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<strong>Participants</strong> to the 22nd Solvay Conference on Chemistry<br />

First Name Last Name Institution Email<br />

Alan Aspuru-Guzik Harvard University, Cambridge, USA aspuru@chemistry.harvard.edu<br />

Phaedon Avouris Nanoscale Science and Technology Group, IBM, Yorktown Heights, USA avouris@us.ibm.com<br />

David N. Beratan Duke University, Durham, USA david.beratan@duke.edu<br />

Tobias Brixner Universität Würzburg, Germany brixner@phys-chemie.uni-wurzburg.de<br />

Paul Brumer University of Toronto, Canada pbrumer@chem.utoronto.ca<br />

Andreas Buchleitner Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany abu@uni-freiburg.de<br />

Yuan Chung Cheng National Taiwan University, Tapei, Taiwan yuanchung@ntu.edu.tw<br />

Minhaeng Cho Korea University, Seoul, South Korea mcho@korea.ac.kr<br />

Richard D. Cogdell University of Glasgow, UK R.Cogdell@bio.gla.ac.uk<br />

James Durrant Imperial College London, UK j.durrant@imperial.ac.uk<br />

Gregory Engel University of Chicago, USA gsengel@uchicago.edu<br />

Graham Fleming University of California Berkeley, USA grfleming@lbl.gov<br />

Robert A. Harris University Of California Berkeley, USA raharris@berkeley.edu<br />

Jennifer Herek Universiteit Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands j.l.herek@tnw.utwente.nl<br />

Peter J. Hore University of Oxford, UK peter.hore@chem.ox.ac.uk<br />

Harald Kauffmann Universität Wien, Austria harald.f.kauffmann@univie.ac.at<br />

Judith Klinman University of California Berkeley, USA klinman@berkeley.edu<br />

Jasper Knoester Rijksuniversiteit Gronigen, the Netherlands j.knoester@rug.nl<br />

Ronnie Kosloff Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel ronnie@fh.huji.ac.il<br />

Guglielmo Lanzani Politecnico di Milano, Italy guglielmo.lanzani@fisi.polimi.it<br />

Henk Lekkerkerker Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands h.n.w.lekkerkerker@chem.uu.nl<br />

Rudolph A. Marcus California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA ram@caltech.edu<br />

R.J. Dwayne Miller Univesity of Toronto, Canada dmiller@lphys.chem.utoronto.ca<br />

Marcus Motzkus Universität Heidelberg, Germany motzkus@staff.uni-marburg.de<br />

Shaul Mukamel University of California Irvine, USA smukamel@uci.edu<br />

Keith Nelson Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA kanelson@mit.edu<br />

Erik Nibbering Max-Born-Institut, Berlin, Germany nibberin@mbi-berlin.de<br />

Abraham Nitzan Tel Aviv University, Israel nitzan@post.tau.ac.il<br />

Alexandra Olaya-Castro University College London, UK a.olaya@ucl.ac.uk<br />

Martin Plenio Imperial College London, UK m.plenio@imperial.ac.uk<br />

Tonu Pullerits Lunds Universitet, Sweden Tonu.Pullerits@chemphys.lu.se<br />

Mark Ratner Northwestern University, Evanston, USA ratner@chem.northwestern.edu<br />

Thomas Renger Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria thomas.renger@jkv.at

<strong>Participants</strong> to the 22nd Solvay Conference on Chemistry<br />

Stuart Rice University of Chicago, USA s-rice@uchicago.edu<br />

Thorsten Ritz University of California Irvine, USA tritz@uci.edu<br />

Michael A. Robb Imperial College London, UK mike.robb@imperial.ac.uk<br />

Gregory D. Scholes University of Toronto, Canada gscholes@chem.utoronto.ca<br />

Nigel Scrutton The University of Manchester, UK Nigel.Scrutton@manchester, ac.uk<br />

Robert Silbey Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA silbey@mit.edu<br />

Yoshitaka Tanimura Kyoto University, Japan tanimura@kuchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp<br />

Michael Thorwart Universität Hamburg, Germany michael.thorwart@physik.uni-hamburg.de<br />

Rienk van Grondelle Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands rienk@few.vu.nl<br />

Vlatko Vedral University of Oxford, UK & National University of Singapore, Singapore vlatko.vedral@qubit.org<br />

K. Birgitta Whaley University of California Berkeley, USA whaley@berkeley.edu<br />

Wolfgang Wiltschko Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany wiltschko@bio.uni-frankfurt.de<br />

Martin Wolf Freie Universität Berlin, Germany wolf@physik.fu-berlin.de

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