Tabella di Compatibilità chimica Chemical compatibility ... - Teesing

Tabella di Compatibilità chimica Chemical compatibility ... - Teesing

Tabella di Compatibilità chimica Chemical compatibility ... - Teesing


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<strong>Tabella</strong> <strong>di</strong> Compatibilità <strong>chimica</strong> <strong>Chemical</strong> <strong>compatibility</strong> chart - Table compatibilité chimique - Chemische Kompatibilitätstabelle<br />


Acetilene<br />

Aceto<br />

Acetone<br />

Acido Acetico (5%)<br />

Acido Acetico (20%)<br />

Acido Acetico (50%)<br />

Acido Cloridrico (10%)<br />

Acido Cromico (10%)<br />

Acido Citrico<br />

Acido Formico<br />

Acido Fluoridrico (10%)<br />

Acido Fosforico (30%)<br />

Acido Nitrico (10%)<br />

Acido Nitroso<br />

Acido Oleico<br />

Acido Palmitico<br />

Acido Perclorico (10%)<br />

Acido Solforico (30%)<br />

Acido Solforoso<br />

Acido Tricloroacetico<br />

Acqua (Fresca)<br />

Acqua <strong>di</strong> Mare<br />

Acqua Ossigenata (1%)<br />

Acqua Ossigenata (30%)<br />

Alcool Etilico (Etanolo)<br />

Alcool Metilico (Metanolo)<br />

Ammoniaca (10%)<br />

Anidride Carbonica<br />

Anidride Solforosa<br />

Anilina<br />

Azoto<br />

Benzina<br />

Benzolo<br />

Butano<br />

Carburante Diesel<br />

Carburante per Jet/Cherosene<br />

Cicloesano<br />

Cloroformio<br />

Cloruro <strong>di</strong> Calcio (10%)<br />

Cloruro <strong>di</strong> Metile<br />

Cloruro <strong>di</strong> Metilene<br />

Cloruro <strong>di</strong> So<strong>di</strong>o (10%)<br />

Detergenti<br />

Eptano<br />

Esano<br />

Etere Etilico<br />

Fluido per freni<br />

Formaldeide (37%)<br />

Freon 12<br />

Freon 22<br />

Gas cloro<br />

Glicole Etilenico<br />

Glucosio (soluzione satura)<br />

Idrogeno Solforato<br />

Idrossido <strong>di</strong> So<strong>di</strong>o (10%)-Soda Caustica<br />

Insettici<strong>di</strong> (D.D.T.)<br />

Ipoclorito <strong>di</strong> So<strong>di</strong>o (5%)<br />

Isottano<br />

Metiletilchetone<br />

Oli alimentari (vegetali)<br />

Olio combustibile<br />

Olio <strong>di</strong> motore<br />

Olio lubrificante<br />

Olio minerale<br />

Ossido <strong>di</strong> carbonio<br />

Ossido nitroso (secco)<br />

Ossigeno (Freddo)<br />

Ozono<br />

Paraffina<br />

Propano (gas liquido)<br />

Succo <strong>di</strong> frutta<br />

Toluene (Toluolo)<br />

Trementina/acquaragia minerale<br />

Tricloroetano<br />

Urea (5%)<br />

Vino<br />

4<br />

MEDIUM<br />

Acetylene<br />

Vinegar<br />

Acetone<br />

Acetic Acid (5%)<br />

Acetic Acid (20%)<br />

Acetic Acid (50%)<br />

Hydrochloric Acid (10%)<br />

Chromic Acid (10%)<br />

Citric Acid<br />

Formic Acid<br />

Hydrofluoric Acid (10%)<br />

Phosphoric Acid (30%)<br />

Nitric Acid (10%)<br />

Nitrous Acid<br />

Oleic Acid<br />

Palmitic Acid<br />

Perchloric Acid (10%)<br />

Sulfuric Acid (30%)<br />

Sulfurous Acid<br />

Trichloroacetic Acid<br />

Water (Cold)<br />

Sea Water<br />

Hydrogen Peroxide (1%)<br />

Hydrogen Peroxide (30%)<br />

Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol)<br />

Methyl Alcohol (Methanol)<br />

Ammonia (10%)<br />

Carbon Dioxide<br />

Sulfur Dioxide<br />

Aniline<br />

Nitrogen<br />

Gasoline<br />

Benzene<br />

Butane<br />

Diesel Fuel<br />

Jet Fuel/Kerosene<br />

Cyclohexane<br />

Chloroform<br />

Calcium Chloride (10%)<br />

Methyl Chloride<br />

Methylene Chloride<br />

So<strong>di</strong>um Chloride (10%)<br />

Detergents<br />

Heptane<br />

Hexane<br />

Ethyl Ether<br />

Brake Fluid<br />

Formaldehyde (37%)<br />

Freon 12<br />

Freon 22<br />

Chlorine Gas<br />

Ethylene glycol<br />

Glucose<br />

Hydrogen Sulfide<br />

So<strong>di</strong>um Hydroxide (10%) - Caustic Soda<br />

D.D.T.<br />

So<strong>di</strong>um Hypochlorite (5%)<br />

Isooctane<br />

Methyl Ethyl Ketone<br />

Food Oils (vegetable)<br />

Fuel Oil<br />

Motor Oil<br />

Lubricating Oil<br />

Mineral Oil<br />

Carbon Monoxide<br />

Nitrous Oxide<br />

Oxigen (Cold)<br />

Ozone<br />

Paraffin<br />

Propane (liquefied)<br />

Fruit Juice<br />

Toulene (Toulol)<br />

