptici Peat<br />

Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Protaphorura subcancellata (GISIN, 1963) – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1969a, SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Onychiurus GERVAIS, 1841<br />

Onychiurus boldorii DENIS, 1937 – Caves at Hunedoara (GRUIA 1967a), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Onychiurus movile GRUIA, 1989 – Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1989), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Onychiurus rectospinatus STACH, 1922 – Banat (GRUIA 1966a), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

()Onychiurus spelaeus ABSOLON, 1900 – Southern Carpathians (IONESCU 1922).<br />

Deuteraphorura ABSOLON, 1900<br />

Deuteraphorura banatica (GRUIA, 1965) – Voinicovãþ Cave, Berzeasca Valley (GRUIA<br />

1965a), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Deuteraphorura bureschi (HANDSCHIN, 1928) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980).<br />

Deuteraphorura closanica (GRUIA, 1965) – Caves in Oltenia (GRUIA 1965a), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Deuteraphorura ghidinii (DENIS, 1938) – Karstic system in Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA<br />

1998b), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Deuteraphorura hategana (GRUIA, 1971) – Some caves: Cioclovina cu Apã, Cioclovina<br />

uscatã, Gura Cetãþii-Transilvania (GRUIA 1971), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Deuteraphorura inermis (TULLBERG, 1869) – Cetãþile Ponorului, Bihor Mountains<br />

(IONESCU 1951), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Deuteraphorura insubraria (GISIN, 1952) – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 17<br />

Deuteraphorura meziadica (GRUIA, 1972) – Meziad Cave, Craiului Forest-Apuseni<br />

Mountains (GRUIA 1972), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Deuteraphorura romanica (GRUIA, 1965) – Some Romanian caves (GRUIA 1965a), karstic<br />

system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Deuteraphorura scotaria (GISIN, 1954) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Deuteraphorura silvaria (GISIN, 1952) – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1964), Romanian Plain,<br />

Cãscioare locality (SANDA et al. 2006b).<br />

Deuteraphorura traiani GRUIA et POPA, 2005 – Piatra Craiului National Park (GRUIA &<br />

POPA 2005, NAE et al. 2005).<br />

Orthonychiurus STACH, 1954<br />

Orthonychiurus ancae (GRUIA, 1971) – Corbasca, Huda de la Chiºcãu, Avenul din Tartacoais<br />

caves (GRUIA 1971), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Orthonychiurus doinae (GRUIA, 1972) – Caves of Apuseni Mountains (GRUIA 1972),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Orthonychiurus rectopapilatus (STACH, 1933) – Caves from Oltenia (GRUIA 1964), Lãptici<br />

Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Deharvengiurus WEINER, 1996<br />

Deharvengiurus denisi (STACH, 1934) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1987, 1991).<br />

Deharvengiurus orghidani (GRUIA, 1967) – Some caves in Oltenia (GRUIA 1967a), karstic<br />

system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Onychiuroides BAGNALL, 1948<br />

Onychiuroides granulosus (STACH, 1930) – Calului Cave (Cheile Vârghiºului), Alunii<br />

Negri Cave (MACK-FIRÃ 1961), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Onychiuroides multisetis (GRUIA, 1971) – Gheþarul de la Scãriºoara (GRUIA 1971), karstic<br />

system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Onychiuroides postumicus BONET, 1931 – Romanian caves (GRUIA 1969a), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Onychiuroides pseudogranulosus DELAMARE DEBOUTTEVILLE et GISIN, 1951 – Transylvanian<br />

caves (GRUIA 1965a), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Onychiuroides subgranulosus (DA GAMA, 1964)–Cheile Vârghiºului Cave (GRUIA 1966b),<br />

Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006)<br />

Argonychiurus BAGNALL, 1949<br />

Argonychiurus bogheani (GRUIA, 1989) – Piatra Ponorului Cave, Bihor Mountains<br />

(GRUIA 1989), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

18 C. Fiera<br />

Tullbergiidae<br />

Paratullbergia WOMERSLEY, 1930<br />

Paratullbergia callipygos (BÖRNER, 1903) – Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Metaphorura STACH, 1954<br />

Metaphorura affinis (BÖRNER, 1902) – Hatiº Hill, Apahida, Cluj (RADU & ROGOJANU<br />

1972), wastedump from Exploatarea Miniera Rodna (HARªIA 2006).<br />

Neonaphorura BAGNALL, 1935<br />

Neonaphorura duboscqi (DENIS, 1932) – Hatiº Hill, Apahida, Cluj (RADU & ROGOJANU<br />

1972).<br />

Mesaphorura BÖRNER, 1901<br />

Mesaphorura critica ELLIS, 1976 – Mamaia (THIBAUD 1992), wastedump from Exploatarea<br />

