Appropriatezza diagnostico-terapeutica in oncologia - Quaderni del ...

Appropriatezza diagnostico-terapeutica in oncologia - Quaderni del ... Appropriatezza diagnostico-terapeutica in oncologia - Quaderni del ...
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Ministero della Salute help reach this goal. Such a goal can never be reached if the specialist and the general practitioner do not share in the management of the patient. After describing all aspects relevant to cancer, a series of considerations that were thought helpful in terms of planning and organization of all services are included at the end of each chapter. These considerations are provided merely as operational advice, and were developed as a result of the extensive experience of qualified centers. The considerations aim to provide people in key positions at regional and company level with global operational models of organizational requirements that, through a carefully orchestrated and networked pathway, will ultimately achieve excellence in the diagnosis and care of cancer patients. While it is recognized that these models provide a global approach, each region will be responsible for evaluating and implementing the suggested requirements and models according to local healthcare requirements. Is it actually possible to reach that goal It certainly is, through shared guidelines based on appropriateness of indications, that will avoid waste of resources and provide the patient with the best diagnostic and therapeutic standards of care. It is also possible to extend this “method” across all the oncological and oncohematological pathologies, through the creation of a Network of Centres of Excellence, similar to the Comprehensive Cancer Centre in the USA. This network will allow for the appropriate allocation of resources, a highly specialised management of complex cases and rare disease and evermore competitive clinical research that aims to provide “the best possible health system” with “fewer costs”. It is a big challenge and one that presupposes effective planning on a national scale, naturally in cooperation with regional institutions while making the most of all possible synergies. What is, therefore, the present challenge for oncologists The expertise of individuals is excellent and they are internationally appreciated. It remains only to combine the expertise of individuals, to facilitate possible synergies, avoid waste and create a “virtuous” care system that will be able to provide the best care and assistance for each person affected by cancer. Prof. Ferruccio Fazio Minister of Health XII

n. 3, maggio-giugno 2010 Ministero della Salute Sintesi dei contributi 1. Principi generali Ogni capitolo di questo volume affronta, per i diversi tipi di tumore, i seguenti aspetti: cenni di incidenza/mortalità in Italia; diagnosi; stadiazione e “risk-assessment”; trattamento degli stadi iniziali, della malattia localmente avanzata e della malattia metastatica; risposte e follow-up; elementi per la programmazione e l’organizzazione dei servizi. In questo capitolo, inoltre, si riportano dettagliatamente i partecipanti ai Gruppi di lavoro per le diverse neoplasie. 2. Neoplasie polmonari In Italia, il carcinoma polmonare rappresenta la prima causa di morte oncologica negli uomini e la seconda nelle donne. Poiché, al momento della diagnosi, più del 75% dei pazienti presenta già interessamento linfonodale loco-regionale o metastasi a distanza, la diagnosi precoce assume un’importanza fondamentale. È inoltre necessario che il carcinoma polmonare venga valutato da un gruppo interdisciplinare (pneumologo, chirurgo toracico, radioterapisti, oncologo clinico e specialista di cure palliative). Dal punto di vista prognostico e per la scelta del trattamento è fondamentale la stadiazione del tumore, in base alla sua estensione e localizzazione, al coinvolgimento linfonodale e alla presenza di metastasi. Ai fini della stadiazione del tumore e della diagnosi, le procedure da seguire per un corretto campionamento del pezzo operatorio sono state definite con precisione, mentre sono ancora argomento di discussione le indagini immuno - istochimiche, citogenetiche e molecolari. Più nel dettaglio, si affrontano il carcinoma del polmone non a piccole cellule (NSCLC) e il carcinoma polmonare a piccole cellule (SCLC). L’ultima parte del capitolo è dedicata alle dotazioni strumentali e ai volumi di attività per l’accreditamento e l’eccellenza, in particolare per quanto riguarda la chirurgia, la terapia medica, la radioterapia e la patologia molecolare. 3. Neoplasie della mammella Ogni anno, in Italia, sono diagnosticati circa 38.000 nuovi casi di tumore della mammella e circa 11.000 decessi per questa patologia. I tassi di incidenza sono aumentati costantemente fino agli anni Novanta, ma grazie all’impiego sempre più diffuso dello screening si sono poi stabilizzati e successivamente è iniziato un certo decremento. Per il tumore della mammella, la classificazione clinica e patologica attualmente in uso è quella dell’AJCC VI edizione 2003. Più nel dettaglio, si affrontano: • il trattamento degli stadi iniziali (carcinoma e carcinoma lobulare in situ, neoplasia intraepiteliale duttale e lobulare, carcinoma infiltrante operabile); • il trattamento sistemico degli stadi iniziali (carcinoma duttale e lobulare in situ, carcinoma invasivo), in particolare chemioterapia, terapie biologiche e ormonoterapia; • la terapia sistemica primaria e il trattamento della malattia localmente avanzata; • il trattamento della malattia metastatica. L’ultima parte è dedicata al follow-up e, come negli altri capitoli, alle dotazioni strumentali e ai volumi di attività per l’accreditamento e l’eccellenza. XIII

