programa jornada europea 2005 - Red de Juderías de España

programa jornada europea 2005 - Red de Juderías de España programa jornada europea 2005 - Red de Juderías de España
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Austria • Belgium • Bosnia-Herzagovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Czech republic • Denmark • France Germany • Greece • Hungary • Italy • Lithuania • Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Romania Serbia • Slovakia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom 2005 JEWISH HERITAGE Austria • Belgium • Bosnia-Herzagovina • Bulgaria • Croatia Czech republic • Denmark • France • Germany • Greece Hungary • Italy • Lithuania • Netherlands • Norway • Poland Portugal • Romania • Serbia • Slovakia • Spain • Sweden Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom PROGRAMMES

Austria • Belgium • Bosnia-Herzagovina • Bulgaria • Croatia • Czech republic • Denmark • France<br />

Germany • Greece • Hungary • Italy • Lithuania • Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Romania<br />

Serbia • Slovakia • Spain • Swe<strong>de</strong>n • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom<br />

<strong>2005</strong><br />


Austria • Belgium • Bosnia-Herzagovina • Bulgaria • Croatia<br />

Czech republic • Denmark • France • Germany • Greece<br />

Hungary • Italy • Lithuania • Netherlands • Norway • Poland<br />

Portugal • Romania • Serbia • Slovakia • Spain • Swe<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom<br />




1. Introduction<br />

2. Programmes <strong>2005</strong><br />

3. Annexes<br />

3.1. List of national coordinator<br />

3.2. Comparative data 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

• General information<br />

• Participants<br />

• Countries<br />

• Cities<br />

• Activities<br />

3.3 Data of the <strong>2005</strong> European Day of<br />

Jewish Culture<br />

1. Présentation<br />

2. Programmes <strong>2005</strong><br />

3. Annexes<br />

3.1. Liste <strong>de</strong>s coordinateurs<br />

nationaux <strong>2005</strong><br />

3.2. Comparaison chiffrée 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

• Information génerale<br />

• Participants<br />

• Pays<br />

• Villes<br />

• Activités<br />

3.3.Chiffres <strong>de</strong> la Journée Européenne<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Culture Juïve <strong>2005</strong><br />

Jewish Heritage is an integral part of European<br />

history and culture. Most of Jewish history and<br />

culture is rooted in Europe, with a story ma<strong>de</strong> of<br />

migrations, persecutions and precariousness, but<br />

also of exchanges, humanism and a profusion of<br />

mutual enrichment. Judaism has had an impact on<br />

the lifestyles (cooking, singing, dancing, language<br />

etc.) of most Europeans be it by the values, which it<br />

promotes, or by the fact that throughout centuries<br />

Jews and non-Jews have lived together. In<strong>de</strong>ed,<br />

everywhere they have lived and everywhere where<br />

they were able to, Jews built synagogues, have left a<br />

cemetery and of other traces, not only to express<br />

their faith, but also to let the living testimony of<br />

their presence as well as of their contribution to life<br />

and the <strong>de</strong>velopment of their village, city or region.<br />

Pledge of particularism, this heritage is also a sign of<br />

their will to integrate in the surrounding society,<br />

without giving up their religion, but enriching their<br />

contribution the evolution of a common life.<br />

The European Route of Jewish Heritage<br />

consists in the highlighting of the buildings which<br />

have been left to us by the Jewish communities<br />

across Europe. It crosses Europe from the South to<br />

the North and from Western Europe to Central and<br />

Eastern Europe. Jewish sites are linked by common<br />

elements by a Jewish heritage which is a full part of<br />

the historical and cultural European Heritage.<br />

Jewish institutions,<br />

- A growing number of museums to study, protect<br />

and publicise Jewish life and its religious and daily<br />

artefacts,<br />

- A large <strong>de</strong> number of programmes: cultural,<br />

aca<strong>de</strong>mic, professional and youth exchange<br />

between people from different religions,<br />

cultures and countries.<br />

In doing so, it inevitably tackles the wi<strong>de</strong>r issue of<br />

Judaism, Jewish culture and Jewish traditions in<br />

today's Europe.<br />

The European Route of Jewish Heritage makes the<br />

Jewish sites more visible whilst at the same time,<br />

making the cults in Judaism more apparent,<br />

transparent and accessible to European citizens.<br />

This project participates in the education process<br />

on tolerance of the citizens.<br />

The main goals of the European Route of<br />

Jewish Heritage are to preserve and promote<br />

Jewish heritage as European heritage, to promote<br />

tourism around these sites and to make the<br />

Europeans aware of the cultural richness brought by<br />

the Jews across Europe during their stay in so many<br />

different regions.The Route of Jewish Heritage will<br />

not only enable visitors to discover the history of<br />

the Jewish people but will also enable them to<br />

know better their local and national history.<br />

In this context, in 2001 the European Institute of<br />

Cultural Routes proposed to <strong>de</strong>velop the "Day"<br />

into the European Route of Jewish Heritage, as an<br />

additional itinerary connected to the programme<br />

"Europe:A common Heritage "<br />

The project was born out of the European Day of<br />

Jewish Culture. Launched in 1996 in the Bas-Rhin<br />

(Alsace/France), un<strong>de</strong>r the Open Day formula by<br />

the Jewish association B'nai B'rith Hirschler in<br />

Strasbourg, in partnership with the Agence <strong>de</strong><br />

The European Jewish Heritage mainly inclu<strong>de</strong>s:<br />

Développement Touristique du Bas-Rhin, each<br />

- Archaeological sites, old synagogues and<br />

cemeteries, ritual baths, Jewish quarters,<br />

monuments and memorials,<br />

- Archives and libraries held by Jewish and non-<br />

summer many Jewish sites were opened to the<br />

public. Activities were organised around these sites<br />

such as tours, lectures, concerts etc.The event was<br />

broa<strong>de</strong>ned three years later and became a truly<br />

2 1


trans-national project with the European Day of<br />

network of exchange of experiences according to<br />

Le patrimoine juif fait partie intégrante <strong>de</strong> l’histoire<br />

- Les sites archéologiques, les synagogues et les<br />

Jewish Culture 1999. Since then, every first Sunday<br />

our goals, and to promote the creation of new<br />

européenne et <strong>de</strong> sa culture. L’histoire et la culture<br />

cimetières, les bains rituels, les quartiers juifs, les<br />

of September, in about 25 countries across Europe,<br />

working positions in the fields of culture and<br />

juives sont en gran<strong>de</strong> partie enracinées dans<br />

monuments et les mémoriaux<br />

Jewish sites are available to the public, making out of<br />

the day one a major event of the calendar for<br />

tourism, learning and cultural learning. The Day<br />

attracts more than 100.000 visitors each year.<br />

Beyond this extraordinary day <strong>de</strong>voted to the<br />

encounter with the public, the organisers wished to<br />

promote and help preserve the Jewish heritage.<br />

A first itinerary, issued in <strong>2005</strong>, enables the public to<br />

visit synagogues, cemeteries, ritual baths, museums,<br />

archives, etc, in sum, the historical heritage, as well<br />

as a number of restoration works and diffusion in<br />

several cities that are part of the most <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

<strong>de</strong>stinations insi<strong>de</strong> the whole of the cities that have<br />

taken part in the European Day of Jewish Culture<br />

(in Belgium, in Croatia, in Czech Republic, in France,<br />

in Hungary, in Italy, in Lithuania, in Luxembourg, in<br />

Netherlands, in Serbia, in Slovakia, in Spain, in United<br />

Kingdom, in Ukraine).<br />

The second itinerary we propose is a historic route<br />

issued from the travels ma<strong>de</strong> during 14 years, in the<br />

12th century, by well known tra<strong>de</strong>r Benjamin of<br />

Tu<strong>de</strong>la.<br />

The creation of new itineraries in the forthcoming<br />

years will offer us the possibility to create a rich<br />

tourism.<br />

The European Day of Jewish Culture and the<br />

European Route of Jewish Heritage have<br />

been promoted by an alliance of several Jewish<br />

and non-Jewish organisations, including tourist<br />

agencies as well as volunteer organisations. The<br />

strength of this network lies in its variety. The<br />

partnership of this European network is based upon<br />

three organisations, two European Jewish<br />

organisations namely B’nai B’rith Europe (BBE)<br />

and the European Council of Jewish<br />

Communities (ECJC) and a public Spanish<br />

network, <strong>Red</strong> <strong>de</strong> Ju<strong>de</strong>rias <strong>de</strong> España-Caminos<br />

<strong>de</strong> Sefarad, or Spanish Jewish Network.<br />

The European Route of Jewish Heritage is<br />

supported since 2004 by the European Institute of<br />

Cultural Routes and the European Council and this<br />

partnership is open to other allies that may join the<br />

project in the very near future.<br />

These thematic routes will enable to cross Europe<br />

and make religious and cultural exchanges a reality<br />

in this large mosaic of cultures. From these pages<br />

we shall thank you, our partners and every one that<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> it possible.<br />

l’Europe et sont faites d’une histoire pleine <strong>de</strong><br />

migrations, <strong>de</strong> persécutions et <strong>de</strong> précarité, mais<br />

également d’échanges humains, d’humanisme et une<br />

profusion d’enrichissements mutuels. Le judaïsme a<br />

eu un impact sur les styles <strong>de</strong> vie (cuisine, chants,<br />

danses, langues etc.) <strong>de</strong> la plupart <strong>de</strong>s Européens<br />

que ce soit par les valeurs qu’il promeut ou par le<br />

fait que pendant <strong>de</strong>s siècles les juifs et les non juifs<br />

ont coexisté. En effet, partout où les juifs ont vécu<br />

et partout où ils ont pu, les juifs ont construit leur<br />

synagogue, ont laissé un cimetière et d’autres traces<br />

encore pour exprimer leur foi et pour laisser un<br />

témoignage vivant <strong>de</strong> leur présence et <strong>de</strong> leur<br />

contribution à la vie et au développement <strong>de</strong> leur<br />

village, ville ou région. Signe <strong>de</strong> leur particularisme,<br />

ce patrimoine est également un signe <strong>de</strong> leur<br />

volonté <strong>de</strong> s’intégrer dans la société environnante<br />

sans renoncer à leur religion mais en contribuant à<br />

l’évolution <strong>de</strong> la vie commune.<br />

L’Itinéraire Européen du Patrimoine Juif<br />

consiste à mettre en valeur les bâtiments qui nous<br />

ont été légués par les Communautés Juives à travers<br />

l’Europe. Il traverse l’Europe du Sud au Nord et <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Ouest à l’Europe Centrale et Orientale. Les sites<br />

juifs sont reliés entre eux par <strong>de</strong>s éléments<br />

communs, par ce patrimoine juif qui fait partie<br />

intégrante du patrimoine historique et culturel <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Europe.<br />

Dans cette perspective, en 2001, l'Institut Européen<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Itinéraires Culturels proposa <strong>de</strong> développer<br />

l’Itinéraire Européen du Patrimoine Juif à partir <strong>de</strong><br />

la “Journée” existante, comme un itinéraire<br />

supplémentaire relié au programme "L’Europe: Un<br />

patrimoine commun".<br />

- Les archives et les bibliothèques tenues par <strong>de</strong>s<br />

établissements juifs et non juifs<br />

- Un nombre <strong>de</strong> plus en plus important <strong>de</strong> musées<br />

qui se consacrent à l’étu<strong>de</strong>, la protection et la<br />

diffusion <strong>de</strong> la vie juive et <strong>de</strong> ses objets religieux<br />

et quotidiens<br />

- Les nombreux programmes d’échanges<br />

interculturels, académiques, professionnels<br />

et orientés vers les jeunes, entre <strong>de</strong>s<br />

personnes faisant partie <strong>de</strong> collectivités<br />

religieuses et culturelles distinctes<br />

Ce faisant, on abor<strong>de</strong> inévitablement les sujets plus<br />

vastes du judaïsme, <strong>de</strong> la culture juive et <strong>de</strong>s<br />

traditions juives dans l’Europe d’aujourd’hui.<br />

L’Itinéraire Européen du Patrimoine Juif rend plus<br />

visible les sites juifs tout en rendant plus apparent le<br />

culte dans le judaïsme, ce qui le rendra plus<br />

transparent et plus accessible aux citoyens<br />

européens. Ce projet participe au processus<br />

d’éducation et à la tolérance <strong>de</strong>s citoyens.<br />

Les principaux objectifs <strong>de</strong> l’Itinéraire Européen<br />

du Patrimoine Juif sont <strong>de</strong> préserver et<br />

promouvoir le patrimoine juif comme partie<br />

intégrante du patrimoine culturel européen, <strong>de</strong><br />

promouvoir le tourisme autour <strong>de</strong> ces sites et <strong>de</strong><br />

rendre les Européens attentifs à la richesse<br />

culturelle que les juifs ont apportée à travers<br />

l’Europe pendant leur séjour dans <strong>de</strong> si nombreuses<br />

régions. L’Itinéraire Européen du Patrimoine Juif<br />

permettra aux visiteurs non seulement <strong>de</strong><br />

découvrir l’histoire du peuple juif, mais leur offre<br />

aussi la possibilité <strong>de</strong> mieux connaître leur<br />

histoire locale et nationale.<br />

Le patrimoine juif européen inclut principalement :<br />

Le projet d’itinéraire est né <strong>de</strong> la Journée<br />

2 3

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Européenne <strong>de</strong> la Culture Juive. Lancée, en<br />

1996, dans le département du Bas-Rhin (Alsace /<br />

France), sous la formule <strong>de</strong> « Journées Portes<br />

Ouvertes » par l’association juive B’nai B’rith<br />

Hirschler <strong>de</strong> Strasbourg, en partenariat avec<br />

l’Agence <strong>de</strong> Développement Touristique du Bas-<br />

Rhin, <strong>de</strong> nombreux sites furent ouverts au public<br />

chaque été. Des animations furent organisées<br />

autour <strong>de</strong> ces sites, telles que visites guidées,<br />

conférences, concerts etc. Le projet fut élargi trois<br />

ans plus tard et <strong>de</strong>vint véritablement transnational<br />

avec la Journée Européenne <strong>de</strong> la Culture Juive<br />

1999. Depuis, chaque premier dimanche <strong>de</strong><br />

septembre, dans environ 25 pays à travers l’Europe,<br />

<strong>de</strong>s sites juifs sont accessibles au public, faisant <strong>de</strong><br />

ce jour un <strong>de</strong>s évènements majeurs du calendrier<br />

pour le tourisme et la connaissance culturelle.<br />

L’évènement attire plus <strong>de</strong> 100 000 visiteurs chaque<br />

année. Au-<strong>de</strong>là <strong>de</strong> cette journée exceptionnelle<br />

consacrée à la rencontre avec le public, les<br />

organisateurs se sont fixés comme objectif <strong>de</strong><br />

promouvoir et <strong>de</strong> contribuer à la préservation du<br />

patrimoine juif, partie intégrante du patrimoine<br />

culturel <strong>de</strong> l’Europe.<br />

Le premier itinéraire, créé en <strong>2005</strong>, permet la visite<br />

du patrimoine historique et monumental juif<br />

comme les synagogues, cimetières, bains rituels,<br />

musées, archives etc. ainsi que la réalisation <strong>de</strong><br />

nombreux travaux <strong>de</strong> restauration <strong>de</strong> ce<br />

patrimoine; ceci dans le but <strong>de</strong> le mettre en valeur<br />

et d’assurer sa diffusion dans les nombreuses villes<br />

qui composent l’itinéraire et qui sont déjà<br />

impliquées dans la Journée Européenne <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Culture Juive (en Belgique, en Croatie, en Espagne,<br />

en France, en Hongrie, en Italie, en Lituanie, en<br />

Luxembourg, en Pays-Bas, en République Tchèque,<br />

en Royaume-Uni, en Serbie, en Slovaquie, en<br />

Ukraine).<br />

Le <strong>de</strong>uxième itinéraire que nous proposons est un<br />

itinéraire historique qui retrace un voyage <strong>de</strong> 14 ans<br />

réalisé, au 12ème siècle, par l’illustre personnage<br />

Benjamin <strong>de</strong> Tu<strong>de</strong>la.<br />

La création <strong>de</strong> nouveaux itinéraires dans les années<br />

à venir nous offrira la possibilité <strong>de</strong> créer un réseau<br />

riche d'échange d'expériences et <strong>de</strong> promouvoir la<br />

création <strong>de</strong> nouveaux postes <strong>de</strong> travail dans les<br />

domaines <strong>de</strong> la culture et du tourisme.<br />

La Journée Européenne <strong>de</strong> la Culture Juive et<br />

l’Itinéraire Européen du Patrimoine Juif ont<br />

été promus par un partenariat <strong>de</strong> plusieurs<br />

organisations juives et non juives incluant <strong>de</strong>s<br />

agences <strong>de</strong> tourisme et <strong>de</strong>s organisations <strong>de</strong><br />

bénévoles. La force <strong>de</strong> ce réseau se situe dans sa<br />

variété. Le réseau européen se compose <strong>de</strong> trois<br />

structures, <strong>de</strong>ux organisations juives européennes,<br />

le B’nai B’rith Europe (BBE) et le Conseil<br />

Européen <strong>de</strong>s Communautés Juives (ECJC)<br />

ainsi qu’un réseau <strong>de</strong> municipalités espagnoles, la<br />

<strong>Red</strong> <strong>de</strong> Ju<strong>de</strong>rías <strong>de</strong> España-Caminos <strong>de</strong> Sefarad<br />

L’Itinéraire Européen du Patrimoine Juif est aussi<br />

avale <strong>de</strong>puis le 2004 par l’Institut Européen <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Itinéraires Culturels et le Conseil <strong>de</strong> l’Europe,<br />

d’autres partenaires intéressés peuvent rejoindre le<br />

projet à très court terme.<br />

Les itinéraires thématiques permettront <strong>de</strong><br />

traverser l'Europe et <strong>de</strong> faire <strong>de</strong>s échanges religieux<br />

et culturels une réalité dans cette vaste mosaïque<br />

<strong>de</strong> cultures. Nous voulons profiter pour remercier<br />

a nos collaborateurs et tous ce qui on fait possible<br />

cette réalité.<br />


Vienna:<br />

11.00 am and 2.00 pm:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tours:“The taste of milk and honey”<br />

Jewish Museum Vienna, Dorotheergasse 11, 1010<br />

Vienna<br />

Come to the Jewish Museum Vienna and try a<br />

special kind of gui<strong>de</strong>d tour: listen,see and eat!<br />

Your museum admission card is the admission to<br />

the taste - pick it up at Café Teitelbaum! So you<br />

will get yummy informations about jewish holidays.<br />


Antwerpen:<br />

14 h-17h:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour<br />

Hoveniersstraat 32<br />

Sephardi synagogue of Antwerpen<br />

Arlon:<br />

13h30-17h30:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour<br />

1, rue <strong>de</strong> la synagogue<br />

First belgian built Synagogue in 1865<br />

Brussels 1000:<br />

10h-17h:<br />

Exhibition and tour<br />

21, rue <strong>de</strong>s Minimes<br />

Exhibition:"175 years of jewish life in Belgium"<br />

10h30 and 14h30: Walking tour (2h) on "the<br />

steps of the Jews of Brussels"<br />

13h-18h:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour<br />

32, rue <strong>de</strong> la Régence<br />

Main synagogue of Brussels (classified building for<br />

the quality of the architecture)<br />

Brussels 1050:<br />

10h-17h:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour<br />

89, chaussée <strong>de</strong> Vleurgat<br />

In the community center you will find the only<br />

Jewish belgian radio and two exhibitions<br />

Brussels 1060:<br />

12h-15h:<br />

Brunch in music<br />

52 rue Hotel <strong>de</strong>s Monnaies<br />

Community center<br />

Brussels 1070:<br />

10h-16h:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour<br />

Square <strong>de</strong>s martyrs juifs<br />

National memorial of the Jews killed in the Shoah<br />

Liege:<br />

10h-17h:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour<br />

19, rue Leon Fre<strong>de</strong>ricq<br />

Synagogue and museum<br />

Mechelen:<br />

10h-18h:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour and lecture<br />

153 Goswin <strong>de</strong> Stassartstraat<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour: Eng:11h & 15h30-Fr:10h &13h-<br />

Nl:10h30 &15h30-G:12h &14h30<br />

Lecture on the archives concerning the Shoah:<br />

Eng:13h-Nl:15h-Fr:11h30<br />

Oosten<strong>de</strong>:<br />

14h-18h:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour<br />

3,Filip van Maastrichtplein<br />

Synagogue built by a Jewish architect in 1911<br />


Sarajevo:<br />

18:00h:<br />

Exhibition - Hiromantija Slike<br />

Gallery New Temple, Mula Mustafe Baseskije 38,<br />

Sarajevo B&H<br />

Illustration of Hebrew alphabet trough Kabala<br />

symbolic meaning.<br />

19:00h:<br />

Jewish dinning table - Jewish specialities<br />

Jewish Museum, Mula Mustafe Baseskije 38,<br />

Sarajevo B&H<br />

Presentation of traditional Sephardic cooking and<br />

4 5

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

refreshment composed of traditional Sephardic<br />

meals<br />

19:00h:<br />

Jewish cooking in heritage<br />

Jewish Museum, Mula Mustafe Baseskije 38,<br />

Sarajevo B&H<br />

19:00h:<br />

Kosher - by Igor Kozemjakin<br />

Jewish Museum, Mula Mustafe Baseskije 38,<br />

Sarajevo B&H<br />


Sofia:<br />

Morning & evening:<br />

Lecture, dinner, exhibition, music<br />

In the center of the Jewish Community "Shalom", a<br />

lecture will be hold with the topic "Sephardic<br />

cuisine".<br />

Moreover, during a dinner which will be opened to<br />

the public, samples will be offered of typical Jewish<br />

food.<br />

Also planned is an exhibition of ritual objects.<br />

For the closing of the event, Bulgaria will organise<br />

a music event with Sephardic songs and dances in<br />

an exchange with the Serbian Jewish Community.<br />


Osijek:<br />

Friday, September 2, <strong>2005</strong>, 11.00am: Press<br />

conference for the local media<br />

Radiceva 13, 31000 Osijek, Croatia<br />

Sunday, September 4, <strong>2005</strong><br />

9.00am:<br />

Opening ceremony<br />

Jewish Community Osijek, Radiceva 13,<br />

31000 Osijek<br />

Mr. Damir Lajos (Presi<strong>de</strong>nt, Jewish Community<br />

Osijek):Welcome speech, Prof. Dr. Darko Fischer<br />

(National Co-ordinator for Croatia: European Day<br />

of Jewish Culture, Croatia and Osijek 2001 to<br />

<strong>2005</strong>)<br />

9.30am:<br />

Jewish gastronomy exhibition<br />

Jewish Communitiy Osijek, Radiceva 13, 31000<br />

Osijek<br />

Books on Jewish Kitchen published recently in<br />

Croatia.<br />

Some examples of typical Jewish meals.<br />

Zagreb:<br />

11.00 am:<br />

Exibition Opening<br />

10000 Zagreb, Palmoticeva 16<br />

12.00 am:<br />

Documentary Radio Play<br />

A radio play by Delka Milanov and Vojo Siljak<br />

1.00 pm:<br />

Traditional Jewish Music:The Jewsers Band<br />


Brno:<br />

Open doors and gui<strong>de</strong>d tour<br />

The synagogue will be opened to public as well as<br />

the library of Jewish Community.There will be a<br />

possibility to have a gui<strong>de</strong>d tour around the Jewish<br />

cemetery.<br />

On 16 September:<br />

An interview with Rabbi Koller about Jewish<br />

cuisine will be broadcasted.<br />

Krnov:<br />

From 2 to 4 pm:<br />

Synagogue in Silesian Krnov will be opened.<br />

The visitors will be able to taste a short of a<br />

herbal liqueur Pra<strong>de</strong>d, that has still been ma<strong>de</strong><br />

according to a recipe of Jewish company foun<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Siegfried Gessler.<br />

Every Sunday from 13 Aug. to 18 Sept. from<br />

2pm to 4pm:<br />

Exhibition<br />

The visitors will also have a unique opportunity to<br />

see an exhibition of hundreds of photographs<br />

taken in the years 1975 to <strong>2005</strong> by Vlasta Krautová<br />

at Czech and Polish Jewish cemeteries.<br />

Praha:<br />

6 september from 6 pm:<br />

Day of Jewish and Israel cuisine<br />

The Jewish town hall<br />

Jewish Community of Prague in cooperation with<br />

bejt Praha will organise the event at the Jewish<br />

town hall.<br />

The visitors will be able to enjoy a varied program<br />

consisting of Jewish and Israeli buffet with meals<br />

and beverages, Israeli dances program performed<br />

and lead by a dance group Besamim and concert<br />

of Trombenik - well-known klezmer band.<br />

Teplice:<br />

22-25 September:<br />

A week of Jewish culture including Days of Jewish<br />

cuisine at the Hotel Prince <strong>de</strong> Ligne<br />

The beverages and meals will be prepared by a<br />

famous chef specializing on Jewish cuisine, Mr.<br />

Bohuslav Dolansk_ from Prague.<br />


Copenhagen-O<strong>de</strong>nse<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour:<br />

In the center of Copenhagen<br />

4-5 places where the Danish worldwi<strong>de</strong>-knowed<br />

poet Hans Christian An<strong>de</strong>rsen visited Danish<br />

Jewish families from about 1830 to 1875. He died<br />

in a Jewish home. Melchior is the family name.<br />

O<strong>de</strong>nse (the city where he was born)<br />

Visit the Museum for the poet "Hans Christian<br />

An<strong>de</strong>rsen Museum" where a great part of the<br />

exhibition showing his connection to the Melchior<br />

family and other Jewish families in Copenhagen.<br />

O<strong>de</strong>nse<br />

Visit at the small Jewish cemetery (90 graves only),<br />

ma<strong>de</strong>d kaddish<br />

ALSACE<br />

Benfeld:<br />

Synagogue<br />

7a rue <strong>de</strong> la Dîme<br />

FRANCE<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h30 à 15h30:<br />

Visite guidée <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue par M. Jean-Pierre<br />

Lambert<br />

à 15h30:<br />

Conférence <strong>de</strong> M. le Rabbin Clau<strong>de</strong> Heymann «<br />

Les lois alimentaires dans la tradition juive<br />

(cacherout) »<br />

A l’issue <strong>de</strong> la conférence, présentation d_une<br />

recette culinaire judéo alsacienne et sa<br />

dégustation: le Zemmet Küech (gâteau à la canelle)<br />

16h15:<br />

Concert liturgique avec M. Michel Heymann, M.<br />

Jean-Marc Israël et M. Jacky Hermann accompagnés<br />

à l’orgue par M. Pascal Ferraro<br />

Bischheim:<br />

Cour <strong>de</strong>s Boecklin - bain rituel et salle David<br />

Sintzheim/Ritualbad und David Sintzheim Saal<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 18h30:<br />

- Visite du Mikwé<br />

- Marché <strong>de</strong> produits issus <strong>de</strong> la gastronomie<br />

judéo-alsacienne<br />

- Exposition <strong>de</strong> livres <strong>de</strong> cuisine juive<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h15 à 15h15:<br />

« Judaïsme et rites alimentaires: questionsréponses<br />

»avec Mme Jeanine Elkouby<br />

Bouxviller:<br />

Musée Judéo-Alsacien<br />

62 Grand rue<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 12h et <strong>de</strong> 13h30 à 18h30:<br />

Visite du musée.<br />

Tarif unique: 3,00€<br />

à 17h:<br />

Animation: « Conférence illustrée » par M. Gilbert<br />

Weil sur lethème: « La Table Juive »<br />

Colmar:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 18h:<br />

Exposition autour du thème « La Cuisine Juive en<br />

Héritage »<br />

Centre Communautaire, Salee Jules Cahn - rue <strong>de</strong><br />

la Cigogne<br />

Plats spécifiques <strong>de</strong>s diverses fêtes juives, ateliers,<br />

dégustations, vente <strong>de</strong> livres <strong>de</strong> cuisine.<br />

6 7

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Diemeringen:<br />

Synagogue, Ecole juive, Mikwé<br />

Rue du Vin<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 17h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue, <strong>de</strong> l’Ecole juive et du<br />

Mikwé<br />

Exposition sur les recettes <strong>de</strong> la cuisine juive avec<br />

livres et présentations <strong>de</strong> spécialités<br />

Ettendorf:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 17h:<br />

Visite du cimetière<br />

Hochfel<strong>de</strong>n:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 18h (ce jour ainsi que tous les<br />

autres):<br />

Exposition du 8 mai à fin octobre<br />

Dans le cadre <strong>de</strong> cette exposition temporaire<br />

consacrée au 60ème anniversaire <strong>de</strong> la Libération,<br />

plusieurs panneaux sont proposés au public dont<br />

un panneau consacré à la législation antisémite du<br />

IIIème Reich, un panneau sur le sort <strong>de</strong>s juifs<br />

alsaciens (expulsion, camps en vieille France,<br />

départ pour les camps <strong>de</strong> concentration), un<br />

panneau comportant la liste complète <strong>de</strong>s victimes<br />

juives <strong>de</strong> Hochfel<strong>de</strong>n ainsi qu_une vitrine avec <strong>de</strong>s<br />

objets et souvenirs juifs.Au mikwé, un panneau<br />

retraçant l’Histoire. Messti à Hochfel<strong>de</strong>n, ce jour<br />

Ingwiller:<br />

Synagogue - Cour du Château<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h30 à 15h et <strong>de</strong> 16h à 16h30:<br />

Visite libre <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue<br />

<strong>de</strong> 15h à 16h:<br />

Conférence: « Contes et Recettes <strong>de</strong> cuisine »<br />

avec Mme Béatrice Sommer<br />

Koenigshoffen:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 11h à 14h:<br />

Visite du cimetière<br />

Mackenheim:<br />

à 11h:<br />

Visite guidée du cimetière sous la conduite <strong>de</strong> M.<br />

Günther Boll<br />

Marmoutier:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 12h et <strong>de</strong> 14h à 18h:<br />

Visite guidée du musée<br />

Tarif: 4,00€/personne. Messti à Marmoutier, ce jour<br />

Mulhouse:<br />

15h:<br />

Conférence<br />

Salons du Centre Communautaire - 2, rue <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Rabbins<br />

Conférence «Pourquoi la cuisine juive est-elle un<br />

héritage?»<br />

Neuwiller-les-Saverne:<br />

Salle du Chapitre (<strong>de</strong>rrière l’église catholique)<br />

14h00, 15h00, 16h00, 17h00:<br />

Animation organisée par l’association<br />

PATRIMOINE: projection d’un document vidéo <strong>de</strong><br />

12 minutes « Mémoire juive <strong>de</strong> Neuwiller, <strong>de</strong>s<br />

hommes et <strong>de</strong>s lieux .<br />

Visite libre ou guidée (selon les <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>s et le<br />

nombre <strong>de</strong> personnes).<br />

Langues: français (vidéo), français, anglais, allemand,<br />

alsacien (visite).<br />

Tarifs: 2,00 €<br />

Nie<strong>de</strong>rbronn:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 12h et <strong>de</strong> 15h à 17h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la maison du rabbin<br />

25, avenue Foch (angle rue du Quillier)<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la maison du rabbin: bain rituel et maison<br />

mortuaire<br />

Obernai:<br />

départs 10h30 et 15h30:<br />

Circuit pé<strong>de</strong>stre<br />

Ren<strong>de</strong>z vous: <strong>de</strong>vant l’Office du Tourisme place du<br />