Miniera Rodna (HARªIA 2006).<br />

Mesaphorura hygrophila (RUSEK, 1971) – Mamaia (THIBAUD 1992).<br />

Mesaphorura hylophila RUSEK, 1982 – Danube Delta (HARªIA 1997), wastedump from<br />

Exploatarea Miniera Rodna (HARªIA 2006).<br />

Mesaphorura italica (RUSEK, 1971) – Mamaia (THIBAUD 1992), wastedump from Exploatarea<br />

Miniera Rodna (HARªIA 2006).<br />

Mesaphorura jarmilae RUSEK, 1982 – Mamaia (THIBAUD 1992).<br />

Mesaphorura krausbaueri BÖRNER, 1901 – Ponorul Vãii Muierii Cave (GRUIA 1975), wastedump<br />

from Exploatarea Miniera Rodna (HARªIA 2006).<br />

Mesaphorura macrochaeta RUSEK, 1976 – Danube Delta (HARªIA 1997), Insula Mare a<br />

Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

() Mesaphorura schembrii THIBAUD et CHRISTIAN, 1989 – Romania (ZIMDARS &<br />

DUNGER 1994).<br />

Mesaphorura simplex (GISIN, 1958) – Hatiº Hill, Apahida, Cluj (RADU & ROGOJANU<br />

1972).<br />

Mesaphorura sylvatica (RUSEK, 1971) – Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Mesaphorura tenuisensillata RUSEK, 1974 – Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Mesaphorura yosii (RUSEK, 1967) – Mamaia (THIBAUD 1992), Danube Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 19<br />

Stenaphorurella LUCIAÑEZ et SIMÓN, 1992<br />

Stenaphorurella denisi (BAGNALL, 1935) – Hatiº Hill, Apahida, Cluj (RADU & ROGOJANU<br />

1972).<br />

Stenaphorurella quadrispina (BÖRNER, 1901) – ªapca –Verde, Cluj (STAN & COROIU 1978),<br />

Romanian Plain, Cãscioare locality (SANDA et al. 2006b).<br />

Karlstejnia RUSEK, 1974<br />

Karlstejnia montana RUSEK, 1978 – Bucegi Mountains, Vârful Omu (RUSEK 1978).<br />

Doutnacia RUSEK, 1974<br />

Doutnacia xerophila RUSEK, 1974 – Danube Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Isotomidae<br />

Tetracanthella SCHÖTT, 1891<br />

Tetracanthella brevifurca (STACH, 1929) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1986).<br />

Tetracanthella carpatica STACH, 1947 – Retezat Mountains (STACH 1947).<br />

Tetracanthella franzi CASSAGNAU, 1959 – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1987), Apuseni<br />

Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Tetracanthella gruiae RUSEK, 1979 – Bucegi Mountains, Vârful cu Dor (RUSEK 1979).<br />

Tetracanthella montana STACH, 1947 – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1987).<br />

Tetracanthella pilosa (SCHÖTT, 1891) – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1965b), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Tetracanthella transylvanica (CASSAGNAU, 1959) – “Alpes de Transylvanie”, Retezat<br />

Mountains (CASSAGNAU 1959), Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977).<br />

Folsomides STACH, 1922<br />

Folsomides angularis (AXELSON, 1905) – Danube Delta (BULIMAR 1992a), Dobrogea<br />

(SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Folsomides parvulus STACH, 1922 – Sãvineºti-Roznov, Neamþ (CÃLUGÃR et al 1983), Romanian<br />

Plain, Cãlugãreni locality (SANDA et al.2006b).<br />

Cryptopygus WILLEM, 1900<br />

Cryptopygus debilis (CASSAGNAU, 1959) – Romanian Plain, Cãlugãreni locality (SANDA et<br />

al. 2006b)<br />

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20 C. Fiera<br />

Cryptopygus ponticus (STACH, 1947) – Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1998a), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Proisotomodes BAGNALL, 1949<br />

Proisotomodes bipunctatus (AXELSON, 1903) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1987),<br />

Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Isotomodes AXELSON, 1907<br />

Isotomodes productus (AXELSON, 1906) – Hatiº Hill, Apahida, Cluj (RADU & ROGOJANU<br />

1972), wastedump from Exploatarea Miniera Rodna (HARªIA 2006).<br />

Isotomodes sexsetosus GAMA, 1963 – Danube Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Isotomodes trisetosus DENIS, 1923 – Hatiº Hill, Apahida, Cluj (RADU & ROGOJANU 1972).<br />

Coloburella LATZEL, 1918<br />

Coloburella zangherii (DENIS, 1924) – Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Pseudanurophorus STACH, 1922<br />

Pseudanurophorus binoculatus (KSENEMAN, 1934) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR<br />

1983), Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Pseudanurophorus boerneri STACH, 1922 – Sãvineºti-Roznov, Neamþ (CÃLUGÃR et al.<br />

