A Taxonomic Listing of Benthic Macro- and Megainvertebrates - scamit

A Taxonomic Listing of Benthic Macro- and Megainvertebrates - scamit

A Taxonomic Listing of Benthic Macro- and Megainvertebrates - scamit

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Tapes tenerrima Carpenter in Gould & Carpenter 1857<br />

Paphia tenerrima <strong>of</strong> Packard 1918<br />

Paphia (Protothaca) tenerrima <strong>of</strong> Dall 1902<br />

Protothaca restorationensis Frizzell 1930<br />

Protothaca tenerrima <strong>of</strong> McLean 1978<br />

Protothaca (Callithaca) tenerrima <strong>of</strong> Palmer 1958<br />

Venus rigida <strong>of</strong> Gould 1861 not Dillwyn 1817<br />

Chione californiensis (Broderip in Broderip & G. B. Sowerby I 1835)<br />

Venus californiensis Broderip in Broderip & G. B. Sowerby I 1835<br />

Chione undatella (G. B. Sowerby I 1835)<br />

Venus undatella G. B. Sowerby I 1835<br />

Chionista fluctifraga (G. B. Sowerby II 1853)<br />

Venus fluctifraga G. B. Sowerby II 1853<br />

Chione fluctifraga<br />

<strong>of</strong> authors NEP<br />

Chione gibbosula Deshayes 1854<br />

Venus cortezi Carpenter 1864<br />

Venus sugillata Reeve 1863<br />

Globivenus fordii (Yates 1890)<br />

Venus fordii Yates 1890<br />

Antigonia fordi <strong>of</strong> I. Oldroyd 1924<br />

Ventricolaria fordii <strong>of</strong> Bernard 1983<br />

Venus (Antigonia) fordii <strong>of</strong> Grant & Gale 1931<br />

Irusella lamellifera (Conrad 1837)<br />

Venus lamellifera Conrad 1837<br />

Irus lamellifer <strong>of</strong> Grant & Gale 1931<br />

Perticola cordieri Deshayes 1840<br />

Venerupis lamellifera <strong>of</strong> I. Oldroyd 1924<br />

Leukoma laciniata (Carpenter 1864)<br />

Tapes laciniata Carpenter 1864<br />

Paphia staminea laciniata <strong>of</strong> I. Oldroyd 1924<br />

Paphia (Protothaca) staminea var laciniata <strong>of</strong> Dall 1902<br />

Paphia (Protothaca) staminea laciniata <strong>of</strong> Dall 1921<br />

Protothaca laciniata <strong>of</strong> McLean 1978<br />

Protothaca (Callithaca) laciniata <strong>of</strong> Palmer 1958<br />

Leukoma staminea (Conrad 1837)<br />

Venus staminea Conrad 1837<br />

Paphia (Protothaca) staminea var orbella <strong>of</strong> Dall 1902<br />

Protothaca staminea <strong>of</strong> McLean 1978<br />

Protothaca (Callithaca) staminea <strong>of</strong> Palmer 1958<br />

Tapes staminea var orbella Carpenter 1864<br />

Subfamily Clementiinae<br />

Compsomyax subdiaphana (Carpenter 1864)<br />

Clementia subdiaphana Carpenter 1864<br />

Clementia obliqua Jukes-Brown 1913<br />

Clementia (Compsomyax) subdiaphana <strong>of</strong> Grant & Gale 1931<br />

Callista subdiaphana <strong>of</strong> Arnold 1903<br />

Katherinella (Compsomyax) subdiaphana <strong>of</strong> Woodring, Bramlette & Kew 1946<br />

Marcia subdiaphana <strong>of</strong> I. Oldroyd 1924<br />

Marcia (Venerella) subdiaphana <strong>of</strong> Dall 1902<br />

Saxidomus gibbosus Gabb 1869<br />

Venerella (Compsomyax) subdiaphana<br />

<strong>of</strong> Stewart 1930 in part<br />

Subfamily Meretricinae<br />

Tivela stultorum (Mawe 1823)<br />

Donax stultorum Mawe 1823<br />

Tivela crassatelloides Stearns 1899<br />

Subfamily Pitarinae<br />

Nutricola confusa (S. Gray 1982)<br />

Transennella confusa S. Gray 1982<br />

Nutricola cymata (Dall 1913)<br />

Psephidia cymata Dall 1913<br />

Nutricola lordi (Baird 1863)<br />

Chione lordi Baird 1863<br />

Psephidia lordi <strong>of</strong> Bernard 1983<br />

Nutricola ovalis (Dall 1902)<br />

Psephidia ovalis Dall 1902<br />

Nutricola sp SD1 Barwick 2004 §<br />

Nutricola tantilla (Gould 1853)<br />

Venus tantillus Gould 1853<br />

Transenella tantilla <strong>of</strong> Bernard 1983<br />

Pitar newcombianus (Gabb 1865)<br />

Edition 8 70 1 July 2013

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