Beffroi.<br />

Tarif: gratuit.<br />

Renseignements à l’Office <strong>de</strong> Tourisme, tél: 03 88<br />

95 00 37 e-mail:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 17h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue<br />

rue <strong>de</strong> Sélestat<br />

12h:<br />

Déjeuner spécialités judéo-alsaciennes avec au menu<br />

Kougel aux poires, Soupe aux Matzeknefel<br />

Pickelfleisch chaud, sala<strong>de</strong>s diverses, crème au<br />

kirsch, gâteau <strong>de</strong> Pessah, café, thé.<br />

Tarif: 20,00 €/personne.<br />

Lieu: Parking <strong>de</strong>s remparts - Hall Gruber.<br />

Réservations obligatoires avant le 25 août <strong>2005</strong> à<br />

l’Office <strong>de</strong> Tourisme ou auprès <strong>de</strong> la Communauté<br />

Israélite d’Obernai.<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h30 à 15h15:<br />

Concert liturgique avec M. Michel Heymann, M.<br />

Jean-Marc Israël et M. Jacky Hermann,<br />

accompagnés à l’orgue par M. Pascal Ferraro<br />

Pfaffenhoffen:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 18h:<br />

Musée <strong>de</strong> l’Image Populaire et ancienne synagogue<br />

Passage du Schneeberg (parking du Romain)<br />

Ouverture du musée et <strong>de</strong> l’ancienne synagogue.<br />

Tarifs réduits: 2,50 € personne (entrée combinée<br />

pour le musée et l_ancienne synagogue)-gratuit<br />

pour les enfants <strong>de</strong> - <strong>de</strong> 16 ans.<br />

Saverne:<br />

Synagogue<br />

rue du 22 novembre<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue<br />

15h:<br />

Visite commentée du cimetière rue du Haut Barr<br />

17h:<br />

Visite commentée <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue par M.Alain<br />

Kahn<br />

Selestat:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 17h:<br />

Synagogue<br />

4, rue St Barbe/ Place Vanolles<br />

- Visite synagogue et mikwé<br />

- Visite du cimetière<br />

- Exposition « Les Juifs <strong>de</strong> Sélestat: 7 siècles<br />

d’histoire, Fêtes et Recettes <strong>de</strong> la cuisine juive »<br />

-Vente <strong>de</strong> livres: Recettes <strong>de</strong> la table juive<br />

15h:<br />

Concert <strong>de</strong> chants liturgiques<br />

Synagogue, 4, rue St Barbe/ Place Vanolles<br />

Soultz:<br />

Chateau-Musée du Bucheneck<br />

Musée du Bucheneck, rue Kageneck<br />

14h-16h: Visite commentée <strong>de</strong> la salle Moïse<br />

Ginsburger<br />

16h-18h: Concert avec le trio KLEZMER-<br />


Klezmer est une musique qui danse et qui chante,<br />

qui exprime la joie et la tristesse <strong>de</strong> la vie. Le mot<br />

"klezmer" provient <strong>de</strong> l'araméen "Kli" et "Zemer"<br />

signifiant littéralement "l'homme se fait porteur <strong>de</strong><br />

chansons". Le trio composé <strong>de</strong> Annemarie<br />

BRUCKER à la clarinette, clarinette basse et<br />

saxophone soprano, <strong>de</strong> Joachim STORL à la guitare<br />

et percussions et <strong>de</strong> Karsten KRAMER au piano,<br />

joue aussi bien <strong>de</strong> la musique traditionnelle juive<br />

<strong>de</strong> noce que <strong>de</strong>s compositions mo<strong>de</strong>rnes<br />

(synthèse <strong>de</strong> jazz, <strong>de</strong> rock et d'autres styles <strong>de</strong><br />

musique). Expressive, cette formation<br />

instrumentale se caractérise par un savant dosage<br />

d'improvisation et <strong>de</strong> virtuosité qui touche l'âme<br />

sans mots, ouvre l'esprit et l'émotion...<br />

A noter que le trio se produit pour la première<br />

fois en France.Annemarie Brucker, à l'origine <strong>de</strong><br />

l'ensemble, affiche un parcours musical<br />

impressionnant. De l'Ecole Nationale<br />

d'Enseignement Supérieur <strong>de</strong> la musique à<br />

Düsseldorf au Conservatoire National <strong>de</strong><br />

Strasbourg, elle a obtenu <strong>de</strong> nombreux diplômes<br />

dans diverses catégories: clarinette, saxophone,<br />

musique <strong>de</strong> chambre... Disciplines qu'elle enseigne<br />

d'ailleurs. Elle est chef d'orchestre en France et en<br />

Allemagne et donne actuellement <strong>de</strong>s concerts en<br />

duo "Nous <strong>de</strong>ux" et en trio "Klezmer-Triptych".<br />

Les morceaux interprétés au Bucheneck feront<br />

référence à <strong>de</strong>s compositeurs <strong>de</strong>s années 20 tels<br />

que Naftul Brandwein et Dave Tarras ou d'autres<br />

plus contemporains: Giora Feidman, Helmut Eisel<br />

et Kol Simcha Worldquintet. Un programme<br />

détaillé sera remis à l'accueil.<br />

Tarif réduit pour l'occasion: 1,50 euros l'adulte.<br />

Heures d'ouverture: 14h-18h.<br />

A cette occasion, <strong>de</strong>s ouvrages sur le thème du<br />

8 9

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

judaïsme local ou d'outre-Rhin seront proposés<br />

aux visiteurs:<br />

-Jungholtz, lieu <strong>de</strong> mémoire: étu<strong>de</strong> approfondie sur<br />

le cimetière israélite <strong>de</strong> Jungholtz, tout proche du<br />

Soultz, signée Denis Ingold.<br />

-Rückkehr aus <strong>de</strong>m Exil ZONE 30: un ouvrage<br />

rédigé en 3 langues (allemand, anglais, français) par<br />

Günter Boll et Christiane Walesch-Schneller; les<br />

photos ont été réalisées par Joseph Kornweitz.<br />

Tous 3 sont cofondateurs <strong>de</strong> "Das Blaue Haus,<br />

Ehemaliges Jüdisches Gemein<strong>de</strong>haus" à Breisach.A<br />

noter la préface <strong>de</strong> Freddy Raphaël, les textes <strong>de</strong><br />

Clau<strong>de</strong> Vigée et la présence en filigrane<br />

"photographique" du Bucheneck...<br />

Renseignements: Musée du Bucheneck, rue<br />

Kageneck Tél: Courriel:<br /><br />

Soultz-sous-Forets:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 12h et <strong>de</strong> 14h à 17h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue<br />

Schaffhouse:<br />

Visite guidée du complexe juif, <strong>de</strong> l’extérieur<br />

Strasbourg:<br />

à 14h30:<br />

"A la découverte du patrimoine juif <strong>de</strong> Strasbourg"<br />

Visite guidée organisée par l’Office <strong>de</strong> Tourisme <strong>de</strong><br />

Strasbourg pour les visiteurs individuels le<br />

dimanche 4 septembre.<br />

Thème <strong>de</strong> la visite: « A la découverte du<br />

patrimoine juif <strong>de</strong> Strasbourg ». Découverte du<br />

patrimoine juif avec visite du bain rituel du 13ème<br />

siècle.<br />

2 visites en français (l’une restera dans le vieux<br />

Strasbourg, l’autre ira jusqu’à la synagogue <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Paix), 1 visite en allemand.<br />

Départ: Office <strong>de</strong> Tourisme, 17, place <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Cathédrale.<br />

Inscriptions nécessaires au 03 88 52 28 28.<br />

Demi-tarif pour tous: 3,40 €<br />

<strong>de</strong> 9h à 19h:<br />

Musée du Chocolat Marquise <strong>de</strong> Sévigné<br />

Rue du Pont <strong>de</strong> Péage 67118 Geispolsheim<br />

Le chocolat dans la cuisine juive.<br />

- Dégustation et démonstration <strong>de</strong> spécialités.<br />

- Atelier pour enfants.<br />

- Marché <strong>de</strong>s gourmandises.<br />

- Vente.<br />

Ville:<br />

Synagogue, concert, dégustation<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h30 à 17h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue et présentation <strong>de</strong><br />

l_histoire <strong>de</strong> la Communauté<br />

à 15h30 et 16h30:<br />

Concert Airs <strong>de</strong> Barbara avec la chorale «Pause<br />

Café»<br />

Dégustation <strong>de</strong> «Matzeknepfle» (boulettes <strong>de</strong> pain<br />

azyme)<br />

Bayonne:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h 30 à 14h à la synagogue / 15h 30 à l'hôtel:<br />

Exposition et animation<br />

Synagogue: 35 rue Maubec<br />

10h 30:<br />

Ouverture et accueil à la synagogue<br />


JUDAÏSME (conçue par le Consistoire <strong>de</strong> Moselle):<br />

panneaux créés à partir d'un ouvrage «la<br />

nourriture dans la Bible»<br />

11 h:<br />

Causerie, présentations <strong>de</strong>s grands principes <strong>de</strong> la<br />

cuisine cachère dans la tradition juive<br />

11 h 30 à 14 h:<br />

Dégustation <strong>de</strong> plats traditionnels suivi d'un buffet<br />

15 h 30:<br />

A l'Hôtel <strong>de</strong> Ville (Place <strong>de</strong> la Liberté, entrée côté<br />

Adour):<br />

- présentation <strong>de</strong> l'inventaire du fonds d'archives <strong>de</strong><br />

la communauté historique du dépôt <strong>de</strong> ces archives<br />

- présentation du CD rom créé par le cercle<br />

généalogique du Pays Basque à partir du fonds<br />

d'archives municipales et du fonds d'archives du<br />

consistoire<br />

Belfort:<br />

Toute la journée:A la découverte <strong>de</strong> l'art et <strong>de</strong>s<br />

écrits <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue<br />

Centre Communautaire Israélite, 6 rue <strong>de</strong> l'As <strong>de</strong><br />

Carreau, BELFORT<br />

à 9h 45 et15h:<br />

Visite guidée <strong>de</strong> la synagogue<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h 45 à 12h et <strong>de</strong> 13h 30 à 16h 30:<br />

Atelier d'enluminurr animé par Sarah<br />

LESSELBAUM, artiste enlumineur lyonnais<br />

à 11h 30 et 16h 30:<br />

- Concert <strong>de</strong> chants liturgiques par Gilbert<br />

HAENEL et ses fils<br />

- Exposition "RACHI et son temps"<br />

- Visite commentée lors <strong>de</strong> la visite <strong>de</strong> la<br />

synagogue<br />

- Exposition-vente <strong>de</strong> LUMIN'OR (oeuvres sur<br />

bois)<br />

- Espace livres, philatélie, artisanat<br />

Réservation et inscription à la Maison du<br />

Tourisme, 2bis rue Clémenceau à Belfort, tél.<br /><br />

Renseignements: centre communautaire insraélite<br />

tél . En partenariat avec Association<br />

Judaïques Cultures, La Maison du Tourisme et la<br />

Ville <strong>de</strong> Belfort<br />

Lorraine:<br />

Bruyères:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 15h à 18h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue <strong>de</strong>venue musée <strong>de</strong>puis 1993<br />

qui contient <strong>de</strong>s faïences <strong>de</strong>s 18è et 19è siècles et<br />

une plaque commémorative dédiée aux "Illustres<br />

Enfants d'Israël"<br />

par M. Gilles GRIVEL, historien<br />

rue Simone et Jean Lurçat (à côté <strong>de</strong> la place<br />

Stanislas)<br />

Delme:<br />

à partir <strong>de</strong> 15h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue/musée ainsi que du<br />

cimetière<br />

Dégustation <strong>de</strong> spécialités juives<br />

Dimanche 13 novembre <strong>2005</strong> à 16h:<br />

A la salle St Germain <strong>de</strong> la médiathèque <strong>de</strong> Delme<br />

Conférence "Manger le livre" par M.Gérard HADAD,<br />

ingénieur, psychiatre, psychanalyste et traducteur<br />

Forbach:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue et exposition au centre<br />

communautaire<br />

Explications données par M.Samuel KLEIN,<br />

ministre-officiant, et M.Raymond KLAUBER,<br />

prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> la Communauté<br />

Frauenberg:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 18h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue commentée par Mme Sylvia<br />

CAHN avec un exposé sur "les aliments du <strong>de</strong>uil<br />

et leur symbolique"<br />

Gerardmer:<br />

Dimanche 18 septembre:<br />

Visite dans le cadre <strong>de</strong> la Journée Nationale du<br />

Patrimoine<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 12h et <strong>de</strong> 14h à 18h:<br />

Dans le grand salon <strong>de</strong> l'Hôtel <strong>de</strong> Ville, exposition<br />

présentant <strong>de</strong>s objets du culte juif et <strong>de</strong>s tableaux<br />

du legs REINACH, en particulier le portrait du<br />

Grand Rabbin <strong>de</strong> Belgique Aristi<strong>de</strong> ASTRUC<br />

(1831-1905) par Edgar DEGAS<br />

à 15h:<br />

A l'Hôtel <strong>de</strong> Ville (salle <strong>de</strong>s Armes), exposé sur le<br />

thème "Histoire <strong>de</strong>s Juifs <strong>de</strong> Gérardmer" par MM.<br />

Gilles GRIVEL et Eric TISSERAND, professeurs<br />

d'histoire, puis parcours dans la ville avec<br />

notamment visite du carré juif au cimetière<br />

municipal, retour à l'Hôtel <strong>de</strong> Ville et visite<br />

commentée <strong>de</strong> l'exposition se déroulant au Grand<br />

Salon.<br />

(Durée totale: 2heures et <strong>de</strong>mie)<br />

Lunéville:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 12h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue et exposition<br />

Synagogue, rue Castara<br />

"Saveurs et savoirs dans le judaïsme"<br />

M. Isaac MALKI, minsitre-officiant, fera un exposé<br />

sur les "règles alimentaires juives"<br />

Metz:<br />

A partir <strong>de</strong> 10 heures:<br />

Visites guidées et commentées <strong>de</strong>s 3 synagogues<br />

39 rue du Rabbin Elie Bloch<br />

10 11

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

10h: Ouverture <strong>de</strong>s portes<br />

10h 30: Ouverture officielle sous le patronnage <strong>de</strong><br />

M. Jean-Marie RAUSCH, maire <strong>de</strong> Metz<br />

<strong>de</strong> 12h à 14h: Buffet <strong>de</strong>s saveurs<br />

- Exposition sur le thème "Saveurs et savoirs dans<br />

le Judaïsme"<br />

- Atelier <strong>de</strong> calligraphie hébraïque<br />

- Lecture "Saveurs bibliques"<br />

- Extraits <strong>de</strong> passages choisis autour du sens <strong>de</strong> la<br />

nourriture dans la Bible<br />

à 14h 30: Conférence "Un esprit sain dans un<br />

coprs sain" par M. Bruno FISZON, Grand Rabbin<br />

<strong>de</strong> Moselle<br />

à 16h 30: Conférence "<strong>de</strong>s Tables <strong>de</strong> la Loi aux<br />

Lois <strong>de</strong> la Table" par le Dr Jacques WAJSBROT<br />

Dimanche 11 septembre<br />

à 16h 30:<br />

Dans le grand salon <strong>de</strong> l'Hôtel <strong>de</strong> Ville, conférence<br />

par M.Marc-Alain OUAKNIN)<br />

17h 30: Concert <strong>de</strong> chants liturgiques puis<br />

prestation <strong>de</strong>s jeunes percussionnistes du<br />

Conservatoire <strong>de</strong> Metz (calsse <strong>de</strong> M.CHARTIER)<br />

qui interpréteront <strong>de</strong>s oeuvres <strong>de</strong> John Cage,<br />

Thierry <strong>de</strong> Mey et Manfred Menke<br />

De 10h à 17h:<br />

Entrée gratuite: Musée <strong>de</strong> la Cour d'Or<br />

rue du Haut Poirier<br />

à 10 h 30:<br />

Concert <strong>de</strong> l'ensemble "Chalom" au grenier<br />

Chèvremont<br />

Exposition <strong>de</strong> travaux d'enfants sur le thème "la<br />

cuisine juive en héritage"<br />

Mise en situation <strong>de</strong> "tables <strong>de</strong> fêtes" sous la<br />

conduite <strong>de</strong> Mme Martina FRANEKOVA<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 12h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong>s cimetières israélites<br />

rue Chambière<br />

par M.Raymond Lévy<br />

Nancy:<br />

Tout au long <strong>de</strong> la journée:<br />

Visite et conférences:<br />

Synagogue et centre communautaire - 19<br />

boulevard Joffre<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue<br />

11h 30: Conférence "la cacheroute" par M. le<br />

Rabbin Daniel DAHAN<br />

15h: Conférence "la cuisine ju<strong>de</strong>o-espagnole" par<br />

Mme Marie-Sol ORTOLA <strong>de</strong> l'Université <strong>de</strong> Nancy 2<br />

16h 15: Conférence "Saveurs et savoirs du<br />

Judaïsme" par Mme Danièle MORALI<br />

- Stand <strong>de</strong> vente <strong>de</strong> livres<br />

- Atelier fabrication <strong>de</strong> hallot (pain <strong>de</strong> chabbat)<br />

- Les tables <strong>de</strong> fêtes<br />

- Présence d'un scribe<br />

- Exposition sur le thème "Saveurs et savoirs du<br />

Judaïsme"<br />

- Concours du meilleur <strong>de</strong>ssert fabriqué sur place<br />

(nombreux prix)<br />

à 14 h 45: concert (durée: 45 minutes environ)<br />

Tout au long <strong>de</strong> la journée:<br />

Diverses animations -<br />

Centre culturel, 55 rue <strong>de</strong>s Ponts<br />

- Cours <strong>de</strong> cuisine<br />

- Buffet <strong>de</strong> dégustation<br />

- Exposition<br />

Phalsbourg:<br />

Tout au long <strong>de</strong> la journée:<br />

Diverses animations<br />

Synagogue 16 rue Alexandre Weill<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 18h:<br />

- Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue<br />

- Présentation d'une brith mila (circoncision)<br />

- Visites du cimetière Lieu-dit Brunenthal<br />

Saint-Avold:<br />

Tout au long <strong>de</strong> la journée:<br />

Diverses animations<br />

place Saint-Nabor<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 11h30:<br />

- Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue<br />

- Exposé <strong>de</strong> M.Clau<strong>de</strong> ROSENFELD, ministreofficiant,<br />

"les règles culinaires dans le Judaïsme"<br />

<strong>de</strong> 12h à 15h: Buffet <strong>de</strong>s saveurs (gastronomie juive<br />

typique) dans la salle <strong>de</strong>s congrès à côté <strong>de</strong> la piscine<br />

à 16h: Concert <strong>de</strong> l'ensemble CHALOM salle <strong>de</strong>s<br />

congrès<br />

Sarrebourg:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 17h:<br />

Visites <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue et du Cimetière<br />

Synagogue: 7 rue du Sauvage - Cimetière: route <strong>de</strong><br />

Buhl<br />

Visites guidées <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue et du Cimetière<br />

coordonnées par M.Marc Willar, minsitre-officiant,<br />

et par M.Alain LEVY, représentant <strong>de</strong> la<br />

commission administrative<br />

Sarreguemines:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 17h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue<br />

rue George V<br />

Exposé <strong>de</strong> M. le Rabbin Clau<strong>de</strong> FHIMA<br />

Thionville:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue<br />

avenue Clémenceau<br />

à partir <strong>de</strong> 14h:<br />

Diverses animations<br />

- Inauguration officielle <strong>de</strong> l'exposition "les Menus<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Paix", oeuvres primées suite au concours<br />

organisé par le Lycée Hôtelier <strong>de</strong> Metz (exposition<br />

ouverte du 5 au 10 septembre <strong>de</strong> 14h à 19h)<br />

- Exposé <strong>de</strong> M; le Rabbin Ariel REBIBO sur le<br />

thème "les lois alimentaires juives"<br />

- Conférence <strong>de</strong> M.Jean-Bernard LANG, historien,<br />

sur le thème "les Juifs et l'histoire <strong>de</strong> toutes les<br />

faims dans le mon<strong>de</strong> occi<strong>de</strong>ntal"<br />

Verdun:<br />

Dimanche 18 septembre <strong>de</strong> 10h à 18h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la Synagogue commentée par M. Elie<br />

BENDELAC, prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> la communauté dans le<br />

cadre <strong>de</strong> la Journée Nationale du Patrimoine<br />

commentée par M. Elie BENDELAC, prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong><br />

la communauté dans le cadre <strong>de</strong> la Journée<br />

Nationale du Patrimoine<br />

impasse <strong>de</strong>s Jacobins<br />

Paris:<br />

Organisé par AKI ESTAMOS:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 19 h:<br />

Portes ouvertes sur le thème <strong>de</strong> la cuisine juive en<br />

héritage<br />

USJF, 5 rue <strong>de</strong>s Messageries, 75010 PARIS Métro<br />

Poissonnière ou Bonne Nouvelle<br />

- Exposition <strong>de</strong> livres sur le mon<strong>de</strong> ju<strong>de</strong>o-espagnol<br />

avec un rayon spécial consacré aux livres <strong>de</strong><br />

cuisine <strong>de</strong> "Los Mostros"<br />

- Vente d'un fascicule <strong>de</strong> recettes effectuées par un<br />

groupe <strong>de</strong> membres d'AKI ESTAMOS lors <strong>de</strong>s<br />

cours <strong>de</strong> cuisine<br />

- Vi<strong>de</strong>o en boucle montrant la réalisation <strong>de</strong> 4 ou<br />

5 spécialités<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à12h; <strong>de</strong> 14h à 16h; <strong>de</strong> 16h à 18h:<br />

-Démonstrations <strong>de</strong> cuisine<br />

-Buffet <strong>de</strong>s plats présentés vi<strong>de</strong>o (PAF)<br />

-Conférence "Cuisine et culture séfardi"<br />

à 16h: souscription pour l'édition d'un<br />

dictionnaire étymologique en ju<strong>de</strong>o précisant<br />

l'origine et l'équivalence dans les autres langues<br />

dont le ju<strong>de</strong>o s'est inspiré AKI ESTAMOS<br />

- Présence Séfardi pour le rayonnement <strong>de</strong> la<br />

culture ju<strong>de</strong>o-espagnole<br />

Maison <strong>de</strong> la culture yiddish-Bibliothèque MEDEM:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 21h:<br />

Journée autour <strong>de</strong> la cuisine juive (Entrée libre)<br />

18 passage Saint-Pierre Amelot, Paris 11ème tél. 01<br />

47 0014 00<br />

- Exposition "KLEZMER ET KLEZMORIM: a<br />

yiddisher tam, a yiddisher tempo": tour d'horizon<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'histoire <strong>de</strong> la musique juive d'Europe orientale.<br />



- Café-librairie: vente <strong>de</strong> livres en yiddisch et<br />

français, métho<strong>de</strong>s d'étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la langue, K7; CD et<br />

films vi<strong>de</strong>o<br />

-Présentation du site catalogue<br />

<strong>de</strong>s bibliothèques judaïca et hebraïca consultable<br />

par internet du mon<strong>de</strong> entier<br />

- Projetcion <strong>de</strong> films en boucle: NO SCHMALZ<br />

une leçon <strong>de</strong> cuisine juive, <strong>de</strong>likatessen sans graisse<br />

mais en yiddish; MUET COMME UNE CARPE<br />

tourné à Bruxelles au moment <strong>de</strong> Roch Hachana,<br />

préparation du gefillte fisch ainsi que du rituel qui<br />

accompagne le repas.<br />

<strong>de</strong> 15h à17h:<br />

12 13

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

SUR RESERVATION: concours <strong>de</strong> gâteaux "Stru<strong>de</strong>l<br />

et Kez Kukhn".<br />

Compétition bon enfant ouverte aux pâtissiers<br />

débutants et confirmés.<br />

Règlement du concours sur <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> ou sur notre<br />

site<br />

Les inscrits au goûter seront automatiquement<br />

membres du jury et apprécieront les gâteaux<br />

présentés autour d'un "gloz teï".<br />

Animation surprise français-yiddisch PAF 8 € (5 €<br />

pour les membres <strong>de</strong> la MCY, gratuit pour les<br />

enfants jusqu'à 10 ans)<br />

19h à 21h:<br />

CABARET-SPECTACLE pendant que vous<br />

dégusterez <strong>de</strong>s spécialités d'Europe centrale, David<br />

Kurc et Abraham Malthète vous régaleront <strong>de</strong><br />

leurs "vizn" (blagues) favorites.Vous apprécierez<br />

aussi Sandra Yaron, spécialiste <strong>de</strong> musique <strong>de</strong><br />

cabaret du répertoire yiddisch, accompagnée au<br />

piano par Fred Manoukian dans un tour <strong>de</strong> chant<br />

"gastronomique"<br />

PAF: 25 € (membres <strong>de</strong> la MCY: 20 €)<br />

Organisé par le B’nai B’rith France Régional:<br />

14h:<br />

Présentation d'un film et dégustation <strong>de</strong> spécialités<br />

juives<br />

Salle <strong>de</strong>s fêtes <strong>de</strong> la Mairie du 12ème, 130 av.<br />

Daumesnil - M° Daumesnil<br />

à partir <strong>de</strong> 13h: Vous pouvez apporter vos<br />

spécialités en vue <strong>de</strong> l'élection <strong>de</strong> la meilleure<br />

réalisation avec remise <strong>de</strong> prix<br />

à 14h: Projection du film "Qu'est-ce qu'on mijote<br />

...en Israël?", par Gérard Benhamou et Roger<br />

Goldstein, qui présente les traditions culinaires<br />

juives à travers les différentes communautés<br />

- Dégustation <strong>de</strong>s spécialités<br />

Fondation du Judaïsme Français:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h à 19h 30:<br />

Portes ouvertes CUISINES JUIVES, RITES,<br />


FJF - 72 rue <strong>de</strong> Bellechasse Paris 7ème M°<br />

Solférino ou Varenne<br />

15h: "Le rituel alimentaire" par Emeric DEUTSCH,<br />

sociologue, ancien directeur <strong>de</strong> la SOFRES *<br />

16h: "Cuisines en héritage" par Anny BLOCH,<br />

sociologue, CNRS Toulouse<br />

17h: "La gastronomie française appliquée à la<br />

cacherout" par Pierre Dominique CECILLON,<br />

Prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> l'International Club Toques Blanches,<br />

ancien Exécutif Chef <strong>de</strong> l'Hôtel Prince <strong>de</strong> Galles<br />

17h 30: Dégustation préparée par Gabi SHAFIR,<br />

Chef <strong>de</strong> cuisine du "Troisième Sens" * vente<br />

d'ouvrages<br />

P.A.F. 5 € * tél. 01 53 59 47 47<br />

Cercle Bernard Lazare:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 12 heures à 19 heures:<br />

Exposition<br />

10 rue Saint-Clau<strong>de</strong>, 75003 PARIS<br />

12h: Mot <strong>de</strong> bienvenue par David Fuchs, secrétaire<br />

général du CBL<br />

Ouverture <strong>de</strong> l'exposition "Saveurs et Savoirs"<br />

conçue par le Consistoire Israélite <strong>de</strong> Moselle<br />

12h30: Présentation du livre <strong>de</strong> cuisine "Quand<br />

nos Bobès font la cuisine...", recettes testées au<br />

CBL par Jeanine Franier, Lise Fuchs et Lise Leleu,<br />

éditions du CBL, Paris <strong>2005</strong> (tirage limité)<br />

à partir <strong>de</strong> 13 heures: Buffet froid, pâtisseries,<br />

boissons<br />

14h: "Textes et chansons" par Yvette Métral et<br />

Marc Sémiatitski<br />

<strong>de</strong> 15h à 17h: Table ron<strong>de</strong> autour du thème <strong>de</strong> la<br />

journée avec Max Kohn, psychanalyste, auteur <strong>de</strong><br />

"Freud et le yiddish" et "l'inconscient du yiddish",<br />

éd. Economica, et Colette Rebecca Estin, auteur <strong>de</strong><br />

"Contes et fêtes juives", éd. Beauchesne, qui<br />

dédicaceront leurs livres, et la participation <strong>de</strong><br />

l'artiste peintre Robert Abrami - Modératuer:<br />

Clau<strong>de</strong> Hampel<br />

<strong>de</strong> 17h15 à 18h: "Textes et chansons" (2 ème<br />

partie) par Yvette Métral et Marc Sémiatitski<br />

<strong>de</strong> 18h15 à 19h: Jacinta, chef <strong>de</strong> choeur "Jacinta 's<br />

Zingers" dans un mini-récital<br />

Organisé par le Consistoire <strong>de</strong> Paris:<br />

Gran<strong>de</strong> leçon sur RACHI<br />

Synagogue <strong>de</strong>sTournelles, 21 bis rue <strong>de</strong>s Tournelles,<br />

Paris 9ème<br />

18 h 15: Présentation <strong>de</strong>s "tables <strong>de</strong> fêtes juives"<br />

par Monique Chouraqui<br />

20 h 15: "Humanisme et spiritualité chez Rachi"<br />

par le Rabbin Clau<strong>de</strong> SULTAN<br />

Fermeture du colloque par M.David MESSAS,<br />

grand Rabbinn <strong>de</strong> Paris<br />

Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme:<br />

A partir <strong>de</strong> 10h:<br />


71 rue du Temple, 75003 PARIS<br />

10h30: Atelier en famille "DELICES DE SHABBAT"<br />

(salles <strong>de</strong>s ateliers pédagogiques) pour les enfants<br />

<strong>de</strong> plus <strong>de</strong> 5 ans accompagnés d'adultes.<br />

Réservation indispensable au 01 53 01 86 53 ou<br /><br />

à partir <strong>de</strong> 14h30: Présentation <strong>de</strong> plats<br />

traditionnels <strong>de</strong> fêtes juives et échanges <strong>de</strong><br />

recettes familiales (dans la cour du Musée) en<br />

partenariat avec La Coopération Féminine<br />

à 15h: Visite guidée dans les salles du Musée<br />


départ <strong>de</strong> la billeterie)<br />

à 16h: Rencontre "LA CUISINE JUIVE A TRAVERS<br />

LES GENERATIONS" (dans l'auditorium) animée<br />

par Michèle FITOUSSI, écrivain et journaliste, avec<br />

la participation <strong>de</strong> Léone JAFFIN ("le Pot-au-feu <strong>de</strong><br />

Mary Meerson, éd. <strong>de</strong> la Différence), Sylvie<br />

JOUFFA ("La cuisine <strong>de</strong> nos grand-mères juives<br />

polonaises, éd. du Rocher), Sophie NIZARD-<br />

BENCHIMOL, maître <strong>de</strong> conférences en<br />

sociologie,Andrée ZANA-MURAT ("La cuisine<br />

juive tunisienne, éd.Albin Michel).<br />

Réservation indispensable au 01 53 01 86 48 du<br />

lundi au vendredi <strong>de</strong> 12 h 30 à 16 h 30 ou<br /> *<br />

Toute la journée:<br />

A la médiathèque, présentation <strong>de</strong> livres sur la<br />

cuisine juive; à la librairie, présentation et vente <strong>de</strong><br />

livres <strong>de</strong> cuisine et signatures<br />

A partir <strong>de</strong> 10 h:<br />

Cuisine juive: objets et livres du passé<br />

Galerie SAPHIR, rue du Temple<br />

Présentation <strong>de</strong> livres, <strong>de</strong> vaisselles et d'objets<br />

anciens <strong>de</strong> cuisine juive<br />


Avignon:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 17h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue ( XIXè) et conférence<br />