1983), Retezat Mountains (FALCÃ 1984).<br />

Anurophorus NICOLET, 1842<br />

Anurophorus konseli KSENEMAN, 1936 – Scobâlþeni, Iaºi (BULIMAR 1987).<br />

Anurophorus laricis NICOLET, 1842 – Mehadia (Caraº-Severin county) (VELLAY 1900),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Hemisotoma BAGNALL, 1949<br />

Hemisotoma orientalis (STACH, 1947) – Insula Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Hemisotoma thermophyla AXELSON, 1900 – Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1998b), Insula<br />

Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 21<br />

Folsomia WILLEM, 1902<br />

Folsomia alpina KSENEMAN, 1936 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi<br />

Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Folsomia bisetosa GISIN, 1953 – Danube Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Folsomia candida WILLEM, 1902 – Cave from Cheii Valley, Feder, Hunedoara (GRUIA<br />

1965b), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Folsomia diplophthalma (AXELSON, 1902) – Zãganul Massif, Prahovei Valley (IONESCU<br />

1951), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Folsomia fimetaria (BURMEISTER, 1835) – Zãganul Massif, Prahovei Valley (IONESCU<br />

1951), Lãptici Peat –Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Folsomia fimetarioides (AXELSON, 1903) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1983),<br />

Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1991).<br />

Folsomia inoculata STACH, 1946 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Folsomia ksenemani STACH, 1947 – Cumpãtul, Piatra Arsã Massif, Poiana Stânii (GRUIA<br />

& ZAMFIRESCU 1973), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Folsomia martynovae POTAPOV, 2001 – Suhardului Mountains, Vatra Dornei, 20.VII.<br />

2004, leg. J. RADWAÑSKI (unpublished material, deposited at the Institute of Systematic and Experimental<br />

Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland).<br />

Folsomia manolachei BAGNALL, 1939 – Romania (STACH 1947), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi<br />

Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

() Folsomia monophthalma BAGNALL, 1939 – Buzan locality (STACH 1947).<br />

Folsomia penicula BAGNALL, 1939 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Folsomia quadrioculata (TULLBERG, 1871) – Zãganul Massif, Prahova valley (IONESCU<br />

1951), Lãptici Peat –Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Folsomia sensibilis KSENEMAN, 1934 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi<br />

Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Folsomia sexoculata (TULLBERG, 1871) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980),<br />

Suceava, Neamt, Vrancea (BULIMAR 1991).<br />

Folsomia spinosa KSENEMAN, 1936 – Retezat Mountains (FALCÃ 1984), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Hydroisotoma STACH, 1947<br />

Hydroisotoma schaefferi (KRAUSBAUER, 1898) – Retezat Mountains (MACK-FIRÃ 1963),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Archisotoma LINNANIEMI, 1912<br />

Archisotoma besselsi (PACKARD, 1877) – Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Archisotoma interstitialis DELAMARE, 1953 –Dobrogea, east of Babadag, leg. E. CHRISTIAN<br />

(unpublished material, deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Vienna, Austria).<br />

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22 C. Fiera<br />

Ballistura BÖRNER, 1906<br />

Ballistura schoetti (DALLA TORRE, 1895) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1991), Dobrogea<br />

(SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Proisotoma BÖRNER, 1901<br />

Proisotoma brevidens (STACH, 1947) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1986).<br />

Proisotoma minima (ABSOLON, 1901) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1991).<br />

Proisotoma minuta (TULLBERG, 1871) – Lespezi Valley, Ilie Valley (Cluj county) (IONESCU<br />

1951), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Proisotoma ripicola LINNANIEMI, 1912 – Tatlageac (Constanþa county) (IONESCU 1951).<br />

Isotomurus BÖRNER, 1903<br />

Isotomurus alticolus (CARL, 1899) – Jara Ascuþitã Cave, Retezat Mountains (GRUIA<br />

1969a), Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Isotomurus palliceps (UZEL, 1891) – Cumpãtu, Sinaia and Ciucaº Mountains (MACK-FIRÃ<br />

1963), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Isotomurus palustris (MÜLLER, 1776) – Deva, Puj (Hunedoara county) (VELLAY 1900),<br />

Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Pseudisotoma HANDSCHIN, 1924<br />

Pseudisotoma monochaeta (KOS, 1941) – Retezat Mountains (FALCÃ 1984), Retezat Mountains<br />

(HARªIA 1992).<br />

Pseudisotoma sensibilis (TULLBERG, 1876) – Retezat Mountains, Parâng Mountains<br />

(GRUIA 1966a), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Isotomiella BAGNALL, 1939<br />

Isotomiella minor (SCHÄFFER, 1896) – Limanu Cave, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1969a), Lãptici<br />

Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Isotoma BOURLET, 1839<br />

Isotoma anglicana LUBBOCK, 1862 – Romanian Plain, Cãlugãreni locality (SANDA et al.<br />

2006b), Insula Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Isotoma viridis (BOURLET, 1839) – Târgu Mureº (VELLAY 1900), Piatra Craiului National<br />

Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 23<br />

Desoria NICOLET in DESOR, 1841<br />

Desoria antennalis (BAGNALL, 1940) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980).<br />

Desoria duodecemaculata DENIS, 1927 – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Desoria fennica (REUTER, 1895) – Gura Cetãþii Cave, Hunedoara (GRUIA 1965b), Lãptici<br />

Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Desoria hiemalis (SCHÖTT, 1893) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1987), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Desoria nivalis (STACH, 1947) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), Apuseni<br />

Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Desoria nivea SCHÄFFER, 1896 – Retezat Mountains (FALCÃ 1984), Lãptici Peat Bog,<br />

Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Desoria olivacea (TULLBERG, 1871) – Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Desoria propinqua (AXELSON, 1902) – La Adam Cave, Medgidia, Dobrogea (GRUIA<br />

1966a), Bãlãceana meadow (BULIMAR & HUÞU 1984).<br />

Desoria violacea (TULLBERG, 1876) – Cumpãtu, Piatra Arsã Massif, Poiana Stânii (GRUIA<br />

& ZAMFIRESCU 1973), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Parisotoma BAGNALL, 1940<br />

Parisotoma notabilis (SCHÄFFER, 1896) – Cilic forest, Tulcea (GRUIA 1964), Insula Mare a<br />

Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Vertagopus BÖRNER, 1906<br />

Vertagopus cinereus (NICOLET, 1842) – Deva (VELLAY 1900), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Vertagopus westerlundi REUTER, 1898 – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1986).<br />

Marisotoma FJELLBERG, 1997<br />

Marisotoma tenuicornis (AXELSON, 1903) – Bãlãceana meadow, Suceava (BULIMAR &<br />

HUÞU 1984).<br />

Pachyotoma BAGNALL, 1949<br />

Pachyotoma granulata (STACH, 1947) – Calului Cave, Mureº (GRUIA 1966a), Cãlimani<br />

Mountains (BULIMAR 1991).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

24 C. Fiera<br />

Oncopoduridae<br />

Oncopodura CARL et LEBEDINSKY, 1905<br />

Oncopodura crassicornis SHOEBOTHAM, 1911 – Gheþarul de la Scãriºoara Cave, Bihorului<br />

Mountains (GRUIA 1969a), Subcarpathians, Sãrata-Monteoru locality (SANDA et al. 2006a).<br />

Oncopodura pegyi GRUIA, 1994 – Altarului Cave (GRUIA 1994), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Oncopodura vioreli GRUIA, 1989 – Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1989), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Tomoceridae<br />

Tomocerus NICOLET, 1841<br />

Tomocerus baudoti DENIS, 1932 – Gura Cetãþii Cave, Luncanilor Valley, Hunedoara<br />

(GRUIA 1965b), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Tomocerus minor (LUBBOCK, 1862) – Gheþaru de la Scãriºoara Cave (IONESCU 1951),<br />

Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Tomocerus vulgaris (TULLBERG, 1871) – Cumpãtul, Sinaia and Ciucaº Mountains<br />

(MACK-FIRÃ 1965), Insula Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Tritomurus FRAUENFELD, 1854<br />

Tritomurus terrestralis STACH, 1922 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980).<br />

Pogonognathellus PACLT, 1944<br />

Pogonognathellus flavescens (TULLBERG, 1871) – Mediaº, Târgu – Mureº (STACH 1929),<br />

Subcarpathians, Cobia locality (SANDA et al. 2006a).<br />

Pogonognathellus longicornis (MÜLLER, 1776) – Bãla (Tãrgu Mureº county), Tãrgu Mureº,<br />

Mediaº (Sibiu county) (VELLAY 1900), Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Tomocerina YOSII, 1955<br />

Tomocerina minuta (TULLBERG, 1876) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980),<br />

Suhardului Mountains, Vatra Dornei, 20.VII.2004, leg. J. RADWAÑSKI (unpublished material,<br />

deposited at the Institute of Systematic and Experimental Zoology, Polish Acadamy of Sciences,<br />

Kraków, Poland).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 25<br />

Plutomurus YOSII, 1956<br />

Plutomurus carpaticus RUSEK et WEINER, 1978 – Romanian Carpathians (RUSEK &<br />

WEINER 1978), Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA &GRUIA 2006).<br />

Plutomurus unidentatus (BÖRNER, 1901) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000, 2003).<br />

Entomobryidae<br />

Orchesella TEMPLETON, 1835<br />

Orchesella albofasciata STACH, 1960 – Plosca locality (Dolj county) (STACH 1960), karstic<br />

system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Orchesella alticola (UZEL, 1891) – Romania (STACH 1929), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Orchesella angustistrigata STACH, 1960 – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Orchesella balcanica STACH, 1960 – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Orchesella bifasciata NICOLET, 1842 – Lunca Ponorului, Ohaba Ponor, Fantâna Socilor,<br />

