A05/2 A11 A13 - 3B Scientific

A05/2 A11 A13 - 3B Scientific

A05/2 A11 A13 - 3B Scientific


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<strong>A05</strong>/2, <strong>A11</strong>, <strong>A13</strong><br />

Columna vertebralis et Thorax / Vertebral column and Thorax / Wirbelsäule und Brustkorb /<br />

Columna vertebral y caja torácica / Colonne vertébrale et thorax / Coluna vertebral e tórax / Colonna<br />

vertebrale e gabbia toracica<br />

<strong>A05</strong>/2, <strong>A11</strong>, <strong>A13</strong>:<br />

<strong>A05</strong>/2, <strong>A11</strong>, <strong>A13</strong>:<br />

CI-CVII Vertebrae cervicales<br />

CI-CVII Cervical vertebrae<br />

ThI-ThXII Vertebrae thoracicae<br />

ThI-ThXII Thoracic vertebrae<br />

LI-LV Vertebrae lumbales<br />

LI-LV Lumbar vertebrae<br />

142 Atlas<br />

142 Atlas<br />

142a Arcus anterior atlantis<br />

142a Anterior arch<br />

142b Tuberculum anterius<br />

142b Anterior tubercle<br />

142c Arcus posterior atlantis<br />

142c Posterior arch<br />

142d Sulcus arteriae vertebralis<br />

142d Groove for vertebral artery<br />

142e Tuberculum posterius<br />

142e Posterior tubercle<br />

142f Processus transversus<br />

142f Transverse process<br />

143 Axis<br />

143 Axis<br />

143a Dens axis<br />

143a Dens<br />

146 Vertebra lumbalis<br />

146 Lumbar vertebra<br />

146a Corpus vertebrae<br />

146a Vertebral body<br />

146b Arcus vertebrae<br />

146b Vertebral arch<br />

146c Processus spinosus<br />

146c Spinous process<br />

146d Processus articularis inferior<br />

146d Inferior articular process<br />

146e Processus costalis<br />

146e Costal process<br />

146f Processus mammillaris<br />

146f Mammillary process<br />

147 Os sacrum<br />

147 Sacrum ®<br />

147a Promontorium<br />

147a Promontory<br />

147b Tuberositas ossis sacri<br />

147b Sacral tuberosity<br />

147c Foramina sacralia anteriora<br />

147c Anterior sacral foramina<br />

147d Lineae transversae<br />

147d Transverse ridges<br />

147e Foramina sacralia posteriora<br />

147e Posterior sacral foramina<br />

147f Crista sacralis mediana<br />

147f Median sacral crest<br />

147g Crista sacralis medialis<br />

147g Intermediate sacral crest<br />

147h Crista sacralis lateralis<br />

147h Lateral sacral crest<br />

147i Hiatus sacralis<br />

147i Sacral hiatus<br />

147k Processus articularis superior<br />

147k Superior articular process<br />

148 Os coccygis<br />

148 Coccyx<br />

148a Cornu coccygeum<br />

148a Coccygeal cornu<br />

148b Vertebrae coccygeae I-IV<br />

148b Coccygeal vertebrae I-IV<br />

149 Costae<br />

149 Ribs<br />

149a Caput costae<br />

149a Head<br />

149b Collum costae<br />

149b Neck<br />

149c Tuberculum costae<br />

149c Tubercle<br />

149d Tuberculum musculi scaleni anterioris 149d Scalene tubercle<br />

149e Facies articularis tuberculi costae<br />

149e Articular facet<br />

149f Angulus costae<br />

149f Angle<br />

149g Corpus costae<br />

149g Body<br />

150 Sulcus costae<br />

150 Costal groove<br />

153 Sternum<br />

153 Sternum<br />

153a Manubrium sterni<br />

153a Manubrium of sternum<br />

153b lncisura jugularis<br />

153b Jugular notch<br />

153c lncisura clavicularis<br />

153c Clavicular notch<br />

153d Incisura costalis II<br />

153d Costal notch II<br />

153e Angulus sterni, synchondrosis sternalis 153e Sternal angle, sternal synchondrosis<br />

153f Corpus sterni<br />

153f Body of sternum<br />

153g Processus xiphoideus<br />

153g Xiphoid process

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