Fusione Fredda, Tesla, Onda Scalare, Campo di Torsione, «Energia libera»..= Tutti Pseudo-Scienza?(Riepilogo italiano) / Cold Fusion, Tesla, "Free Energy", "Over-Unity".. = All Fake Science?

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Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” (Grid Parity) Solar

Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” (Grid Parity) Solar 2 Beyond Shockley-Queisser Equivalent • Open discussion & active pursuing of how to “violate” Shockley-Queisser limit(S-Q limit) & quantum efficiency COP>1, by theoretical/experimental level at mainstream academic with corporate/NGO/Gov’t sponsored. Although academic & socioeconomical ramification is much bigger, in comparison this is a sharp contrasted attitude towards wind[Betz Limit], nuclear remediation(p367,368) or thermodynamics[2nd law, p194-196], • And this mainstream handling method of S-Q limit can be applied/simulated to the way of embracing inventor tech classic level over-unity electricity/energy extraction, as LENR-Cold Fusion gets officially accepted, but this requires powerful Western interlocked mainstream sponsor back up which is fractured support at best currently: excess S-Q is far less disruptive for business structure. • But Direct Solar Heat(solar thermal) application is universally lower cost in most of the world up to high latitude Southern Scandinavia or Middle of Western Canada. 76 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada

<strong>Science</strong>-Accepted “Super Low Cost” (Grid Parity)<br />


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