Hunedoara, (GRUIA 1965b), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Orchesella carpatica (IONESCU, 1914) – Mãnãstirea Bistriþa Cave, Oltenia (IONESCU<br />

1914), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Orchesella cincta (LINNAEUS, 1758) – Târgu Mureº, Puj (Hunedoara county), Mediaº<br />

(Sibiu county) (VELLAY 1900), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Orchesella disjuncta STACH, 1960 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

() Orchesella flavescens (BOURLET, 1839) – Deva, Ohaba Ponor-Haþeg (Hunedoara<br />

county) (VELLAY 1900).<br />

Orchesella longifasciata STACH, 1960 – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Orchesella maculosa IONESCU, 1914 – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Orchesella montana STACH, 1960 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Orchesella multifasciata (STSCHERBAKOW, 1898) – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Orchesella orientalis STACH, 1960 – Gura Dobrogei Cave, Sartoman forest, Dobrogea<br />

(GRUIA 1965b), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Orchesella pontica IONESCU, 1915 – Muntenia, Moldova, N Dobrogei forests (IONESCU<br />

1915), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Orchesella pseudobifasciata STACH, 1960 – Defileul Vârghisului, Fundãþica, Braºov<br />

(GRUIA 1966a), Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Orchesella quinquefasciata (BOURLET, 1842) – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Orchesella rectangulata STACH, 1960 – Hagieni forest, Casian Cave, Dobrogea (GRUIA<br />

1966a), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

26 C. Fiera<br />

Orchesella spectabilis TULLBERG, 1871 – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), wastedump from<br />

Exploatarea Miniera Rodna (HARªIA 2006).<br />

Orchesella villosa (LINNAEUS, 1767) – Târgu Mureº, Mediaº (Sibiu county), Ohaba<br />

Ponor-Haþeg, (Hunedoara county) (VELLAY 1900).<br />

Orchesella xerothermica STACH, 1960 – Bogata forest (Braºov) (GRUIA 1964), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Heteromurus WANKEL, 1860<br />

Heteromurus major (MONIEZ, 1889) – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1964), Piatra Craiului National<br />

Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Heteromurus nitidus (TEMPLETON, 1835) – Bãla (Târgu Mureº) (VELLAY 1900), Piatra<br />

Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Heteromurus noseki MARI MUTT et STOMP, 1980 – Apa Moiºtii Cave, beside Cloºani Cave<br />

(MARI MUTT & STOMP 1980), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Heteromurus sexoculatus BROWN, 1926 – Gura Dobrogei, Medgidia (GRUIA 1964), karstic<br />

system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Entomobrya RONDANI, 1861<br />

Entomobrya albocincta (BURMEISTER, 1835) – Deva, Mediaº (Sibiu county) (VELLAY 1900).<br />

Entomobrya arborea (TULLBERG, 1871) – Gheþarul de la Scãriºoara (IONESCU 1951),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Entomobrya atrocincta SCHOETT, 1896 – Gura Dobrogei Cave, Pietra Scrisã Valley,<br />

Medgidia, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1964), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobrya corticalis (NICOLET, 1841) – Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1986).<br />

Entomobrya dumitrescuae GRUIA, 1967 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1967c), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobrya handschini STACH, 1922 – Gura Dobrogei Cave, Limanu Cave (GRUIA<br />

1966b), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobrya lanuginosa (NICOLET, 1842) – Târgu Mureº, Puj (Hunedoara county)<br />

(VELLAY 1900), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobrya margaretae GRUIA, 1967 – Banat (GRUIA 1967c), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobrya marginata (TULLBERG, 1871) – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobrya multifasciata (TULLBERG, 1871) – Gura Dobrogei Cave, Dobrogea (GRUIA<br />

1965a), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobrya muscorum (NICOLET, 1841) – Deva (VELLAY 1900), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobrya nivalis (LINNAEUS, 1758) – Deva, Puj (Hunedoara county) (VELLAY 1900),<br />

Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 27<br />

Entomobrya pazaristei DENIS, 1933 – Adam Cave, Casian Cave, Limanu Cave (GRUIA<br />

1966b), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Entomobrya puncteola UZEL, 1891 – Bogata forest, Braºov (GRUIA 1964), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Entomobrya quinquelineata BÖRNER, 1901 – Gârbova and Bucegi Mountains (FALCÃ<br />

1984), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Entomobrya schoetti STACH, 1922 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), Dobrogea<br />

(SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Entomobrya unostrigata STACH, 1930 – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobrya superba (REUTER, 1876) –Retezat Mountains (FALCÃ 1984).<br />

Mesentotoma SALMON, 1942<br />

Mesentotoma dollfusi (DENIS, 1924) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Sinella BROOK, 1882<br />

Sinella curviseta BROOK, 1882 – Isverna and Cloºani Cave (IONESCU 1914), Hatiº Hill,<br />

