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Resonance Mind-Scalar 6 Electro Mind Read/Influence • -->>cont: ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL: 4 : 4a-Mind & emotion reading-affecting tech: • Mainstream approved brain wave decoding, Similarly, scalar wave used version of Van Eck Phreaking can read turned off computer or human mind regardless of location? - use of “each’s unique frequency” idea as in Radionics. Range of audible/inaudible acoustic wave can be used. Also Mind reading EQ-Radio(Din Katabi+): Algorithm analysis of time-variation of wireless wave body reflection. Other brain wave related see p291-ii • 4b-Some mind reading effect claims from ReverseSpeech analysis(Da Oates, Ga Husick, J Johnston+): “time reverse acoustic phase conjugation”?, there are sign of US Police/Intel’s interests, But with heavy “front loading” of information it seem to be lot more to do with analyser’s “psychic ability” to interpret data, than stand alone technique usable by anyone, 4c-Science legal Silent Subliminal Presentation System(SSPS), inaudible subliminal message or emotion projecting(Ol Lowry+),(BrainSpeak+): Brain wave is captured /analyzed & device emits resonance frequency for hypnotic effect. • 4d-Mental "future prediction": consistently far below perfection but far above random words(Harribance[Wil Roll, Persinger+]+), but if atoms can "predict" future why not human?(p440: Inhibited Spontaneous Emission - Closed Timelike Curve) • 453 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada

ZPE Mind-Scalar 7 "Channelled Science", "Contactee" + • -->>cont: ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL: 5 • 5a-Access to science info, or communication with “ET”, by Electronic & Bio/Scalar receptor, Telepathic, Remote Viewing etc(Zubow3, D Sherman, Da Hamel, Romanek, Jane Roberts, Ma Rodwell, Edgar Cayce, Ji Penniston, A Thompson Smith+), • 5b-Claims of some accepted or pseudoscientific new techs inventions were “channeled” non-locally, or given physically by “non-terrestrials”(Tesla, P Corso, Bennewitz, Ph Schneider, Me Riley, Ri French, Her Oberth[Op PaperClip - US rocket program relation], Wh Strieber, Wi Tompkins[Non Western media reported but debunked in West, Op HighJump content related]+), Official US Gov't states Written Remote Viewing(WRV) was exercized("channelling") at least some time(Ann Jacobsen+), • Brain as mostly signal receptor?(eg Hydrocephalus - J Lorber: some of “10% or less regular brain left living” people function with average intelligence- but later the academic researcher seems to retract conclusion under pressure?: S Gebhardt-Henrich+: numerous hamsters live normally with almost no brain)+ • 5c-Well over 1000+ recorded physical “contactee" claims "accidentally" or use of specific mind protocol tech etc(Bru Salmaciccia, Ga De Lama, El Klarer, Bi Meier, Bri Barclay, Jo Reed, RN Hernandez+), -->>cont: 454

ZPE Mind-Scalar 7 "Channelled <strong>Science</strong>", "Contactee" +<br />

• -->>cont: ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL: 5<br />

• 5a-Access to science info, or communication with “ET”, by Electronic &<br />

Bio/Scalar receptor, Telepathic, Remote Viewing etc(Zubow3, D Sherman, Da<br />

Hamel, Romanek, Jane Roberts, Ma Rodwell, Edgar Cayce, Ji Penniston, A<br />

Thompson Smith+),<br />

• 5b-Claims of some accepted or pseudoscientific new techs inventions were<br />

“channeled” non-locally, or given physically by “non-terrestrials”(<strong>Tesla</strong>, P Corso,<br />

Bennewitz, Ph Schneider, Me Riley, Ri French, Her Oberth[Op PaperClip - US<br />

rocket program relation], Wh Strieber, Wi Tompkins[Non Western me<strong>di</strong>a<br />

reported but debunked in West, Op HighJump content related]+), Official US<br />

Gov't states Written Remote Viewing(WRV) was exercized("channelling") at<br />

least some time(Ann Jacobsen+),<br />

• Brain as mostly signal receptor?(eg Hydrocephalus - J Lorber: some of “10% or<br />

less regular brain left living” people function with average intelligence- but later<br />

the academic researcher seems to retract conclusion under pressure?: S<br />

Gebhardt-Henrich+: numerous hamsters live normally with almost no brain)+<br />

• 5c-Well over 1000+ recorded physical “contactee" claims "accidentally" or use<br />

of specific mind protocol tech etc(Bru Salmaciccia, Ga De Lama, El Klarer, Bi<br />

Meier, Bri Barclay, Jo Reed, RN Hernandez+), -->>cont:<br />


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