
Ghiaroni-Giulia-Violenza-assistita-intrafamiliare Ghiaroni-Giulia-Violenza-assistita-intrafamiliare


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Falconer, R. (EDS) (a cura di), The cost of child maltreatment: who pays We all do. Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute, S.Diego, CA. Fonagy, P. G. (2002). Psicoanalisi e teoria dell’attaccamento. Milano: Cortina. Fonagy, P.G., Gergely, E.L., Jurist, E.L., & Target, M. (2002). Affect regulation, mentalization, and the development of the self. New York: Other Press (tr. it. Regolazione affettiva, mentalizzazione e sviluppo del sé, Milano: Cortina, 2005). Fraiberg, S.H.(1959).The magic years:understanding and handling the problems of early childhood. Oxford: Charles Scribners’ Sons (tr. it. Gli anni magici, Roma:Armando, 1970). Frisanco, R. (2011). Spettatori e vittime: i minori e la violenza assistita in ambito domestico. Analisi dell’efficienza del sistema di protezione in Italia. Rapporto nazionale realizzato nell’ambito del progetto europeo Daphne III:Children witnesses of gender violence in the domestic context. Analyses of the fulfilment of their specific needs trough the protection system, coordinato in Italia da Save the Children. Fruggeri, L. (1997). Famiglie. Roma: Carocci. Gargiullo, B.C., Damiani, R. (2010). Vittime di un amore criminale.La violenza in famiglia: natura, profili tipologici, casistica clinica e giudiziaria. Milano: Franco Angeli. Grotberg, E. (1996). The international resilience project: research and application, in proceedings of the 53 rd annual convention of ICP: Cross-cultural encounters. Emily Miao (Ed), Taipei, Taiwan, General Innovation Service (GIS). Herman, J.L., Perry, J.C., & Van Der Kolk, B.A. (1989). Childhood trauma in borderline personality disorder. Am. J. Psychiatry, 146. Humphreys, J., & Campbell, C. (2004). Family violence and nurcing practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. ISTAT (2007). La violenza e il maltrattamento contro le donne dentro e fuori la famiglia. Report di ricerca. Jaffe, P., Wolfe, D., & Wilson, S. (1990). Children of Battered Women, Sage Publications, Newbury Park & London. Johnson, J.G., Cohen, P., Kasen, S., & Brook, J.S. (2002). Childhood adversities associated with risk for eating disorders or weight problems during asolescence or early adulthood. American Journal of Psychiatry,159. Kerley, K.R., Xu, X., Sirisunyaluck, B., & Alley, J.M. (2010). Exposure to family violence in childhood and intimate partner perpetration or victimization in adulthood:exploring intergenerational transmission in Urban Thailand. J Fam Viol, 25, 337-347. 53

Falconer, R. (EDS) (a cura di), The cost of child maltreatment: who pays We all do.<br />

Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute, S.Diego, CA.<br />

Fonagy, P. G. (2002). Psicoanalisi e teoria dell’attaccamento. Milano: Cortina.<br />

Fonagy, P.G., Gergely, E.L., Jurist, E.L., & Target, M. (2002). Affect regulation,<br />

mentalization, and the development of the self. New York: Other Press (tr. it.<br />

Regolazione affettiva, mentalizzazione e sviluppo del sé, Milano: Cortina, 2005).<br />

Fraiberg, S.H.(1959).The magic years:understanding and handling the problems of early<br />

childhood. Oxford: Charles Scribners’ Sons (tr. it. Gli anni magici, Roma:Armando,<br />

1970).<br />

Frisanco, R. (2011). Spettatori e vittime: i minori e la violenza <strong>assistita</strong> in ambito<br />

domestico. Analisi dell’efficienza del sistema di protezione in Italia. Rapporto nazionale<br />

realizzato nell’ambito del progetto europeo Daphne III:Children witnesses of gender<br />

violence in the domestic context. Analyses of the fulfilment of their specific needs trough<br />

the protection system, coordinato in Italia da Save the Children.<br />

Fruggeri, L. (1997). Famiglie. Roma: Carocci.<br />

Gargiullo, B.C., Damiani, R. (2010). Vittime di un amore criminale.La violenza in famiglia:<br />

natura, profili tipologici, casistica clinica e giudiziaria. Milano: Franco Angeli.<br />

Grotberg, E. (1996). The international resilience project: research and application, in<br />

proceedings of the 53 rd annual convention of ICP: Cross-cultural encounters. Emily<br />

Miao (Ed), Taipei, Taiwan, General Innovation Service (GIS).<br />

Herman, J.L., Perry, J.C., & Van Der Kolk, B.A. (1989). Childhood trauma in borderline<br />

personality disorder. Am. J. Psychiatry, 146.<br />

Humphreys, J., & Campbell, C. (2004). Family violence and nurcing practice. Philadelphia:<br />

Lippincott Williams Wilkins.<br />

ISTAT (2007). La violenza e il maltrattamento contro le donne dentro e fuori la famiglia.<br />

Report di ricerca.<br />

Jaffe, P., Wolfe, D., & Wilson, S. (1990). Children of Battered Women, Sage Publications,<br />

Newbury Park & London.<br />

Johnson, J.G., Cohen, P., Kasen, S., & Brook, J.S. (2002). Childhood adversities associated<br />

with risk for eating disorders or weight problems during asolescence or early adulthood.<br />

American Journal of Psychiatry,159.<br />

Kerley, K.R., Xu, X., Sirisunyaluck, B., & Alley, J.M. (2010). Exposure to family violence<br />

in childhood and intimate partner perpetration or victimization in adulthood:exploring<br />

intergenerational transmission in Urban Thailand. J Fam Viol, 25, 337-347.<br />


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