Apahida, Cluj (RADU & ROGOJANU 1972).<br />

Coecobrya YOSII, 1956<br />

Coecobrya tenebricosa (FOLSOM, 1902) – Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1998a), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobryoides MAYNARD, 1951<br />

Entomobryoides myrmecophilus (REUTER, 1886) – Fântâna Socilor, Ohaba Ponor-<br />

Hunedoara, Mangalia, Limanu Cave (GRUIA 1965b), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Entomobryoides purpurascens (PACKARD, 1873) – Hatiº Hill, Apahida, Cluj (RADU &<br />

ROGOJANU 1972), Gârbova and Bucegi Mountains (FALCÃ 1984).<br />

Willowsia SHOEBOTHAM, 1917<br />

Willowsia buskii (LUBBOCK, 1869) – Târgu Mureº (VELLAY 1900), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000)<br />

Willowsia nigromaculata (LUBBOCK, 1873) – Gura Dobrogei Cave, Pietra Scrisã Valley,<br />

Medgidia – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1964), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Willowsia platani (NICOLET, 1841) – Codul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), Ocolul<br />

silvic Podu-Iloaei, Iaºi (BULIMAR 1991)<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

28 C. Fiera<br />

Lepidocyrtus BOURLET, 1839<br />

Lepidocyrtus cf. arrabonicus TRASER, 2000 – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006), Insula Mare<br />

a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Lepidocyrtus curvicolis (BOURLET, 1839) – Arad, Deva, Bãla (Târgu Mureº), Mediaº<br />

(Sibiu county) (VELLAY 1900), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Lepidocyrtus cyaneus TULLBERG, 1871 – Cluj (STACH 1929), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Lepidocyrtus fimetarius (GISIN, 1964) – Karstic system in Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1998a)<br />

Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus (GMELIN, 1788) – Târgu Mureº (VELLAY 1900), Lãptici Peat<br />

Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Lepidocyrtus flexicollis GISIN, 1965 – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Lepidocyrtus lignorum (FABRICIUS, 1775) – Puj (Hunedoara county) (VELLAY 1900),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Lepidocyrtus paradoxus UZEL, 1891 – Gaura Opriþei, Ponor-Hunedoara (GRUIA 1965a),<br />

Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Lepidocyrtus ruber SCHÖTT, 1902 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), Danube<br />

Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Lepidocyrtus serbicus DENIS, 1933 – Cheile Vârghiºului, Meresti-Mureº (GRUIA 1965),<br />

Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Lepidocyrtus violaceus (FOURCROY, 1785) – Cluj (VELLAY 1900), Piatra Craiului National<br />

Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Pseudosinella SCHÄFFER, 1897<br />

Pseudosinella aggtelekiensis (STACH, 1929) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1982),<br />

Scobâlþeni, Iaºi (BULIMAR 1987).<br />

Pseudosinella alba (PACKARD, 1873) – ªapca Verde, Cluj (STAN & COROIU 1978), Danube<br />

Delta (HARªIA 1997).<br />

Pseudosinella annemariae STOMP, 1972 – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Pseudosinella binoculata KSENEMAN, 1935 – Apuseni Mountains (HARªIA 1995).<br />

Pseudosinella crenelata GRUIA, 2000 – Caves in Dobrogea (GRUIA 1974a), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Pseudosinella decipiens DENIS, 1924 – Casian Cave, Liliecilor Cave in Gura Dobrogei,<br />

Limanu Cave, Insurgenþa de la Ohaba Ponorului Cave in Sebeºului Mountains (GRUIA 1969a),<br />

Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970).<br />

Pseudosinella duodecimocellata HANDCHIN, 1926 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR<br />

1980), Cãlimani Mountains (BULIMAR 1987).<br />

Pseudosinella edax GISIN, 1967 – Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Pseudosinella fallax (BÖRNER, 1903) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Pseudosinella cf. horaki RUSEK, 1985 – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Pseudosinella cf. huetheri STOMP, 1971 – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 29<br />

Pseudosinella imparipunctata GISIN, 1953 – Podu Iloaiei, Iaºi (CÃLUGÃR et al. 1987),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Pseudosinella manuelae GRUIA, 1974 – Topolniþa, Mehedinti, Vrasca Cave in Banatului<br />

Mountains (GRUIA 1974a), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Pseudosinella obanae GRUIA, 1998 – Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1998b), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Pseudosinella octopunctata BÖRNER, 1901 – Podu Iloaiei, Iaºi(CÃLUGÃR et al. 1987), karstic<br />

system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Pseudosinella pallida GRUIA, 1977 – Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Pseudosinella picta (BÖRNER, 1903) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000), Insula<br />

Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Pseudosinella problematica GISIN et GAMA, 1971 – Caves in Banat and Transylvania<br />

(GISIN & GAMA 1971), Piatra Craiului National Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Pseudosinella racovitzai GISIN et GAMA, 1971 – Cioclovina Cave, Luncani (Haþeg),<br />

