enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ...

enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ... enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ...


when a compound preverb is added, the verb or this preverb is complicated by the particle and there is gi phonetic sequence; b) when the verb is of the object structure, it is in the second person and g morpheme is followed by the i morpheme of the subject or object version; c) the diphthongization is due to the existence of o phoneme after the preverb e-: e + o > jo, which causes palatal sequences ejo-, jo-. 3. ê > j or ê > j > 0 is the quality of the substantive determiner, the genitive morpheme ê moves into j both in compounds and common collocations with almost no exceptions. The indicated process is characteristic of all Kartvelian languages. Thus, it represents a common Kartvelian phenomenon. There are some exceptions: uÄaêi > uÄaj “elder”, þveêi > þvej “old”, oêi > oj “hundred” (with compound numerals in certain phonetic positions), boêi > boj “boy” (vocative), aêo / aêi > aj “over here”, in whose structure the iotization of the ê phoneme is interpreted in a different way (Comp. E. Lomtadze). On the basis of the published text material and our field trip entries it is established that iotization is characteristic of the whole Megrelian, but this process is not uniform according to the dialects, in particular, l > j and ê > j processes, as well as i > j processes , are confirmed in Senakian-Martvilian. On the other hand, only the latter is characteristic of Zugdidian-Samurzakanoan. 42

marine ivaniSvili enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi _ I-II, 2009 mcenareTa saxelebi qarTvelurSi: `kowaxuri~ zurab sarjvelaZem qarT. kowaxur- kowaxur-i: megr. korwoxul- /korwoxul-i `kowaxuri~ fuZeebis Sepirispirebis safuZvelze qarTulzanuri erTianobis xanisTvis aRadgina *kowaxur- arqetipi (sarjvelaZe 1999:127). kowaxuri dasturdeba sulxan-sabas leqsikonSi. SesaZloa, qarTuli kowaxur-is Sesatyvisi iyos megruli korwoxul- (

when a compound preverb is added, the verb or this preverb is complicated by the<br />

particle and there is gi phonetic sequence; b) when the verb is of the object<br />

structure, it is in the second person and g morpheme is followed by the i<br />

morpheme of the subject or object version; c) the diphthongization is due to the<br />

existence of o phoneme after the preverb e-: e + o > jo, which causes palatal<br />

sequences ejo-, jo-.<br />

3. ê > j or ê > j > 0 is the quality of the substantive determiner, the genitive<br />

morpheme ê moves into j both in compounds and common collocations with<br />

almost no exceptions. The indicated process is characteristic of all Kartvelian<br />

languages. Thus, it represents a common Kartvelian phenomenon. There are some<br />

exceptions: uÄaêi > uÄaj “elder”, þveêi > þvej “old”, oêi > oj “hundred”<br />

(with compound numerals in certain phonetic positions), boêi > boj “boy”<br />

(vocative), aêo / aêi > aj “over here”, in whose structure the iotization of the ê<br />

phoneme is interpreted in a different way (Comp. E. Lomtadze).<br />

On the basis of the published text material and our field trip entries it is established<br />

that iotization is characteristic of the whole Megrelian, but this process is not<br />

uniform according to the dialects, in particular, l > j and ê > j processes, as<br />

well as i > j processes , are confirmed in Senakian-Martvilian. On the other<br />

hand, only the latter is characteristic of Zugdidian-Samurzakanoan.<br />


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