2 place <strong>de</strong> Jérusalem,Avignon<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 12h et <strong>de</strong> 15h à 17h: Visite <strong>de</strong> la<br />

synagogue<br />

11h: Conférence "l"histoire <strong>de</strong> la synagogue<br />

d'Avignon" par Françoise BEITZ (entrée libre)<br />

Renseignements: tél. synagogue 04 90 85 21 24<br />

OU Office du tourisme O4 32 74 32 74<br />

Carpentras:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 14h30 à 16h30:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue et exposition<br />

synagogue, place <strong>de</strong> l'hôtel <strong>de</strong> ville<br />

Visite d'une <strong>de</strong>s plus anciennes synagogues <strong>de</strong><br />

France par Jo AMAR<br />

16h: Présentation <strong>de</strong> l'exposition "La cuisine juive<br />

en héritage" par Daniel DARMON <strong>de</strong> l'institut<br />

IMMAJ suivie d'une collation offerte (entrée libre)<br />

Renseignements: Synagogue tél. 04 90 63 39 97;<br />

Office du tourisme<br />

O4 90 63 00 78; IMMAJ 06 13 50 39 65<br />

Cavaillon:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 9h30 à 18h30:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue et du Musée du Comtat<br />

Venaissin (entrée libre)<br />

Musée juif Comtadin, rue Hébraïqe, Cavaillon<br />

A 11h: Dédicace par Jules FARBER <strong>de</strong> l'ouvrage<br />

"Les Juifs du Pape en Provence, itinéraires, éd.<br />

Actes Sud<br />

Renseignements: Musée Juif Comtadin<br />

tél. 04 90 76 00 34<br />

L'Isle-sur-Sorgue:<br />

Samedi 3 au soir et dimanche 4:<br />

Veillée le samedi soir et visite le dimanche 4<br />

Renseignements: Office du Tourisme , place <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Liberté, 04 90 38 04 78<br />

Samedi 3:<br />

Veillée conviviale dans la cour <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>meure <strong>de</strong><br />

14 15

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

René Char, hôtel <strong>de</strong> Campredon, 20 rue du<br />

Docteur Tallet<br />

à 20h: Conférence <strong>de</strong> Liliane ATTALI et Françoise<br />

BEITZ à propos <strong>de</strong> "la cuisine juive en héritage",<br />

exposition didactique, buffet cacher<br />

à 21h 30: Concert MATROUZ, le chant vivant <strong>de</strong><br />

langues, musiques croisées avec Simon ELBAZ<br />

compositeur et luth et Rachid BRAHIM<br />

DJELLOUL, violon (répertoire hébraïque, ju<strong>de</strong>o<br />

espagnol, médiéval et andalou)<br />

Dimanche 4:<br />

à 14h: Visite guidée du cimetière juif puis <strong>de</strong><br />

l'ancienne carrière (place juiverie) par Marie-<br />

Clau<strong>de</strong> THOMAS, gui<strong>de</strong> conférencière <strong>de</strong>s<br />

monuments historiques (RDV parking du Portale)<br />

à 17h: Evocation <strong>de</strong> RACHI <strong>de</strong> Troye à l'occasion<br />

du 900ème anniversaire <strong>de</strong> sa mort par Roland<br />

AUJARD-CATOT dans la salle polyvalente du lycée<br />

Alphonse Benoît<br />

Marseille:<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h30 à 17h organisé par le B'nai B'rith:<br />

Autour <strong>de</strong> la cuisine juive en héritage<br />

ORT, rue <strong>de</strong>s Forges, Marseille 13010<br />

- Conférences: Philosophie juive et nourriture par<br />

Edouard Robberechts, maître <strong>de</strong> conférences à<br />

l'Institut Universitaire <strong>de</strong> Culture Juive; La<br />

cacherout et le vin cachère, par Jacques Cohen<br />

- Exposition: épices et aromates<br />

- Vi<strong>de</strong>o: Gastronomika, Un esprit saint dans un<br />

corps saint,A D.ieu veaux, vaches, couvées;<br />

émissions <strong>de</strong> "La Source <strong>de</strong> Vie"<br />

- Ateliers: fabrication et dégustation <strong>de</strong> "Haloth"<br />

(pain spécial <strong>de</strong> Shabbat)<br />

- Oenologie, par Edith Ouaknine, avec dégustation<br />

<strong>de</strong> vins cachères<br />

- Stand <strong>de</strong> livres par la librairie Ko<strong>de</strong>ch Organisé<br />

par Elise LEIBOWITCH, Eliane JAOUI et Martine<br />

YANA avec les loges B'nai B'rith <strong>de</strong> Marseille en<br />

collaboration avec le CENTRE EDMOND FLEG<br />

<strong>de</strong> 16h à 18h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong> synagogue et exposition<br />

Grand Temple Breteuil, 117 rue <strong>de</strong> Breteuil,<br />

13006 MARSEILLE<br />

- Visite commentée <strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong> synagogue<br />

- Présentation <strong>de</strong> l'exposition "la cuisine juive en<br />

héritage" par Evelyne TORDJMANN et Mag TAYAR<br />

- Suivi d'une collation Organisé par le Consistoire<br />

Israélite <strong>de</strong> Marseille et IMMAJ (Institut<br />

Méditerranéen Mémoire et Archives du Judaïsme<br />

tél. 06 67 08 77 93 - 06 09 87 52 11)<br />

à 10h:<br />

Centre Culturel Etz Haïm: Exposition<br />

18 boulevard Michelet<br />

"Les nourritures bibliques, les lois alimentaires, les<br />

fêtes et pratiques alimetnaires" par Evelyne<br />

SITRUK et Magali MEYER au Centre Culturel Etz<br />

Haïm et à la BJM Lily Scherr avec présentation<br />

d'une bibliographie appropriée apéritif <strong>de</strong> clôture à 12h<br />

Renseignements BJM 04 91 71 85 41 (entrée libre)<br />

Montpellier:<br />

10h 30:<br />

Visite du quartier juif médiéval et conférence<br />

Institut Maïmoni<strong>de</strong>, 1 rue <strong>de</strong> la Barralerie tél. 04 67<br />

02 70 11<br />

Visite du quartier juif médiéval (bâtiment synagogal<br />

comprenant maison <strong>de</strong> prières, mikvé, maison <strong>de</strong><br />

l'aumône, maison d'étu<strong>de</strong>s) en préambule à une<br />

conférence "dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai<br />

qui tu es..." , nourriture terrestre <strong>de</strong>s Juifs<br />

languedociens au cours <strong>de</strong>s âges email:<br />

institut.maimoni<strong>de</strong><br />

Nice:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong> synagogue et exposition<br />

7 rue Deloye<br />

<strong>de</strong> 10h à 12h:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong> synagogue Deloye (XIXème)<br />

à 19h 30: Conférence-exposition didactique sur le<br />

thème "la cuisine juive en héritage" par M. David<br />

SHOSHANA, grand Rabbin <strong>de</strong> Nice (entrée libre)<br />

Renseignements: Consistoire 04 93 92 11 38<br />

Office du tourisme 04 93 14 48 00<br />

Nîmes:<br />

en matinée:<br />

Visite <strong>de</strong> la synagogue et chants <strong>de</strong> la chorale<br />


Entrée libre - renseignements et horaires:ACING<br />

04 66 29 51 81 et Centre communautaire Sarah et<br />

Aimé GRUNBACH 04 66 76 27 64<br />

Perpignan:<br />

à 17 heures:<br />

Accueil-conférence autour d'un thé et pâtisseries<br />

juives<br />

Synagogue - 54 rue Arago tél: 04 68 34 75 81<br />

- "cacherout et torah" par Simon Robert<br />


- Exposé "la cusine <strong>de</strong> la Bible" par Lucie<br />


- Présentation et commentaires sur le thème du<br />

mikvé (bain rituel)<br />

Renseignements: 04 68 34 75 81<br />

Saint-Rémy-<strong>de</strong>-Provence:<br />

Visite du cimetirèe juif<br />

Association Culturelle Juifs <strong>de</strong>s Alpilles 06 75 48<br />

55 45 - 04 32 62 17 67<br />

- Visite du cimetière juif par Elyahou LUSSATO<br />

- Conférence "la cuisine juive" par Martine YANA,<br />

directrice du Centre Edmond Fleg<br />

St Maximin-Marseille-Cavaillon-Avignon-Car:<br />



Organisé par IMMAJ & ORELIA<br />

ORELIA (Association culturelle hébraïque <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Sainte Baume) et IMMAJ ( Institut Méditerranéen<br />

Mémoire et Archives du Judaïsme) s'associent<br />

cette année pour organiser un parcours <strong>de</strong> culture<br />

et d'histoire sur les traces <strong>de</strong>s Juifs provençaux<br />

avec le programme suivant:<br />

8h: Départ <strong>de</strong> St Maximin en car Place du Pré <strong>de</strong><br />

foire<br />

9h: Arrivée à Marseille, visite guidée <strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong><br />

synagogue <strong>de</strong> la rue <strong>de</strong> Breteuil<br />

9h45: Ren<strong>de</strong>z-vous avec le groupe <strong>de</strong> Marseille<br />

11h: Départ pour Cavaillon<br />

11h-12h15: Visite guidée <strong>de</strong> la synagogue <strong>de</strong><br />

Cavaillon et <strong>de</strong> son musée (signature du livre<br />

"Histoire <strong>de</strong>s Juifs du Comtat Venaissin par son<br />

auteur M.Farber)<br />

12h-13h30: Pique-nique dans un parc face à<br />

l'Office du tourisme et visite libre <strong>de</strong> la ville<br />

14h: à Avignon, visite guidée <strong>de</strong> la synagogue<br />

(histoire et particularité <strong>de</strong>s "Juifs du Pape")<br />

16h:<br />

- Visite guidée <strong>de</strong> la plus ancienne synagogue <strong>de</strong><br />

France (1367) qui témoigne <strong>de</strong> la civilisation ju<strong>de</strong>oprovençale<br />

passée et présente<br />

- Visite <strong>de</strong> la cathédrale St Siffrei et <strong>de</strong> la porte<br />

juive (1840) pour les Juifs convertis<br />

19h: Retour vers St Maximin et Marseille<br />

Vers 20h30-21h: Arrivée<br />



auprès <strong>de</strong> M.Darmon 04 91 37 01 50 * A St<br />

Maximin, auprès <strong>de</strong> M.F.GUNTHER 04 94 78 12<br />

53 / 06 09 11 58 90<br />


Restaurants<br />

La Communauté Juive d’Obernai propose un<br />

repas strictement cacher <strong>de</strong> spécialités judéoalsaciennes<br />

avec au menu: Kougel aux poires,<br />

Soupe aux Matzeknefele, Pökelfleish chaud, sala<strong>de</strong>s<br />

diverses, crème au kirsch, gâteau <strong>de</strong> Pessah, café,<br />

thé.<br />

Tarif: 20€/personne<br />

Lieu: Parking <strong>de</strong>s remparts -Hall Gruber.<br />

Réservations obligatoires avant le 25 août <strong>2005</strong> à<br />

l’Office <strong>de</strong> Tourisme ou auprès <strong>de</strong> la Communauté<br />

Israélite d_Obernai!<br />

A Strasbourg:<br />

Les restaurants cachers <strong>de</strong> la ville seront ouverts:<br />

-LE KING 28 , rue Sellénick - 03 88 52 17 71<br />

-AUTRE PART 60, bouvevard Clemenceau - 03 88<br />

37 10 02<br />

-LES CONTADES - 5, rue René Hirschler - 03 88<br />

35 26 73!<br />

En divers autres lieux, <strong>de</strong>s restaurateurs<br />

proposeront <strong>de</strong>s plats issus <strong>de</strong> la cuisine juive:<br />

-Restaurant "LE RELAIS DU ZINSELTHAL" 17, rue<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Gare 67330 DOSSENHEIM SUR ZINSEL<br />

Tél./Fax: 03 88 70 00 94<br />

- Hôtel-Restaurant A L’AGNEAU, 3, rue <strong>de</strong><br />

16 17

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Saverne 67350 PFAFFENHOFFEN Tél.: 03 88 07 72<br />

38, Fax: 03 88 72 20 24, E-mail:<br /><br />

-Hôtel-Restaurant "A L’AIGLE", 55, rue principale<br />

67290 WIMMENAU,Tél.: 03 88 89 70 41, Fax: 03<br />

88 89 85 83 E-mail:<br />

-Hôtel-Restaurant "LA CLAIRIERE", 63, route<br />

d’Ingwiller 67290 LA PETITE PIERRE,Tél.: 03 88 70<br />

47 76, Fax: 03 88 70 41 05, E-mail:<br /><br />

-Hôtel-Restaurant "AU LION D’OR", 15, rue<br />

principale LA PETITE PIERRE Tél.: 03 88 01 47 57,<br />

Fax: 03 88 01 47 50, E-mail:<br />

-Restaurant "A L’ETOILE D’OR", 14, rue <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Gare 67350 PFAFFENHOFFEN<br />

Tél.: 03 88 07 70 64<br />

-Restaurant « Au Gourmet <strong>de</strong> l’Orangerie », 30,<br />

allée <strong>de</strong> la Robertsau - 67000 STRASBOURG,<br />

Tel: 03 88 35 30 47, -E-mail:<br />

(tous les jours, spécialités juives à la<br />

carte).<br />

Les réservations se feront directement par le<br />

client auprès <strong>de</strong> l’établissement souhaité!<br />


Altenstadt-Illereichen:<br />

14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr:<br />

Ausstellung<br />

Rathaus Altenstadt, Hin<strong>de</strong>nburgstraße 1<br />

Freier Eintritt zur Ausstellung „Anne Franks<br />

Schwäbische Geschwister“.Veranstalter: Die<br />

Marktgemein<strong>de</strong> Altenstadt zeigt eine Ausstellung<br />

über jüdische Kin<strong>de</strong>r in Schwaben während <strong>de</strong>r<br />

NS-Zeit. *Auskunft unter Tel: 08337 – 721- 0.<br />

Alzey (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

11.00 Uhr, Dauer 90 Min.:<br />

Ausstellung und Vortrag<br />

Museum <strong>de</strong>r Stadt Alzey,Antoniterstraße 41<br />

*Mit Moritz Daniel Oppenheim zu Gast bei<br />

Neubergers. Ein Se<strong>de</strong>rabend 1867 in Alzey. (Mit<br />

koscherem Wein vom Weingut Markus Schäfer,<br />

Armsheim). *Ausstellung und Vortrag; Referenten:<br />

Museumsleiter Dr. Rainer Karneth und Renate<br />

Rosenau! *Spen<strong>de</strong> willkommen. *Weitere<br />

Informationen:Tel (0 67 31) 49 88 96, Email<br />

museum-alzey@t-online.<strong>de</strong>!<br />

Augsburg:<br />

10.00-17.00 Uhr:<br />

Tag <strong>de</strong>r offenen Tür in <strong>de</strong>r Synagoge und im<br />

Jüdischen Kulturmuseum<br />

Jüdisches Kulturmuseum in <strong>de</strong>r Synagoge,<br />

Hal<strong>de</strong>rstraße 6-8,Augsburg<br />

Tag <strong>de</strong>r offenen Tür in <strong>de</strong>r Synagoge und im<br />

Jüdischen Kulturmuseum, Hal<strong>de</strong>rstraße 6-8, Eintritt<br />

frei, Führungen ermäßigt. Bewirtung mit<br />

Kostproben aus <strong>de</strong>r jüdischen Küche und<br />

musikalische Darbietungen durch Mitglie<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Gemein<strong>de</strong>; Mazzenbacken für Kin<strong>de</strong>r;Ausstellung<br />

von Kin<strong>de</strong>rzeichnungen und Fotoausstellung von<br />

Mitglie<strong>de</strong>rn <strong>de</strong>r Gemein<strong>de</strong>; zum Ausklang ein<br />

Klesmerkonzert mit <strong>de</strong>r Gruppe Jontef „Im Traum<br />

ist mir heller“. *Veranstalter: Jüdisches<br />

Kulturmuseum Augsburg-Schwaben zusammen mit<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Israelitischen Kultusgemein<strong>de</strong> Schwaben-<br />

Augsburg. *Auskunft unter Tel: 0821 - 51 36 58.<br />

10.00 Uhr:<br />

Einlass<br />

10.15 Uhr:<br />

Begrüßung<br />

Begrüßung mit musikalischer Umrahmung durch<br />

Instrumentalisten <strong>de</strong>r jüdischen Gemein<strong>de</strong>.<br />

10.30-11.00 Uhr:<br />

"Lernen mit <strong>de</strong>m Rabbi"<br />

Rabbiner Dr. Henry Brandt informiert über<br />

jüdische Speisegesetze.<br />

10.30-11.00 Uhr:<br />

Mazzenbacken für Kin<strong>de</strong>r<br />

11.00, 12.00, 14.30 Uhr:<br />

Themenführung durch Museum und Synagoge<br />

12.00-12.30 Uhr:<br />

Vom jüdischen Essen ...<br />

Teilnehmer <strong>de</strong>s Gesprächskreises in <strong>de</strong>r Synagoge<br />

erzählen von <strong>de</strong>r jüdischen Küche in ihrer Heimat<br />

und stellen Rezepte vor.<br />

14.00-14.30 Uhr:<br />

"Mahlzeit!"<br />

Eine Lesung und mehr vom Verein Jüdische<br />

Jugend e.V.<br />

15.00-15.30 Uhr:<br />

Vom jüdischen Essen ...<br />

Teilnehmer <strong>de</strong>s Gesprächskreises „Synagoge“<br />

erzählen von <strong>de</strong>r jüdischen Küche in ihrer Heimat<br />

und stellen Rezepte vor.<br />

15.00-15.30 Uhr:<br />

Mazzenbacken für Kin<strong>de</strong>r<br />

16.00 Uhr:<br />

Das neue Museum - Vorstellung <strong>de</strong>r Pläne<br />

Ab 17.00 Uhr:<br />

"Im Traum ist mir heller"<br />

Klesmerkonzert <strong>de</strong>r Gruppe Jontef, bei schönem<br />

Wetter im Garten <strong>de</strong>r Synagoge.<br />

Bad Buchau:<br />

14:30 Uhr:<br />

Jüdisches Leben in Buchau<br />

*Führung auf jüdischen Spuren durch Bad Buchau,<br />

Synagogenplatz, Ju<strong>de</strong>ngasse, Jüdischer Friedhof:<br />

14:30 *Treffpunkt: Rathausvorplatz<br />

*Tel: 0 75 82 / 21 41,<br />

charlotte.mayenberger@t-online.<strong>de</strong><br />

Bad Sobernheim (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

11.15 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr:<br />

Die Synagoge und die Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r jüdischen<br />

Gemein<strong>de</strong><br />

Ehemalige Synagoge, Gymnasialstraße 9<br />

Führungen. *Referenten: Hans Eberhard<br />

Berkemann und Vorstandsmitglie<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>s<br />

För<strong>de</strong>rvereins *Es wird um eine Spen<strong>de</strong> für die<br />

Restaurierung <strong>de</strong>r Synagoge gebeten. *Weitere<br />

Informationen: (0 67 51) 37 95,<br />

bu.heberkemann@t-online.<strong>de</strong><br />

Bendorf-Sayn (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

14:00 Uhr:<br />

Mosaik- und Lebensbil<strong>de</strong>r auf <strong>de</strong>m jüdischen<br />

Friedhof Bendorf<br />

Jüdischer Friedhof<br />

Führung; Referent: Dietrich Schabow<br />

15:30 Uhr:<br />

Ausstellung und Führung<br />

Sayn, Koblenz-Olper-Straße 39<br />

Referent: Dietrich Schabow Die Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Israelitische Heil- und Pflegeanstalt für Nervenund<br />

Gemütskranke (1869—1942) und <strong>de</strong>r Dichter<br />

Jakob van Hoddis! *Weitere Informationen: (0 26<br />

22) 90 09 47, Dietrich.Schabow@t-online.<strong>de</strong><br />

Binswangen:<br />

14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr:<br />

Tag <strong>de</strong>r offenen Tür in <strong>de</strong>r Alten Synagoge.<br />

Alte Synagoge Binswangen, Ju<strong>de</strong>ngasse 3.<br />

Veranstalter: Der För<strong>de</strong>rkreis Synagoge<br />

Binswangen e.V. öffnet die wie<strong>de</strong>rhergestellte<br />

Synagoge und zeigt einen Film über die jüdische<br />

Vergangenheit <strong>de</strong>s Ortes. *Eintritt frei. *Auskunft<br />

unter Tel: 09071 – 51145.<br />

16.00 Uhr:<br />

Dokumentarfilm mit anschließen<strong>de</strong>r Diskussion<br />

Alte Synagoge Binswangen, Ju<strong>de</strong>ngasse 3<br />

Vorführung <strong>de</strong>s Films “Die Schul bewahren…”.<br />

Dokumentarfilm über die Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r Ju<strong>de</strong>n in<br />

Schwaben und Binswangen und über die Alte<br />

Synagoge. *ab 16.30 Uhr Diskussion und<br />

Erläuterung <strong>de</strong>s Films mit Anton Kapfer, 1.<br />

Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>s För<strong>de</strong>rkreises. *Eintritt frei.<br />

*Auskunft unter Tel: 09071 – 51145.<br />

Bopfingen:<br />

12:00-19:00 Uhr:<br />

Museum zur Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r Ju<strong>de</strong>n im Ostalbkreis<br />

Lange Straße 13<br />

Ge<strong>de</strong>nk- und Begegnungsstätte ehemalige<br />

Synagoge Bopfingen-Oberdorf *Führung Museum:<br />

14:00h *Spezialitäten: Roggele, israelischer Wein,<br />

Kaffee *Tel: 0 73 62/801-29 *Email:<br />

archiv.bopfingen@t-online.<strong>de</strong><br />

16:00 Uhr:<br />

Führung über <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen Friedhof<br />

Karksteinstr. 18<br />

Bopfingen-Oberdorf:<br />

12.00 bis 19.00 Uhr:<br />

Tag <strong>de</strong>r offenen Tür<br />

18 19

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Ehemalige Synagoge Bopfingen-Oberdorf,<br />

Lange Straße 13.<br />

Veranstalter: Die Stadt Bopfingen lädt ins Museum<br />

zur Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r Ju<strong>de</strong>n im Ostalbkreis in <strong>de</strong>r<br />

ehemaligen Synagoge Bopfingen-Oberdorf ein.<br />

*14.00 Uhr Führung durch das Museum. *16.00<br />

Uhr Führung über <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen Friedhof in <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Karksteinstraße 18. *Für das leibliche Wohl ist mit<br />

<strong>de</strong>r jüdischen Spezialität „Roggele“, mit jüdischem<br />

Wein und Kaffee gesorgt. *Eintritt frei. *Auskunft<br />

unter Tel: 07362 - 801 – 29.<br />

Breisach:<br />

För<strong>de</strong>rverein Ehemaliges Jüdisches Gemein<strong>de</strong>haus<br />

Breisach e.V.<br />

Das Blaue Haus, Rheintorstraße 3<br />

Führung: Blaues Haus, ehemaliges jüdisches Viertel,<br />

Synagogenplatz, *Friedhof: 16:00<br />

Tel: 0 76 67/91 13 74<br />

Bruchsal:<br />

13:30-17:30 Uhr:<br />

Die Geschichte eines alten jüdischen Friedhofs<br />

Heimatverein Untergrombach e.V., Jüdischer<br />

Verbandsfriedhof Obergrombach *Führungen:<br />

14:00h, 15:30h *Treffpunkt: Eingangstor <strong>de</strong>s<br />

jüdischen Friedhofs *Anfahrt: über B3. Zwischen<br />

Bruchsal und Untergrombach auf <strong>de</strong>r<br />

abzweigen<strong>de</strong>n Straße zur General-Spei<strong>de</strong>l-Kaserne<br />

hochfahren. Nach 800 Metern in <strong>de</strong>r Linkskurve<br />

gera<strong>de</strong>aus weiter. Nach 200 Metern führt <strong>de</strong>r nach<br />

rechts gehen<strong>de</strong> Waldweg direkt zum Friedhof.<br />

*Tel: 0 72 57/93 00 90<br />

Buchen O<strong>de</strong>nwald:<br />

14:00h-16:00 Uhr:<br />

Kleine Bücherschau zum Thema "Jüdische Küche"<br />

Stiftung Bücherei <strong>de</strong>s Ju<strong>de</strong>ntums Buchen,<br />

Obergasse 6 (Klösterle)<br />

*Tel: 0 62 81/3 11 09 *Email:<br />

rainer.trunk@buchen.<strong>de</strong><br />

Buttenwiesen:<br />

14.00 Uhr:<br />

Führung durch das Ju<strong>de</strong>ndorf Buttenwiesen<br />

Treffpunkt: Rathaus, Marktplatz 4.<br />

Veranstalter: In Buttenwiesen erläutert <strong>de</strong>r<br />

ehrenamtliche Betreuer <strong>de</strong>s jüdischen Friedhofs<br />

bei einem Rundgang die ehemaligen jüdischen<br />

Stätten <strong>de</strong>s Ortes. *Führung durch das Ju<strong>de</strong>ndorf<br />

Buttenwiesen mit Franz Neuner. *Eintritt frei.<br />

*Auskunft unter Tel: 08274 – 6298 (Herr Neuner).<br />

Böhl-Iggelheim (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

10.00-12.00 Uhr, 14.00-16.00 Uhr:<br />

Die Synagoge Böhl (1839 - 1938) - ein<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>llprojekt<br />

Ortsteil Böhl, Evangelisches Gemein<strong>de</strong>haus,<br />

Schulstraße 36<br />

*Ausstellung *Referenten:Thomas Hasenöhrl,<br />

Schüler <strong>de</strong>r Peter-Gärtner-Schule *Weitere<br />

Informationen: (0 63 24)97 91 58,<br />

J_M.Schweitzer@t-online.<strong>de</strong><br />

Dahn und Busenberg (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

10.00 Uhr und 14.00 Uhr:<br />

Auf <strong>de</strong>n Spuren <strong>de</strong>s Ju<strong>de</strong>ntums im Wasgau<br />

Treffpunkt: Katholische Kirche Dahn (Ortsmitte)<br />

Synagoge in Dahn, Mikwe und Friedhof in<br />

Busenberg. *Führungen mit Vorträgen und<br />

Ausstellung liturgischer Geräte; Referent: Otmar<br />

Weber *Dauer: 2 Stun<strong>de</strong>n. *Weitere<br />

Informationen: (0 63 91) 23 31.<br />

Emmendingen:<br />

11:00-17:00 Uhr:<br />

Jüdisches Museum - Tag <strong>de</strong>r offenen Tür<br />

Verein für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur<br />

Emmendingen e.V., Schlossplatz 7<br />

*Führung nach Bedarf *Treffpunkt: Jüdisches<br />

Museum *Tel: 0 76 41/57 44 44 *Email:<br />

info@juedisches-museum-emmendingen.<strong>de</strong><br />

15:00 Uhr:<br />

Stadtführung<br />

*Spen<strong>de</strong>n erbeten *Treffpunkt: Schlossplatz<br />

Ettenheim:<br />

14:00-17:00 Uhr:<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge Altdorf, heute Kunsthalle<br />

Josef-Greber-Str. 32<br />

*Information: *Stadtverwaltung Ettenheim,<br />

Tourist-Info, Kirchstr. 4,Tel: 0 78 22/432-10,<br />

Email: tourist-info@ettenheim.<strong>de</strong>, Internet:<br />

www.ettenheim.<strong>de</strong> *Deutsch-Israelischer<br />

Arbeitskreis Südlicher Oberrhein e.V.,<br />

Tel: 0 78 22/89 67 13<br />

19:00 Uhr:<br />

Vortrag<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge Altdorf, Josef-Greber-Str. 32,<br />

heute Kunsthalle<br />

Vortrag: Rivka Hollaen<strong>de</strong>r,Thema: Die jüdischen<br />

Speisegesetze (Kaschrut) *Treffpunkt: Bürgersaal,<br />

Rathaus <strong>de</strong>r Ortsverwaltung Altdorf<br />

Fellheim:<br />

19.30 Uhr:<br />

Lesung "...Aber ich wur<strong>de</strong> immer auf eine bessere<br />

Zukunft vertröstet".<br />

Foyer <strong>de</strong>s Schlosses Fellheim, Ulmer Straße 6<br />

Veranstalter: Der Arbeitskreis Geschichte,<br />

Brauchtum, Chronik Fellheim lädt zu einer Lesung<br />

ein. Lesung aus <strong>de</strong>n Lebenserinnerungen <strong>de</strong>s<br />

jüdischen Hausierhändlers Isaac Thannhauser.<br />

*Eintritt: 2 Euro (Abendkasse). *Auskunft unter<br />

Tel: 08335 – 987333 (Herr Herrmann).<br />

Fischach:<br />

14.00 Uhr:<br />

Führung über <strong>de</strong>n Friedhof<br />

Treffpunkt: Jüdischer Friedhof, Kohlbergstraße,<br />

Fischach<br />

In Fischach erzählt <strong>de</strong>r Bürgermeister bei einer<br />

Führung von <strong>de</strong>r jüdischen Vergangenheit <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Marktgemein<strong>de</strong>. *Eintritt frei. *Auskunft unter<br />

Tel: 08236 – 5810.<br />

Frankenthal (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

16.00 Uhr:<br />

Die jüdische Gemein<strong>de</strong> in Frankenthal<br />

Treffpunkt: Ge<strong>de</strong>nkplatz Synagoge in <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Glockengasse<br />

*Referenten: Gabi Steinmacher und Herbert Baum<br />

*Weitere Informationen: (0 62 33) 6 96 62,<br /> *Dauer 2 Stun<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Frankfurt a.M./ Bad Homburg:<br />

11:00 Uhr:<br />

Kombinierte Führung<br />

Das Jüdische Museum Frankfurt lädt zur<br />

kombinierten Führung im Museum Ju<strong>de</strong>ngasse und<br />

auf <strong>de</strong>m Alten Jüdischen Friedhof Battonstraße<br />

zum Thema "Kulinarisches Erbe <strong>de</strong>s Ju<strong>de</strong>ntums"<br />

ein. Die Führung beginnt am Sonntag, <strong>de</strong>m 4.9., um<br />

11:00 und wird ca. 2 Stun<strong>de</strong>n dauern. *Kontakt zur<br />

weiteren Information: Frau Gabriela Schlick,Tel:<br />

069-212-33959, Email: gabriela.schlick@stadtfrankfurt.<strong>de</strong>.<br />

*Siehe auch:<br />

http://www.Juedischesmuseum.<strong>de</strong>!<br />

Führung<br />

Im Rahmen <strong>de</strong>s Europäischen Tages <strong>de</strong>r Jüdischen<br />