Ponorici Cave Pui (Hunedoara county) (GISIN & GAMA 1971), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Pseudosinella sandelsorum GRUIA, 1977 – Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Pseudosinella sexoculata SCHÖTT, 1902 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1965b), Insula Mare a Brãilei<br />

(FIERA 2006).<br />

Pseudosinella wahlgreni (BÖRNER, 1907) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Seira LUBBOCK, 1869<br />

Seira dollflusi CARL, 1899 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA<br />

2000).<br />

Seira domestica (NICOLET, 1842) – Brãila (MACK-FIRÃ 1965), Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi<br />

Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Seira ferrarii PARONA, 1888 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1966a), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Seira saxatilis (GISIN et GAMA, 1962) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Cyphoderidae<br />

Cyphoderus NICOLET, 1941<br />

Cyphoderus albinus (NICOLET, 1842) – Deva (VELLAY 1900), parks of Bucharest (unpublished<br />

material, deposited at the Institute of Biology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, leg. C.<br />

FIERA).<br />

Cyphoderus assimilis BÖRNER, 1906 – Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1998b), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

30 C. Fiera<br />

Cyphoderus bidenticulatus (PARONA, 1888) – Dobrogea and Cheile Vârghiºului (Mureº)<br />

(GRUIA 1965b), parks of Bucharest (unpublished material, deposited at the Institute of Biology,<br />

Romanian Academy, Bucharest, leg. C. FIERA).<br />

Cyphoderus gisini GRUIA, 1967 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1967c), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Neelidae<br />

Neelus FOLSOM, 1896<br />

Neelus murinus FOLSOM, 1896 – Botuºi Cave, Ponor, Duþu Cave (Hunedoara county)<br />

(GRUIA 1965b), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Neelides CAROLI, 1912<br />

Neelides minutus (FOLSOM, 1901) – Izvoarele Turului, Satu Mare (ARDELEAN 1998),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Megalothorax WILLEM, 1900<br />

Megalothorax minimus (WILLEM, 1900) – Motrului Valley (GRUIA 1977), Maramureº<br />

(DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Sminthurididae<br />

Sminthurides BÖRNER, 1900<br />

Sminthurides aquaticus (BOURLET, 1842) – Moldova, on aquatic plants (IONESCU 1915),<br />

Lãptici Peat Bog, Bucegi Mountains (FIERA in prep.).<br />

Sminthurides cruciatus AXELSON, 1905 – Romania (IONESCU 1915), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Sminthurides malmgreni (TULLBERG, 1876) – Romania, on aquatic plants (IONESCU<br />

1915), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Sminthurides penicilifer (SCHÄFFER, 1896) – Romania, on aquatic plants (IONESCU 1915),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Sminthurides schoetti (AXELSON, 1903) – Danube Delta (BULIMAR 1992a).<br />

Sphaeridia LINNANIEMI, 1912<br />

Sphaeridia pumilis (KRAUSBAUER, 1898) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980),<br />

Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 31<br />

Stenacidia REUTER, 1878<br />

Stenacidia violacea (REUTER, 1881) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980, 1983).<br />

Katiannidae<br />

Sminthurinus BÖRNER, 1901<br />

Sminthurinus aureus (LUBBOCK, 1862) – Bãla, Târgu Mureº (VELLAY 1900), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Sminthurinus bimaculatus AXELSON, 1902 – Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Sminthurinus elegans (FITCH, 1863) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), Insula<br />

Mare a Brãilei (FIERA 2006).<br />

Sminthurinus niger (LUBBOCK, 1867) – Ceahlãu Mountains (IONESCU 1915), Dobrogea<br />

(SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Arrhopalitidae<br />

Arrhopalites BÖRNER, 1906<br />

Arrhopalites bifidus (STACH, 1945) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000, 2003).<br />

Arrhopalites caecus (TULLBERG, 1871) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980),<br />

Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Arrhopalites gisini NOSEK, 1960 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), Dobrogea<br />

(SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Arrhopalites principalis STACH, 1945 – Banat (GRUIA 1966a), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al.<br />

2006).<br />

Arrhopalites pygmaeus (WANKEL, 1860) – Banat (GRUIA 1966b), Piatra Craiului National<br />

Park (POPA & GRUIA 2006).<br />

Arrhopalites sericus GISIN, 1947 – Moldova (BULIMAR 1992b), Apuseni Mountains<br />

(HARªIA 1995).<br />

Arrhopalites subboneti CASSAGNAU et DELAMARE, 1953 – Liliecilor Cave from Bistriþa,<br />

Cloºani Cave (GRUIA 1966a).<br />

Arrhopalites terricola GISIN, 1958 – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1980), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Sminthuridae<br />

Lipothrix BÖRNER, 1906<br />

Lipothrix lubbocki (TULLBERG, 1872) – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), Insula Mare a Brãilei<br />

