Masterlist Arranged by Region - Department of Education Regional ...

Masterlist Arranged by Region - Department of Education Regional ...

Masterlist Arranged by Region - Department of Education Regional ...


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<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Education</strong><br />

National Educators Academy <strong>of</strong> the Philippines<br />

2012 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads<br />

Report: <strong>Masterlist</strong> <strong>Arranged</strong> By <strong>Region</strong><br />

Scope: National<br />

Name<br />




Division <strong>Region</strong><br />

VENTURA, ORLANDO G. 43 548.55 13 535.22 15 558.97 13 456.51 13 509.77 19 634.82 9 408.90 10 415.46 135 527.56 61.03 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VERCELES, JEANIE T. 53 686.15 18 713.49 16 597.41 19 680.71 17 665.51 24 798.35 15 655.33 13 534.15 175 752.35 99.41 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VERCELES, JOSE D. 40 507.27 14 570.88 10 366.81 8 269.68 9 354.03 12 405.88 9 408.90 15 613.28 117 426.41 22.97 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VERGARA, EVA A. 33 410.95 10 428.27 9 328.38 14 493.88 10 392.96 11 373.17 8 367.82 6 257.20 101 336.49 5.05 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VERZOSA, MELINDA S. 46 589.83 15 606.53 12 443.68 12 419.15 13 509.77 18 602.11 12 532.11 12 494.59 140 555.66 71.23 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VICTORIO, FREDORA D. 43 548.55 12 499.57 15 558.97 15 531.24 16 626.57 18 602.11 12 532.11 14 573.71 145 583.76 79.95 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VIDAD, EVELYN A. 37 465.99 14 570.88 16 597.41 15 531.24 11 431.90 16 536.70 13 573.18 15 613.28 137 538.80 65.17 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VIDAD, GERICO A. 44 562.31 13 535.22 11 405.24 12 419.15 13 509.77 17 569.41 13 573.18 11 455.02 134 521.94 58.71 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VIDAL, MARYJANE P. 54 699.91 16 642.18 16 597.41 16 568.61 15 587.64 17 569.41 14 614.26 14 573.71 162 679.30 96.33 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VIERNES, LEOVIGILDO L. 33 410.95 14 570.88 14 520.54 17 605.98 13 509.77 11 373.17 13 573.18 9 375.89 124 465.75 36.69 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VIERNES, RAFAEL R. 50 644.87 13 535.22 15 558.97 14 493.88 16 626.57 17 569.41 12 532.11 12 494.59 149 606.24 85.54 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VIERNES, VIRGINIA A. 44 562.31 7 321.31 12 443.68 18 643.34 11 431.90 14 471.29 10 449.97 10 415.46 126 476.99 40.90 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILA, ABELARDO A. 36 452.23 10 428.27 12 443.68 16 568.61 15 587.64 22 732.94 11 491.04 8 336.33 130 499.47 49.60 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLA, ESTELITA V. 45 576.07 12 499.57 14 520.54 15 531.24 16 626.57 16 536.70 12 532.11 14 573.71 144 578.14 78.23 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLA, MARICHU T. 42 534.79 15 606.53 14 520.54 16 568.61 13 509.77 16 536.70 13 573.18 14 573.71 143 572.52 76.73 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLAFLOR, ANGELITA F. 42 534.79 14 570.88 18 674.27 18 643.34 13 509.77 12 405.88 13 573.18 9 375.89 139 550.04 69.15 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLAFLOR, ZOSIMA S. 45 576.07 13 535.22 14 520.54 16 568.61 15 587.64 21 700.23 13 573.18 17 692.40 154 634.34 90.99 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLALUN, MARILYN R. 36 452.23 10 428.27 14 520.54 13 456.51 13 509.77 15 504.00 14 614.26 10 415.46 125 471.37 38.59 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLALUZ, JESSE JUAN Y. 46 589.83 14 570.88 12 443.68 18 643.34 12 470.83 16 536.70 12 532.11 14 573.71 144 578.14 78.23 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLANUEVA, MARLYN P. 38 479.75 11 463.92 14 520.54 14 493.88 15 587.64 13 438.59 8 367.82 12 494.59 125 471.37 38.59 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLANUEVA, ROMIE C. 52 672.39 16 642.18 12 443.68 18 643.34 13 509.77 14 471.29 13 573.18 11 455.02 149 606.24 85.54 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLANUEVA, VIRGINIA D. 43 548.55 14 570.88 15 558.97 15 531.24 18 704.44 16 536.70 12 532.11 13 534.15 146 589.38 81.33 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILLAR, VIRGINIA L. 34 424.71 11 463.92 8 289.95 16 568.61 7 276.16 16 536.70 13 573.18 9 375.89 114 409.55 18.41 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILORIA, EDDIE O. 46 589.83 15 606.53 15 558.97 16 568.61 11 431.90 13 438.59 9 408.90 14 573.71 139 550.04 69.15 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILORIA, ERULIN A. 52 672.39 10 428.27 14 520.54 20 718.07 16 626.57 17 569.41 12 532.11 10 415.46 151 617.48 87.90 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VILORIA, TOMAS C. 50 644.87 12 499.57 16 597.41 16 568.61 7 276.16 14 471.29 12 532.11 12 494.59 139 550.04 69.15 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VINLUAN, RENATO A. 39 493.51 18 713.49 12 443.68 17 605.98 16 626.57 19 634.82 10 449.97 12 494.59 143 572.52 76.73 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VIRAY, ARLYN D. 52 672.39 17 677.84 13 482.11 17 605.98 17 665.51 15 504.00 12 532.11 15 613.28 158 656.82 94.18 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VISICO, ROMEL V. 45 576.07 11 463.92 10 366.81 16 568.61 14 548.70 15 504.00 14 614.26 14 573.71 139 550.04 69.15 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VISITACION, CESARIA A. 48 617.35 17 677.84 15 558.97 15 531.24 18 704.44 14 471.29 13 573.18 10 415.46 150 611.86 86.86 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VISPERAS, ROSALINA G. 36 452.23 9 392.61 9 328.38 9 307.05 13 509.77 12 405.88 9 408.90 13 534.15 110 387.07 12.92 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VITAMOG, GLORIA M. 50 644.87 14 570.88 13 482.11 17 605.98 15 587.64 17 569.41 15 655.33 13 534.15 154 634.34 90.99 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

VIVAR, JANE M. 47 603.59 13 535.22 15 558.97 17 605.98 15 587.64 19 634.82 11 491.04 14 573.71 151 617.48 87.90 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

WAGGAY, CHARISMA GRACE N. 47 603.59 19 749.14 17 635.84 12 419.15 15 587.64 13 438.59 14 614.26 14 573.71 151 617.48 87.90 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

WAY-AS, CYNTHIA G. 48 617.35 15 606.53 13 482.11 14 493.88 14 548.70 11 373.17 14 614.26 13 534.15 142 566.90 74.86 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

ZAMORA, JEANETT S. 47 603.59 17 677.84 17 635.84 15 531.24 17 665.51 15 504.00 14 614.26 13 534.15 155 639.96 91.92 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

ZAMORA, VIRGITA L. 26 314.63 13 535.22 11 405.24 12 419.15 16 626.57 11 373.17 8 367.82 11 455.02 108 375.83 10.75 A12 San Fernando City A1 I<br />

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