Kultur am 4. September <strong>2005</strong> bietet die Stadt<br />

Homburg eine Führung über <strong>de</strong>n Jüdischen<br />

Friedhof Bad Homburg mit Frau Gabriela Schlick<br />

an. *Kontakt zur weiteren Information: Herr<br />

Wolfgang Zöll, Email:Wolfgang.Zoell@badhomburg.<strong>de</strong>;<br />

Frau Gabriela Schlick,Tel: 069-212-<br />

33959, Email: gabriela.schlick@stadt-frankfurt.<strong>de</strong>!<br />

*Siehe auch: http://www.Juedischesmuseum.<strong>de</strong><br />

Freiburg:<br />

10:00h-11:30h und 15:00h-16:30h:<br />

Synagogenführung<br />

Engelstr. 1<br />

Israelitische Gemein<strong>de</strong> Freiburg<br />

13:00 Uhr:<br />

Führung Jüdischer Friedhof<br />

Elsässerstr. 35<br />

Freu<strong>de</strong>ntal:<br />

11:00-18:00 Uhr:<br />

Auststellung und Konzert<br />

PKC Ehemalige Synagoge Freu<strong>de</strong>ntal,<br />

Strombergstraße 19<br />

Chor <strong>de</strong>r Jüdischen Gemein<strong>de</strong> München *Nähere<br />

Informationen unter www.pkc-freu<strong>de</strong>ntal.<strong>de</strong> *PKC<br />

Tel: 0 71 43/2 41 42<br />

Göppingen-Jebenhausen:<br />

Jüdisches Museum Göppingen<br />

Boller Straße 82<br />

Rabbiner Aron Tänzer - Leben und Werk,<br />

Ausstellungsgespräch und Rundgang: 16:00h<br />

Kosten: 1,50 Euro *Tel: 0 71 61/65 01 91, Email:<br />

20 21

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

museen@göppingen.<strong>de</strong><br />

Haigerloch:<br />

14:00h-15:00 Uhr:<br />

Führung ehemalige Synagoge<br />

Gesprächskreis Ehemalige Synagoge Haigerloch,<br />

Tel: 0 74 74/ 95 80 65 *Treffpunkt: Gustav-Spier-<br />

Platz, Ehemalige Synagoge *Kosten: 2,50 Euro<br />

Eintritt und Führung<br />

Hainsfarth:<br />

13.00-18.00 Uhr:<br />

Tag <strong>de</strong>r offenen Tür in <strong>de</strong>r ehemaligen Synagoge<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge, Jurastraße 7, Hainsfarth<br />

Veranstalter: Der Freun<strong>de</strong>skreis Synagoge<br />

Hainsfarth e.V. öffnet die Türen <strong>de</strong>r<br />

wie<strong>de</strong>rhergestellten Synagoge. *Eintritt frei.<br />

*Auskunft unter Tel: 09082 - 2270.<br />

14.00 Uhr:<br />

Filmvorführung<br />

Vorführung <strong>de</strong>s Films „Hainsfarth hatte einen<br />

Rabbi“ (45 Min).<br />

15.00 Uhr:<br />

Familienführung mit Rundgang über <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen<br />

Friedhof<br />

16.00 Uhr:<br />

Filmvorführung<br />

Vorführung <strong>de</strong>s Films „Hainsfarth hatte einen<br />

Rabbi“ (45 Min). „Challa“ bzw. „Berches“ vom<br />

Hainsfarther Bäcker wird angeboten.<br />

Harburg:<br />

14.00 Uhr:<br />

Führung über <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen Friedhof<br />

Treffpunkt: Eingang zum Friedhof (am Sen<strong>de</strong>turm<br />

rechts).<br />

Veranstalter: In Harburg erläutert <strong>de</strong>r<br />

ehrenamtliche Betreuer <strong>de</strong>s jüdischen Friedhofsdie<br />

schönsten und interessantesten Grabsteine.<br />

*Eintritt: frei. *Auskunft unter Tel: 09080 - 559<br />

(Herr Thum).<br />

Hechingen:<br />

14:00-15:30 Uhr:<br />

Stadtführung - Auf jüdischen Spuren durch<br />

Hechingen<br />

Städtisches Bürger- und Tourismusbüro *Tel: 0 74<br />

71/940-211 bis 215, Email: tourist-info@hechingen.<strong>de</strong><br />

*Treffpunkt: Marktplatzbrunnen, Marktplatz 1<br />

Horb am Neckar:<br />

12:00-18:00 Uhr:<br />

Projektfest "Jüdischer Betsaal Horb"<br />

Fürstabt-Gebert-Straße<br />

Gartenfest mit Kaffee, Kuchen, Getränken,<br />

israelischen Spezialitäten *Träger- und<br />

För<strong>de</strong>rverein Ehemalige Synagoge Rexingen, Email:<br />

verlagsbuero@t-online.<strong>de</strong> *Treffpunkt: Garten<br />

beim ehemaligen Betsaal<br />

Ichenhausen:<br />

19.30 Uhr:<br />

Vortrag "Pluralistische Entwicklung <strong>de</strong>s Ju<strong>de</strong>ntums<br />

in Deutschland"<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge Ichenhausen,Vor<strong>de</strong>re<br />

Ostergasse 22, Ichenhausen<br />

Veranstalter: Die Stiftung Ehemalige Synagoge<br />

Ichenhausen lädt ein zu einem Vortrag über die<br />

Vielfalt jüdischen Lebens in Deutschland. *Vortrag<br />

mit Dr. Jan Mühlstein,Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r Union<br />

progressive Ju<strong>de</strong>n in Deutschland und Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

<strong>de</strong>r liberalen jüdischen Gemein<strong>de</strong> München “Beth<br />

Schalom”. *Auskunft unter Tel. 08221 – 95158<br />

(Herr Seybold).<br />

Ingelheim (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

16.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr:<br />

Vortrag mit Kostproben<br />

Fridtjof-Nansen-Haus,Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 61<br />

Vortrag mit Kostproben von Festtagsgebäck und<br />

koscheren Weinen, musikalisch umrahmt von <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Gruppe Dreierlei! *Referenten: Klaus Dürsch M.A.,<br />

Wolfgang Lehmann *Teilnehmergebühr: 6 Euro<br />

(Familien 15 Euro) - Anmeldung durch<br />

Überweisung <strong>de</strong>r Teilnehmergebühr an die DIF,<br />

Mainzer Volksbank, Konto-N° 466 235 017, BLZ<br />

551 900 00! *Weitere Informationen:<br />

(0 61 32) 4 05 69, Dif.Ingelheim@gmx.<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Kaiserslautern (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

10.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr:<br />

Die mittelalterliche Mikwe (Ritualbad)<br />

Treffpunkt:Am Altenhof<br />

Führungen. *Referent: StDir Bernhard Gerlach.<br />

*Weitere Informationen: (06 31) 1 63 95,<br />

bhgerlach@gmx.<strong>de</strong><br />

Karlsruhe:<br />

12:00-17:00 Uhr:<br />

Synagogenführung - Tag <strong>de</strong>r offenen Tür<br />

Knielinger Allee 11<br />

Treffpunkt: Gemein<strong>de</strong>zentrum Jüdische<br />

Kultusgemein<strong>de</strong> Karlsruhe,Tel: 07 21/7 20 35,<br />

Email: jg-karlsruhe@t-online.<strong>de</strong><br />

18:00 Uhr:<br />

Konzert<br />

Knielinger Allee 11<br />

Kantor Moshe Hayoun singt "Jüdische Musik"<br />

Treffpunkt: Gemein<strong>de</strong>zentrum Jüdische<br />

Kultusgemein<strong>de</strong> Karlsruhe,Tel: 07 21/ 7 20 35,<br />

Email: jg-karlsruhe@t-online.<strong>de</strong><br />

Kippenheim:<br />

11:00-17:00 Uhr:<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge Kippenheim<br />

Poststraße<br />

För<strong>de</strong>rverein Ehemalige Synagoge Kippenheim e.V.,<br />

Ge<strong>de</strong>nk- Lern- und Begegnungsstätte,<br />

Tel: 0 78 25 / 8 65 22, Email: buero@ehemaligesynagoge-kippenheim.<strong>de</strong>,<br />

*14:00h Präsentation <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Genisa - Fun<strong>de</strong> aus <strong>de</strong>r ehemaligen Synagoge<br />

Schmieheim,Vorstellung <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Restaurierungsergebnisse mit Monika Müller,<br />

Historikerin M.A., und Gisela Ilek, Restauratorin<br />

M.A., 14:00h<br />

Konstanz:<br />

19:00 Uhr:<br />

Vortrag: Die jüdische Küche und verschie<strong>de</strong>ne<br />

jüdische Spezialitäten<br />

Wessenbergstr. 43<br />

Kulturamt <strong>de</strong>r Stadt Konstanz,Volkshochschule<br />

Konstanz, Kulturzentrum am Münster,<br />

Tel: 0 75 31 / 900-902<br />

Am Sonntag, <strong>de</strong>m 4. September, von 11 bis 18 Uhr<br />

beteiligt sich erstmals auch die Israelitische<br />

Kultusgemein<strong>de</strong> Konstanz K.d.ö.R. in<br />

Zusammenarbeit mit <strong>de</strong>m Hauptamt <strong>de</strong>r Stadt<br />

daran und lädt die Bevölkerung zu einem Tag <strong>de</strong>r<br />

offenen Tür in <strong>de</strong>r Sigismundstrasse 19 ein. Der<br />

Europäische Tag steht in diesem Jahr unter <strong>de</strong>m<br />

Leitthema „Wissen und <strong>de</strong>r Geschmack: die Küche<br />

in <strong>de</strong>r jüdischen Tradition", doch wird sich die<br />

jüdische Gemein<strong>de</strong> darüber hinaus in ihrer ganzen<br />

Vielfalt präsentieren und Vorstand sowie Mitglie<strong>de</strong>r<br />

wer<strong>de</strong>n mit verschie<strong>de</strong>nen Programmpunkten<br />

einen facettenreichen Einblick in jüdische<br />

Traditionen und das heutige jüdische Leben in<br />

Konstanz bieten. Eröffnet wird die Veranstaltung<br />

um 11 Uhr von Kulturbürgermeister Claus Boldt<br />

und Benjamin Nissenbaum, <strong>de</strong>m Ersten<br />

Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong>r Gemein<strong>de</strong> vor <strong>de</strong>m Haus<br />

Sigismundstrasse 19, in <strong>de</strong>m Synagoge,<br />

Gemein<strong>de</strong>zentrum, die Judaica-Bibliothek und das<br />

Geschäft mit koscheren Lebensmitteln<br />

untergebracht sind. Zur Besichtigung wird um<br />

11.30, um 14.00 und um 16.00 auch <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Synagogenraum geöffnet. Dort wer<strong>de</strong>n Peter<br />

Stiefel, Zweiter Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r Gemein<strong>de</strong>, und<br />

Kantor Reuwen Konnik Erläuterungen zur<br />

jüdischen Religion, zu Ritus und Gebräuchen, dazu,<br />

was „koscher“ be<strong>de</strong>utet und alles beinhaltet, zu<br />

<strong>de</strong>n Festen und zum Gemein<strong>de</strong>leben geben sowie<br />

zur Chasanut, <strong>de</strong>m Gesang <strong>de</strong>s Chasan (Kantors)<br />

bei <strong>de</strong>n Gebeten in <strong>de</strong>r Synagoge. In <strong>de</strong>r Dr.-Erich<br />

Bloch-und-Lebenheim-Bibliothek wird <strong>de</strong>ren Leiter<br />

Thomas Uhrmann zu je<strong>de</strong>r vollen Stun<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Bestand erläutern und die rabbinische Literatur<br />

vorstellen. Bücher zum Thema Ju<strong>de</strong>ntum bietet<br />

auch die Buchhandlung Homburger und Hepp an,<br />

die mit einem Bücherstand vertreten ist. Den<br />

ganzen Tag über gibt es Bewirtung mit koscheren<br />

Spezialitäten im Gemein<strong>de</strong>zentrum und vor <strong>de</strong>m<br />

Haus, wo Dieter Klug vom Restaurant<br />

„Suppengrün“ seine Tische, Stühle und bei kühlem<br />

Wetter auch seine Wärmestrahler zur Verfügung<br />

stellt. Unter an<strong>de</strong>rem wird Moshe Amir<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrieren, was man mit Datteln aus seiner<br />

Heimat Israel alles zubereiten kann. Für <strong>de</strong>n, <strong>de</strong>r<br />

einen Wein aus Israel o<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>re koschere Artikel<br />

22 23

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

zu Hause probieren möchte, hält Aaron Schecht<br />

das Angebot im Koscherla<strong>de</strong>n neben <strong>de</strong>m<br />

Hauseingang bereit. Graveurmeister Samuel<br />

Skuckis schliesslich präsentiert <strong>de</strong>n Besuchern<br />

seine künstlerischen Arbeiten mit jüdischen<br />

Motiven. Zwei zusätzliche Programmpunkte führen<br />

an an<strong>de</strong>re Orte in <strong>de</strong>r Stadt. So wird Felix Spektor<br />

zwei Führungen von <strong>de</strong>r Sigismundstrasse durch<br />

das „jüdische Konstanz“ anbieten und Peter Stiefel<br />

um 16 Uhr eine Führung über <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen Teil<br />

auf <strong>de</strong>m Hauptfriedhof. Der Vorstand und die<br />

Mitglie<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r Israelitischen Kultusgemein<strong>de</strong><br />

möchten an diesem Tag <strong>de</strong>n Besuchern einen Teil<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Lebens in ihrer Stadt vorstellen, <strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>n<br />

meisten wenig bekannt ist, und hoffen, dass sich bei<br />

dieser Gelegenheit auch zahlreiche anregen<strong>de</strong><br />

Gespräche miteinan<strong>de</strong>r ergeben.THOMAS<br />

UHRMANN Än<strong>de</strong>rungen vorbehalten. Konstanz,<br />

10.August <strong>2005</strong><br />

Krumbach:<br />

14.00 und 16.00 Uhr:<br />

Führung durch das einstige jüdische Krumbach-<br />

Hürben<br />

Treffpunkt: Mittelschwäbisches Heimatmuseum<br />

Krumbach, Heinrich-Sinz-Straße 3-5.<br />

Veranstalter: In Krumbach erinnert ein Rundgang<br />

an die jüdische Vergangenheit <strong>de</strong>s 1902 mit<br />

Krumbach vereinigten Ju<strong>de</strong>ndorfes Hürben.<br />

*Eintritt frei. *Auskunft unter Tel. 08282 – 2496<br />

(Herr Auer).<br />

La<strong>de</strong>nburg:<br />

17:00 Uhr:<br />

Führungen<br />

Arbeitkreis "Jüdisches La<strong>de</strong>nburg" *Führungen zu<br />

<strong>de</strong>n Stätten <strong>de</strong>s ehemaligen jüdischen Lebens und<br />

zum Friedhof: 17:00 Treffpunkt: Marktplatz<br />

Lahr:<br />

15:30-16:30 Uhr:<br />

Führung<br />

Treffpunkt: Lotzbeckstraße 41, Lahr<br />

Initiative Stolpersteine in Lahr,T: 0 78 25 / 87 01<br />

17 Standorte jüdischen Lebens,Ausblick auf die<br />

geplante Verlegung von Stolpersteinen für Opfer<br />

<strong>de</strong>r „Euthanasie“ am 13.10.<strong>2005</strong> *Spen<strong>de</strong>n<br />

erwünscht<br />

Lambsheim:<br />

11. September, 9.00 Uhr:<br />

Zur Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r Ju<strong>de</strong>n in Lambsheim und<br />

Umgebung<br />

Jüdischer Friedhof in Lambsheim<br />

Führung, Dauer 1 Stun<strong>de</strong>. *Referent: Bernhard<br />

Kukatzki M.A.<br />

*Weitere Informationen: (0 62 35) 33 32<br />

Landau in <strong>de</strong>r Pfalz (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

14.00 Uhr:<br />

Ju<strong>de</strong>n in Landau.Vom Mittelalter bis zum<br />

Holocaust.<br />

Frank-Loebsches-Haus, Kaufhausgasse 9<br />

Führung durch die Dauerausstellung, Dauer 90<br />

Min. *Referentin: Christine Kohl-Langer M.A.<br />

*Weitere Informationen: (0 63 41) 1 31 56,<br />

christine.kohl-langer@landau.<strong>de</strong><br />

Laupheim:<br />

Matinee: 11:00-12:30 Uhr:<br />

An<strong>de</strong>nken an die jüdische Dichterin Else Lasker-<br />

Schüler<br />

Kirchberg 11<br />

Schloss Großlaupheim, Museum zur Geschichte<br />

von Christen und Ju<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

Tel: 0 73 92 / 96 80 00, Email:<br /><strong>de</strong><br />

Mainz:<br />

16:00 Uhr:<br />

Der Sinn <strong>de</strong>s Lebens in jüdischer Sicht<br />

Ort: Stadthistorisches Museum (in <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Dauerausstellung „Magenza – 1000 Jahre jüdisches<br />

Mainz“), Zita<strong>de</strong>lle, Bau D, (Eingang am Drusenstein)<br />

Vortrag; Referent: Dr. Hans-Joachim Schönstätt<br />

Weitere Informationen:<br />

hedwig.bruechert@uni-mainz.<strong>de</strong><br />

Mainz-Weisenau (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

19.00 Uhr:<br />

Konzert mit <strong>de</strong>r Berliner Kantorin Avital<br />

Gerstetter<br />

Synagoge Weisenau,Wormser Straße 31<br />

*Eintritt: 5 Euro *Weitere Informationen: (0 61 31)<br />

61 39 90. *Kartenvorverkauf: (06131) 94 56 83<br />

Meisenheim am Glan (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

14.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr:<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge,Ausstellung<br />

Saarstraße 3<br />

Führung<br />

15.00 Uhr:<br />

Jüdischer Friedhof - Führung<br />

Treffpunkt: Saarstraße 3<br />

*Weitere Informationen: Richard Held (0 67 53)<br />

30 94.<br />

Memmingen:<br />

10.00 - 17.00 Uhr:<br />

"Jüdisches Leben in Memmingen"<br />

Stadtmuseum im Hermansbau, Zangmeisterstraße<br />

8. Eingang Hermansgasse, Memmingen.<br />

Veranstalter: Das Stadtmuseum Memmingen lädt<br />

bei freiem Eintritt zur Besichtigung <strong>de</strong>r Abteilung<br />

„Jüdisches Leben in Memmingen“ ein. *Eintritt frei.<br />

*Auskunft unter Tel.: 08331 – 850 134.<br />

11.00 und 15.00 Uhr:<br />

Führungen mit Kostproben<br />

Jeweils Führung durch die Abteilung “Jüdisches<br />

Leben in Memmingen” mit kulinarischen<br />

Kostproben aus <strong>de</strong>r Vielfalt <strong>de</strong>r jüdischen Küche.<br />

Mönchs<strong>de</strong>ggingen:<br />

13.00 Uhr:<br />

Führung durch die "Mikwe"<br />

Mikwe,Alemannenstraße 17, Mönchs<strong>de</strong>ggingen.<br />

Veranstalter: Die Gemein<strong>de</strong> erinnert mit einer<br />

Führung durch das einstige Ritualbad an ihre<br />

jüdische Vergangenheit. Führung durch die „Mikwe“<br />

- Erläuterung zu einem <strong>de</strong>r letzten ehemaligen<br />

jüdischen Ritualbä<strong>de</strong>r in Bayerisch-Schwaben,<br />

geleitet von Rolf Hofmann. *Eintritt frei. *Auskunft<br />

unter Tel.: 09088-210.<br />

Nördlingen:<br />

15.00 Uhr:<br />

Führung über <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen Friedhof<br />

Jüdischer Friedhof, Nördlingen.<br />

Veranstalter: Das Stadtarchiv thematisiert jüdische<br />

Familiengeschichten bei einem Rundgang über <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Friedhof. Führung über <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen Friedhof mit<br />

familiengeschichtlichem Schwerpunkt, geleitet von<br />

Rolf Hofmann. *Anmeldung und Unkostenbeitrag<br />

von 3 Euro zu zahlen beim Verkehrsamt, Marktplatz<br />

2. *Auskunft unter Tel: 09081 – 84116.<br />

O<strong>de</strong>nbach am Glan (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

10.00 Uhr:<br />

Der jüdische Friedhof<br />

Treffpunkt: vor <strong>de</strong>r Synagoge, Kirchhofstraße 19<br />

Dauer 1 Stun<strong>de</strong>. *Weitere Informationen: (0 67 53)<br />

27 45, post@hil<strong>de</strong>-dittrich.<strong>de</strong><br />

Oettingen:<br />

Heimatmuseum<br />

Heimatmuseum Oettingen, Hofgasse 14.<br />

Veranstalter: In Oettingen erinnert das<br />

Heimatmuseum in seiner Dauerausstellung auch an<br />

die Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r Oettinger Ju<strong>de</strong>n. Bei einem<br />

geführten Rundgang haben Sie Gelegenheit, Spuren<br />

jüdischen Lebens in Oettingen zu ent<strong>de</strong>cken.<br />

*Auskunft unter<br />

Tel. 09082 – 2315.<br />

11.00 Uhr:<br />

Führung über <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen Friedhof<br />

Treffpunkt: Jüdischer Friedhof, Mühlstraße 44,<br />

Oettingen.<br />

Führung über <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen Friedhof in Oettingen<br />

mit familiengeschichtlichem Schwerpunkt, geleitet<br />

von Rolf Hofmann. *Eintritt frei.<br />

15.00 Uhr:<br />

Rundgang "Spurensuche"<br />

Rundgang „Spurensuche“ durch das<br />

Heimatmuseum, die Stadt und <strong>de</strong>n Friedhof mit<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Leiterin <strong>de</strong>s Heimatmuseums, Dr. Petra<br />

Ostenrie<strong>de</strong>r. *Eintritt: 2 Euro.<br />

*Auskunft unter Tel. 09082 – 2315.<br />

Offenburg:<br />

11:00-13:00 Uhr:<br />

Führung Jüdischer Friedhof am Waldbach<br />

Treffpunkt: Einsegnungshalle, Männliche Teilnehmer:<br />

Bitte Kopfbe<strong>de</strong>ckung mitbringen<br />

24 25

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

14:00 Uhr:<br />

Führung in <strong>de</strong>r Mikwe<br />

Eingang Bäckergasse<br />

15:00 Uhr:<br />

Führung durch die Judaica-Sammlung<br />

Ritterstraße 10<br />

Museum im Ritterhaus,Tel: 07 81/82 45 77, Email:<br />

museum@offenburg.<strong>de</strong><br />

16:00 Uhr:<br />

Führung durch die Ge<strong>de</strong>nkstätte Salmen<br />

Lange Straße 52<br />

Treffpunkt: Eingang Salmen<br />

Remseck am Neckar:<br />

14:30-16:00 Uhr:<br />

Führung Jüdischer Friedhof Hochberg<br />

Neckarremser Straße<br />

Stadtarchiv, Försterweg 7,T: 0 71 46 / 81 03 75<br />

Führung: Jüdischer Friedhof Hochberg *Überblick<br />

über die Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r ehemaligen jüdischen<br />

Gemein<strong>de</strong> Hochberg *Treffpunkt:<br />

Omnibushaltestelle Lin<strong>de</strong>nstraße *Spen<strong>de</strong>n<br />

erbeten<br />

Rockenhausen-Marienthal/Falkenstein<br />

(Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

10.00 Uhr:<br />

Synagoge und Friedhof <strong>de</strong>r Marienthaler Ju<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Treffpunkt: Ortseingang Marienthal (aus Richtug<br />

Rockenhausen)<br />

Führung; Dauer 60 Minuten. *Referent:Werner<br />

Rasche<br />

Rottenburg am Neckar:<br />

14:00-18:00 Uhr:<br />

Ge<strong>de</strong>nkstätte Synagoge Baisingen<br />

Stadtarchiv und Museen, Obere Gasse 12,<br />

Tel: 0 74 72 / 165-351, Email: museen@rottenburg.<strong>de</strong><br />

*Führung 15:00h *Führung Friedhof Baisingen 16:30h<br />

Rottweil:<br />

15:00-17:00 Uhr:<br />

Einblick in die koschere Küche<br />

*Arbeitskreis Ehemalige Synagoge Rottweil,<br />

Krummer Weg 54,Tel: 07 41 / 1 43 45, Email:<br />

werner.kessl@t-online.<strong>de</strong> *Israelitische<br />

Kultusgemein<strong>de</strong> Rottweil/Villingen-Schwenningen,<br />

Hauptstraße 34 *Einblick in die koschere Küche,<br />

Getränke, Speisen und Rezepte zum ausprobieren,<br />

Kennenlernen <strong>de</strong>r neuen Israelitischen<br />

Kultusgemein<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Saffig (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

14.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr:<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge<br />

Klöppelsberg<br />

Führungen. *Referent:Andreas Britz *Weitere<br />

Informationen: (0 72 72) 7 57 71, andreas@web.<strong>de</strong><br />

Schwäbisch Hall:<br />

11:00 Uhr:<br />

Synagogenvertäfelung<br />

Hällisch-Fränkisches-Museum, Keckenhof 6<br />

Führung durch die jüdische Abteilung mit <strong>de</strong>r<br />

bemalten Synagogenvertäfelung von 1738/39<br />

*Museumseintritt plus 1,- Euro<br />

15:00 Uhr:Vortrag: Die jüdische Küche<br />

Hällisch-Fränkisches-Museum, Keckenhof 6<br />

Von Janusz Pawelczyk-Kissin, Hei<strong>de</strong>lberg *Eintritt<br />

3,- Euro<br />

Nachmittags: Jüdisches Gebäck mit Kaffee/Tee<br />

Hällisch-Fränkisches-Museum, Keckenhof 6<br />

15:00-16:30 Uhr:<br />

Kulinarisches<br />

Weisse Rose i-punkt,Würzburger Tor, 74670<br />

Forchtenberg<br />

Kulinarisches aus <strong>de</strong>r Lyrik von Gertrud Kolmar<br />

mit biographischen Spuren und Kostproben<br />

jüdischer Speisen *Eintritt 5,- Euro<br />

Speyer am Rhein (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

16.00 Uhr:<br />

Rundgang durch das jüdische Speyer<br />

Treffpunkt: Ju<strong>de</strong>nbad, Kleine Pfaffengasse 21<br />

Führung; Dauer 90 Minuten *Referent: Johannes<br />

Bruno *Weitere Informationen: (0 62 32) 3 28 43<br />

Stau<strong>de</strong>rnheim (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

11.00 Uhr:<br />

Rundgang zu <strong>de</strong>n jüdischen Stätten<br />

Treffpunkt: Evangelische Kirche, Hauptstraße<br />

Führung; Dauer 75 Minuten. *Referent: Raymond<br />

Wolff<br />

14.30 Uhr:<br />

Konzert mit Werken jüdischer Komponisten<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge,Am Wolfsgang 3<br />

Improvisationen und eine Komposition auf <strong>de</strong>m<br />

Hammerklavier; Dauer 75 Minuten. *Vortragen<strong>de</strong>r:<br />

Ricardo Magnus (Buenos Aires)<br />

16.00 Uhr:<br />

Vorstellung <strong>de</strong>r Website <strong>de</strong>s Museumsverein<br />

Synagoge<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge,Am Wolfsgang 3<br />

Dauer 45 Minuten *Referentin: Susanne Schappert<br />

17.00 Uhr:<br />

Jüdischer Friedhof<br />

Treffpunkt: Ehemalige Synagoge,Am Wolfsgang 3<br />

Führung; Dauer 60 Minuten *Referent: Raymond<br />

Wolff *Weitere Informationen: (030) 6 87 81 49,<br />

stau<strong>de</strong>rnheim@onlinehome.<strong>de</strong><br />

Steinbach am Glan (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

15.00 Uhr bis 17.30 Uhr:<br />

Ausstellung Jüdisches Museum<br />

*Referent: Ortsbürgermeister Jörg Fehrentz.<br />

*Weitere Informationen: (0 63 83) 56 00,<br />

fehrentz@t-online.<strong>de</strong><br />

Sulzburg:<br />

11:00-18:00 Uhr:<br />

Führungen<br />

Gustav-Weilstraße 18<br />

Freun<strong>de</strong>skreis Ehemalige Synagoge Sulzburg e.V.,<br />

Tel.: 0 76 34 / 56 00-35 *Führung durch die<br />

Ausstellung: 14:00 und 16:00,Treffpunkt: Synagoge<br />

*Führung Jüdischer Friedhof: 15:00 und 17:00,<br />

Treffpunkt: Jüdischer Friedhof *Führung durch das<br />

frühere jüdische Sulzburg: 18:00,Treffpunkt:<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge<br />

Ulm:<br />

14:00- 16:00 Uhr:<br />

Einführung in jüdisches Essen<br />

*Treffpunkt Neutorstr. 28<br />

Mazzen und "gefilte Fisch", Eine Einführung in<br />

jüdisches Essen, Beispiele und jüdische<br />

Speisegesetze *Anmeldung bis spätestens 31.<br />

August *Dokumentationszentrum Oberer Kuhberg<br />

- KZ Ge<strong>de</strong>nkstätte,Tel: 07 31 / 2 13 12,<br />

Email: dzok@gmx.<strong>de</strong>, Jüdische Gemein<strong>de</strong> Ulm<br />

11:30-13:30 Uhr:<br />

Stadtführung<br />

Treffpunkt:Weinhof/Brunnen<br />

Stadtführung zur Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r Ju<strong>de</strong>n in Ulm vom<br />

Mittelalter bis ins 21. Jahrhun<strong>de</strong>rt "Jüdisches Ulm"<br />

mit Christof Maihöfer *Teilnahmekosten: 3,- Euro<br />

16:15-18:00 Uhr:<br />

Führung im Münster<br />

Treffpunkt: Pforte <strong>de</strong>s Ulmer Münsters<br />

Jüdische Grabsteine im Münster mit Gil<br />

Hüttenmeister und Christof Maihoefer<br />

*Teilnahmekosten: 3,- Euro<br />

11:00-16:00 Uhr:<br />

Betraumbesichtigung<br />

Treffpunkt: Zweigstelle <strong>de</strong>r IRGW-Ulm, Neutorstr. 28<br />

Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Württembergs<br />

K.d.ö.R., Synagoge Ulm,Tel: 07 31 / 9 69 16 91,<br />

Email: chabadw@t-online.<strong>de</strong> *Kosten: 2,- Euro<br />

Walldürn-Rippberg:<br />

14:00- 16:00 Uhr:<br />

Museumsführung<br />

Zum Brühl 2<br />

Kunst-und Kulturmuseum,Tel: 0 62 86 / 929- 347<br />

o. -98 14 *Führung durch das Museum mit<br />

Jüdischen Kulturgegenstän<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Wallhausen-Michelbach:<br />

ab 14:00 Uhr:<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge<br />

Ju<strong>de</strong>ngasse 4<br />

Ehemalige Synagoge Michelbach an <strong>de</strong>r Lücke,<br />

Tel: 0 79 55 / 22 46 Synagoge: 14:00-16:30 Uhr<br />

*Führungen: nach Bedarf *Konzert: Klezmergruppe:<br />

17:00h *Eintritt: 6,-/8,-Euro *Spezialitäten:<br />

israelischer Wein und kleine Köstlichkeiten<br />

Wertheim:<br />

Uhrzeit siehe Tagespresse: Einführung in die<br />

jüdische Geschichte Wertheims<br />

Rathausgasse 6-10<br />

26 27

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Grafschaftsmuseum und Otto-Mo<strong>de</strong>rsohn-<br />

