i risultati - Il postalista

i risultati - Il postalista

i risultati - Il postalista


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7092 Literature Schwaneberger Verlag<br />

GmbH<br />

Germany<br />

“Michel Postal Stationery Catalogue - Europe up<br />

to 1960 (East and West)”<br />

Large Vermeil<br />

7093 Literature Schwaneberger Verlag<br />

GmbH<br />

Germany<br />

“Michel Catalogue Europe Vol. 3 ''Southern<br />

Europe 2009'' (part of a series of 7 volumes)”<br />

Vermeil<br />

7094 Literature Schwaneberger Verlag<br />

GmbH<br />

Germany “Michel Germany Catalogue 2009/2010” Vermeil<br />

7095 Literature Schwaneberger Verlag<br />

GmbH<br />

Germany “Michel Catalogue Overseas Volume 3 (1 und 2)<br />

''South America 2009/2010'' and Volume 4 North<br />

and East Africa (part of a series of 10 volumes)”<br />

Vermeil<br />

7096 Literature Schwaneberger Verlag<br />

GmbH<br />

Germany<br />

“Michel soft 8.0 Stamps ''Germany S'' (This<br />

software version contains almost all the<br />

subnumbers from the Michel Germany<br />

Specialized Catalogue)”<br />

Cannot be Accessed<br />

7097 Literature Orestes Vlastos Ltd Greece “Vlastos Hellas 2010 and Vlastos Hellenic<br />

Territories 2009”<br />

Vermeil<br />

7098 Literature Orestes Vlastos Ltd Greece “Vlastos Cyprus 2010” Large Silver<br />

7100 Literature Associazione Filatelia<br />

Italiana Specializzata<br />

Italy<br />

“Catalogo specializzato dei francobolli del regno<br />

d'Italia, della RSI e della Luogotenenza”<br />

Silver-Bronze<br />

7101 Literature Associazione Filatelia<br />

Italiana Specializzata<br />

Italy<br />

“Catalogo dei francobolli con filigrana lettere del<br />

regno d'Italia, della RSI e della Luogotenenza”<br />

Silver-Bronze<br />

7102 Literature Associazione Filatelia<br />

Italiana Specializzata<br />

Italy<br />

“Catalogo dei francobolli con filigrana lettere della<br />

repubblica italiana e Trieste”<br />

Silver-Bronze<br />

7103 Literature Cristiano Bussoli Italy “Fiscali d'Italia” Vermeil<br />

7104 Literature Vaccari srl Italy “Catalogo Vaccari” Large Vermeil<br />

7105 Literature Oslo Filatelistklubb Norway “Norgeskatalogen” Large Vermeil<br />

7106 Literature Boudewijn Hellebrekers Netherlands “Geuzendam's Catalogus van de<br />

postwaardestukken van Nederland en Overzeese<br />

Rijksdelen”<br />

7107 Literature Alexander <strong>Il</strong>yushin Russia “Catalogue of Postal stationery of Russian Empire<br />

1845-1917”<br />

Large Vermeil<br />

Vermeil<br />

7108 Literature Miroslav Milanovic Serbia “Catalog of extra-payment stamps Yugoslavia, Bronze

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