Alex Domeniconi - Poledna | Boss | Kurer

Alex Domeniconi - Poledna | Boss | Kurer Alex Domeniconi - Poledna | Boss | Kurer


Stefano Codoni Attorney at Law, LL.M. Stefano Codoni's practice focuses mainly on intellectual property, life science and technology related transactions and litigation. Other areas of work are corporate and commercial law. Stefano Codoni is the head of the Lugano office of PBK. Education / Practical Experience 1986-1991 University of Zurich (lic. iur.) 1992 District Court Zurich, Law Clerk 1992-1994 Trainee and Associate in a Zurich law firm 1994-1995 University of London Queen Mary & Westfield College (LL.M.) 1995-1996 Foreign Associate in leading London law firm 1996 to date Associate and Partner in Zurich and Lugano law firms Memberships Swiss Bar Association Ticino Bar Association International Bar Association International Trademark Association (INTA) International Technology Law Association Practice Areas Intellectual property/Technology Life Science Corporate/Commercial Litigation/Arbitration General Information lic.iur. (University of Zurich / Switzerland) 1991 Bar examination 1994 LL.M. (London University, QMW / UK) 1995 Born 1967 Languages Italian, German, English, French Contact Pubblicazioni La giurisprudenza della Commissione federale di ricorso in materia di proprietà intellettuale relativamente alla registrazione quale marchio di un colore specifico senza limitazioni spaziali é “euro-compatibile” in, 4/2004, pag. 17 Own-brand look-alikes: Luce verde da parte del TF Note a margine della DTF 20 luglio 2003 (4C.60/2003) (Petit Gervais/Petit Suisse), in NRCP Nuova rivista di diritto commerciale e processuale, 2003, pag. 119 =, 11/2003, pag. 533 Poledna Boss Kurer AG P | B | K ZÜRICH Bellerivestrasse 241 Postfach 865 CH-8034 Zürich +41 44 220 12 12 T +41 44 220 12 13 F P | B | K LUGANO Via F. Pelli 7 CP 5162 CH-6901 Lugano +41 91 911 80 00 T +41 91 911 80 08 F MwSt.-Nr. 693086 Eingetragen im kantonalen Anwaltsregister

Stefano Codoni<br />

Attorney at Law, LL.M.<br />

Stefano Codoni's practice focuses mainly on intellectual property, life science and technology<br />

related transactions and litigation.<br />

Other areas of work are corporate and commercial law. Stefano Codoni is the head of<br />

the Lugano office of PBK.<br />

Education / Practical Experience<br />

1986-1991 University of Zurich (lic. iur.)<br />

1992 District Court Zurich, Law Clerk<br />

1992-1994 Trainee and Associate in a Zurich law firm<br />

1994-1995 University of London Queen Mary & Westfield College (LL.M.)<br />

1995-1996 Foreign Associate in leading London law firm<br />

1996 to date Associate and Partner in Zurich and Lugano law firms<br />

Memberships<br />

Swiss Bar Association<br />

Ticino Bar Association<br />

International Bar Association<br />

International Trademark Association (INTA)<br />

International Technology Law Association<br />

Practice Areas<br />

Intellectual property/Technology<br />

Life Science<br />

Corporate/Commercial<br />

Litigation/Arbitration<br />

General Information<br />

lic.iur. (University of Zurich / Switzerland) 1991<br />

Bar examination 1994<br />

LL.M. (London University, QMW / UK) 1995<br />

Born<br />

1967<br />

Languages<br />

Italian, German, English, French<br />

Contact<br /><br />

Pubblicazioni<br />

La giurisprudenza della Commissione federale di ricorso in materia di proprietà intellettuale<br />

relativamente alla registrazione quale marchio di un colore specifico senza limitazioni<br />

spaziali é “euro-compatibile” in, 4/2004,<br />

pag. 17<br />

Own-brand look-alikes: Luce verde da parte del TF Note a margine della DTF 20 luglio<br />

2003 (4C.60/2003) (Petit Gervais/Petit Suisse), in NRCP Nuova rivista di diritto<br />

commerciale e processuale, 2003, pag. 119 =, 11/2003,<br />

pag. 533<br />

<strong>Poledna</strong> <strong>Boss</strong> <strong>Kurer</strong> AG<br />

P | B | K ZÜRICH<br />

Bellerivestrasse 241<br />

Postfach 865<br />

CH-8034 Zürich<br />

+41 44 220 12 12 T<br />

+41 44 220 12 13 F<br />

P | B | K LUGANO<br />

Via F. Pelli 7<br />

CP 5162<br />

CH-6901 Lugano<br />

+41 91 911 80 00 T<br />

+41 91 911 80 08 F<br /><br /><br />

MwSt.-Nr. 693086<br />

Eingetragen im kantonalen Anwaltsregister

Marchi tridimensionali: diversi chiarimenti da parte del Tribunale federale nella sentenza LEGO III (3D), in<br />

NRCP Nuova rivista di diritto commerciale e processuale, 2003, pag. 117 =,<br />

9/2003, pag. 441<br />

Marchi tridimensionali: attesi dei chiarimenti dal Tribunale federale dopo la sentenza LEGO II (3D) del Tribunale<br />

commerciale di Zurigo, in NRCP Nuova rivista di diritto commerciale e processuale, 2003, pag. 113 =<br />, 4/2003, pag. 180<br />

Sanktionierung von Informationsrechtsverletzungen, Sonderdruck aus: Perspektive Datenschutz, hrsg. von<br />

Bruno Baeriswyl/Beat Rudin, Zürich 2002 (zusammen mit Tomas <strong>Poledna</strong>)<br />

Warranties and Disclaimers - Limitation of Liability in Consumer-Related Transactions - Chapter on Switzerland,<br />

Kluwer Law International and International Bar Association, London 2002, page 527 and Co-editor of<br />

publication<br />

Lack of Effective Protection for Databases in Switzerland; in: copyright world, November 2000 issue, page 14<br />

Financing of technology start-ups - the legal issues; in: Internet Finance Review 2000/2001, page 85<br />

Attenti alla pirateria informatica; in: Supplemento Informatica, Corriere del Ticino, 14 aprile 1999<br />

Zur Anwendbarkeit des Grundsatzes des Vorranges von absoluten Rechten gegenüber relativen Rechten im<br />

Immaterialgüterrecht und insbesondere im Urheberrecht; SJZ 1999, S. 1<br />

Switzerland: Courts Expand Rights of Parallel Importers; in: IP Worldwide, September 1999 issue, page 36<br />

Data Protection Laws of the World, Sweet & Maxwell, London 1998 (edited by Christopher Millard and Mark<br />

Ford); Swiss chapter<br />

European Computer Law: Chapter on Contracts; Computer Law Association publications, 1996, page 7 (edited<br />

by Vanessa Marsland, Clifford Chance London)<br />

Die Geistesschöpfung muss konkretisiert und realisiert sein, um Schutz zu geniessen; in: Binsenwahrheiten<br />

des Immaterialgüterrechtes, Festschrift für Lucas David, 1996, S. 229<br />


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