Kabinett,Tel: 0 93 42 / 30 15 11 Einführung in die<br />

jüdische Geschichte Wertheims *Ortsbegehung<br />

*Kosten: 4,- Euro<br />

Winnweiler (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr:<br />

Jüdisches Museum<br />

Schloßstraße 37<br />

Führungen durch die Dauerausstellung: 14.15 Uhr,<br />

15.15 Uhr und 16.15 Uhr. *Referent:Werner<br />

Rasche *Weitere Informationen: (0 63 02) 12 56<br />

Wittlich (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

11.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr: Tag <strong>de</strong>r Offenen Tür<br />

Emil-Frank-Institut, Schloßtrasse 10<br />

Tag <strong>de</strong>r Offenen Tür mit Musik und koscheren<br />

Speisen, zubereitet von Mitglie<strong>de</strong>rn <strong>de</strong>r Jüdischen<br />

Kultusgemein<strong>de</strong> Trier. *Weitere Informationen: (0<br />

65 71) 26 01 24, www.emil-frank-institut<br />

Worms (Rhl.-Pf.):<br />

11.00 Uhr:<br />

Festvortrag<br />

Jüdischer Friedhof Hochheimer Höhe<br />

Festvortrag in <strong>de</strong>r Trauerhalle <strong>de</strong>s jüdischen<br />

Friedhofs Worms-Hochheim, begleitet von<br />

synagogaler Musik. *Referent: Dr. Joachim Glatz.<br />

17.00 Uhr:<br />

Podiumsdiskussion: Politische Situation <strong>de</strong>r Ju<strong>de</strong>n<br />

am Rhein 1105 und <strong>2005</strong><br />

Frauensynagoge, Synagogenplatz 4<br />

*Teilnehmer: Prof.Alfred Haverkamp (Trier), Prof.<br />

Stefan Rohrbacher (Düsseldorf), Dr. Peter<br />

Waldmann (Mainz), mo<strong>de</strong>riert von Dr. Ulrich<br />

Oelschläger *Weitere Informationen: (0 62 41) 8<br />

53 10 50, www.raschijahr.<strong>de</strong>,<br />

touristinfo@worms.<strong>de</strong><br />

GREECE<br />

Hania (Crete):<br />

Lecture and exhibition on Cretan medieval Jewish<br />

miniatures<br />

Documentary<br />

A complete coverage of the Jewish quarter of<br />

Hania and the synagogue.<br />

This documentary has been prepared through the<br />

auspices of the European Commission.<br />

Lecture on the Jews of Crete (by Dr.Yakoumakis)<br />


On 4th of September, on Sunday, all Day: General<br />

information<br />

Hungarian Jewish Cultural;Tel:<br />

+36 1 311-6665; E-mail:<br />

Day of the Hungarian Jewish Culture, on the<br />

European Day of Jewish Culture in parallel with<br />

numerous European cities, organised by the<br />

European Jewish Cultural Association. Partner<br />

Organisations: Pesti Súl and Baja-Izraeli-Hungarian<br />

Friendship Organisation<br />

Baja (Southern Hungary):<br />

"Traces of Jewish life in Baja"<br />

5:00 pm:<br />

Opening the Exhibition<br />

6:00 pm:<br />

Balázs Fényes's lecture on kastut, on the rules<br />

eating Jewish.<br />

7:00 pm:<br />

Klezmer music with Orsolya Terray (vocal)<br />

7:30 pm:<br />

Kosher food and brandy (pálinka)-taste<br />

Budapest:<br />

12:00 am:<br />

Eastern-European Jewish gastronomy<br />

Budapest, XIII Visegrádi str 3.<br />

1). Lunch, kosher brandy (pálinka)-taste, live violin<br />

music.<br />

2). Balázs Fényes's lecture on Jewish gastronomy<br />

(Participation fee 1500 Ft, advance ticket purchase<br />

necessary) Tel: 00 36 70 313-2822. 3).<br />

A joint program with Pesti Súl.<br />

3:00 pm:<br />

Walk in Pest's historic Jewish quarter<br />

Meeting point: Bálint House (Budapest,VI Révai str 16)<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d by Péter Marinov whith whom one can<br />

discover the old Jewish Quarter's synagogues,<br />

most important buildings and sites.<br />

5:00 pm:<br />

Józsefváros's Jewish faces (Józsefváros is a quarter<br />

of Budapest)<br />

Meeting point: in front of Corvin store house<br />

(Blaha Lujza square)<br />

Cultural "time travel" in Józsefváros gui<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

Péter Róbert.<br />

We will visit the Teleki square (sefard) and the<br />

Nagyfuvaros street synagogue, József Kiss's, Miklós<br />

Radnótis's and Ferenc Molnár's living places.<br />

8:00 pm:<br />

A musical night in an abandoned synagogue<br />

Budapest,VII Rumbach Sebestény Square, 11-13<br />

With the Ektar orchestra, playing world music<br />

(free entry)<br />

ITALY<br />

Ancona<br />

Sinagoga - Via Astagno 10<br />

071 202638 -<br />

in collaborazione con<br />

Regione Marche - Comune di Ancona<br />

Comune di Senigallia - Comune di Pesaro<br />

Comune di Urbino - Provincia di Ancona<br />

Ore 10.30 SINAGOGA DI ANCONA - Via<br />

Astagno, 10<br />

Apertura <strong>de</strong>lla Giornata<br />

Franca Foà Ascoli Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>lla Comunità<br />

Ebraica di Ancona<br />

Amos Luzzatto Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>ll’Unione <strong>de</strong>lle<br />

Comunità Ebraiche Italiane<br />

Rav Giuseppe Laras Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>ll’Assemblea <strong>de</strong>i<br />

Rabbini d’Italia<br />

Fabio Sturani Sindaco di Ancona<br />

Enzo Giancarli Presi<strong>de</strong>nte Provincia di Ancona<br />

Gianmario Spacca Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>lla Regione Marche<br />

Ore 12.00 CAMPO DEGLI EBREI - Parco <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Car<strong>de</strong>to<br />

Riapertura <strong>de</strong>l Campo <strong>de</strong>gli Ebrei<br />

Cerimonia religiosa Rav Giuseppe Laras<br />

Canti Miriam Meghnagi<br />

Visita guidata alla mostra sul restauro <strong>de</strong>ll’antico<br />

cimitero ebraico Giovanna Salmoni<br />

Il Campo <strong>de</strong>gli Ebrei sarà visitabile dalle 12.00 alle<br />

19.00<br />

Ore 13.30 TEATRO DELLE MUSE<br />

Pranzo kasher<br />

Il pranzo kasher, realizzato sotto stretta<br />

osservanza rabbinica da LeBonTon a cura di<br />

Giovanni Terracina, si svolgerà nel Salone <strong>de</strong>lle<br />

Feste <strong>de</strong>l Teatro <strong>de</strong>lle Muse ad Ancona, alle ore<br />

13.30. Il menù compren<strong>de</strong> assaggi <strong>de</strong>lle specialità<br />

ebraiche di diverse provenienze e culture:<br />

askenazite, sefardite e italiane.<br />

Il costo è di euro 40.<br />

Per prenotazioni telefonare al 338 4933320; il<br />

pagamento e il ritiro <strong>de</strong>lla ricevuta, entro il 30<br />

agosto, avverranno presso il Bar Giuliani, Corso<br />

Garibaldi 3,Ancona, tel 071204885<br />

Ore 18.00 SINAGOGA DI ANCONA<br />


Una conversazione <strong>de</strong>dicata alla cucina ebraica nei<br />

suoi aspetti rituali e simbolici, letterari,<br />

antropologici e produttivi.<br />

Rav Roberto Della Rocca Direttore Dipartimento<br />

Educazione e Cultura <strong>de</strong>ll’UCEI<br />

Frida Russi Di Segni Presi<strong>de</strong>nte A<strong>de</strong>i-Wizo Marche<br />

Marzia Kichelmacher Antropologa<br />

Antonello Pessot Presi<strong>de</strong>nte Iolanda Decolò Srl<br />

Conduce Gian Luca Favetto Giornalista e scrittore<br />

Farà seguito una <strong>de</strong>gustazione di cibi cucinati sotto<br />

stretta osservanza rabbinica.<br />


Concerto di Miriam Meghnagi<br />

Uvachartà bachaim, e sceglierai la vita: voci dal<br />

silenzio<br />

Poesia, canti originali e <strong>de</strong>lle tradizioni musicali<br />

ebraiche (in caso di maltempo il concerto si<br />

svolgerà al Teatro <strong>de</strong>lle Muse)<br />


Pullman con gui<strong>de</strong> specializzate saranno<br />

28 29

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

gratuitamente a disposizione di chi vorrà visitare le<br />

sinagoghe di Ancona, Senigallia, Pesaro e Urbino e i<br />

cimiteri ebraici di Pesaro e Ancona. Prenotazioni al<br />

numero 071202638<br />

Partenza da Ancona alle ore 13.00.Visita alle<br />

sinagoghe di Senigallia, Pesaro (Tempio e Cimitero<br />

al Colle San Bartolo), Urbino. Rientro previsto per<br />

le ore 19.00 circa.<br />

Informazioni<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Ancona tel 071202638<br />

Cristiana Colli tel 071964139 cell. 3355349386<br />

Comune di Ancona tel 0712225064<br />

Comune di Pesaro tel 0721387541<br />

Asti<br />

Sinagoga- Via Ottolenghi 8<br />

tel. 011 658585 -<br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 19.00:<br />

apertura straordinaria <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga al pubblico e<br />

visite guidate.<br />

Verrà distribuito ai visitatori materiale informativo<br />

sulle regole alimentari ebraiche.<br />

Biella<br />

Sinagoga - Rione Piazzo<br />

Vicolo <strong>de</strong>l Bellone -<br />

Sabato 3 settembre ore 21.00: concerto di<br />

chitarra classica di Youval Avital, Chitarrista solista -<br />

Israele.<br />

Domenica 4 settembre dalle ore 11.00: apertura<br />

<strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga di Biella in vicolo <strong>de</strong>l Bellone (Biella<br />

Piazzo) al pubblico.<br />

Allestimento stand vendita prodotti kasher e libri<br />

di cultura e cucina ebraica.<br />

Per info:<br /><br /><br />

Bologna<br />

Sinagoga - Via Gombruti 9<br />

tel. 051 232066 -<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Bologna<br />

Programma mattina<br />

Sinagoga di Bologna,Via De' Gombruti 9<br />

Ore10-11-12-13: Visita guidata alla Sinagoga con<br />

sottostante Domus Romana e Casa Gombruti.<br />

Con Ines Miriam Marach e Renata Polacco.<br />

Per partecipare contattare l'ufficio comunitario al<br />

numero tel. 051 232066.<br />

Max gruppi di 20 persone.<br />

Accreditamento last minute dalle ore 9.00<br />

all'ingresso <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga Via Gombruti 9.<br />

Programma pomeriggio<br />

Sala Tempio Piccolo,Via De' Gombruti 9<br />

Ore15.30: "Quattro storie di una città"<br />

Percorso a episodi dall'età Romana all'Umanesimo,<br />

dal Rinascimento all'età Contemporanea:Vitale<br />

Agricola, Moshe da Sciano, Ovadia da Sforno,<br />

Leone Maurizio Padoa.<br />

Conversazione di Lucio Pardo con supporto<br />

audiovisivo.<br />

Ore 17.30 "Dal ciclo <strong>de</strong>lla natura al mito, dal mito<br />

al rito religioso"<br />

Viaggio nell'alimentazione secondo le regole<br />

Kasher. La challà, Pane <strong>de</strong>l Sabato e suo significato.<br />

Lezione <strong>de</strong>l Rabbino Capo Alberto Sermoneta.<br />

Ore 19.00 "Invito in cucina"<br />

Assaggi, vino e ricette dalla tradizione.A cura di<br />

Clelia Piperno<br />

Museo Ebraico di Bologna<br />

Via Valdonica 1/5<br />

tel. 051 2911280 -<br /><br />

Ore 10.00<br />

Saluti alle autorità e alla cittadinanza<br />

Emilio Campos<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>l Museo Ebraico Bologna<br />

Franco Bonilauri<br />

Direttore <strong>de</strong>l Museo Ebraico Bologna<br />

Interverranno:<br />

Sergio Cofferati<br />

Sindaco <strong>de</strong>l Comune di Bologna<br />

Beatrice Draghetti<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>lla Provincia di Bologna<br />

Flavio Delbono<br />

Vice-Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>lla Regione Emilia-Romagna<br />

Ezio Raimondi<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>ll’Istituto Beni Culturali <strong>de</strong>lla Regione<br />

Emilia-Romagna<br />

Dalle ore 10.30<br />

Inaugurazione <strong>de</strong>lla mostra<br />

Emanuele Luzzati: L’Ebraismo illustrato<br />

Fiera <strong>de</strong>l libro ebraico<br />

sconto <strong>de</strong>l 15% su tutti i volumi<br />

Mangiare alla giudìa<br />

Sapori e golosità <strong>de</strong>lla cucina ebraica italiana<br />

Ore 11.00 - 15.00<br />

Visite guidate al Museo e ai luoghi ebraici di<br />

Bologna (ex-ghetto ebraico, Palazzo Bocchi, lapidi<br />

ebraiche al Museo Civico Medievale)<br />

Ore 11.30<br />

Emanuele Luzzati: l’Ebraismo illustrato<br />

conversazione di Franco Bonilauri<br />

Ore 16.00<br />

La cucina ebraica di casa nostra<br />

conversazione di Valeria Norsa Pesaro<br />

Ore 17.30<br />

Concerto <strong>de</strong>ll'Acca<strong>de</strong>mia Corale "Vittore<br />

Veneziani" <strong>de</strong>lla Città di Ferrara<br />

musiche dal repertorio tradizionale e popolare<br />

ebraico dal XVII secolo a oggi<br />

dirige Mo Giuseppe Bonamico, Mo sostituto Rita<br />

Pedretti<br />

Gli appuntamenti sono a INGRESSO GRATUITO<br />

Ghetto in festa<br />

Ore 12.00 – 14.30 – 15.30 – 17.00<br />

piazzetta Marco Biagi (via Valdonica angolo via<br />

<strong>de</strong>ll’Inferno)<br />

Musiche dal repertorio tradizionale klezmer e<br />

sefardita<br />

a cura <strong>de</strong>l quintetto Otyyot<br />

Arianna Lanci voce<br />

Mauro Turrini violino<br />

Simone Ravaglia oud, saz, baglama e chitarra<br />

Luigi Corridoni violoncello<br />

Francesco Quero batteria e percussioni<br />

La Libreria <strong>de</strong>l Museo Ebraico di Bologna<br />

La Libreria MEB specializzata in Judaica si propone<br />

al pubblico come punto di riferimento per la<br />

ricerca storico-scientifica e didattica, per le<br />

esigenze di approfondimento da parte di studiosi,<br />

ricercatori e cultori di ebraismo, per l'università, le<br />

scuole e per gli insegnanti; con i suoi oltre 800<br />

titoli, offre una panoramica completa e<br />

costantemente aggiornata su ogni aspetto <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

cultura ebraica. I volumi presenti sono suddivisi nei<br />

seguenti argomenti: lingua, i<strong>de</strong>ntità, Bibbia,<br />

letteratura rabbinica, pensiero, liturgia, feste e<br />

culto, ebraismo e cristianesimo, introduzione<br />

all’ebraismo, mistica e cabbalà, storia, testimonianze<br />

e memorie, antisemitismo, Israele. letteratura,<br />

letteratura per ragazzi, musica, cinema, teatro, arte,<br />

cucina, turismo.<br />


Sinagoga - Via Bertini 8<br />

tel. 011 658585 -<br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle 19.00:<br />

apertura straordinaria <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga al pubblico e<br />

visite guidate.<br />

Verrà distribuito ai visitatori materiale informativo<br />

sulle regole alimentari ebraiche.<br />

Carpi<br />

Museo ex Campo di Concentramento Fondazione<br />

ex campo Fossoli<br />

Via San Rocco 5 - 059 688272<br />

Domenica 4 settembre<br />

dalle ore 10.00 alle 19.00<br />

• Apertura straordinaria <strong>de</strong>l Cimitero ebraico, <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Sinagoga, <strong>de</strong>l Museo al Deportato e <strong>de</strong>l Campo<br />

Fossoli ad orario continuato con ingresso gratuito.<br />

Visite guidate gratuite:<br />

- Cimitero ebraico: ore 10.00 e 17.00<br />

- Sinagoga: ore 10.00 e 15.00 (solo su<br />

prenotazione al n. 059 688 272 - max 25 persone)<br />

- Museo: ore 11.00 e 16.00<br />

- Campo: ore 11.00 e 17.30 (visite a cura <strong>de</strong>i<br />

Volontari <strong>de</strong>ll’ Amici <strong>de</strong>l Museo)<br />

Ore 21.00<br />

Piazzale antistante la stazione <strong>de</strong>i treni di Carpi –<br />

Viale Dallai<br />

• Proiezione <strong>de</strong>i vi<strong>de</strong>o realizzati in occasione <strong>de</strong>l<br />

viaggio in treno ad Auschwitz <strong>de</strong>llo scorso gennaio<br />

30 31

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

<strong>2005</strong>:“Fossoli – Auschwitz: andata e ritorno” di<br />

Stefano Cattini<br />

“Si fa presto a dire fame” di Chiara Boffelli e<br />

Margherita Zacchi<br />

Saranno presenti i registi<br />

Domenica 11 Settembre <strong>2005</strong> ore 21.00<br />

Teatro Comunale di Carpi - Piazza Martiri<br />

ingresso gratuito<br />

• Concerto per la VI Giornata Europea <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Cultura Ebraica<br />


cultura musicale ebraica e melodie sinagogali<br />

Giulia Manicardi Direttore <strong>de</strong>l Coro "Luigi<br />

Gazzotti" Mo<strong>de</strong>na<br />

in collaborazione con: Comune di Carpi - UCEI -<br />

Fondazione Fossoli - Libreria La Fenice - Carpi<br />

• La Sinagoga di via Giulio Rovighi rimarrà aperta<br />

al pubblico tutte le domeniche di settembre ad<br />

ingresso gratuito, con orario 10 – 12.30 e 16 – 20<br />

• Possibilità di visite guidate gratuite tutte le<br />

domeniche alle ore 11.00 e alle ore 17.30<br />

Info: Sinagoga: via Giulio Rovighi – Carpi<br />

Cimitero ebraico: via Cremaschi – Carpi<br />

Museo al Deportato: Palazzo Pio<br />

Piazza Martiri, 68<br />

Campo Fossoli: via Remesina esterna, 32<br />

Fossoli di Carpi<br />

Organizzazione a cura di: Fondazione Fossoli<br />

tel 059 688 272 - fax 059 688 483<br />

mail:<br /><br />

Comunità ebraica di Mo<strong>de</strong>na e Reggio Emilia<br />

Piazza Mazzini, 26 - Mo<strong>de</strong>na<br />

Assessorato alla Cultura <strong>de</strong>l Comune di Carpi<br />

Tel 059 649 905 - mail:<br /><br />

Casale Monferrato<br />

Sinagoga, ghetto e museo<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Casale Monferrato<br />

Fondazione Arte, Storia, Cultura Ebraica a Casale e<br />

nel Piemonte orientale ONLUS<br />

Vicolo Olper 44 – tel. 0142 71807<br />

comunita.ebraica<br /><br />

Sabato 3 settembre - ore 21,30<br />

Concerto di Enrico Fink "Il ritorno alla fe<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>l<br />

cantante di Jazz"<br />

Guglielmo R. Galliano: Regia sonora<br />

Alessandro Francolini: Chitarra<br />

Arlo Bigazzi Basso: live electronics<br />

Enrico Fink Voce: flauto<br />

Filippo Pedol: Contrabbasso<br />

Stefano Bartolini:Sassofono<br />

Domenica 4 settembre<br />

• Apertura straordinaria <strong>de</strong>l complesso museale<br />

con ingresso libero alle sale e visite guidate su<br />

prenotazione anche ai cimiteri vecchi di Casale e<br />

Moncalvo.<br />

Ore 11.00: Inaugurazione <strong>de</strong>lla mostra di Lele<br />

Luzzati dal titolo " Il cibo, la Bibbia, la Metafora" a<br />

cura di Sergio Noberini<br />

Ore 11.30: presentazione <strong>de</strong>l libro "Cucina ebraica<br />

dal mondo" di Joan Rundo - ediz. Sonda.<br />

Nei cortili <strong>de</strong>lla Comunità verranno allestiti tavoli<br />

per la <strong>de</strong>gustazione di cibi e vini <strong>de</strong>lla tradizione<br />

ebraica.<br />

Piccolo mercato di libri ed edizioni musicali.<br />

Esposizione di libri a tema ebraico a cura <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Biblioteca Civica.<br />

Ore 16.30: conferenza <strong>de</strong>lla d.ssa Victoria Acik " Il<br />

cibo: la nudità proibita" relazione tra la nutrizione<br />

e la vestizione.<br />

Cuneo<br />

Sinagoga - Contrada Mondovì 19<br />

tel. 011 658585 -<br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 19.00:<br />

apertura straordinaria <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga al pubblico e<br />

visite guidate.<br />

Verrà distribuito ai visitatori materiale informativo<br />

sulle regole alimentari ebraiche.<br />

Ferrara<br />

Sinagoga e museo – Via Mazzini 95<br />

0532 247004 -<br />

Ore 10.00 -13.00 e 15.00 - 19.00<br />

apertura Sinagoga e Museo.<br />

Libreria con stand a tema.<br />

Finale Emilia<br />

Museo <strong>de</strong>l Territorio – sezione ebraica, cimitero,<br />

ghetto<br />

Piazza Verdi 1 – tel. 0535 788178<br /><br />

VENERDI' 2 SETTEMBRE - ore 17.30: Cortile <strong>de</strong><br />

"l'Osteria la Fefa"<br />

"A tavola con gli ebrei. Norme e tradizioni <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

gastronomia ebraica quotidiana e <strong>de</strong>lle feste"<br />

interviene Luisa Mo<strong>de</strong>na, esponente <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Comunità Ebraica Mo<strong>de</strong>nese.<br />

Al termine, saranno offerti dolci <strong>de</strong>lla tradizione<br />

ebraica<br />


Ore 17.30 - Giardino di Villa Finetti<br />

"Eretici. Storie di streghe, ebrei, convertiti"<br />

Interviene l'autrice Dott.ssa Anna Foa, docente di<br />

storia <strong>de</strong>lla cultura nella prima età mo<strong>de</strong>rna, di<br />

storia <strong>de</strong>lla mentalità e di storia ebraica presso<br />

l'Università La Sapienza di Roma<br />

Sarà presente la Dott.ssa Maria Pia Balboni,<br />

studiosa <strong>de</strong>ll'ebraismo finalese<br />

Al termine, saranno offerte specialità<br />

gastronomiche <strong>de</strong>lla tradizione ebraica finalese<br />

Ore 21.30 – Giardini Pubblici<br />

Danze ebraiche a cura <strong>de</strong>ll’Associazione Terra di<br />

Danza di Reggio Emilia<br />

DOMENICA 4 settembre<br />

Ore 10.00 - 11.00 – 16.00 – 17.00: Visite guidate<br />

al cimitero ebraico di Finale Emilia<br />

Dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 - dalle 15.00 alle 18.00:<br />

Apertura <strong>de</strong>l Museo <strong>de</strong>l Territorio, sezione ebraica<br />

Ore 12.00 – Zona antistante il Centro<br />

Commerciale Famula: Inaugurazione <strong>de</strong>lla via<br />

intitolata a Clemente Coen celebre librettista<br />

finalese di origine ebraica<br />

Ore 13.00 - Osteria la Fefa: Pranzo ebraico<br />

<strong>de</strong>gustazione di piatti <strong>de</strong>lla tradizione ebraica con<br />

accompagnamento musicale<br />

(per informazioni e prenotazioni, Osteria la Fefa<br />

0535/780202 - Via T.Trieste, 9 Finale Emilia )<br />

Ore 15.00 - (ritrovo: Osteria la Fefa) Visita guidata<br />

<strong>de</strong>l ghetto<br />

Ore 17.30 - Giardino di Villa Finetti: "Gli ebrei<br />

nella storia" a cura <strong>de</strong>l Dott. Saverio Campanini,<br />

Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Ravenna,<br />

Dipartimento di Storia e Metodi per la<br />

conservazione <strong>de</strong>i Beni Culturali.<br />

Ore 21.30 – Giardini Pubblici: Musica nell'antico<br />

ghetto "NAROD" in concerto - Canzoni e<br />

musiche klezmer<br />

per informazioni:<br />

Ufficio Cultura Comune di Finale Emilia - tel.<br />

0535/788178 - 788179<br /><br /><br />

In caso di maltempo, i convegni si terranno nella<br />

Sala Consiliare <strong>de</strong>l Comune di Finale Emilia e gli<br />

spettacoli presso il Teatro Sociale.<br />

Fiorenzuola D’arda<br />

Comune di Fiorenzuola d'Arda in collaborazione<br />

con la Comunità Ebraica di Parma<br />

Cimitero sezione ebraica – P. le S. Giovanni 2<br />

tel. 0523 989314 -<br />

Dalle ore 10.00 -12.00 e dalle 15.00 - 19.00<br />

Apertura Cimitero Sezione Ebraica<br />

Firenze<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Firenze<br />

via Farini, 4 - 50121 Firenze<br />

tel. 055 245252 - fax 055 241811<br />

e-mail:<br />

Organizzazione e promozione<br />

Cooperativa Servizi Culturali Sigma<br />

viale Gramsci, 9/a - 50121 Firenze<br />

tel. 055 2346654 fax 055 244145<br />

e-mail:<br />

con il patrocinio<br />

Regione Toscana<br />

Provincia di Firenze<br />

Comune di Firenze<br />

con la collaborazione di:<br />

Convivium Banqueting, Milano<br />

Villa Viviani organizzazione ricevimenti, Firenze<br />

Iniziativa promossa da Cooperativa Servizi<br />

Culturali Sigma<br />

32 33

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Ore 10.00: Apertura <strong>de</strong>lla Giornata e<br />

inaugurazione <strong>de</strong>lla mostra:“Saperi e sapori: la<br />

cucina nella tradizione ebraica” a cura di<br />

Rimmonim, Editoria Ebraica e Comunicazion.<br />

Presentazione di Mario Fineschi<br />

Da Gerusalemme a Firenze, Profumi e Sapori <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Cucina Ebraica (Storia e Tradizione <strong>de</strong>l Popolo<br />

Ebraico)<br />

Inaugurazione <strong>de</strong>lla mostra di pittura <strong>de</strong>l maestro<br />

Daniel Schinasi (Sala Servi)<br />

Ore 10.30: Apertura <strong>de</strong>gli stand gastronomici<br />

a cura di Comunità Ebraica di Firenze,ADEI<br />

(Associazione Donne Ebree Italiane) di Firenze,<br />

Convivium Banqueting – Milano,Villa Viviani<br />

Organizzazione ricevimenti- Firenze<br />

Degustazione di piatti tipici <strong>de</strong>lla tradizione ebraica<br />

e assaggi di vini kasher.<br />

Ore 12.00: Gara gastronomica<br />

Giuria formata da Dario Bedarida, Riccardo Bicchi,<br />

Cristina Blasi, Ugo Caffaz, Rosaria Gallucci,<br />

Emanuele Guerra, Massimo Lucchesi, Gabriella<br />

Mari, Fabio Picchi e da quattro visitatori sorteggiati<br />

tra il pubblico.<br />

Ore 15.00 – 17.00: Convegno Saperi e sapori: la<br />

cucina nella tradizione ebraica<br />

- Enrico Fink, La storia passa dalla cucina<br />

- Rav Joseph Levi,“Non cuocerai il capretto nel<br />

latte di sua madre”, Usanze di casherut ed etica<br />

ebraica dai tempi antichi ai giorni nostri<br />

- Michele Luzzatti, Consumi alimentari <strong>de</strong>gli ebrei<br />

toscani nel ‘400<br />

- Lionella Viterbo, Su e giù per la cucina <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Comunità Ebraica fiorentina all’epoca <strong>de</strong>l<br />

censimento <strong>de</strong>l 1841<br />

- Dora Liscia, Cibo come arte, arte per il cibo<br />

- Scuola G. Pascoli di Montecatini, La cialda di<br />

Montecatini: un sapore ebraico <strong>de</strong>lla Toscana<br />

Coordina Daniel Vogelmann<br />

Ore 18.00: Premiazione <strong>de</strong>lla gara gastronomica e<br />

<strong>de</strong>gli stand<br />

Ore 18.30: Concerto sinfonico-corale di chiusura<br />

Per tutta la giornata nella Sinagoga e nel suo giardino:<br />

ore 10.00 – 17.30<br />

- visite guidate gratuite alla Sinagoga e al Museo di<br />

arte e storia ebraica<br />

- bookshop<br />

- <strong>de</strong>gustazione di specialità ebraiche<br />

- vendita di prodotti tradizionali<br />

Ore 10.30 – 12.30/15.00 – 17.00 per i bambini<br />

Scopriamo i sapori <strong>de</strong>lla cucina ebraica giocando<br />

Laboratorio di cucina (dimostrazione pratica <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

preparazione di challà – pane <strong>de</strong>l sabato)<br />

A cura <strong>de</strong>l D.E.C. – Ufficio Giovani nazionale<br />

<strong>de</strong>ll’UCEI<br />

Ingressi gratuiti<br />

Degustazioni e assaggi ad offerta<br />

Prenotazioni pranzo a prezzo speciale<br />

Da Ruth’s<br />

via L.C. Farini, 2A – 50121 Firenze<br />

tel. 055 2480888<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Firenze<br />

via Farini, 4 – 50121 Firenze<br />

tel. 055 245252<br />

fax 055 241811<br />

e-mail:<br />

Organizzazione e promozione<br />

Cooperativa Servizi Culturali Sigma<br />

viale Gramsci, 9/a – 50121 Firenze<br />

tel. 055 2346654 fax 055 244145<br />

e-mail:<br />

Genova<br />

Sinagoga – Via Bertora 6<br />

Tel. 010 8391513 –<br />

Ore 10.00 Tefillat Rosh Cho<strong>de</strong>sh<br />

Preghiera e lettura biblica per il Capo Mese di Elul<br />

- ultimo mese <strong>de</strong>l calendario ebraico<br />

La liturgia sarà accompagnata da momenti di<br />

spiegazione al pubblico<br />

Ore 16.00 Rav Bene<strong>de</strong>tto Carucci Viterbi<br />

L'ebraismo a tavola. Il cibo come espressione di<br />

valori e i<strong>de</strong>ntità<br />

Ore 17.00 Smeralda Dadusc<br />

Colori e sapori <strong>de</strong>lla cucina ebraica<br />

Ore 18.00 Rav Giuseppe Momigliano<br />

"Mangerai e ti sazierai e benedirai il Signore tuo D.O"<br />

La spiritualità ebraica nelle parole di Benedizione<br />

Sono previste visite guidate alle due Sinagoghe e al<br />

Museo Ebraico di Genova<br />

Una serie di pannelli illustrerà significati e curiosità<br />

<strong>de</strong>lla cucina nella tradizione ebraica<br />

L'ADEI-WIZO presenta alcune tavole imbandite<br />

secondo le tradizioni <strong>de</strong>lle principali festività<br />

ebraiche<br />

Gorizia<br />

Sinagoga, museo, ghetto<br />

Via Ascoli 19 – tel. 0481 532115<br /><br />

Ore 10.30 - 19.30: apertura <strong>de</strong>l museo ebraico<br />

“Gerusalemme sull'Isonzo” e <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga.<br />

