JAC – JRC Mountain Club - Joint Research Centre

JAC – JRC Mountain Club - Joint Research Centre JAC – JRC Mountain Club - Joint Research Centre


J.A.C. -JRC ALPINISMO CLUB T.P. 510 - Joint Research Centre 21020 Ispra (VA) ITALY - http://jac.jrc.it Francesco D’Alberti (5657) – President / Frédéric Achard - Vice-President (5545) Desiree Johansson (6949 / 5982) Secretariat Annette Borowiak (9956) -Treasurer Jan Kucera (9506) - Climbing and Equipment Coordinator Eric Lazarus (5346) – Caving Coordinator Jean-Michel Terres (5254) - Ski Mountaineering Coordinator Stefan Scheer (5683) Walking Coordinator Julian Wilson (5204) - Gymnastic Coordinator and webmaster Daniel Tirelli (5093/5712) - Library DICHIARAZIONE PER MEMBRI MINORENNI DEL J.A.C. DECLARATION FOR MINORS J.A.C. MEMBERS I sottoscritti/The undersigned padre/father Cognome/Surname______________________Nome/First name____________________________ Nato a/ Born in______________________________________il/on__________________________ Residente a/Living in______________________________CAP/ZIP CODE___________________ Indirizzo/Address__________________________________________________________________ Telefono/Telephone______________________________e-mail_____________________________ madre/mother Cognome/Surname_________________________Nome/First name_________________________ Nato a/ Born in______________________________________il/on__________________________ Residente a/Living in (*)______________________________CAP/ZIP CODE (*)______________ Indirizzo/Address (*)_______________________________________________________________ Telefono/Telephone (*)____________________________e-mail (*)_________________________ in qualità di genitori esercenti la potestà parentale sul minore: in their capacity as parents and exercising their parental authority over the minor: Cognome/Surname_____________________Nome/First name_____________________________ (*) Non compilare in caso di medesimi dati del padre / Do not fill in if data are the same as the father’s. JAC doc. Jan 2006

J.A.C. -<strong>JRC</strong> ALPINISMO CLUB<br />

T.P. 510 - <strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Centre</strong><br />

21020 Ispra (VA) ITALY - http://jac.jrc.it<br />

Francesco D’Alberti (5657) – President / Frédéric Achard - Vice-President (5545)<br />

Desiree Johansson (6949 / 5982) Secretariat<br />

Annette Borowiak (9956) -Treasurer<br />

Jan Kucera (9506) - Climbing and Equipment Coordinator<br />

Eric Lazarus (5346) – Caving Coordinator<br />

Jean-Michel Terres (5254) - Ski <strong>Mountain</strong>eering Coordinator<br />

Stefan Scheer (5683) Walking Coordinator<br />

Julian Wilson (5204) - Gymnastic Coordinator and webmaster<br />

Daniel Tirelli (5093/5712) - Library<br />



I sottoscritti/The undersigned<br />

padre/father<br />

Cognome/Surname______________________Nome/First name____________________________<br />

Nato a/ Born in______________________________________il/on__________________________<br />

Residente a/Living in______________________________CAP/ZIP CODE___________________<br />

Indirizzo/Address__________________________________________________________________<br />

Telefono/Telephone______________________________e-mail_____________________________<br />

madre/mother<br />

Cognome/Surname_________________________Nome/First name_________________________<br />

Nato a/ Born in______________________________________il/on__________________________<br />

Residente a/Living in (*)______________________________CAP/ZIP CODE (*)______________<br />

Indirizzo/Address (*)_______________________________________________________________<br />

Telefono/Telephone (*)____________________________e-mail (*)_________________________<br />

in qualità di genitori esercenti la potestà parentale sul minore:<br />

in their capacity as parents and exercising their parental authority over the minor:<br />

Cognome/Surname_____________________Nome/First name_____________________________<br />

(*) Non compilare in caso di medesimi dati del padre / Do not fill in if data are the same as the father’s.<br />

