Project XAL Cortal Consors Finance Lounge, Nuremberg / Germany MENO ROUND Einbauleuchte FRAME 30 Einbausystem MENO ROUND Recessed luminaire FRAME 30 Recessed light system MENO ROUND Apparecchio da incasso FRAME 30 Sistema luminoso da incasso Finance Architect: Högner, Nuremberg Lighting Design: www.artelumen.de, Nuremberg Photos: Arte Lumen, Nuremberg D Mit dem Konzept der ersten Direktbank-Filiale Deutschlands wollte das renommierte europäische Finanzunternehmen Cortal Consors alles andere als eine gewöhnliche Bankfiliale schaffen. Eher schon wirkt die Anfang Mai dieses Jahres eröffnete Finance Lounge mit einladenden Stehtischen, Barhockern und bequemen Sesseln, einer Theke und modernsten Internet-Terminals wie eine moderne Café-Bar – eine Lounge eben, die dem vor allem im Online-Banking-Business tätigen Finanzdienstleister ein neues Gesicht verleiht. Denn einerseits sollen Kunden spüren, dass sie es nicht mit einer traditionellen Großbank mit aufgeblähter Bürokratie zu tun haben, sondern mit einer modernen Bank mit schlanken Strukturen, kostengünstig und schnell. Andererseits soll die neue Finance Lounge das Unternehmen aus der Anonymität des Internet befreien und in einer offenen und entspannten Umgebung zu mehr persönlichem Kontakt führen – auch in Hinblick auf bisherige Kunden klassischer Filialbanken. Dieses rundum einladende Konzept verkörpert auch die Architektur: runde, gekurvte Formen sowie dunkle Boden- und helle Wandflächen verleihen dem Raum eine warme, harmonische Atmosphäre, die durch ein multifunktionelles Lichtkonzept entsprechend unterstützt wird. Einerseits folgen die runden Formen der Beleuchtungskörper der Formensprache des Innenausbaus, andererseits berücksichtigt das Lichtkonzept auch die unterschiedlichen Nutzungsformen des Raums und seiner Zonen, die z.B. ebenso als Einzel-Arbeitsplatz genutzt werden können wie als Konferenzraum für mehrere Besucher. E Renowned European finance company Cortal Consors wanted to do anything but create a normal banking outlet with its concept for Germany’s first direct banking branch. Instead, the Finance Lounge opened at the beginning of May this year, with its inviting tall tables, bar stools and comfy chairs, a counter and the latest internet terminals is more like a modern café-bar – a lounge even, which gives a new face to a financial service provider which mainly operates in the online banking business. On the one hand, customers should feel that they are not dealing with a traditional high street bank with a bloated bureaucracy, but with a modern bank with slimline structures, cost-efficiently and quickly. On the other hand, the new Finance Lounge should free the company from the anonymity of the internet and lead to more personal contact in an open and relaxed environment – even where former customers of classical branch-based banks are concerned. This all-round, inviting concept is also embodied by the architecture: round, curved forms as well as dark floors and light walls give the room a warm, harmonious atmosphere which is appropriately supported by a multifunctional lighting concept. On the one hand, the round forms of the luminaires follow the design language of the internal development; on the other, the lighting concept also takes account of the different uses of the room and its zones which, for example, can be used as a single workplace or as a conference room for several visitors. I Con il progetto della prima filiale di banca diretta tedesca la rinomata società finanziaria europea Cortal Consors intendeva realizzare qualcosa di assolutamente diverso dalla solita filiale bancaria. La “finance lounge” inaugurata all’inizio di maggio di quest’anno, con i suoi invitanti tavolini alti e sgabelli da bar, comode poltroncine, un banco e modernissimi terminali Internet, assomiglia piuttosto a un moderno bar caffè, una lounge per l’appunto, che conferisce un nuovo volto all’operatore finanziario attivo principalmente nel settore dell’online banking. Questo perché, da un lato, i clienti devono avvertire che non hanno a che fare con una grande banca tradizionale trasudante burocrazia, ma con una banca moderna, caratterizzata da strutture snelle, conveniente e agile. Dall’altra parte, la nuova “finance lounge” vuole strappare la società dall’anonimato di Internet e offrire l’occasione di maggiori contatti personali in un ambiente aperto e rilassante – anche in considerazione dei vecchi clienti delle filiali classiche. Questa impostazione assolutamente invitante è incarnata anche dall’architettura: forme tondeggianti e curve, pavimenti scuri e pareti chiare donano all’ambiente un’atmosfera calda e armoniosa, cui contribuisce adeguatamente un progetto illuminotecnico multifunzionale. Le forme tondeggianti dei corpi luminosi riprendono, per un verso, il linguaggio formale della struttura interna, d’altro canto il progetto illuminotecnico tiene conto anche delle diverse forme di utilizzo dello spazio e delle sue zone, che si possono utilizzare per esempio sia come postazione di lavoro singola sia come sala conferenze per diversi visitatori. 16 XENON ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Magazine 15

MOVING PERCEPTION The work entitled “Rotor, 2005” marked the beginning of a three-year experiment by Max Frey on the topic of light, movement and perception. A twin-bladed rotor of about two metres in length is mounted to a framework and fitted with coloured LEDs and mini fluorescent tubes. These lighting elements are controlled by programme discs covered with etched markings with a voltage passing through them. Each light source has its own sliding contact. When it comes into contact with copper, it conducts the electricity and the respective light illuminates. As the programme disc rotates further and the sliding contact crosses an etched section, the circuit is broken and the light goes out. In this way, the markings on the discs determine how the light is programmed. The underlying technology is visible as part of the artistic concept and gives an insight into the “design” of Max Frey’s complex and impressive light play. Having trained as a stone restorer, Max Frey, born in Graz in 1976, studied visual media design at the University for Applied Art in Vienna, under the tutelage of Brigitte Kowanz. Max Frey currently lives and works in Berlin. www.maxfrey.net XENON ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Magazine 15 17


The work entitled “Rotor, 2005” marked the beginning of a three-year<br />

experiment by Max Frey on the topic of light, movement and perception.<br />

A twin-bladed rotor of about two metres in length is mounted to a framework<br />

and fitted with coloured LEDs and mini fluorescent tubes. These lighting<br />

elements are controlled by programme discs covered with etched markings<br />

with a voltage passing through them. Each light source has its own sliding<br />

contact. When it <strong>com</strong>es into contact with copper, it conducts the electricity<br />

and the respective light illuminates. As the programme disc rotates further<br />

and the sliding contact crosses an etched section, the circuit is broken and<br />

the light goes out. In this way, the markings on the discs determine how the<br />

light is programmed. The underlying technology is visible as part of the artistic<br />

concept and gives an insight into the “design” of Max Frey’s <strong>com</strong>plex and<br />

impressive light play.<br />

Having trained as a stone restorer, Max Frey, born in Graz in 1976, studied<br />

visual media design at the University for Applied Art in Vienna, under the<br />

tutelage of Brigitte Kowanz. Max Frey currently lives and works in Berlin.<br />

www.maxfrey.net<br />

<strong>XENON</strong> <strong>ARCHITECTURAL</strong> LIGHTING<br />

Magazine 15 17

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