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Grass skiing - FROM WHEELS TO<br />

TRACKS<br />

As with alpine skiing, the evolution of<br />

materials for grass skiing has rendered<br />

the approach and the relaunching of<br />

this sport much simpler.<br />

9<br />

9. Gli atleti azzurri<br />

aiutano i ragazzi nella<br />

scelta degli sci.<br />

The italian athletes<br />

help a girl choose her<br />

skis.<br />

10. Le prime timide<br />

discese sull’erba.<br />

The first delicate<br />

descents on the grass.<br />

11. Risalite con mezzi<br />

di soccorso. A special<br />

way of ascending.<br />

12. La conferenza<br />

stampa di<br />

presentazione.<br />

The press conference of<br />

the presentation.<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

13. Da sinistra, Notaris, Domini e<br />

Grutti. From left, Notaris, Domini<br />

and Grutti.<br />

14. Paolo De Chiesa, turista<br />

incuriosito. Paolo De Chiesa, an<br />

inquisitive tourist.<br />

<strong>SESTRIERE</strong> - Grass skiing went through an important<br />

period on the mountains and in the<br />

hills in the 1980s.<br />

Then the practice of this sport which permits<br />

skiing on green slopes in summer, in Italy, disappeared.<br />

Few continued to do it.<br />

As was the case with alpine skis, equipment<br />

became ever more tailored in order to facilitate<br />

control.<br />

The evolution of new models of grass ski<br />

made the approach of this sport much easier<br />

and similar to the alpine ski technique. Today<br />

the grass skis are quicker and more stable in<br />

comparison with those of the past. From<br />

wheels we have passed to proper ‘caterpillar<br />

tyres’ (tracks).<br />

A roller mechanism is used running over the<br />

caterpillar track, which is protected by a lubricated<br />

transparent membrane, using a mixture<br />

of olive oil and soap which reduces the<br />

internal friction, facilitating the running.<br />

To relaunch grass skiing on the Olympic<br />

mountain, last summer a successful initiative<br />

was put into place by the Rotary Club of Susa<br />

and Val Susa in cooperation with the Comunità<br />

Montana, the Comune of Sestriere, the<br />

National Ski Club of Sestriere, and the Sestriere<br />

Spa.<br />

In July and August there were more than<br />

three hundred students from the local ski<br />

club joined by many tourists, all of whom<br />

united in this sport.<br />

The weekend before ferragosto Yuri Domini,<br />

ex world champion, Technical Commissioner<br />

for National Grass Skiing accompanied by<br />

athletes and demonstrators Andrea Notaris,<br />

and Lorenzo Grutti, offered valuable tuition,<br />

following meticulously the large group of<br />

children of the ski club of the region who<br />

were able to attempt skiing on a blanket of<br />

grass.<br />

They skied from the Colle di Sestriere to Borgata<br />

using the Trebials chairlift to ascend. On<br />

the first part of the course, towards Borgata,<br />

slalom and giant slalom posts (gates) were<br />

erected. There was no shortage of fun.<br />

The children accomplished it admirably even<br />

between the gates, meriting the great enthusiasm<br />

and support afforded by the ‘azzurro’<br />

staff who did a truly praiseworthy job<br />

from both a professional and dedicational<br />

point of view.<br />


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