Catalogo - Mostra internazionale del nuovo cinema

Catalogo - Mostra internazionale del nuovo cinema

Catalogo - Mostra internazionale del nuovo cinema


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(t.l. Mentre mi muovevo in avanti ogni<br />

tanto ho colto brevi visioni di bellezza)<br />


“I miei diari filmati dal 1970 al<br />

1999. Coprono il mio matrimonio,<br />

i bambini sono nati, li si<br />

vede crescere. Spezzoni di vita<br />

quotidiana, frammenti di felicità<br />

e bellezza, viaggi in<br />

Francia, Italia, Spagna,<br />

Austria. Stagioni <strong>del</strong>l’anno che<br />

passano su New York. Amici,<br />

vita di casa, natura, ricerca infinita<br />

di momenti di bellezza e<br />

elebrazione <strong>del</strong>la vita – amicizie,<br />

sensazioni, brevi momenti<br />

di felicità, bellezza. Niente di<br />

straordinario, niente di speciale,<br />

cose che proviamo tutti<br />

durante le nostre vite. Ci sono<br />

molti titoli interpolati che<br />

riflettono i miei pensieri <strong>del</strong><br />

periodo. La colonna sonora<br />

consiste di musica e suoni registrati<br />

per lo più nello stesso<br />

periodo da cui provengono le immagini. Qualche volta parlo<br />

nel mio registratore, mentre monto queste immagini, adesso,<br />

a distanza di tempo. Il film è anche la mia poesia d’amore a<br />

New York, le sue estati, inverni, strade, parchi. È l’ultimo<br />

film Dogma, prima <strong>del</strong>la nascita <strong>del</strong> Dogma.” (Jonas Mekas)<br />


Jonas Mekas (Seminiskiai, Lituania, 1922) nel 1944 fu trasportato<br />

in un campo di lavoro tedesco. Dopo la guerra<br />

rimase in Germania fino al 1948, quindi si trasferì a New<br />

York. Iniziò a realizzare documentari negli anni ’50. Fondò la<br />

rivista “Film Culture” nel 1955. Nel 1960 fu tra i fondatori <strong>del</strong><br />

New American Cinema Group, nel 1962 <strong>del</strong>la New York<br />

Filmmakers’ Cooperative, nel 1970 degli Anthology Film<br />

Achives, che dirige ancor oggi.<br />

musica/music: Auguste Varkalis<br />

distribuzione/distributed by: Jonas Mekas (491 Broadway,<br />

New York, NY 10012; tel.: (1-212) 5055181; fax.: (1-212)<br />

4772714<br />

durata/running time: 288’<br />

origine/country: USA 2000<br />

“My film diaries 1970-1999. It<br />

covers my marriage, children are<br />

born, you see them growing up.<br />

Footage of daily life, fragments<br />

of happiness and beauty, trips to<br />

France, Italy, Spain, Austria.<br />

Seasons of the year as they pass<br />

through New York. Friends,<br />

home life, nature, unending<br />

search for moments of beauty<br />

and celebration of life – friendships,<br />

feelings, brief moments of<br />

happiness, beauty. Nothing<br />

extraordinary, nothing special,<br />

things that we all experience as<br />

we go through our lives. There<br />

are many inter-titles that reflects<br />

my thoughts of the period. The<br />

soundtrack consists of music<br />

and sounds recorded mostly during<br />

the same period from which<br />

the images came. Sometimes I<br />

talk into my tape recorder, as I edit these images, now, from a<br />

distance of time. The film is also my love poem to New York, its<br />

summers, its winters, streets, parks. It’s the ultimate Dogme<br />

movie, before the birth of Dogme.” (Jonas Mekas)<br />


Jonas Mekas (Seminiskiai, Lithuania, 1922) in 1944 was transported<br />

to a German labour camp. After the war, Mekas remained<br />

in Germany until 1948. In 1949, he emigrated to New York. In<br />

the early 1950s, he made his first documentaries. He founded the<br />

film magazine “Film Culture” in 1955. Five years later he was<br />

involved in the creation of the New American Cinema Group. In<br />

1962 he started the New York Film-makers’ Cooperative. He cofounded<br />

the Anthology Film Archives in New York in 1970,<br />

which he heads to this day.<br />


Guns of the Trees (1961), The Brig (1963), Award Presentation to Andy Warhol (1964), Notes on the Circus (1966) Cassis (1966), Diaries,<br />

Notes & Sketches (Walden) (1969), Reminiscenses of a Journey to Lithuania (1972), Lost Lost Lost (1975), In Between (1978), Notes for Jerome<br />

(1976/1978), Paradise Not Yet Lost (1979), He Stands in a Desert Counting the Seconds of His Life (1988), Scenes from the Life of Andy<br />

Warhol (1990), Zefiro Torna or Scenes from the Life of George Maciunas (1992), The Education of Sebastian or Egypt Regained (1992, video),<br />

Mob or Angels (1993, video), Imperfect 3-Image Films (1995), On My Way to Fujiyama I Met… (1995), Memories of Frankenstein (1996),<br />

Happy Birthday to John (1996), Birth of a Nation (1997), Scenes from Allen’s Last Three Days on Earth as a Spirit (1997, video), Simphony<br />

of Joy (1997, video), Song of Avignon (1998), As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000)<br />


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