M<strong>in</strong>istero <strong>del</strong>la Salute<br />

help reach this goal. Such a goal can never be reached if the specialist and the<br />

general practitioner do not share <strong>in</strong> the management of the patient.<br />

After describ<strong>in</strong>g all aspects relevant to cancer, a series of considerations that were<br />

thought helpful <strong>in</strong> terms of plann<strong>in</strong>g and organization of all services are <strong>in</strong>cluded<br />

at the end of each chapter. These considerations are provided merely as<br />

operational advice, and were developed as a result of the extensive experience of<br />

qualified centers. The considerations aim to provide people <strong>in</strong> key positions at<br />

regional and company level with global operational mo<strong>del</strong>s of organizational<br />

requirements that, through a carefully orchestrated and networked pathway,<br />

will ultimately achieve excellence <strong>in</strong> the diagnosis and care of cancer patients.<br />

While it is recognized that these mo<strong>del</strong>s provide a global approach, each region<br />

will be responsible for evaluat<strong>in</strong>g and implement<strong>in</strong>g the suggested requirements<br />

and mo<strong>del</strong>s accord<strong>in</strong>g to local healthcare requirements.<br />

Is it actually possible to reach that goal It certa<strong>in</strong>ly is, through shared gui<strong>del</strong><strong>in</strong>es<br />

based on appropriateness of <strong>in</strong>dications, that will avoid waste of resources and<br />

provide the patient with the best diagnostic and therapeutic standards of care.<br />

It is also possible to extend this “method” across all the oncological and oncohematological<br />

pathologies, through the creation of a Network of Centres of Excellence,<br />

similar to the Comprehensive Cancer Centre <strong>in</strong> the USA. This network<br />

will allow for the appropriate allocation of resources, a highly specialised management<br />

of complex cases and rare disease and evermore competitive cl<strong>in</strong>ical research<br />

that aims to provide “the best possible health system” with “fewer costs”.<br />

It is a big challenge and one that presupposes effective plann<strong>in</strong>g on a national<br />

scale, naturally <strong>in</strong> cooperation with regional <strong>in</strong>stitutions while mak<strong>in</strong>g the most<br />

of all possible synergies.<br />

What is, therefore, the present challenge for oncologists The expertise of <strong>in</strong>dividuals<br />

is excellent and they are <strong>in</strong>ternationally appreciated. It rema<strong>in</strong>s only to<br />

comb<strong>in</strong>e the expertise of <strong>in</strong>dividuals, to facilitate possible synergies, avoid waste<br />

and create a “virtuous” care system that will be able to provide the best care<br />

and assistance for each person affected by cancer.<br />

Prof. Ferruccio Fazio<br />

M<strong>in</strong>ister of Health<br />


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