Ore 11.00: apertura ufficiale <strong>de</strong>lla Giornata<br />

Europea <strong>de</strong>lla Cultura Ebraica con inaugurazione<br />

<strong>de</strong>lla mostra<br />

su “La cucina ebraica nella varietà <strong>de</strong>i luoghi e <strong>de</strong>l<br />

tempo” e <strong>de</strong>lla mostra “Raccontare i sapori”<br />

(esposizione di libri di cucina ebraica).<br />

Ore 11.30 – 15.30 – 17.30: visite guidate alla<br />

mostra, alla sinagoga e al museo<br />

Ore 12.15: aperitivo con vino kasher e assaggi di<br />

challot (pani <strong>de</strong>l sabato)<br />

Ore 18.30: assaggi di alcuni piatti tipici <strong>de</strong>lla cucina<br />

ebraica<br />

Nel corso <strong>de</strong>lla manifestazione sarà aperto uno<br />

stand di libri ebraici ed israeliani.<br />

Ivrea<br />

Sinagoga - Via 4 Martiri 20<br />

tel. 011 658585 -<br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 19.00:<br />

apertura straordinaria <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga al pubblico e<br />

visite guidate.<br />

Verrà distribuito ai visitatori materiale informativo<br />

sulle regole alimentari ebraiche.<br />

Livorno<br />

Sinagoga – Piazza Benamozegh 1<br />

tel. 0586 896290 – 349 2564537<br /> -<br /><br />

Oratorio di Via Micali, 21<br />

Incontri<br />

Ore 17.30: cerimonia inaugurale <strong>de</strong>lla Giornata<br />

Europea <strong>de</strong>lla Cultura Ebraica. Saluti <strong>de</strong>lle autorità.<br />

Ore 18.00: Prof. Daniela Sarfatti Mosseri<br />

“L’influenza <strong>de</strong>lla cultura ebraica sulla cucina<br />

livornese e toscana”. Dott. Daniele Bedarida<br />

“Kasher, purezza e purificazione”.<br />

Visita<br />

Ore 10.00 – 12.00 e 19.00 – 20.00: la<br />

Cooperativa Amaranta effettuerà <strong>de</strong>lle visite<br />

guidate al Museo Ebraico<br />

Esposizione<br />

La tavola <strong>de</strong>llo Shabbat (Sabato)<br />

L’alimentazione nella cucina ebraica<br />

Sarà offerta una <strong>de</strong>gustazione di dolci tipici <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

tradizione ebraica<br />

Proiezione<br />

Dalle ore 19.00 – 20.00: proiezione <strong>de</strong>l corto<br />

“West Bank Story” di Ariel San<strong>de</strong>l.<br />

Mantova<br />

Sinagoga – Via Govi 13<br />

tel. 0376 321490<br /><br />

Presso la se<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>lla Comunità in Via Govi, 13<br />

ore 10.30 “Il ruolo <strong>de</strong>ll’Italia nella diffusione <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Talmud. Manoscritti, edizioni a stampa e scoperte<br />

recenti”.<br />

Interverranno:<br />

Prof. Ettore Albertoni – Assessore Regionale<br />

Cultura, I<strong>de</strong>ntità ed Autonomie;<br />

Prof. Maurizio Fontanili – Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>lla Provincia<br />

di Mantova;<br />

Sig.ra Fiorenza Brioni – Sindaco di Mantova;<br />

Prof. Mario Perani – Relatore: docente ordinario di<br />

Cultura Ebraica presso l’Università di Bologna,<br />

Se<strong>de</strong> di Ravenna, che ha recentemente rinvenuto<br />

un manoscritto talmudico di provenienza<br />

mantovana utilizzato come copertina per un altro<br />

testo;<br />

geom. Fabio Norsa – Presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>lla Comunità<br />

Ebraica di Mantova.<br />

Ore 11.30 – 12.30 e 16.00 – 18.00 Quattro<br />

34 35

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

relazioni su “I saperi e i sapori <strong>de</strong>lla cucina<br />

ebraica” a cura <strong>de</strong>lla Sig.ra Loredana Colorni.<br />

Dalle ore 10.30 – ore 18.00 apertura al pubblico<br />

<strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga. Ingresso gratuito e visite guidate.<br />

Merano<br />

Sinagoga e museo - Via Schiller 14<br />

tel. 0473 236127<br /><br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle 18.00:<br />

apertura <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga e <strong>de</strong>l Museo.<br />

In tarda mattinata, nel giardino <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga:<br />

assaggio di specialità gastronomiche ebraiche, con<br />

accompagnamento di musica ebraica dal vivo.<br />

Pomeriggio: visita guidata <strong>de</strong>l Museo.<br />

Milano<br />

Comunità ebraica di Milano in collaborazione con<br />

Fondazione CDEC<br />

Sinagoga – Via Guastalla 19<br />

tel. 02 48311002<br /> – c<strong>de</strong>c@c<strong>de</strong><br />

Comunità ebraica di Milano<br />

Assessorato alla cultura<br />

• Visite guidate alla Sinagoga Centrale Via Guastalla<br />

19 alle ore<br />

10-11-12 14-15-16-17<br />

Fiera gastronomica , stands di libri ed oggettistica<br />

nei giardini adiacenti alla Sinagoga<br />

Lezioni aperte sul tema: "Il cibo e l'ebraismo": Sala<br />

G.D. Jarach presso<br />

Sinagoga Centrale<br />

Ore 11.00 Rav Alfonso Arbib "Mangiare un'i<strong>de</strong>a"<br />

Cibi permessi, vietati e<br />

obbligatori<br />

Ore 12.00 Haim Baharier "Dal divieto <strong>de</strong>lla cucina<br />

regressiva a "gran<strong>de</strong> è il mangiare!"<br />

Ore 15.30 Daniele Liberanome: "Sedarim: cene<br />

rituali ebraiche tra storia e arte"<br />

Ore 16.30 "La Cucina ebraica in Italia" Tavola<br />

rotonda con Joan Roundo, Silvia Pesaro Nahum<br />

Sembira e Rossella Vaturi<br />

Ore 17.30 Maria Mayer Mo<strong>de</strong>na "Saperi e sapori<br />

nella cultura ebraica italiana"<br />

Mostra di libri di cucina ebraica a cura <strong>de</strong>l Centro<br />

Documentazione Ebraica<br />

Contemporanea presso la Sala Jarach<br />

Ore 20.30 "Il Processo di Shamgorod"<br />

Rappresentazione teatrale tratta da un testo di Elie<br />

Wiesel - Regia di Miriam Camerini<br />

Teatro <strong>de</strong>lle Erbe - Via Mercato 3<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>na<br />

Sinagoga e ghetto – Piazza Mazzini 26<br />

059 223978<br /> -<br /><strong>de</strong><br />

Ore 10.00 Apertura <strong>de</strong>lla mostra<br />

I quadri di Emanuele Luzzati sulle feste ebraiche<br />

Ore 11.00 - Sinagoga:Incontri<br />

Conferenza <strong>de</strong>l Dott.Adolfo Lattes<br />

Sulle tradizioni alimentari ebraiche<br />

Dalle 10.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 16.00 alle 20.00<br />

Danze e musica - Piazza Mazzini<br />

Danze ebraiche con i coinvolgimento <strong>de</strong>l pubblico<br />

a cura di Terrra di Danza<br />

• Animazione - Via Coltellini<br />

Letture e laboratori per i bambini a cura di Micol<br />

Bemporad<br />

Ore 10.00 La cucina ebraica - Piazza Mazzini<br />

Tavole apparecchiate secondo la tradizione <strong>de</strong>lle<br />

feste ebraiche<br />

La tavola <strong>de</strong>llo Shabbat “sabato”<br />

La tavola di Rosh ha-shanà “capo d’anno”<br />

La tavola Pesach “pasqua”<br />

Ore 16.00 Piazza Mazzini<br />

Saperi e sapori, parole e assaggi<br />

• Pranzo a tema presso - Villa Storica “Aggazzotti”<br />

Via Castelnuovo Rangone 29 – Formigine -<br />

Prenotazione obbligatoria al numero 059/553235<br />

A partire dal 24 agosto<br />

• Libri - Piazza Mazzini, dalle ore 9<br />

I libri sulla cucina ebraica<br />

Proposti dalla Libreria Nuova Tarantola<br />

Moncalvo<br />

Cimitero - Reg. Borganino 10<br />

tel. 0141 917931 -<br />

Apertura <strong>de</strong>l Cimitero Ebraico dalle ore 15.00.<br />

Mondovi<br />

Sinagoga - Via Vico 65<br />

tel. 011 658585<br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 19.00:<br />

apertura straordinaria <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga al pubblico e<br />

visite guidate.<br />

Verrà distribuito ai visitatori materiale informativo<br />

sulle regole alimentari ebraiche.<br />

Napoli<br />

Sinagoga – Via Cappella Vecchia 31<br />

tel. 081 7643480<br /><br />

ore 10.00 apertura con visite guidate<br />

ore 11.00 conferenza <strong>de</strong>l Prof. Guido Sacerdoti<br />

"Non nel latte di sua madre" divagazioni sulla<br />

cucina ebraica.<br />

ore 13.00-15.30 intervallo<br />

ore 16.00 assaggi di piatti tipici ebraici <strong>de</strong>lle varie<br />

occasioni e di diverse tradizioni<br />

ore 17.00 Concerto per oboe e pianoforte<br />

eseguito dai solisti <strong>de</strong>l Teatro San Carlo di Napoli<br />

Domenico Sarcina e Domenico Sodano.<br />

Introduzione <strong>de</strong>lla musicologa Laura Valente.<br />

ore 18.00 fine <strong>de</strong>lla giornata<br />

Ostia antica<br />

Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali<br />



Viale <strong>de</strong>i Romagnoli n. 717<br />

00119 OSTIA ANTICA (RM)<br />

Tel 06.56358099 - Fax 06.5651500<br />

Call Center 800991199<br /><br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 17.00 allestimento di<br />

uno stand espositivo e divulgativo con materiale<br />

informativo (<strong>de</strong>pliants e cartelle stampa a cura<br />

<strong>de</strong>ll’UCEI) presso l’ingresso <strong>de</strong>l sito archeologico<br />

di Ostia, a cura <strong>de</strong>ll’Ufficio Giovani <strong>de</strong>ll’Ucei ed il<br />

coordinamento <strong>de</strong>l Servizio Educativo <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Soprinten<strong>de</strong>nza (dott.ssa Lucia Piastra).<br />

Due visite guidate all’antica Sinagoga di Ostia (ore<br />

11.00 e ore 15.00, appuntamento al Museo<br />

Ostiense all’interno <strong>de</strong>gli scavi) a cura <strong>de</strong>l dott.<br />

Darius Arya, archeologo <strong>de</strong>ll’Università <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

California e <strong>de</strong>ll’American Istitute for Roman<br />

Culture.<br />

(Le visite guidate sono gratuite; i partecipanti<br />

pagheranno il biglietto di ingresso agli Scavi di<br />

Ostia).<br />

Padova<br />

Ghetto - Via San Martino e Solferino 9<br />

tel. 049 8751106<br /><br />

Ore 10.30 - 12.30 e 15.00 - 18.00 nel Palazzo<br />

Antico Ghetto in Via <strong>de</strong>lle Piazze<br />

Visite guidate con illustrazione <strong>de</strong>lle tavole<br />

imbandite tradizionalmente in occasione <strong>de</strong>lle<br />

festività di Rosh Hashanà lailanot (capodanno <strong>de</strong>gli<br />

alberi), <strong>de</strong>l Sabato e <strong>de</strong>lla festa di Pesah (Pasqua di<br />

liberazione).<br />

Le visite saranno effettuate a gruppi di circa 20<br />

persone per volta ed ogni visita avrà la durata di<br />

circa 30 minuti.Al termine di ciascuna visita<br />

verranno offerti agli ospiti piccoli assaggi di alcuni<br />

cibi tradizionali <strong>de</strong>lle tre festività tra i quali la<br />

Challà (il pane <strong>de</strong>l Sabato a forma di treccia), la<br />

salsa di melanzane, il Haroseth e la frittata dolce di<br />

azzime.<br />

Sarà inoltre allestito un banco dove potranno<br />

essere ritirate copia di alcune ricette tradizionali<br />

<strong>de</strong>lla cucina ebraica e dove, chi lo <strong>de</strong>si<strong>de</strong>ra, potrà<br />

acquistare alcuni prodotti tipici.<br />

Ore 19.30 presso l’Osteria <strong>de</strong>i Fabbri (Via <strong>de</strong>i<br />

Fabbri 13) con la collaborazione <strong>de</strong>lla Comunità<br />

ebraica e sotto la sorveglianza <strong>de</strong>l Rabbino, cena<br />

strettamente kasher che preve<strong>de</strong>:<br />

Riso <strong>de</strong>l Sabato ( ricetta <strong>de</strong>lla cucina ebraica italiana)<br />

Frisensal (pasta in agrodolce secondo una ricetta<br />

<strong>de</strong>lla cucina ashkenazita)<br />

Aliciotti con indivia (ricetta tipica <strong>de</strong>l ghetto di<br />

Roma) e contorni vari<br />

Sco<strong>de</strong>lline di Pesah (dolce tradizionale <strong>de</strong>lla cucina<br />

ebraica italiana)<br />

36 37

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Per la cena (costo € 25 a persona) prenotazione<br />

telefonica entro le ore 19.00 di giovedì 1<br />

settembre al numero: 329 6945945<br />

Parma<br />

Sinagoga – Vicolo Cervi 4<br />

tel. 0521 200243<br /><br />

Ore 10.00 - 12.30 e 15.30 – 18.00<br />

Apertura <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga.<br />

Ore 15.30: Conferenza <strong>de</strong>l Prof. Sergio Terracina.<br />

Pesaro<br />

Sinagoga:Via Sara Levi Nathan 25<br />

Apertura <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga in Via <strong>de</strong>lle Scuole e <strong>de</strong>l<br />

cimitero ebraico al Colle San Bartolo, dalle 9.30<br />

alle 12.30 e dalle 16.00 alle 19.00. Degustazioni<br />

in Sinagoga.<br />

Informazioni<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Ancona tel 071202638<br />

Cristiana Colli tel 071964139 cell. 3355349386<br />

Comune di Ancona tel 0712225064<br />

Comune di Pesaro tel 0721387541<br />

Pisa<br />

Sinagoga e cimitero – Via Palestro 24<br />

tel. 050 542580<br /><br />


Ore 10.00 - 17.30 Sinagoga – Via Palestro 24<br />

Ore 10.00 - 19.30 Cimitero Ebraico – Via Carlo<br />

Cammeo 2<br />

Ore 10.00 - 19.30: Mostra sulle regole alimentari<br />

ebraiche - Atrio <strong>de</strong>l Complesso Sinagogale – Via<br />

Palestro 24<br />

Ore 10.00 - ore 19.30:<br />

Degustazione food&wine - Giardino <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Complesso Sinagogale – Via Palestro 24<br />

Bookshop - Atrio <strong>de</strong>l Complesso Sinagogale – Via<br />

Palestro 24<br />

In esposizione il quadro La fornaia di Pitigliano di<br />

Daniel Schinasi, logo <strong>de</strong>gli eventi pisani <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Giornata Europea <strong>de</strong>lla Cultura Ebraica<br />

Ore 17.30: Conversazioni sulla cucina ebraica -<br />

Sinagoga – Via Palestro 24<br />

“Kasherut: l’alimentazione nella normativa ebraica”<br />

Scialom Meghnagi collaboratore per il culto <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Pisa<br />

“Le vie <strong>de</strong>l gusto: l’Ebraismo a tavola” Claudio Aita<br />

autore <strong>de</strong>l libro «Viaggio illustrato nella cucina<br />

ebraica»<br />

“Religioni a confronto: l’alimentazione secondo la<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>” Massimo Salani autore <strong>de</strong>l libro «A tavola<br />

con le religioni»<br />

“Storie familiari attraverso i piatti <strong>de</strong>lla tradizione<br />

ebraica” Testimonianze<br />

Introduce e coordina Clara Wachsberger<br />

Consigliere <strong>de</strong>lla Comunità Ebraica di Pisa<br />

Pitigliano<br />

Sinagoga, cimitero, museo e forno <strong>de</strong>lle azzime<br />

Via Firenze 116/a - tel. 0564 616006<br /><br />

Ore 10.00 - 19.00: visite alla Sinagoga e agli<br />

antichi locali sottostanti (resti <strong>de</strong>l miqvé, <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

cantina e <strong>de</strong>l macello, forno <strong>de</strong>lle azzime, mostra di<br />

Cultura Ebraica).<br />

Ore 10.30 e ore 15.30: visite guidate al Cimitero<br />

Ore 17.00: conversazione a cura <strong>de</strong>l Dott. Gadiel<br />

Polacco. "Sapere e Sapori" - La regolamentazione<br />

alimentare ebraica (Kasheruth) pilastro<br />

<strong>de</strong>ll'ebraismo nonché "madre" <strong>de</strong>lle certificazioni<br />

alimentari mo<strong>de</strong>rne.<br />

Degustazione di vini e dolci tipici ebraici.<br />

Reggio Emilia<br />

Sinagoga – Via <strong>de</strong>ll’Aquila<br />

tel. 0522 560797 -<br />


Assessorato Cultura<br />

Assessorato Città Storica<br />

Musei Civici<br />

Comunita Ebraica di Mo<strong>de</strong>na e Reggio Emilia<br />

in collaborazione con Archivio di Stato di Reggio<br />

Emilia<br />


ingresso via San Rocco<br />

Programma <strong>de</strong>lla giornata:<br />

ore 10.00 presentazione <strong>de</strong>lla mostra<br />


prodotta da Comunità Ebraica di Mo<strong>de</strong>na e Reggio<br />

Emilia<br />

e dalla Regione Emilia Romagna_Assessorato<br />

all’Istruzione<br />

con apertura dalle ore 10.00 - ore 13.00 e dalle<br />

ore 15.00 - ore 19.00<br />

ore 10.30 e ore 17.00 visite guidate alla mostra a<br />

cura di Alberta Sacerdoti Zarotti<br />

ore 11.30 musiche popolari ebraiche eseguite da<br />

Ezio Bonicelli (violino) e Mirko Ferrarini<br />

(fisarmonica)<br />

Durante la giornata saranno offerte <strong>de</strong>gustazioni di<br />

Lambrusco kasher e di dolcetti tipici <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

tradizione ebraica.<br />

La mostra sarà in seguito allestita presso istituti<br />

scolastici <strong>de</strong>lla città<br />

Roma<br />

Sinagoga, ghetto e Museo Ebraico di Roma<br />

Lungotevere Cenci (Tempio) - Tel. 06 6840061<br />

Centro di Cultura Ebraica - tel. 06 5897589 -<br /><br />

Il Pitigliani - Via Arco <strong>de</strong>’ Tolomei 1 - tel. 06<br />

5800539<br />

A.D.E.I.- WIZO - tel. 06 5814464<br />

BENE’ BERITH ROMA - tel. 3387797258 -<br />

3398674856 -<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Roma con il contributo <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Regione Lazio<br />

Lungotevere Cenci (Tempio)<br />

• Visite guidate al Tempio Maggiore, al Tempio <strong>de</strong>i<br />

Giovani, al Museo Ebraico di Roma e al Ghetto<br />

storico.<br />

Stand di libri e artigianato nel giardino <strong>de</strong>l Tempio<br />

• Mostra Le feste ebraiche e l’alimentazione<br />

Via Del Tempio (angolo via Catalana)<br />

Ore 12.00: Inaugurazione <strong>de</strong>lla giornata<br />

Ore 12.30: Lezione di cucina a cura <strong>de</strong>ll’ADEI-<br />

WIZO<br />

Ore 13.00: Degustazioni di cibi <strong>de</strong>lle varie<br />

tradizioni ebraiche<br />

Palazzo <strong>de</strong>lla Cultura,Via <strong>de</strong>l Portico d’Ottavia 73<br />

Ore 18.30: “La Berenjena “, concerto di Evelina<br />

Meghnagi con Domenico Ascione (chitarra, ud),<br />

Arnaldo Vacca (percussioni), Marco Siniscalco<br />

(basso), Paolo Ravaglia (clarinetto, clarinetto basso,<br />

duduk)<br />

Sala Margana, Piazza Margana 43<br />

Con il patrocinio <strong>de</strong>lla Provincia di Roma<br />

• “Permessi liquidi promessi”: mostra di olii su tela<br />

di Vittorio Pavoncello e sculture di Ariela Bohm<br />

Ore 10.30: Incontro con Anna Foa, Enzo Campelli,<br />

Giovanni Terracina<br />

Info: Centro di Cultura Ebraica 06.5897589<br />

Museo Ebraico di Roma 06.68400661<br />

Il Pitigliani - via Arco <strong>de</strong>' Tolomei , 1<br />

Con il patrocinio <strong>de</strong>lla Regione Lazio<br />

Con il contributo <strong>de</strong>lla Provincia di Roma<br />

Con il Patrocinio <strong>de</strong>lla Comunità Ebraica<br />

Orario: 10.00 - 13.00, al Pitigliani:Viaggio tra Sapidi<br />

Saperi e Sapori Sapienti: mostra e assaggi<br />

Ore 19.45- 21.15, Via <strong>de</strong>l Portico d’Ottavia:<br />

Degustazione di piatti tipici <strong>de</strong>lla cucina ebraica<br />

<strong>europea</strong> e mediterranea<br />

Benè Berith Roma - ore 21.15, Piazza <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Campidoglio: concerto “In quei giorni, in questo<br />

tempo”<br />

Dialoghi tra antiche melodie ebraiche e musica<br />

contemporanea.<br />

Voce: Charlette Shulamit Ottolenghi<br />

Musica elettronica: Gabriel Maldonado<br />

Art producer: Claudio di Carlo<br />

In caso di pioggia il Concerto si terrà all'interno<br />

Sabbioneta<br />

Sinagoga - Piazza d'Armi, 1 /<br />

Via Bernardino Campi 1<br />

tel. 0375 52039<br /><br />

Ore 10.00 - 12.30 e 14.00 - 18.30:<br />

apertura Sinagoga.<br />

Visita al Cimitero Ebraico su prenotazione.<br />

Esposizione nella Sinagoga <strong>de</strong>i Libri Antichi <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Stamperia Ebraica di Sabbioneta.<br />

38 39

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Saluzzo<br />

Sinagoga - Via Deportati Ebrei<br />

tel. 011 658585 -<br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 19.00:<br />

apertura straordinaria <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga al pubblico e<br />

visite guidate.<br />

Verrà distribuito ai visitatori materiale informativo<br />

sulle regole alimentari ebraiche.<br />

Senigallia<br />

Sinagoga – Via <strong>de</strong>i Commercianti 20<br />

tel. 071 7921908<br /><br />

Apertura <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga in Piazza Simoncelli con<br />

esposizione di libri e <strong>de</strong>gustazioni, dalle 9.00 alle<br />

13.00 e dalle 16.00 alle 20.00<br />



Film e cortometraggi <strong>de</strong>dicati alle tradizioni<br />

alimentari ebraiche in lingua originale sottotitolati<br />

Kosher Kop di Leah Wolchock, USA, 2003, 3’<br />

Divine Food: 100 Years in the <strong>de</strong>licatessen tra<strong>de</strong> di<br />

Bill Chayes, USA, 1998, 40’<br />

Shalom y’ll di Brian Bain, USA, 2002, 60’<br />

Purity di Anat Zuria, Israele, 2002, 63’<br />

The Kosher Valley di Chuck Davis, USA,1998, 60'<br />

Informazioni<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Ancona tel 071202638<br />

Cristiana Colli tel 071964139 cell. 3355349386<br />

Comune di Ancona tel 0712225064<br />

Comune di Pesaro tel 0721387541<br />

Siena<br />

Sinagoga e ghetto<br />

Vicolo <strong>de</strong>lle Scotte14 - tel. 055 245252<br /> -<br />

con il patrocinio<br />

Regione Toscana<br />

Provincia di Siena<br />

Comune di Siena<br />

Enoteca Italiana, Siena<br />

con la collaborazione di:<br />

Contrada <strong>de</strong>lla Torre, Siena<br />

con il contributo di<br />

Forum per il dialogo interreligioso<br />

Ass. Corte <strong>de</strong>i Miracoli Centro Culture<br />

Contemporanee, Siena<br />

Iniziativa promossa da Cooperativa Servizi<br />

Culturali Sigma<br />

Sinagoga Vicolo <strong>de</strong>lle Scotte, 14<br />

Ore 10.00 - 17.30:<br />

visite guidate gratuite alla Sinagoga<br />

Ore 10.30: Alla riscoperta <strong>de</strong>l ghetto: tra Vicolo<br />

<strong>de</strong>l Luparello e Vicolo <strong>de</strong>lla Manna.<br />

Dov’era l’antico forno <strong>de</strong>lle azzime? Percorso<br />

itinerante con partenza dalla Sinagoga, in la<br />

collaborazione con la Contrada <strong>de</strong>lla Torre, Siena<br />

Ore 15.30: Visita guidata alla mostra<br />

“Saperi e sapori: la cucina nella tradizione ebraica”<br />

a cura di Rimmonim, Editoria Ebraica e<br />

Comunicazione presentazione di Sandro Servi<br />

Via <strong>de</strong>gli Archi<br />

Ore 11.00 –17.30: Degustazioni di specialità<br />

ebraiche a cura <strong>de</strong>ll’ADEI (Associazione Donne<br />

Ebree Italiane) di Siena. Kosher Market: vendita di<br />

prodotti alimentari kasher<br />

Libri di cultura e cucina ebraica<br />

In collaborazione con<br />

Casa editrice “Giuntina” di Firenze<br />

Casa editrice “Salomone Belforte & C.” di Livorno<br />

Libreria “Menorah” di Roma<br />

Punto Einaudi Siena<br />

Saperi e sapori: la cucina nella tradizione ebraica<br />

in collaborazione con la RAI, proiezione di filmati<br />

di “Sorgente di Vita” rubrica televisiva di vita e<br />

cultura ebraica <strong>de</strong>ll’Unione Comunità Ebraiche<br />

Italiane.<br />

Ore 16.00: “La tavola apparecchiata”: la cucina<br />

ebraica tra precetti, tradizioni e usi locali<br />

conversazione con Silvia Servi.<br />

“La sparsciandata” culinaria ebraica romana in<br />

versi recitata e illustrata da Anna Di Castro<br />

Ore 16.30: Viaggio immaginario nell’umorismo<br />

gastronomico ebraico: musica, parole, proverbi,<br />

storielle, odori e sapori. Conduce Sergio Piperno<br />

Ore 17.00: ‘Va, mangia con gioia il tuo pane e bevi<br />

con cuore allegro il tuo vino<br />

poiché Iddio ha gradito la tua opera’ (Eccl. 9: 7)<br />

Le valenze e i significati <strong>de</strong>l vino nella tradizione<br />

ebraica Ame<strong>de</strong>o Spagnoletto, Collegio Rabbinico<br />

Italiano<br />

Degustazioni di vini kasher in collaborazione con<br />

l’Enoteca Italiana - Siena<br />

Ore 18.30: Mish Mash in Parvanè – farfalle: ritmi<br />

klezmer, melodie classiche persiane, brani di<br />

tradizione yiddish e sefardite Concerto <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Quartetto Mish Mash con il contributo <strong>de</strong>l Forum<br />

per il Dialogo Interreligioso<br />

Associazione Corte <strong>de</strong>i Miracoli Centro Culture<br />

Contemporanee, Siena<br />

Ingressi gratuiti<br />

Siracusa<br />

Miqwe di casa Bianca alla Giu<strong>de</strong>cca<br />

Via Alagona 53<br />

tel. 0931 22255<br />

allagiu<strong>de</strong><br />

Ore 9.00 - 17.00: Visita al sito <strong>de</strong>lla ex Sinagoga<br />

(attuale Chiesa di San Giovannella).<br />

Soncino<br />

Casa <strong>de</strong>gli Stampatori<br />

Via Lanfranco 6/8<br />

tel. 0374 84499<br /><br />

Ore 10.00 - Sala Consiliare: Rav. Capo Luciano<br />

Caro “La cucina nella tradizione ebraica”<br />

Ore 11.30 - Casa Stampatori: Dr. Mauro Mainardi<br />

presenta “Ex-libris <strong>de</strong>l mondo ebraico'” mostra in<br />

onore di Remo Palmirani<br />

Ore 16.30 - Sala Consiliare: Concerto <strong>de</strong>l Gruppo<br />

klezmorim “Hevenu Shalom. Breve viaggio nella<br />

memoria e nella musica yiddish”<br />

Soragna<br />

Museo Ebraico “Fausto Levi”<br />

Via Cavour 43<br />

tel. 0524 599399<br /><br />

A causa di lavori di ristrutturazione quest’anno il<br />

Museo non potrà essere aperto.<br />

Torino<br />

Sinagoghe - P.tta Primo Levi 12<br />

tel. 011 658585<br /><br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 19.00:<br />

apertura straordinaria <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga al pubblico e<br />

visite guidate che si conclu<strong>de</strong>ranno nei locali <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Centro sociale dove verrà allestita la mostra<br />

"Saperi e sapori: la cucina nella tradizione ebraica"<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ata e realizzata da "Rimmonìm - Editoria Ebraica<br />

e Comunicazione di Sandro Servi".<br />

• Negli stessi locali <strong>de</strong>lla mostra saranno allestiti a<br />

cura <strong>de</strong>lla ADEI-WIZO Sezione di Torino <strong>de</strong>i<br />

banchi di <strong>de</strong>gustazione di specialità gastronomiche<br />

ebraiche e un piccolo mercato di prodotti<br />

alimentari tradizionali. Saranno inoltre disponibili<br />

libri, pubblicazioni ed edizioni musicali su temi<br />

ebraici.<br />

Verrà distribuito ai visitatori materiale informativo<br />

sulle regole alimentari ebraiche.<br />

Trani<br />

Sinagoga - Via Scola Nova<br />

0883 950639<br /><br />

29 agosto <strong>2005</strong> alle ore 17:30: Sinagoga Scolanova<br />

“Il Rabbino rispon<strong>de</strong>”. Question time su Ebraismo<br />

e cose ebraiche tenuto dal Rav Shalom Bahbout<br />

4 settembre <strong>2005</strong><br />

Ore 10.00 – 13.00 e ore 17.00 - 20.00 Sinagoga<br />

Scolanova<br />

Stand di oggettistica, editoria libraria ed editoria<br />

discografica ebraica<br />

Ore 11.00 – 13.00 piazzale Scolanova<br />

Saperi e sapori. Stand di gastronomia ebraica<br />

Ore 16.00 – 20.00 Sinagoga Scolanova<br />

“Il pane di Abramo” conferenza sui significati<br />

culturali e religiosi <strong>de</strong>l pane nelle 3 religioni<br />

abramitiche e assaggi di pane.<br />

Relatori:<br /> Francesco Piazzolla, dottorando in Sacre<br />

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PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Scritture presso la Pont. Università Gregoriana di<br />