Turpentine<br />

Trichloroethane<br />

Urea (5%)<br />

Wine<br />



OTTONE<br />

BRASS<br />

POM<br />

INOX<br />

AISI316L<br />



TUBI - HOSES<br />



Legenda Legend - Légende - Legende<br />

Ottimo<br />

Very Good<br />

Très bon<br />

Sehr gut<br />

Buono<br />

Good<br />

Bon<br />

Gut<br />

Resistenza Limitata<br />

Limited resistence<br />

Résistance limité<br />

beschränkter Widerstand<br />

Sconsigliato<br />

Not recommended<br />

Pas conseillé<br />

Nicht empfohlen<br />

Dati non <strong>di</strong>sponibili<br />

Information not available<br />

Renseignement non <strong>di</strong>sponible<br />

Auskunft nicht vorhanden<br />

Le in<strong>di</strong>cazioni riportate in tabella hanno carattere<br />

puramente in<strong>di</strong>cativo ed il reale comportamento<br />

dei materiali va comunque testato nelle con<strong>di</strong>zioni<br />

<strong>di</strong> effettivo utilizzo in quanto fattori come temperatura,<br />

pressione e concentrazioni delle sostanze<br />

possono far variare <strong>di</strong> molto i giu<strong>di</strong>zi <strong>di</strong> compatibilità.<br />

The information given on this chart have to be<br />

used as a guide only and the actual materials’<br />

reaction has to be tested in the real working con<strong>di</strong>tions<br />

as temperature, pressure and <strong>di</strong>fferent<br />

concentrations can affect the mentioned chemical<br />

<strong>compatibility</strong>.<br />

Les renseignements ci-dessus s’entendent purement<br />

in<strong>di</strong>catifs. La réaction des matériaux doit<br />

être testée dans les réelles con<strong>di</strong>tions d’emploi,<br />

car température, pression et <strong>di</strong>fférentes concentrations<br />

peuvent changer la compatibilité chimique.<br />

Die oben angegebenen Auskünfte verstehen sich<br />

nur als Richtlinie und <strong>di</strong>e konkrete<br />

Werkstoffsreaktion muss unter den wirklichen<br />

Arbeitsbe<strong>di</strong>ngungen getestet werden, da<br />

Temperatur, Druck und unterschiedliche<br />

Konzentrationen <strong>di</strong>e chemische Kompatibilität<br />

beeinflussen können.<br />

Conversioni per unità <strong>di</strong> pressione<br />

Conversion chart for Pressure Unit<br />

Table de conversion pour unité de pression<br />

Umrechnungstabelle für Druckeinheiten<br />

Pa<br />

kPa<br />

Mpa<br />

bar<br />

mbar<br />

atm<br />

p.s.i.<br />

mmHg<br />

1 Pa =<br />

1<br />

0,001<br />

0,000001<br />

0,00001<br />

0,01<br />

0,0000099<br />

0,000145<br />

0,0075<br />

1 kPa =<br />

1000<br />

1<br />

0,001<br />

0,01<br />

10<br />

0,00987<br />

0,14504<br />

7,50062<br />

1 Mpa =<br />

1000000<br />

1000<br />

1<br />

10<br />

10000<br />

9,86923<br />

145,03774<br />

7500,61505<br />

1 bar =<br />

100000<br />

100<br />

0,1<br />

1<br />

1000<br />

0,98692<br />

14,50377<br />

750,06151<br />

1 mbar =<br />

100<br />

0,1<br />

0,0001<br />

0,001<br />

1<br />

0,0009869<br />

0,0145<br />

0,75006<br />

1 atm =<br />

101325<br />

101,325<br />

0,10133<br />

1,01325<br />

1013,25<br />

1<br />

14,69595<br />

759,99982<br />

1 p.s.i. =<br />

6894,75729<br />

6,89476<br />

0,00689<br />

0,06895<br />

68,9476<br />

0,06805<br />

1<br />

51,71492<br />

1 mmHg =<br />

133,3224<br />

0,13332<br />

0,00013<br />

0,00133<br />

1,3332<br />

0,00132<br />

0,01934<br />

1<br />

Conversione fra unità <strong>di</strong> Lunghezza<br />

Conversion chart for Length Unit<br />

Table de conversion pour unité de longueur<br />

Umrechnungstabelle für Längeeinheiten<br />

Conversione fra temperature<br />

Conversion of temperature units<br />

Conversion des unités de Température<br />

Temperaturumrechnung<br />

m<br />

mm<br />

in<br />

ft<br />

K = °C + 273,15<br />

1 m =<br />

1<br />

1000<br />

39,37008<br />

3,28084<br />

°C = (°F - 32) *5/9<br />

1 mm =<br />

0,001<br />

1<br />

0,03937<br />

0,00328<br />

°F = (°C *9/5) + 32<br />

1 in =<br />

0,0254<br />

25,4<br />

1<br />

0,08333<br />

1 ft =<br />

0,3048<br />

304,8<br />

12<br />

1<br />


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