enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ...

enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ... enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ...


Valerian Kvantrishvili Synonymic Parallelism in the Two Old and Two Final Editions of the Georgian Four Gospels Summary In the text of the Gospel the following cases of synonymic parallelism are recorded: one of the members of the pair is borrowed, and the other is of Georgian origin: kinsoni (Greek ‐ khÖnso")//xarki//saxarko ("tribute//related to tribute"); lampari (Greek - lampavdo")//sanTeli ("lamp, candle"); spetaki (Pahlavi - spēt/spētak)//brwyinvale ("brilliant, shining"). Both members of the synonymic pair are borrowed: parafsidi (Greek - paroyivdo")//pinaki (Greek - piØnavko") ("platter, dish"). The members of the pair are of Georgian origin: borkili//sakrveli//jaWu... ("fetters, shackle, chains"). In synonymous verbs used in parallel the first member is characterized by the neutrality of its emotional or expressive feature, whereas the other is more expressive. In particular: in the forms tirili//godeba//tyeba//glova ("weeping, lamentation, mourning"), tirili ("weeping") the expressive feature is emotionally neutral, while in its synonyms the expressive feature increases. In the verbs SeSineba//SeZrwuneba//damedgreba ("to be frightened, to be startled, to turn timorous"), SeSineba does not have an emotional connotation, whereas SeZrwuneba means "to shake with fear", and damedgreba means "to turn timorous", etc. Thus, parallel forms in the text of the Gospel are mostly used with the artistic purpose, which serves the intensification and emotional expressiveness of the content to be conveyed. 204

naTia mirotaZe enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi _ I-II, 2009 kata, windebulis ekvivalentebi fsalmunTa wignis Zvel qarTul recenziebSi Targmanis procesi sakmaod rTulia, gansakuTrebiT sawyis etapze, roca ar arsebobs Targmanis principebi da mTargmnelebs spontanurad uwevT maTi SemuSaveba, ekvivalentebis moZieba da Semdeg maTgan erT-er- Tis arCeva. kidev ufro rTulia im elementebis gadmotana, romlebic mim- Rebi enisTvis ucxoa. am dros xdeba enaSi daunjebuli potenciis amoqmedeba. Sedegi sxvadasxvagvaria: zogjer ucxo enis modelis mixedviT Seqmnili elementebi mimRebi enis `nebad bunebiTad~ iqceva, zogjer ki amgvari enobrivi formebi romelime konkretuli teqstis farglebs ar scildeba. enis istoriaSi gansakuTrebuli adgili uWiravs TandebulTa sistemis Camoyalibebas. am procesze Targmanic mniSvnelovan gavlenas axdens. am debulebis marTebuloba kata, windebulis magaliTze SevamowmeT. Cveni arCevani ganapiroba iman, rom es windebuli polisemanturia, Zalze produqtiulia berZnulSi, misi gadmotana TargmanSi semantikur da formalur ZiebebTanaa dakavSirebuli. Zieba dResac ar dasrulebula – am windebulis zogierTi mniSvnelobis Sesatyvisi erTeuli qarTulSi axlac ar gvaqvs. kata, windebulis gadmocema SeviswavleT fsalmunis qarTuli Targmanis mcxeTuri, sinuri da giorgiseuli recenziebis mTeli teqstis mixedviT. davadgineT CvenTvis saintereso windebulis Sesatyvisebi da berZnuli dednis gaTvaliswinebiT ganvsazRvreT maTi mniSvnelobebi. garda amisa, windebulis gadmotanaze dakvirvebiT SevecadeT, gangvesazRvra giorgi mTawmindelis recenzirebis stili. fsalmunTa wignSi kata, windebuli sakmaod produqtiulia, ixmareba akuzativTan (ufro xSirad) da genetivTan (iSviaTia). igi qmnis frazeologizmebsac (cxrili # 1 da 2). fsalmunTa wignis qarTul recenziebSi dadasturebuli kata, windebulis mniSvnelobebi da ekvivalentebia (cxrili # 3) 1 : 1) vinmes winaaRmdeg, sazianod raimes Tqma an gakeTeba (16), yvelaze xSirad gadmoicema -TÂs TandebuliT, gamoiyeneba agreTve zeda da -damo (//-dami) Tandebulebi, samjer mTargmnel-recenzentebi mimarTaven Tavisu- 1 mniSvnelobebis gamoyofisas da dalagebisas visargebleT Semdegi leqsikonebiT: Lampe G.W.H., A Patristic Greek Lexicon, Oxford, 1961 da Liddell H.G. and Scott R., Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford, 1996. 205