Roma<br />

Dr Badr Fakhouri, studioso e dottore di lingua e<br />

letteratura francese (Università di Aleppo, Siria)<br />

Trieste<br />

Sinagoga e Museo - Via S. Francesco 19<br />

tel. 040 371466<br /> -<br /><br />

Tempio maggiore<br />

indirizzo: via Donizzetti, 2<br />

ingresso: via San Francesco, 19<br />

telefono: 040 / 371466<br />

orario di visita: dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 19.00<br />

organizzazione <strong>de</strong>lle visite:<br />

guidate: partenza all’inizio di ogni ora,<br />

specificatamente:<br />

mattino ore 10.00* ore 11.00 ore 12.00<br />

accesso alla struttura a partire dalle ore 9.30<br />

pausa ore 13.00 ore 14.00<br />

pomeriggio ore 15.00 ore 16.00 ore 17.00 ore<br />

18.00 ore 19.00<br />

nota: durata <strong>de</strong>ll’illustrazione, 30 minuti.<br />

libere: senza interruzione di continuità dalle ore<br />

10.00 alle ore 19.00<br />

nota: in entrambi i casi, sosta obbligatoria al punto<br />

di controllo sicurezza<br />

Mostra “ SAPERI E SAPORI: la cucina nella<br />

tradizione ebraica” realizzazione “ RIMMONIM<br />

“editoria ebraica e comunicazione di S. SERVI C.<br />

S.a.s<br />

Museo “Carlo e Vera Wagner “<br />

indirizzo: via <strong>de</strong>l Monte, 5<br />

ingresso: via <strong>de</strong>l Monte, 7<br />

telefono: 040 / 633819<br />

orario di visita: dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 19.00<br />

organizzazione <strong>de</strong>lle visite:<br />

guidate: partenza ad ogni frazione di ora<br />

specificatamente:<br />

mattino: ore 10.30 ore 12.30<br />

pausa ore 13.30 ore 14.30<br />

pomeriggio ore 15.30 ore 16.30 ore 17.30 ore 18.30<br />

nota: durata <strong>de</strong>ll'illustrazione 30 minuti.<br />

libere: senza interruzione di continuità dalle ore<br />

10.00 alle ore 19.00<br />

nota: in entrambi i casi, sosta obbligatoria al posto<br />

di controllo sicurezza<br />

Ore 11.00: Premiazioni Concorso Rav Kopciovski<br />

a cura <strong>de</strong>ll'I.R.C.E., Pres. prof.ssa Silva Bon<br />

ore 11,15: Presentazione <strong>de</strong>l corso di formazione<br />

ed aggiornamento <strong>2005</strong><br />

ESSERE EBREI IN ITALIA: Presenza storica, vita<br />

quotidiana, arte e cultura<br />

ore 11.30: Intervento <strong>de</strong>l Rabbino capo dott.<br />

Umberto Piperno<br />

sul tema “I settanta sapori <strong>de</strong>lla saggezza”<br />

Cimitero Ebraico<br />

indirizzo: via <strong>de</strong>lla Pace, 4<br />

ingresso: via <strong>de</strong>lla Pace, 4<br />

telefono: 040 / 814221<br />

orario di visita: dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 18.30<br />

organizzazione <strong>de</strong>lle visite:<br />

guidate: partenza all'inizio di ogni di ora,<br />

specificatamente:<br />

mattino ore 10.00 ore 11.00 ore 12.00<br />

pausa ore 13.00 ore 14.00<br />

pomeriggio ore 15.00 ore 16.00 ore 17.00<br />

nota: durata <strong>de</strong>ll'illustrazione 30 minuti.<br />

libere: senza interruzione di continuità dalle ore<br />

10. 00 alle ore 18.30<br />

Spazio antistante Tempio maggiore -<br />

Piazza V. Giotti<br />

ore 21.00: palco - zona facciata laterale sx. <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Sinagoga: concerto “ band Klezmer” spettacolo di<br />

danza presentato dal corpo di ballo <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Comunità ebraica di Zagabria<br />

dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 20.30: gazebi - zona<br />

parcheggi: esposizione e vendita prodotti alimentari<br />

e punto ristoro snack e bibite<br />

Comune di triestre-assessorato alla cultura, Civici<br />

musei di storia ed arte di Trieste:<br />

apertura ore 9.00 – 19.00 <strong>de</strong>l Civico Museo <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Risiera di San Sabba - Monumento Nazionale, via<br />

G.Palatucci 5 – Trieste, con servizio didatticoinformativo<br />

curato da personale altamente<br />

qualificato durante tutto l'orario di apertura.<br />

Urbino<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Ancona - Sezione di Urbino<br />

Apertura <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga in Via Stretta, con<br />

<strong>de</strong>gustazioni, dalle 10.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00<br />

alle 19.00.<br />

Ore 10.30 SINAGOGA<br />

Saluti di Franco Corbucci Sindaco di Urbino<br />

Lella Mazzoli Assessore alla Cultura e Turismo <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Comune di Urbino<br />

Presentazione <strong>de</strong>lla Giornata e conferenza sulla<br />

kasherut Maria Luisa Moscati<br />

Visite guidate<br />

Pullman con gui<strong>de</strong> specializzate saranno<br />

gratuitamente a disposizione di chi vorrà visitare le<br />

sinagoghe di Ancona, Senigallia, Pesaro e Urbino e i<br />

cimiteri ebraici di Pesaro e Ancona. Prenotazioni al<br />

numero 071202638<br />

Partenza da Urbino alle ore 11.30.Visite alle<br />

sinagoghe di Pesaro (Tempio e Cimitero al Colle<br />

San Bartolo), Senigallia,Ancona (partecipazione al<br />

convegno e al concerto).Rientro previsto entro la<br />

mezzanotte.<br />

Informazioni<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Ancona tel 071202638<br />

Cristiana Colli tel 071964139 cell. 3355349386<br />

Comune di Ancona tel 0712225064<br />

Comune di Pesaro tel 0721387541<br />

Venezia<br />

Sinagoghe, ghetto e museo - Cannaregio 2899<br />

tel. 041 715012<br /><br />

Ore 10.30: apertura <strong>de</strong>lla giornata con lezione<br />

introduttiva <strong>de</strong>l Rav Elia Richetti, presso la sala<br />

Montefiore.A seguire assaggi di varie specialità<br />

ebraiche-veneziane fino alle ore 13.00.<br />

Ore 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 visite guidate al forno<br />

azzime con partenza dal Museo Ebraico.<br />

Ore 17.00: Inaugurazione <strong>de</strong>lla mostra di dipinti di<br />

Lucia Sarto organizzata dalla galleria<br />

Melori&Rosenberg presso il Midrash Leon da<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>na.<br />

Ore 21.00: spettacolo in campo di Ghetto Nuovo<br />

con musiche di compositori ebrei <strong>de</strong>l'900<br />

inframezzate da letture di argomento<br />

gastronomico, con la partecipazione <strong>de</strong>l soprano<br />

Alexandra Wilson, <strong>de</strong>lla pianista Marina Baudoux<br />

con la voce recitante di Danielle Baker.<br />

Dalle ore 10.00 alle 19.00 il museo e le<br />

sinagoghe saranno visitabili gratuitamente.<br />

• Presso la libreria Aleph <strong>de</strong>l Museo Ebraico sarà<br />

possibile consultare la sezione<strong>de</strong>dicata ai libri di<br />

gastronomia ebraica.<br />

• Presso la caffetteria <strong>de</strong>l Museo si potranno<br />

acquistare dolci tipici ebraici.<br />

• Il cimitero ebraico antico <strong>de</strong>l Lido sarà visitabile<br />

alle ore 9.30 previa prenotazione presso il Museo<br />

Ebraico (041 715359)<br />

Vercelli<br />

Sinagoga - Via Elia E. Foa<br />

ex Asilo infantile Levi - Via Morosone angolo<br />

Via Biblioteca Agnesiana<br /><br />

Dalle ore 10.30: apertura al pubblico <strong>de</strong>l Tempio<br />

ebraico di via Foa<br />

• Saluto alle Autorità da parte <strong>de</strong>l Presi<strong>de</strong>nte<br />

Rossella Bottini Treves e <strong>de</strong>l Consigliere UCEI<br />

Claudia De Bene<strong>de</strong>tti.<br />

• Presentazione libri di antiche ricette ebraiche.<br />

• La cucina ebraica: invito all’assaggio.<br />

Organizzazione di buffet a base di cibi e bevan<strong>de</strong><br />

kasher.<br />

• Allestimento stand vendita prodotti kasher e libri<br />

di cultura e cucina ebraica.<br />

• Proiezione in Tempio <strong>de</strong>lla relazione sulle “norme<br />

alimentari ebraiche” di Rav Luciano Caro<br />

organizzata dalla Soprinten<strong>de</strong>nza, Museo <strong>de</strong>l Tesoro<br />

<strong>de</strong>l Duomo,Archivio di Stato di Vercelli, Provincia e<br />

Comune di Vercelli, il 19 giugno <strong>2005</strong>.<br />

Ore 10.30 - 13.00 e 14.30-21.00: visite guidate a<br />

richiesta e gratuite al Tempio e nelle vie <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Ghetto<br />

• Nel tardo pomeriggio e sera di domenica, nel<br />

Tempio ebraico di via Foa: spettacolo “Hamesh – I<br />

cinque libri <strong>de</strong>lla Torà” musica ebraica tradizionale,<br />

citazioni letterarie. Regia e testi di Alessio<br />

Mazzolotti, musica di Yuval Avital. Ore 19.45<br />

42 43

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

concerto di chitarra classica di Youval Avital (artista<br />

israeliano).<br />

Anche quest’anno l’Unione <strong>de</strong>i Giovani Ebrei<br />

d’Italia “adotta” una piccola comunità: il 4<br />

settembre sarà a Vercelli con varie iniziative.<br />

Per<br />

fax: 0321 987412<br />

Verona<br />

Sinagoga e cimitero<br />

Via Portici 3 – tel. 045 8007112<br /><br />

Comunità Ebraica di Verona<br />

In collaborazione con ADEI-WIZO Verona<br />

Dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 19.00: apertura al<br />

pubblico <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga e <strong>de</strong>l Cimitero ebraico di via<br />

Badile<br />

Ore 10.30: Cerimonia d’apertura: presentazione<br />

<strong>de</strong>l foulard raffigurante un affresco <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga<br />

di Verona<br />

Ore 17.00: Salone <strong>de</strong>lla Comunità secondo piano<br />

- SAPERI e SAPORI: La cucina nella tradizione<br />

ebraica “Il significato <strong>de</strong>lle norme alimentari<br />

ebraiche” Crescenzo Piattelli Rabbino Capo <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Comunità Ebraica di Verona<br />

“Intreccio di culture e sapori" Degustazione<br />

guidata di Ester Silvana Israel Presi<strong>de</strong>nte A<strong>de</strong>i-<br />

Wizo Verona. Prenotazioni dalle ore 12.00 al banco<br />

informazioni presso l’atrio <strong>de</strong>lla Sinagoga euro 5,00<br />

- fino ad esaurimento posti. Il ricavato verrà<br />

<strong>de</strong>voluto in beneficenza.<br />

Ore 15.00 – 19.00: Mostra MOMENTI DI VITA<br />

EBRAICA Via portici 3 , piano terra.Allestimento<br />

speciale<br />


Sinagoga: Ore 12.00 e ore 16.30<br />

Antico Ghetto: (partenze dalla Sinagoga ) ore<br />

12.00 e ore 17.00<br />

Cimitero ebraico di via Badile: ore 11.00 ; 16.00<br />

Banco libri<br />

info 0458007112 e-mail<br />


Kaunas:<br />

Walking tour of Jewish cultural heritage sites in<br />

Kaunas<br />

Meeting at 10.00 at Kaunas Castle.<br />

The tour gui<strong>de</strong>d by Asia Gutermanaite: historical,<br />

architectural and cultural sites.The Jewish way of<br />

life, religion, traditions and cooking will also be<br />

covered.<br />

Projected duration two hours.<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour of Kaunas Choral Synagogue<br />

Meeting at 13.00 in the synagogue on Ozeskienes<br />

Street 13.<br />

The administrator of Kaunas Jewish Religious<br />

Community Mausa Bairakas introduces the<br />

architectural features (Bimah,Aron Ko<strong>de</strong>sh) and<br />

history of the synagogue, sacred rites and liturgies,<br />

and cantors.<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d bus tour of Jewish cultural heritage sites of<br />

Kaunas city and environs<br />

Meeting at 15.00 at Kaunas Castle.<br />

Projected time 2-3 hours.<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d by Simonas Davidavicius.<br />

The bus holds 40 passengers<br />

Please register in Kaunas by phone 203717, from<br />

August 20.<br />

Vilnius:<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour-lecture of Ziezmariai sites<br />

Departure at 10.00, from the Opera House.<br />

Projected return to Vilnius at 14.00.<br />

The bus holds 40 passengers.<br />

Please register by phone 2724081<br />

The excursion ‘Life in shtetl’ gui<strong>de</strong>d by the<br />

museum specialist Roza Bieliauskiene: a visit to the<br />

woo<strong>de</strong>n Ziezmariai synagogue and other sites.The<br />

themes discussed: the Jewish way of life, religion,<br />

traditions, festivals and cooking.<br />

Walking tour of Jewish Vilnius<br />

Meeting at 11.00 on Vokieciu Street at the<br />

fountain.<br />

Projected time 2 hours.<br />

Tour gui<strong>de</strong>d by Ilja Lampertas: key Old Town sites<br />

of the Litvak history and cultural heritage.<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong>d tour of Vilnius Choral Synagogue<br />

Meeting at 15.00 at the synagogue, on Pylimo<br />

Street 38.<br />

Roza Bieliauskiene and Ilja Lampertas introduce<br />

the architectural features (Bimah,Aron Ko<strong>de</strong>sh<br />

etc.) and the history of the synagogue, sacred rites<br />

and liturgies, and cantors.<br />


General information on the Day of Jewish Heritage<br />

in the Netherlands, September 4th <strong>2005</strong><br />

This year 11 sites will participate in the<br />

Netherlands.<br />

In nearly all locations special attention is given to<br />

the subject of Jewish Cooking.<br />

Also this year the beautiful Jewish Museum in<br />

Amsterdam, consisting of rebuilt pre-war<br />

synagogues and won<strong>de</strong>rful exhibitions, will<br />

participate. In the museum, there will be a lecture<br />

from a well-known journalist, writer of Dutch<br />

Jewish cookbooks and there will be a workshop<br />

for children on making matses.<br />

In two other places, there will be lectures on<br />

Jewish traditional cooking, Jewish Festivals etc.<br />

In all sites, one table will be set for a Friday<br />

evening Dinner with wine, can<strong>de</strong>ls, chalah and one<br />

table with Sei<strong>de</strong>r specialities.<br />

In all sites, there will be written educational<br />

information on Jewish Cooking Culture and kosher<br />

cooking and a list of all Dutch Jewish cookbooks,<br />

old and new. B’nai Brith Netherlands will re-edit<br />

an Jewish cookbook in three languages (Dutch,<br />

English and French) and sell this for a minor price<br />

at each location.<br />

All sites will have Jewish music by cd’s and some<br />

places will show vi<strong>de</strong>o films on the relevant<br />

subject.<br />

The whole program will be on the Dutch site:<br /><br />

Aalten:<br />

A beautiful old synagogue, dating from 1857.<br />

Stationsstraat 7<br />

Already in 1737 Jews settled in Aalten, a tiny village<br />

in the east of Holland. During the war the<br />

synagogue was used as a place for storing<br />

munition. In 1950 the place was renovated and a<br />

plaque with the names of the Jews who did not<br />

survive was placed. Now the place is used for<br />

cultural events.<br />

Next to the synagogue is a old Mikwe.<br />

Amsterdam:<br />

De Rav Aron Schuster synagogue, Jacob<br />

Obrechtplein, built in 1928<br />

An architect will give a lecture every hour on the<br />

special architecture of this beautiful synagogue<br />

with its very special coloured glass windows.<br />

This is the only synagogue with an active mikwe<br />

next door.<br />

Breda:<br />

Synagogue, dating from 1845<br />

Schoolstraat 16<br />

First Jews came to southern Breda in 1674.The<br />

old synagogue was <strong>de</strong>stroyed during the war and<br />

restored only in 1992. It is in use now again.<br />

Bussum:<br />

Synagogue insi<strong>de</strong> a church building<br />

Kromme Englaan 1a<br />

In Bussum twice a synagogue was built in a church.<br />

First in an Apostolian church, later when this<br />

became too small, another church was purchased.<br />

Therefore from the outsi<strong>de</strong> one cannot see that<br />

there is a synagogue.The interior of course is<br />

totally <strong>de</strong>corated as a synagogue.<br />

Buuren:<br />

A small synagogue dating from 1804<br />

Kniphoek 14<br />

Already in 1646 Jews settled in this small agrarian<br />

village in the middle of Holland in between the 2<br />

big rivers.The former synagogue also had a mikwe<br />

and a teachingroom and a house for the rabbi.<br />

Three copper chan<strong>de</strong>liers lighted the building.<br />

44 45

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Already in 1900 there were not enough Jews in<br />

Buuren to keep up the synagogue. It was used for<br />

many different things, even as a pigs’ shed. In 1968<br />

it was restored and since then it is used for<br />

cultural events.<br />

Delft:<br />

Synagogue - classic Greek style<br />

Op <strong>de</strong> Korenmarkt 12<br />

A Jewish architect built the synagogue in 1862 in a<br />

classic Greek style. It is a very nice stylish<br />

synagogue which is in use as a music and ballet<br />

school since 1974.<br />

At 2pm a lecture will be held on the subject of<br />

Jewish Cooking in the Diaspora.<br />

Haaksbergen:<br />

An old synagogue dating from 1828<br />

Ensche<strong>de</strong>sestraat 1<br />

The first Jews settled in this village in 1690! This<br />

small synagogue was saved in World war II, some<br />

interior parts were hi<strong>de</strong>d.The building is typical<br />

for a small village synagogue.<br />

Maastricht:<br />

Renewed beautiful old synagogue<br />

Capucijnengang 2<br />

Already in the Roman times Jews were living in the<br />

southern town of Maastricht.After some centuries<br />

Jews lived there again in the 13th century.The<br />

neoclassic building is very beautiful. During the war<br />

the Nazis <strong>de</strong>stroyed the place totally and it was<br />

used as a furniture storage.Tora scrolls were saved<br />

in a bank. September 27th 1944 the first service<br />

after the war (the southern part of the country<br />

was freed before the northern part) was held<br />

there. But only in 1967 the synagogue was totally<br />

renewed and taken into use again.<br />

Sliedrecht:<br />

The dike synagogue<br />

Rivierdijk 35a<br />

Also called the dike synagogue built on a dike,<br />

originally in 1845. In 1998 the building has to be<br />

moved in or<strong>de</strong>r to strengthen the dike. It was<br />

taken apart carefully into eleven pieces and rebuilt<br />

in 2003 a bit further down on the dike.<br />

Zwolle:<br />

Synagogue<br />

Samuel Hirschstraat 8<br />

Originally the synagogue was built in 1746, and<br />

won<strong>de</strong>rfully restorated in 1989 Already in the 14th<br />

century Jews lived in Zwolle.After an epi<strong>de</strong>my all<br />

people left for a long time, but in the 17th century<br />

Jews settled again in Zwolle and started building a<br />

synagogue in 1746.Two famous architects helped<br />

building it. Different styles are characteristic of this<br />

building. In the war it was used to store furniture<br />

of <strong>de</strong>ported Jews.The building was not <strong>de</strong>stroyed.<br />

In 1989 it was reopened and restyled and<br />

memorials were placed.<br />

At 2.00 pm, an exhibition and a lecture on Jewish<br />

cooking will be held in this synagogue.<br />

NORWAY<br />

Trondheim:<br />

12.00 am-3.00 pm:<br />

Open museum, café and klezmer music<br />

Arkitekt Christies gate 1B, 7013 Trondheim<br />

Serving of Jewish <strong>de</strong>licatesses, local klezmerband<br />

"shira etana" entertains us.<br />

We show an exhibition about the Jews in<br />

Trondheim the last 100 years. "fra shtetl til<br />

stiftstad"<br />


Lisbonne:<br />

Après-midi:<br />

Portes ouvertes à la synagogue<br />

Avec débats organisés par le Rabbin Boaz Pash sur<br />

-"Gastronomie et éthique juive"<br />

-"Alimentation cashere, quel sens aujourd'hui?".<br />

Ces débats seront accompagnés <strong>de</strong> dégustation <strong>de</strong><br />

différents mets.<br />

Sintra:<br />

18 Septembre:<br />

Simulation <strong>de</strong> mariage juif<br />

avec houpa, habits et dégustation<br />


Bucuresti,Timisoara, Iasi:<br />

Concerts in all three cities<br />

The Romanian Jewish Fe<strong>de</strong>ration is in the process<br />

of organising concerts in Bucuresti,Timisoara and<br />

Iasi.<br />

SERBIA<br />

Belgra<strong>de</strong>:<br />

11:30:<br />

Bus tour (Three hour tour, gui<strong>de</strong>d).<br />

Visit Jewish city, monuments, cemetery, old<br />

Dorcol...<br />

Cvijeta Zuzoric plaza<br />


Kralja Petra 71a<br />

18:00:<br />

Opening of the celebration<br />

- Opening remarks - presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the community.<br />

- Choir Baruch Brothers - jewish songs<br />

18:30:<br />

Celebration<br />

Exhibition - Celebration of Judaica Painted<br />

Woodcarvings of Jewish Motifs<br />

19:00:<br />

Presentations Rabi Asiel - "Royal table" -<br />

presentation on kashrut customs<br />

19:30:<br />

Shira u'tfila Sefardi songs<br />

20:00:<br />

Presentation - Traditional Jewish Cuisine on<br />

Balkans –<br />

Presentation by director of Jewish Museum on<br />

traditional cuisine together with AV Presentation<br />

on kitchen utensils and <strong>de</strong>gustation of <strong>de</strong>licacies<br />

from the kitchen of JCB volunteers<br />


M. Birjuzova 19<br />

10:00:<br />

Chalah making<br />

Children's program, singing and dancing<br />


Kralja Petra 71a<br />

10:00-11:00:<br />

Open door<br />

Visit to the museum<br />

Nis:<br />

10:00-11:00:<br />

Visit to Jewish cultural monuments<br />


12:00:<br />

Jewish kitchen - presentation<br />

- Presentation by B.Perinovic on Jewish kitchen<br />

- Opening of the exhibition:"Shabat - a whole year<br />

holiday"<br />

- Followed by sampling of Jewish <strong>de</strong>licacies<br />

Novi Sad:<br />

September 3rd at 19:00:<br />

Opening of a "Jewish theme" exhibition in the<br />

"Prometej" gallery<br />


Jevrejska st. 11<br />

September 4th 16:00:<br />

- Opening<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the community Dr.Ana Frenkel will<br />

open the event<br />

- Presentation on Kashrut customs by prof. dr<br />

Suzana Petroviæ.<br />

- Women's section of JONS, Mrs. Edita Jankov and<br />

colleagues will present preparation of tables and<br />

specialties for each holiday.<br />

17:30:<br />

Exhibition in the Synagogue foyer<br />

Jevrejska st<br />

Opening of the Jewish art exhibition by prof. dr<br />

Aleksandar Kerenji.Works of Jewish Art Club<br />

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PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

18:30:<br />

Celebration in front of the City Hall<br />

Program hosted by Moca Momcilovic<br />

- Jelica Bjeli reads about Novi Sad,<br />

- Children - performance,<br />

- Choir Hashira,<br />

- Dance group Ma'ayan<br />

20:15:<br />

Reception in the Mayor’s office<br />

Reception by the Mayor of Novi Sad for<br />

participants of the European Day of Jewish Culture<br />

Subotica:<br />


noon hours:<br />

Open door<br />

Visit our Synagogue, we will answer questions on<br />

topics of Judaism, artifacts and space of Synagogue.<br />

In other rooms, we will show our preparation<br />

process for Shabbat and Pesach (the Se<strong>de</strong>r) - all<br />

this in print in Serbian and Hungarian language.<br />

At the special booth, we will offer Jewish <strong>de</strong>licacies<br />

and recipes for preparation.<br />

As a follow up there will be an exhibition of art<br />

photography on Jewish themes by I_tvan Ba_, as well<br />

as painted glass with Jewish Symbols by Edita Izrael.<br />


Bratislava:<br />

Exhibition on Jewish cooking in heritage<br />

Free entrance to the Museum of Jewish Culture<br />

Komárno:<br />

Meeting of Jewish communities<br />

Regional meetings of Jewish communities,<br />

workshop and exhibition on Jewish cooking in<br />

heritage.<br />

Kosice:<br />

Open door in the Jewish restaurant "Shalom"<br />

Lecture:What means Kosher? Cooking and tasking<br />

the special Jewish meal/ "Barches,Aim mint cvibel,<br />

solet".../<br />

Concert: Klezmer Band Niguim from Kijev.<br />

Nové Zámky:<br />

Open door in Jewish community<br />

Lecture: How to prepare special Jewish meals.<br />

Presov:<br />

Exhibition on Jewish cooking in heritage<br />

Free entrance to the Museum of Jewish Culture<br />

SPAIN<br />

Ávila<br />



Visitas guiadas a la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría y conciertos <strong>de</strong> música<br />

sefardí<br />

Hora: De 11 a 24 h, <strong>de</strong>l 2 al 4 <strong>de</strong> septiembre<br />

Lugar: Plazas <strong>de</strong>l casco histórico <strong>de</strong> Ávila<br />

Organiza: Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Ávila-concejalía <strong>de</strong><br />

Concierto <strong>de</strong> música sefardí<br />

Inscripción previa: No<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Barcelona<br />

Actividad: Diálogo sobre Kaixrut y Eco-Kaixrut:<br />

Una dieta para el alma y el entorno.A cargo <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Rabino G. Mazer (Conunitat ATID) y la Sra. M.T.<br />

Massons (Comunidad CIB)<br />

Hora: 10.30 h<br />

Lugar:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Organiza:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Colabora: Comunitat Jueva ATID <strong>de</strong> Catalunya y<br />

Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong> Barcelona (CIB)<br />

Inscripción previa: No.Admisión según aforo<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Barcelona<br />

Actividad: Sesión <strong>de</strong> cuentos para todas las eda<strong>de</strong>s:<br />

Cuentos dulces y salados.A cargo <strong>de</strong> Catherine<br />

Favret<br />

Hora: 12.00 h<br />

Lugar:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Organiza:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Colabora: Comunitat Jueva ATID <strong>de</strong> Catalunya y<br />

Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong> Barcelona (CIB)<br />

Inscripción previa: No.Admisión según aforo<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Barcelona<br />

Actividad:Aperitivo kosher<br />

Hora: 13.15 h.<br />

Lugar:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Organiza:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Colabora: Comunitat Jueva ATID <strong>de</strong> Catalunya y<br />

Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong> Barcelona (CIB)<br />

Inscripción previa: No. Participantes en el cuenta<br />

cuentos y en el Diálogo<br />

Precio: gratuito<br />

Barcelona<br />

Actividad: Un Tomb pel Call.Visita animada al<br />

barrio judío, para familias con niños.A cargo <strong>de</strong><br />

Dominique Tomasov (Urban Cultours)<br />

Hora: 17.30 h<br />

Lugar: Barrio <strong>de</strong>l Call<br />

Organiza:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Colabora: Comunitat Jueva ATID <strong>de</strong> Catalunya y<br />

Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong> Barcelona (CIB)<br />

Inscripción previa: Si. Enviar solicitud por e-mail a:<br /><br />

Precio: gratuito<br />

Barcelona<br />

Actividad: Concierto <strong>de</strong> Música Sefardí.<br />

Gastronomia: origen, amor y <strong>de</strong>voción.A cargo <strong>de</strong><br />

MASHALÁ!<br />

Hora: 19.30 h.<br />

Lugar: a <strong>de</strong>terminar<br />

Organiza:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Colabora: Comunitat Jueva ATID <strong>de</strong> Catalunya y<br />

Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong> Barcelona (CIB)<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: gratuito<br />

Barcelona<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas <strong>de</strong>l MNAC<br />

Hora: De 10 a 14.30 h.<br />

Lugar: Museu Nacional d’Art <strong>de</strong> Catalunya<br />

(MNAC)<br />

Organiza: Museu Nacional d’Art <strong>de</strong> Catalunya<br />

Colabora:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: gratuito<br />

Barcelona<br />

Actividad: Degustación Sefardí: Borekas, Hojaldres<br />

y pastelitos <strong>de</strong> Ro<strong>de</strong>s.A cargo <strong>de</strong>: Janet Amateau<br />

Hora: De 11 a 22 h<br />

Lugar: _aj Chai. C/ Sant Domènec <strong>de</strong>l Call, 12<br />

Organiza:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona<br />

Colabora: Comunitat Jueva ATID <strong>de</strong> Catalunya,<br />

Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong> Barcelona (CIB) y<br />

restaurante _aj Chai<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: según consumición<br />

Barcelona<br />

Actividad:Venta <strong>de</strong> libros, artesanía y alimentación<br />

Hora: De 11 a 22 h<br />

Lugar: _aj Chai. C/ Sant Domènec <strong>de</strong>l Call, 12<br />

Organiza:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Barcelona Colabora:<br />

Comunitat Jueva ATID <strong>de</strong> Catalunya, Comunidad<br />

Israelita <strong>de</strong> Barcelona (CIB) y restaurante _aj Chai<br />

Colabora: Comunitat Jueva ATID <strong>de</strong> Catalunya,<br />

Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong> Barcelona (CIB) y<br />

restaurante _aj Chai<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: según la compra<br />

Cáceres<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas<br />

Hora: <strong>de</strong> 10 a 20 h<br />

Lugar: Palacio <strong>de</strong> la Isla (Ju<strong>de</strong>ría Nueva)<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cáceres<br />

Colabora: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Cultura <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cáceres<br />

Inscripción previa: No es necesaria<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Cáceres<br />

Actividad:Visitas Turísticas Guiadas a la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría Vieja<br />

Hora: 11 h<br />

Lugar: Puerta Principal <strong>de</strong> Ayuntamiento (Plaza<br />

Mayor)<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cáceres<br />

Colabora: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cáceres<br />

48 49

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Inscripción previa: No es necesaria<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Cáceres<br />

Actividad:Animación <strong>de</strong>l Barrio <strong>de</strong> San Antonio<br />

(Ju<strong>de</strong>ría Vieja)<br />

Hora: <strong>de</strong> 10 a 14 h<br />

Lugar: Ju<strong>de</strong>ría Vieja<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cáceres<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: No es necesaria<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Cáceres<br />

Actividad: Degustación Gastronómica<br />

Hora: 14 h<br />

Lugar: Olivar <strong>de</strong> la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cáceres<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: No es necesaria<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad: Exposición “Maimóni<strong>de</strong>s y su época”<br />

Hora: Inauguración el viernes 2 <strong>de</strong> septiembre, a<br />

las 21 h<br />

Lugar: Biblioteca Viva <strong>de</strong> Al Andalus. Palacio <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Bailío<br />

Organiza: Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Humanidad.Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Córdoba<br />

Colabora: Biblioteca Viva <strong>de</strong> Al Andalus, Fe<strong>de</strong>ración<br />

<strong>de</strong> Comunida<strong>de</strong>s Israelitas <strong>de</strong> España, Comunidad<br />

Judía <strong>de</strong> Madrid, Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong> Barcelona,<br />

Uriel Macías Kapón, Instituto <strong>de</strong> Estudios<br />

Nahmani<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad: Zoco Sefardí<br />