(FIERA 2006).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

32 C. Fiera<br />

Allacma BÖRNER, 1906<br />

Allacma fusca (LINNAEUS, 1758) – Deva (TÖMÖSVÁRY 1883), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al.<br />

2004).<br />

Allacma gallica (CARL, 1899) – Retezat Mountains (FALCÃ 1984).<br />

Sminthurus LATREILLE in SONNINI, 1802<br />

Sminthurus multipunctatus SCHÄFFER, 1896 – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

()Sminthurus variegatus TULLBERG, 1876 – Mangalia and Constanþa (IONESCU 1915),<br />

Romania (IONESCU & LÃCÃTUªU 1971).<br />

Sminthurus viridis (LINNAEUS, 1758) – Moldova Nouã (Caraº-Severin county)<br />

(TÖMÖSVÁRY 1883), Maramureº (DÁNYI et al. 2006).<br />

Sminthurus walgreni STACH, 1919 – Cloºani Cave, Oltenia (GRUIA 1966a), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Disparrhopalites STACH, 1955<br />

Disparrhopalites patrizii (CASSAGNAU et DELAMARE DEBOUTTEVILLE, 1953) – Bãlãceana<br />

meadow (BULIMAR & HUÞU 1984).<br />

Spatulosminthurus BETSCH et PINOT, 1984<br />

Spatulosminthurus flaviceps (TULLBERG, 1871) – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), karstic system<br />

of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Spatulosminthurus guthriei (STACH, 1919) – Raºnicova locality (GRUIA 1966a), Cãlimani<br />

Mountains (BULIMAR 1991).<br />

Caprainea DALLAI, 1970<br />

Caprainea marginata (SCHÖTT, 1893) – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), Maramureº (DÁNYI et<br />

al. 2006).<br />

Sphyrotheca BÖRNER, 1906<br />

Sphyrotheca multifasciata (REUTER, 1881) – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

Checklist of Romanian springtails (Collembola) 33<br />

Bourletiellidae<br />

Deuterosminthurus BÖRNER, 1901<br />

Deuterosminthurus bicinctus (KOCH in HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1840) – Oltenia (IONESCU<br />

1914), karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Deuterosminthurus pallipes (BOURLET, 1843) – Karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000).<br />

Bourletiella BANKS, 1899<br />

Bourletiella arvalis (FITCH, 1863) – Arad (TÖMÖSVÁRY 1883), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al.<br />

2004).<br />

Bourletiella hortensis (FITCH, 1863) – Transylvania (BOGULEANU 1982), Vulturi, Iaºi<br />

(CALUGAR et al. 1989).<br />

Bourletiella viridescens STACH, 1920 – Transylvania (ROGOJANU & PERJU 1979), crops in<br />

Romania (BOGULEANU 1982).<br />

Heterosminthurus STACH, 1955<br />

Heterosminthurus novemlineatus (TULLBERG, 1871) – Movile, Dobrogea (GRUIA 1998b),<br />

karstic system of Romania (GRUIA 2000)<br />

Cassagnaudiella ELLIS, 1975<br />

Cassagnaudiella pruinosa (TULLBERG, 1871) – Crops in Romania (BOGULEANU 1982).<br />

Dicyrtomidae<br />

Ptenothrix BÖRNER, 1906<br />

Ptenothrix atra (LINNAEUS, 1758) – Târgu Mureº (VELLAY 1900), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2003).<br />

Dicyrtoma BOURLET, 1841<br />

Dicyrtoma fusca (LUBBOCK, 1873) – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), Dobrogea (SKOLKA et al. 2004).<br />

Dicyrtomina BÖRNER, 1903<br />

Dicyrtomina minuta (FABRICIUS, 1783) – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914), karstic system of<br />

Romania (GRUIA 2003).<br />

Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

34 C. Fiera<br />

Dicyrtomina ornata (NICOLET, 1842) – Dobrogea (GRUIA 1970), karstic system of Romania<br />

(GRUIA 2000).<br />

Dicyrtomina violacea (KRAUSBAUER, 1898) – Oltenia (IONESCU 1914).<br />

Calvatomina YOSII, 1966<br />

Calvatomina rufescens (REUTER, 1890) – Codrul Secular Slãtioara (BULIMAR 1982).<br />

*<br />

Acknowledgements – I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. W. WANDA (Institute of<br />

Systematic and Experimental Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland), Dr. A.<br />

BABENKO (Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia),<br />

Prof. Dr. L. KOVAC (University of P. J. Safarik, Košice, Slovakia), Prof. Dr. J. RUSEK (Institute of<br />

Soil Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Èeské Budìjovice, Czech Republic)<br />

for helping me to identify some Collembola species and to Dr. K. CHRISTIANSEN (Grinnell<br />

College, Grinnell, USA) for some advice for English corrections.<br />


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Folia ent. hung. 68, 2007

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