<strong>JAC</strong> doc. Jan 2006

J.A.C. -<strong>JRC</strong> ALPINISMO CLUB<br />

T.P. 510 - <strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Centre</strong><br />

21020 Ispra (VA) ITALY - http://jac.jrc.it<br />

Francesco D’Alberti (5657) – President / Frédéric Achard - Vice-President (5545)<br />

Desiree Johansson (6949 / 5982) Secretariat<br />

Annette Borowiak (9956) -Treasurer<br />

Jan Kucera (9506) - Climbing and Equipment Coordinator<br />

Jean-Michel Terres (5254) - Ski <strong>Mountain</strong>eering Coordinator<br />

Stefan Scheer (5683) Walking Coordinator<br />

Julian Wilson (5204) - Gymnastic Coordinator<br />

Daniel Tirelli (5093/5712) - Library<br />

dichiarano sotto la loro propria responsabilità:<br />

• che tutte le informazioni ed i dati forniti sono veritieri,<br />

• che il minore gode di buona salute ed è comunque idoneo a partecipare alle attività suggerita dal <strong>JRC</strong><br />

Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong>, che vengono quindi svolte sotto la loro propria esclusiva responsabilità,<br />

• di conoscere e accettare lo Statuto ed il Regolamento Organico del <strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong>,<br />

• di sapere che le attività suggerita sono potenzialmente pericolose,<br />

• che il minore è dotato di copertura assicurativa idonea e valida per le attività suggerite,<br />

• di assumersi, insieme al minore, tutti i rischi derivanti dalle attività suggerite dal <strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong> a<br />

cui partecipa il minore,<br />

• di sollevare, insieme al minore, da ogni responsabilità civile e penale il <strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong>, coloro che<br />

suggeriscono l’attività e gli altri partecipanti per qualsiasi danno materiale, fisico, morale, diretto o<br />

indiretto che possa derivare al minore da eventuali incidenti prima, durante e dopo le attività, che non<br />

sia causato da evidente negligenza,<br />

• di assumersi, insieme al minore, la totale responsabilità per la scelta e l’uso del tipo di materiale e del<br />

tipo di attrezzatura messo a disposizione dal <strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong>, curandone l’uso e impegnandosi a<br />

comunicare tempestivamente al <strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong> eventuali anomalie riscontrate a seguito dell’uso.<br />

declares on their own responsibility:<br />

• that all the data and information given are true,<br />

• that the minor is in good health and fit to participate in the activity suggested by the <strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong><br />

and indicated above, such participation is therefore carried out on their own exclusive responsibility,<br />

• to know and accept the Statute and the Internal rules of the <strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong>,<br />

• to know that the suggested activity is potentially dangerous,<br />

• that the minor holds a suitable and valid insurance for the suggested activity,<br />

• to accept, together with the minor, responsibility for any risk arising from the activity suggested by the<br />

<strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong> to which the minor participates,<br />

• to release, together with the minor, from any civil or penal liability the <strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong>, those who<br />

suggest the activity and the other participants for any material, physical, moral, direct or indirect<br />

damage which may occur to him/her from any possible accident before, during or after the activity,<br />

unless caused by gross negligence,<br />

• to accept, with the minor, responsibility for the choice and use of any or gear placed at disposal of the<br />

minor by the <strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong>, taking care of its use and undertaking to communicate promptly to the<br />

<strong>JRC</strong> Alpinismo <strong>Club</strong> any faults after its use.<br />

Questa dichiarazione è necessaria per l’iscrizione al <strong>JAC</strong> e va compilata ad ogni rinnovo<br />

This declaration is necessary for the enrolment to the <strong>JAC</strong> and it has to be filled in for each renewal<br />

Data/Date<br />

_______________________________________<br />

Firma/Signature<br />

_______________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Per favore inviate la presente dichiarazione, datata e firmata, a Desiree Johansson T.P. 440<br />

Please send this declaration, dated and signed, to Desiree Johansson T.P. 440

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