naTia mirotaZe<br />

<strong>enaTmecnierebis</strong> <strong>sakiTxebi</strong> _ I-II, 2009<br />

kata, windebulis ekvivalentebi fsalmunTa wignis Zvel<br />

qarTul recenziebSi<br />

Targmanis procesi sakmaod rTulia, gansakuTrebiT sawyis etapze,<br />

roca ar arsebobs Targmanis principebi da mTargmnelebs spontanurad<br />

uwevT maTi SemuSaveba, ekvivalentebis moZieba da Semdeg maTgan erT-er-<br />

Tis arCeva. kidev ufro rTulia im elementebis gadmotana, romlebic mim-<br />

Rebi enisTvis ucxoa. am dros xdeba enaSi daunjebuli potenciis amoqmedeba.<br />

Sedegi sxvadasxvagvaria: zogjer ucxo enis modelis mixedviT<br />

Seqmnili elementebi mimRebi enis `nebad bunebiTad~ iqceva, zogjer ki<br />

amgvari enobrivi formebi romelime konkretuli teqstis farglebs ar<br />

scildeba.<br />

enis istoriaSi gansakuTrebuli adgili uWiravs TandebulTa sistemis<br />

Camoyalibebas. am procesze Targmanic mniSvnelovan gavlenas axdens.<br />

am debulebis marTebuloba kata, windebulis magaliTze SevamowmeT. Cveni<br />

arCevani ganapiroba iman, rom es windebuli polisemanturia, Zalze produqtiulia<br />

berZnulSi, misi gadmotana TargmanSi semantikur da formalur<br />

ZiebebTanaa dakavSirebuli. Zieba dResac ar dasrulebula – am<br />

windebulis zogierTi mniSvnelobis Sesatyvisi erTeuli qarTulSi axlac<br />

ar gvaqvs.<br />

kata, windebulis gadmocema SeviswavleT fsalmunis qarTuli Targmanis<br />

mcxeTuri, sinuri da giorgiseuli recenziebis mTeli teqstis<br />

mixedviT. davadgineT CvenTvis saintereso windebulis Sesatyvisebi da<br />

berZnuli dednis gaTvaliswinebiT ganvsazRvreT maTi mniSvnelobebi. garda<br />

amisa, windebulis gadmotanaze dakvirvebiT SevecadeT, gangvesazRvra<br />

giorgi mTawmindelis recenzirebis stili.<br />

fsalmunTa wignSi kata, windebuli sakmaod produqtiulia, ixmareba<br />

akuzativTan (ufro xSirad) da genetivTan (iSviaTia). igi qmnis frazeologizmebsac<br />

(cxrili # 1 da 2).<br />

fsalmunTa wignis qarTul recenziebSi dadasturebuli kata, windebulis<br />

mniSvnelobebi da ekvivalentebia (cxrili # 3) 1 :<br />

1) vinmes winaaRmdeg, sazianod raimes Tqma an gakeTeba (16), yvelaze<br />

xSirad gadmoicema -TÂs TandebuliT, gamoiyeneba agreTve zeda da -damo<br />

(//-dami) Tandebulebi, samjer mTargmnel-recenzentebi mimarTaven Tavisu-<br />

1 mniSvnelobebis gamoyofisas da dalagebisas visargebleT Semdegi leqsikonebiT:<br />

Lampe G.W.H., A Patristic Greek Lexicon, Oxford, 1961 da Liddell H.G. and Scott R.,<br />

Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford, 1996.<br />


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