Power generation N.1

Power generation N.1 Power generation N.1

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Energia & notizie Euro energia: affidata all’Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas la responsabilità di guidare l’integrazione regionale tra i mercati elettrici dell’Austria, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Slovenia, Italia ed anche della Svizzera A Sogin lo smantellamento degli impianti nucleari Enea È stato affidato a Sogin, in via definitiva, lo smantellamento degli impianti di ricerca Enea sul ciclo combustibile nucleare. L’A.D. della Sogin, G.Nucci e D. G. dell’Enea, G. Lelli, hanno sottoscritto un accordo che vede Sogin impegnata nella gestione in sicurezza degli impianti in questione attraverso l’impiego in prevalenza di personale Enea, che comunque opererà alle dipendenze funzionali di Sogin. La firma dell’accordo, sottolinea una nota di Sogin, crea un contesto programmatico e operativo unitario per le attività di smantellamento degli impianti nucleari italiani, indispensabile per assicurare sinergia di interventi e riduzione di tempi e costi. L’European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG) cioè il gruppo di consultazione istituito dalla Commissione europea che riunisce i regolatori dell’Energia della UE, ha affidato al Regolatore Italiano l’incarico di guidare l’armonizzazione della regolazione per i mercati elettrici del Centro-Sud Europa. L’iniziativa è parte fondamentale del progetto di realizzazione di un singolo mercato Europeo dell’Energia. Compito principale del lavoro, coordinato dall’Autorità Italiana, sarà quello di identificare le barriere ancora esistenti nei processi competitivi e di formulare proposte per superare le stesse, nella prospettiva di una completa integrazione a livello UE dei sette mercati regionali. Energia, Prodi: in cinque anni possibile ridurre i costi del 20% Il leader dell’Unione Romano Prodi è intervenuto al convegno sulla concorrenza di Confindustria, sottolineando alcuni punti. Il 20% in cinque anni è una riduzione realistica. Innanzitutto bisogna affrontare subito il problema di non andare sotto con le forniture di energia, completare la conversione delle centrali, agire sul risparmio energetico, poi puntare sulle energie alternative, per quello che possono valere. Secondo Prodi, “bisogna completare la conversione delle centrali a carbone portandola avanti con l’attenzione alla sicurezza che l’Enel ha assicurato di avere”. Sul nucleare “la decisione dell’Unione” ha detto “è di riprendere la ricerca, ma di non decidere la costruzione di nessuna centrale”. 18

Energy & news Power Generation news Contract to dismantle Enea nuclear plants awarded to Sogin The contract to dismantle Enea’s nuclear fuel cycle research plants has been awarded to Sogin. Under the terms of the agreement signed by Sogin Managing Director G. Nucci and Enea Director General G. Lelli, Sogin will manage safe operation of the plants in question, using mainly Enea personnel under its own coordination. The contract signing, emphasised Sogin, creates a single planning and operating framework for the dismantling of Italy’s nuclear plants, an indispensable step to ensure operating synergy and to reduce time and cost expenditure. Euro energy: Italian Electricity and Gas Authority called on to guide regional integration between electric power markets in Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Slovenia, Italy and Switzerland. The European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG), the consultation group for EU energy regulators set up by the European Commission, has entrusted the task of guiding the harmonisation of energy market regulations in Central and Southern Europe to the Italian regulator. This initiative will play a key role in the creation of a single European energy market. The main goal of the work co-ordinated by the Italian energy regulator will be to identify the barriers to competition which still exist and formulate solutions to resolve them, with a view to the complete EU-wide integration of the seven regional markets. Energy: according to Prodi a 20% reduction in costs over five years is feasible Union party leader Romano Prodi, at the conference on competition organised by Confindustria, stated that a 20% reduction over five years is realistic. The first problem to tackle is how to protect our supplies of energy, followed by the completion of power station conversions, the promotion of energy savings, and finally how to exploit the full potential of alternative sources of energy. According to Prodi, «we need to complete the conversion of coal-fired power stations and maintain the focus on security we are assured by Enel it applies». On the nuclear question, Prodi said that the Union party was in favour of restarting research work, but that it will not take any decisions to build power stations. 19

Energy<br />

&<br />

news<br />

<strong>Power</strong> Generation<br />

news<br />

Contract to dismantle Enea<br />

nuclear plants awarded to<br />

Sogin<br />

The contract to dismantle Enea’s<br />

nuclear fuel cycle research plants<br />

has been awarded to Sogin.<br />

Under the terms of the agreement<br />

signed by Sogin Managing<br />

Director G. Nucci and Enea<br />

Director General G. Lelli, Sogin<br />

will manage safe operation of the<br />

plants in question, using mainly<br />

Enea personnel under its own<br />

coordination.<br />

The contract signing, emphasised<br />

Sogin, creates a single planning<br />

and operating framework for the<br />

dismantling of Italy’s nuclear<br />

plants, an indispensable step to<br />

ensure operating synergy and to<br />

reduce time and cost<br />

expenditure.<br />

Euro energy: Italian<br />

Electricity and Gas Authority<br />

called on to guide regional<br />

integration between electric<br />

power markets in Austria,<br />

France, Germany, Greece,<br />

Slovenia, Italy and<br />

Switzerland.<br />

The European Regulators Group<br />

for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG),<br />

the consultation group for EU<br />

energy regulators set up by the<br />

European Commission, has<br />

entrusted the task of guiding the<br />

harmonisation of energy market<br />

regulations in Central and<br />

Southern Europe to the Italian<br />

regulator.<br />

This initiative will play a key role in<br />

the creation of a single European<br />

energy market. The main goal of<br />

the work co-ordinated by the<br />

Italian energy regulator will be to<br />

identify the barriers to<br />

competition which still exist and<br />

formulate solutions to resolve<br />

them, with a view to the complete<br />

EU-wide integration of the seven<br />

regional markets.<br />

Energy: according to Prodi a<br />

20% reduction in costs over<br />

five years is feasible<br />

Union party leader Romano Prodi,<br />

at the conference on competition<br />

organised by Confindustria,<br />

stated that a 20% reduction over<br />

five years is realistic. The first<br />

problem to tackle is how to<br />

protect our supplies of energy,<br />

followed by the completion of<br />

power station conversions, the<br />

promotion of energy savings, and<br />

finally how to exploit the full<br />

potential of alternative sources of<br />

energy. According to Prodi, «we<br />

need to complete the conversion<br />

of coal-fired power stations and<br />

maintain the focus on security we<br />

are assured by Enel it applies».<br />

On the nuclear question, Prodi<br />

said that the Union party was in<br />

favour of restarting research work,<br />

but that it will not take any<br />

decisions to build power stations.<br />


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