Hora:Viernes 2, sábado 3 y domingo 4 <strong>de</strong><br />

Septiembre.<br />

Lugar: Comercios <strong>de</strong> la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría y Caballerizas<br />

Reales.<br />

Organiza: Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio<br />

Humanidad.Ayto. Cordoba<br />

Colabora:Asociación <strong>de</strong> Comerciantes <strong>de</strong>l Casco<br />

Histórico<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: según precio establecido para cada<br />

producto<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad: Paseos por Córdoba<br />

Hora:Viernes 2, sábado 3 y domingo 4 <strong>de</strong><br />

Septiembre, a las 21.30 h.<br />

Lugar: Salida <strong>de</strong> la Plaza <strong>de</strong> las Tendillas<br />

Organiza: Consorcio <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong> Córdoba.<br />

Colabora:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Córdoba<br />

Inscripción previa: En hoteles y Puntos <strong>de</strong><br />

Información Turística <strong>de</strong>l Consorcio (Plaza <strong>de</strong> las<br />

Tendillas,Alcázar, Posada <strong>de</strong>l Potro y Estación AVE.<br />

Tfno: 902 201774; www.turismo<strong>de</strong><br />

Precio: 12 €<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad: Ruta gastronómica sefardí por la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría<br />

<strong>de</strong> Córdoba<br />

Hora:Viernes 2, sábado 3 y domingo 4 <strong>de</strong><br />

Septiembre, a partir <strong>de</strong> las 21 h<br />

Lugar: Restaurantes y tabernas <strong>de</strong> la ju<strong>de</strong>ría.<br />

Organiza: Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio<br />

Humanidad.Ayto. Córdoba<br />

Colabora:Asociacion Hostelería <strong>de</strong> Córdoba<br />

“Hostecor” y restaurantes participantes.<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: según menú<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas en la<br />

Sinagoga<br />

Hora: De 9.30 a 13.30 h<br />

Lugar: Sinagoga <strong>de</strong> Córdoba<br />

Organiza: Delegación Provincial en Córdoba.<br />

Consejería <strong>de</strong> Cultura<br />

Colabora: Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Humanidad.Ayto. Cordoba<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> puertas abiertas en el Museo<br />

Arqueológico <strong>de</strong> Córdoba. Estela sepulcral judía.<br />

Hora: De 9 a 14 h<br />

Lugar: Museo Arqueológico <strong>de</strong> Córdoba<br />

Organiza: Delegación Provincial en Córdoba.<br />

Consejería <strong>de</strong> Cultura<br />

Colabora: Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Humanidad.Ayto. Cordoba<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas a la ju<strong>de</strong>ría y sinagoga <strong>de</strong><br />

Córdoba<br />

Hora: 10 h<br />

Lugar: Salida <strong>de</strong> Caballerizas Reales.<br />

Organiza: Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Humanidad.Ayto. Cordoba<br />

Colabora:Asociación profesional informadores<br />

turísticos Córdoba<br />

Inscripción previa: Hasta el viernes 2 <strong>de</strong><br />

septiembre, en la Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Humanidad <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Córdoba.<br />

(C/ Caballerizas Reales, 1. 14710-CORDOBA;<br />

Tfno: 957 <strong>2005</strong>22; Fax: 957 200277; E-mail:<br /><br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad: Curso rápido <strong>de</strong> cocina Sefardí<br />

Hora: 11 h<br />

Lugar: Caballerizas Reales<br />

Organiza: Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Humanidad.Ayto. Cordoba<br />

Colabora: Escuela <strong>de</strong> Hostelería <strong>de</strong> córdoba<br />

Inscripción previa: Hasta el viernes 2 <strong>de</strong><br />

septiembre, en la Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Humanidad <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Córdoba.<br />

(C/ Caballerizas Reales, 1. 14710-CORDOBA;<br />

Tfno: 957 <strong>2005</strong>22; Fax: 957 200277; Correo<br />

Electrónico:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad: Degustación <strong>de</strong> platos sefardíes.<br />

Hora: 13 h<br />

Lugar: Caballerizas Reales<br />

Organiza: Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Humanidad.Ayto. Cordoba<br />

Colabora:Asociación <strong>de</strong> Hostelería <strong>de</strong> Córdoba<br />

“Hostecor”. Escuela <strong>de</strong> Hotelería <strong>de</strong> Córdoba,<br />

Confitería Serrano<br />

Inscripción previa: Hasta el viernes 2 <strong>de</strong><br />

septiembre, en la Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Humanidad <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Córdoba<br />

(C/ Caballerizas Reales, 1. 14710-CORDOBA;<br />

Tfno: 957 <strong>2005</strong>22; Fax: 957 200277; Correo<br />

Electrónico:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Córdoba<br />

Actividad: Exposición Fotográfica “Caminos De<br />

Sefarad”<br />

Hora: Septiembre y octubre<br />

Lugar: Palacio <strong>de</strong> Orive<br />

Organiza:<br />

Colabora: Unidad <strong>de</strong> Turismo y Patrimonio <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Humanidad.Ayto. Cordoba<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Girona<br />

Actividad:Visita espectáculo "Las Puertas <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Memoria"<br />

Hora:A las 18 h (catalán) y a las 20 h<br />

(castellano) <strong>de</strong>l sábado 3 <strong>de</strong> septiembre<br />

Lugar: Museo <strong>de</strong> Historia <strong>de</strong> los Judíos - C/ Força, 8<br />

Organiza: Patronat Call <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Colabora:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Inscripción previa: necesaria tel.: 972 21 67 61<br /><br />

Precio: 15,00 €<br />

Girona<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas al Museo <strong>de</strong><br />

Historia <strong>de</strong> los Judíos<br />

Hora: De 10 a 20 h<br />

Lugar: Museo <strong>de</strong> Historia <strong>de</strong> los Judíos - C/ Força, 8<br />

Organiza: Patronat Call <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Colabora:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

50 51

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Girona<br />

Actividad: Exposición temporal:Arquitecturas<br />

Simbólicas: las puertas <strong>de</strong> las Ju<strong>de</strong>rías<br />

Hora: De 10 a 20 h<br />

Lugar: Museo <strong>de</strong> Historia <strong>de</strong> los Judíos - C/ Força, 8<br />

Organiza: Patronat Call <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Colabora:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Girona<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas en la<br />

biblioteca especializada "E. E. Schalit" con<br />

exposición <strong>de</strong> libros <strong>de</strong> cocina judía<br />

Hora: De 11 a 14 h y <strong>de</strong> 18 a 20 h<br />

Lugar: Instituto <strong>de</strong> Estudios Nahmáni<strong>de</strong>s,<br />

C/ Força, 8<br />

Organiza: Patronat Call <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Colabora:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Girona<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas "El Call Recóndito"<br />

Hora:A las 10 h, 11 h, 13 h , 18 h y 19 h<br />

Lugar: Museo <strong>de</strong> Historia <strong>de</strong> los Judíos - C/ Força, 8<br />

Organiza: Patronat Call <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Colabora:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Inscripción previa: si, hasta completar el aforo<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Girona<br />

Actividad: Desayuno con <strong>de</strong>gustación <strong>de</strong>l dulce<br />

Sefardi, ganador <strong>de</strong>l concurso <strong>de</strong> repostería<br />

Hora: 12 h<br />

Lugar: Museo <strong>de</strong> Historia <strong>de</strong> los Judíos - C/ Força, 8<br />

Organiza: Patronat Call <strong>de</strong> Girona.Associació <strong>de</strong><br />

Pastissers Artesans <strong>de</strong> la provincia <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Colabora:Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Inscripción previa: si , tel.: 972 21 67 61<br />

Precio: 6,00 €<br />

Girona<br />

Actividad: Concierto <strong>de</strong> música sefardí a cargo <strong>de</strong>l<br />

grupo Masada<br />

Hora: 20 h<br />

Lugar: Museo <strong>de</strong> Historia <strong>de</strong> los Judíos - C/ Força, 8<br />

Organiza: Patronat Call <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Colabora: Ajuntament <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Inscripción previa: Entrada libre, hasta completar el<br />

aforo<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Hervás<br />

Actividad:Visita guiada por el barrio judío<br />

Hora: 11.30 h<br />

Lugar: Oficina Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Hervás. Concejalía <strong>de</strong><br />

Cultura<br />

Colabora: Oficina Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo<br />

Inscripción previa: no es necesaria<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Hervás<br />

Actividad: Degustación <strong>de</strong> comida sefardí<br />

Hora: 13 h<br />

Lugar:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Hervás<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Hervás. Concejalía <strong>de</strong><br />

Cultura<br />

Colabora: Establecimientos <strong>de</strong> restauración <strong>de</strong><br />

Hervás<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Jaén<br />

Actividad: Conferencia “Los judíos en el friso<br />

gótico <strong>de</strong> la Catedral <strong>de</strong> Jaén”, por Emilio Luis Lara<br />

López.<br />

Hora: 20.30 h <strong>de</strong>l viernes 2 <strong>de</strong> septiembre<br />

Lugar: Centro Cultural Casa Almansa<br />

Organiza: Patronato <strong>de</strong> Cultura,Turismo y Fiestas<br />

<strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Jaén.<br />

Colabora: No<br />

Inscripción previa: No<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Jaén<br />

Actividad: Desayuno tradicional jiennense <strong>de</strong><br />

origen ju<strong>de</strong>oespañol<br />

Hora: 10:15 h<br />

Lugar: Patio <strong>de</strong>l Palacio <strong>de</strong>l Con<strong>de</strong>stable Iranzo<br />

(calle Maestra, 18).<br />

Organiza:Asociación IUVENTA<br />

Colabora: Plan Urban y Patronato <strong>de</strong> Cultura,<br />

Turismo y Fiestas <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Jaén<br />

Inscripción previa:Tel. 637.966.348 (plazas<br />

limitadas)<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Jaén<br />

Actividad:Visita Guiada “La historia judía en el<br />

entorno <strong>de</strong> la Catedral”<br />

Hora: 11 h<br />

Lugar: Plaza Santa María.<br />

Organiza: Patronato Municipal <strong>de</strong> Cultura,Turismo<br />

y Fiestas.<br />

Colabora:Asociación IUVENTA y Plan Urban.<br />

Inscripción previa: No<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Jaén<br />

Actividad: Inauguración <strong>de</strong> la exposición “Huellas<br />

<strong>de</strong> Sefarad”<br />

Hora: 20 h <strong>de</strong>l lunes 5 <strong>de</strong> septiembre<br />

Lugar: Centro Cultural Casa Almansa<br />

Organiza: Patronato <strong>de</strong> Cultura y Turismo <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Excmo.Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Jaén.<br />

Colabora: <strong>Red</strong> <strong>de</strong> Ju<strong>de</strong>rías Caminos <strong>de</strong> Sefarad<br />

Inscripción previa: No<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

León<br />

Actividad: Jornadas <strong>de</strong> cocina judía<br />

Hora: <strong>de</strong>l 1 al 11 <strong>de</strong> septiembre<br />

Lugar: Restaurante Formela. Restaurante Gémina<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Patrimonio<br />

Colabora: Hotel Quindós, Hotel Tryp León<br />

Inscripción previa: No<br />

Precio: Por <strong>de</strong>terminar<br />

León<br />

Actividad: Concierto <strong>de</strong>l Trío Sefarad<br />

Hora:A las 21 h <strong>de</strong>l día 1 <strong>de</strong> septiembre<br />

Lugar: Palacio <strong>de</strong> los Guzmanes<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Patrimonio<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: No<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

León<br />

Actividad: Concierto <strong>de</strong> Rosa Zaragoza<br />

Hora:A las 21 h <strong>de</strong>l día 2 <strong>de</strong> septiembre<br />

Lugar: Palacio <strong>de</strong> los Guzmanes<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Patrimonio<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: No<br />

Precio: Gratuito Gratuito<br />

León<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas al Castro <strong>de</strong> los Judíos<br />

Hora:A las 11 h <strong>de</strong>l día 3 <strong>de</strong> septiembre<br />

Lugar: Puente Castro<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Patrimonio<br />

Colabora: Universidad <strong>de</strong> León<br />

Inscripción previa: Sí<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

León<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas a la ju<strong>de</strong>ría<br />

Hora: 12 h<br />

Lugar: Salida <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> Ayuntamiento Plaza <strong>de</strong> San<br />

Marcelo<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Patrimonio<br />

Colabora:Asociación A.L.E.F.H.<br />

Inscripción previa: Sí<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Oviedo<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas y<br />

<strong>de</strong>gustación <strong>de</strong> productos sefardíes<br />

Hora: 12 h<br />

Lugar: Casina-Sinagoga (Plaza <strong>de</strong>l Fontán)<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong>l Ayuntamiento<br />

<strong>de</strong> Oviedo<br />

Colabora: Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong>l Principado <strong>de</strong><br />

Asturias<br />

Inscripción previa: Oficina Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo,<br />

tel. 985 22 75 86<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Actividad:Visita guiada al barrio judío medieval (Call)<br />

52 53

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Horario: 10 h - castellano e inglés; 11:45 h -<br />

castellano y alemán; 17 h - catalán e inglés -<br />

18:45 h - castellano y alemán.<br />

Lugar: Plaza <strong>de</strong> la Reina<br />

Organiza: INESTUR (Govern Balear).<br />

Colabora:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Inscripción previa: con dos días <strong>de</strong> antelación,<br />

llamando al tel. 636 430 000.<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> puertas abiertas.Visita guiada<br />

a la Sinagoga<br />

Hora: De 10 a 12 h<br />

Lugar: Sinagoga <strong>de</strong> Palma. C/ Monseñor Palmer, 3.<br />

Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Organiza: Comunidad Israelita <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Colabora:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Actividad: Conferencia “El gusto <strong>de</strong> Sefarad”, a<br />

cargo <strong>de</strong> Joseph Mª Solias y Juana Mª Huélamo<br />

(Kuanum).<br />

Hora: 19 h<br />

Lugar:Teatro Municipal “Xesc Forteza” (Plaza<br />

Miguel Maura, presbítero).<br />

Organiza: Instituto <strong>de</strong> Relaciones Culturales Israel<br />

– Baleares.<br />

Colabora:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: gratuito<br />

Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Actividad: Mercadillo relacionado con el mundo<br />

cultural judío (libros, artesanía y gastronomía).<br />

Hora: De 18.30 a 21.30 h<br />

Lugar: Plaza Miguel Maura, presbítero.<br />

Organiza:ARCA – Llegat Jueu.<br />

Colabora:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio:<br />

Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Actividad: Concierto <strong>de</strong> música sefardí a cargo <strong>de</strong><br />


Hora: 20.30 h<br />

Lugar:Teatro Municipal “Xesc Forteza”.<br />

Organiza:ARCA - Llegat Jueu.<br />

Colabora:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorca<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio:<br />

Ribadavia<br />

Actividad:Visita guiada “Conocer la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría”<br />

Descripción: Singular recorrido don<strong>de</strong> se visita la<br />

ju<strong>de</strong>ría <strong>de</strong> Ribadavia, profundizando en la historia<br />

<strong>de</strong> la presencia hebrea durante la edad media en<br />

esta antigua villa, capital vinícola <strong>de</strong> Galicia. Se<br />

visitará un horno antiguo <strong>de</strong> elaboración <strong>de</strong><br />

repostería hebrea tradicional y artesanal.<br />

Hora:A las 11 h y 12 h, en inglés y alemán; a las<br />

12 h y a las 13 h, en castellano; a las 17 h y 18<br />

h, en inglés y alemán; a las 17 h y 18 h, en<br />

gallego.<br />

Lugar: Oficina <strong>de</strong> turismo <strong>de</strong> Ribadavia<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Ribadavia – Oficina <strong>de</strong><br />

turismo<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: gratuita<br />

Ribadavia<br />

Actividad: Museo Judio <strong>de</strong> Galicia<br />

Descripción: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas, se podrá<br />

conocer la historia <strong>de</strong> los judíos y su presencia en<br />

Galicia a lo largo <strong>de</strong> la historia. Interesante<br />

muestra que ayuda a compren<strong>de</strong>r la evolución <strong>de</strong><br />

un pueblo que formó parte <strong>de</strong> Galicia durante<br />

siglos.<br />

Hora <strong>de</strong> apertura: <strong>de</strong> 10.30 a 20 h<br />

Lugar: Oficina <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong> Ribadavia<br />

Organiza: Museo Judio <strong>de</strong> Galicia – Oficina <strong>de</strong><br />

turismo<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: gratuita<br />

Ribadavia<br />

Actividad: Exposición:“El Secreto <strong>de</strong> los Libros”<br />

Descripción: Centenares <strong>de</strong> textos hebreos<br />

aparecen <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong> las cubiertas <strong>de</strong> libros<br />

medievales <strong>de</strong>l Archivo Histórico <strong>de</strong> Girona. Una<br />

vez recuperados, estos textos constituirán uno <strong>de</strong><br />

los fondos <strong>de</strong> manuscritos medievales hebreos más<br />

importantes <strong>de</strong> Europa.<br />

Hora: De 10.30 a 20 h<br />

Lugar: Museo Judío <strong>de</strong> Galicia - Oficina <strong>de</strong> turismo<br />

<strong>de</strong> Ribadavia<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Ribadavia – Oficina <strong>de</strong><br />

turismo<br />

Colabora:Arxiu Històric <strong>de</strong> Girona. Patronato<br />

Municipal Call <strong>de</strong> Girona<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: gratuita<br />

Ribadavia<br />

Actividad: Mercado <strong>de</strong> reposteria tradicional y<br />

hebrea<br />

Descripción: Dulce oportunidad para conocer los<br />

diferentes productos tradicionales <strong>de</strong> la repostería<br />

ribadaviense y las diferentes varieda<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> dulces<br />

hebreos. Exposición <strong>de</strong> los reposteros <strong>de</strong><br />

Ribadavia y <strong>de</strong> Galicia.<br />

Hora: <strong>de</strong> 11 a 21 h<br />

Lugar: Praza da Madanela<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Ribadavia – Oficina <strong>de</strong><br />

turismo<br />

Colabora: Reposteros <strong>de</strong> Ribadavia- Fundación<br />

Festa da Istoria<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: gratuita<br />

Segovia<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas a la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría<br />

Hora:A las 10.30 h, 11 h, 11.30, 12 h, 12.30 h, 17<br />

h,17.30 h y 18 h<br />

Lugar: Barrio <strong>de</strong> la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría <strong>de</strong> Segovia<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Segovia<br />

Colabora: Gestión y Calidad Turística Ciudad <strong>de</strong><br />

Segovia<br />

Inscripción previa: Centro <strong>de</strong> recepción <strong>de</strong><br />

visitantes. Plaza <strong>de</strong>l Azoguejo, 1 - Tel. 921 466 720<br />

Precio: Gratuitas<br />

Segovia<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas teatralizadas<br />

Hora:A las 19.30 h y a las 20 h <strong>de</strong>l sábado 3 <strong>de</strong><br />

septiembre<br />

Lugar: Ju<strong>de</strong>ría <strong>de</strong> Segovia<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Segovia<br />

Colabora: Gestión y Calidad Turística Ciudad <strong>de</strong><br />

Segovia<br />

Inscripción previa: Centro <strong>de</strong> recepción <strong>de</strong><br />

visitantes. Plaza <strong>de</strong>l Azoguejo, 1 - Tel. 921 466 720<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Segovia<br />

Actividad: Concierto <strong>de</strong> música sefardí<br />

Hora: 20 h<br />

Lugar: Patio <strong>de</strong> la casa <strong>de</strong> Abraham Senneor - C/<br />

Ju<strong>de</strong>ría Vieja, 12<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Segovia<br />

Colabora: Gestión y Calidad Turística Ciudad <strong>de</strong><br />

Segovia<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: Entrada libre hasta completar el aforo<br />

Segovia<br />

Actividad: Degustación <strong>de</strong> gastronomía sefardí<br />

Hora:Viernes 2, sábado 3 y domingo 4 <strong>de</strong><br />

septiembre<br />

Lugar: Restaurantes: La Ju<strong>de</strong>ría, El Figón Sefardí, Divino,<br />

Casares, La Concepción, Duque, La Floresta,<br />

Cándido, José María y Narizotas.<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Segovia<br />

Colabora: Gestión y Calidad Turística Ciudad <strong>de</strong><br />

Segovia<br />

Información : Centro <strong>de</strong> Recepción <strong>de</strong> Visitantes.<br />

921 466720.<br />

Precio: según menú<br />

Toledo<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas histórico-artísticas por el<br />

Barrio Judío <strong>de</strong> Toledo .(acceso a la Sinagoga <strong>de</strong><br />

Santa Mª la Blanca y Sinagoga <strong>de</strong>l Tránsito – Museo<br />

Sefardí)<br />

Hora: Mañana y tar<strong>de</strong><br />

54 55

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Lugar: Barrio judío <strong>de</strong> Toledo<br />

Organiza: Patronato Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong><br />

Toledo<br />

Colabora:Arzobispado Diocesano <strong>de</strong> Toledo y<br />

Sinagoga <strong>de</strong>l Tránsito-Museo Sefardí<br />

Inscripción previa: Patronato Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo<br />

<strong>de</strong> Toledo – Tel. +34 925 254 030<br />

Fax: +34 925 255 946<br />

E-mail: o<br /> .<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Toledo<br />

Actividad: Concierto <strong>de</strong> música sefardí<br />

Hora: 19.30 h<br />

Lugar: Sinagoga <strong>de</strong> Santa Mª la Blanca<br />

Organiza: Patronato Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong><br />

Toledo<br />

Colabora:Arzobispado Diocesano <strong>de</strong> Madrid<br />

Inscripción previa: Patronato Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo<br />

<strong>de</strong> Toledo – Tel. +34 925 254 030 Fax: +34 925 255<br />

946 E-mail: o<br /><br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Toledo<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas en la<br />

Sinagoga <strong>de</strong> Santa Mª la Blanca<br />

Hora: De 10.30 a 21 h<br />

Lugar: Sinagoga <strong>de</strong> Santa Mª la Blanca<br />

Organiza: Patronato Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong><br />

Toledo<br />

Colabora:Arzobispado Diocesano <strong>de</strong> Toledo<br />

Inscripción previa: NO<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Toledo<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas en la<br />

Sinagoga <strong>de</strong>l Tránsito – Museo Sefardí<br />

Hora: De 10.30 a 21 h<br />

Lugar: Sinagoga <strong>de</strong>l Tránsito<br />

Organiza: Patronato Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong> Toledo<br />

Colabora: Sinagoga <strong>de</strong>l Tránsito – Museo Sefardí<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Toledo<br />

Actividad:Almuerzos y Cenas <strong>de</strong> Cocina Sefardí<br />

Hora:<br />

Lugar: Barrio Judío <strong>de</strong> Toledo- Restaurantes y<br />

terrazas típicas <strong>de</strong> la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría toledana.<br />

Organiza: Patronato Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo <strong>de</strong><br />

Toledo<br />

Colabora:Asociación Provincial <strong>de</strong> Empresarios <strong>de</strong><br />

Hostelería <strong>de</strong> Toledo<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio:<br />

Tortosa<br />

Actividad:Visita dramatizada a la ju<strong>de</strong>ría y<br />

<strong>de</strong>gustación <strong>de</strong> cocina sefardí<br />

Hora: 18 h<br />

Lugar: Plaza <strong>de</strong> la Immaculada (Remolins)<br />

Organiza: Institut Municipal d'Activitats Culturals i<br />

Turístiques (IMACT)<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Tu<strong>de</strong>la<br />

Actividad: Concierto <strong>de</strong> Música Sefardí<br />

Hora: 21:00 h. Del Sábado 3 <strong>de</strong> Septiembre<br />

Lugar: Ju<strong>de</strong>ría Vieja<br />

Organiza: M.I.Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Tu<strong>de</strong>la<br />

Colabora: Museo <strong>de</strong> Tu<strong>de</strong>la – Centro Cultural<br />

Castel Ruiz<br />

Inscripción previa: no es necesaria<br />

Precio: gratuito<br />

Tu<strong>de</strong>la<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas a las Ju<strong>de</strong>rías <strong>de</strong> Tu<strong>de</strong>la y<br />

dramatización durante el recorrido<br />

Hora: 11:00 horas<br />

Lugar: Punto <strong>de</strong> Encuentro-Oficina <strong>de</strong> Turismo<br />

Organiza: M.I.Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Tu<strong>de</strong>la – Centro<br />

Cultural Castel Ruiz<br />

Colabora: Museo Muñoz Sola<br />

Inscripción previa: 15 minutos antes <strong>de</strong> la salida<br />

Precio: gratuito<br />

Tu<strong>de</strong>la<br />

Actividad: Degustación productos sefardíes<br />

Hora: 13:00 horas<br />

Lugar: Pórtico <strong>de</strong> San Antón, Plaza <strong>de</strong> Yehuda ha Leví<br />

Organiza: M.I.Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Tu<strong>de</strong>la – Centro<br />

Cultural Castel Ruiz<br />

Colabora: Museo Muñoz Sola<br />

Inscripción previa: no es necesaria<br />

Precio: 1 €<br />


Besalú ( Besalú Medieval, días 3 y 4 )<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas a la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría<br />

Hora:A las 13 h y a las 18 h<br />

Lugar: Oficina <strong>de</strong> Turismo - Plaça Llibertat, 1<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Besalú<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: si,<br />

Precio: 3,50 € (Entrada al recinto <strong>de</strong> Besalú<br />

Medieval, vali<strong>de</strong>z 2 dias)<br />

Calahorra<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas a la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría <strong>de</strong> Calahorra<br />

Hora:A las 12 h y a las 17 h<br />

Lugar: Rasillo <strong>de</strong> San Francisco (frente a la Iglesia)<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Calahorra<br />

Colabora: Cuerpo Municipal <strong>de</strong> Voluntarios<br />

Inscripción previa:<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Estella-Lizarra<br />

Actividad: Representación teatral <strong>de</strong> una boda<br />

sefardí, a cargo <strong>de</strong>l grupo Kilkarrak<br />

Hora: 12 h<br />

Lugar: Plaza <strong>de</strong> San Martín<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Estella-Lizarra<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Plasencia<br />

Actividad:Visita guiada por la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría<br />

Hora: 20 h<br />

Lugar: Oficina Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo. Centro<br />

Cultural Las Claras<br />

Organiza: Concejalía <strong>de</strong> Turismo.Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong><br />

Plasencia<br />

Colabora: Centro <strong>de</strong> Iniciativas Turísticas <strong>de</strong><br />

Plasencia<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Tarazona<br />

Actividad:Visitas guiadas a la Ju<strong>de</strong>ría<br />

Hora:A las 12 y a las 19 h<br />

Lugar: Oficina Municipal <strong>de</strong> Turismo<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Tarazona<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Tarazona<br />

Actividad: Jornada <strong>de</strong> Puertas Abiertas en el<br />

Centro Multimedia Moshe <strong>de</strong> Portella<br />

Hora: De 11 a 13 h, y <strong>de</strong> 18 a 20 h<br />

Lugar: Centro Multimedia Moshe <strong>de</strong> Portella<br />

Organiza:Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> Tarazona<br />

Colabora:<br />

Inscripción previa: no<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />


Castelló d’Empúries<br />

Actividad:Visita, concierto, conferencia y<br />

<strong>de</strong>gustación tipo casher<br />

Hora: 11h (Conferencia), 17h (Visita), 18,30 h<br />

(concierto) 19h (<strong>de</strong>gustación)<br />

Lugar: Castelló d’Empúries<br />

Organiza: Oficina <strong>de</strong> Turismo.Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong><br />

Castelló d’Empúries<br />

Colabora:Associació <strong>de</strong>l Comtat d’Empúries,<br />

Parroquia, Familia Teixidor i Palau.<br />

Inscripción previa: en las Oficinas <strong>de</strong> Turismo<br />

Precio: Gratis.<br />

Madrid<br />

Actividad:Visita guiada a la sinagoga y conferencia:<br />

"Vida judía en Madrid"<br />

Hora: 18.30 h<br />

Lugar: C/ Balmes, 3 - 28010 Madrid<br />

Organiza: Comunidad judía <strong>de</strong> Madrid<br />

Colabora:<br />

56 57

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

PROGRAMMES <strong>2005</strong><br />

Inscripción previa: llamando al 915 913 131<br />

Precio: Gratis<br />

Valencia<br />

Actividad:Tour <strong>de</strong>l barrio judío medieval<br />

Hora:A las 9 h y a las 21 h<br />

Lugar: Plaza <strong>de</strong> los Pinazo<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

Valencia<br />

Actividad: Demostración <strong>de</strong> la confección y<br />

<strong>de</strong>gustación <strong>de</strong> dulces sefardíes<br />

Hora: De 16 a 18 h<br />

Lugar: C/ Arquitecte Alfaro 34, bajo.<br />

Organiza: Sinagoga conservador/masortí “La<br />

Javurá”<br />

Inscripción previa:Tel 96 380 2129 ó 96 380 6970.<br />

Precio: Gratuito<br />

SWEDEN<br />

Gothenburg:<br />

1.00 pm:<br />

What's cooking?<br />

Östra Larmgatan 12, Gothenburg<br />

Jewish cooking in taste and talk.<br />

Tasting of tidbits of Jewish dishes.<br />

Stories about Jewish traditions and food.<br />

TURKEY<br />

Istanbul:<br />

11:00-24:00:<br />

Karaköy and Galata regions<br />

The European Day of Jewish Culture is being<br />

organized for the 4th time in Istanbul, at a<br />

historical Jewish location, the GALATA region,<br />

which used to be a major resi<strong>de</strong>ntial area for local<br />

Jewry in the 19th and 20th centuries.<br />

During the day, the 500th Year Foundation Jewish<br />

Museum of Turkey, the Ashkenazi Synagogue, the<br />

Italian Synagogue,The Ottoman Bank Museum and<br />

the Schnei<strong>de</strong>rtempel Arts Center will be opened<br />

for events and visiting.<br />

From 11:00 am till midnight, concerts,<br />

performances, exhibitions and a conference will be<br />

held in these authentic places.<br />

During the day four restaurants in Galata will be<br />

serving selected dishes from Sephardic and<br />

Ashkenazi cuisines in addition to their daily menus.<br />

10:30:<br />

Synagogue Maftirim Choir<br />

Conductor: Menahem Eskenazi<br />

The Italian synagogue<br />

11:00:<br />

Estreyikas d'Estambol Children's Choir<br />

Conductor: _zzet Bana.Accompanied by _zi Eli,<br />

Emine Çolak ªima Artun.<br />

The Neve Salom Cultural Center<br />

11:00-18:00:<br />

Jak Belman Photography Exhibition "The Silent<br />

Symphony"<br />

Schnei<strong>de</strong>rtempel Art Center<br />

11:00-18:00:<br />

The Jewish Continuance / Izzet Keribar's<br />

Photography Exhibition<br />

12:00-19:00:<br />

Open Air Street Kitchen and Book Exhibit<br />

The interactive presentation of Traditional Tastes.<br />

Book signing by _zmir Sephardic Kitchen authors.<br />

12:00-16:00:<br />

Dantelaci "The Lace Peddler" short motion Picture<br />

show<br />

Directed by: Eytan _peker. Every hour.<br />

Quincentennial Foundation Jewish Museum of<br />

Turkey<br />

12:30:<br />

Sephardic Synagogue Hymns Choir<br />

Choir lea<strong>de</strong>r: Cako Taragno.<br />

13:00-15:00:<br />

Dramatized Poetry by Habib Gerez and Jewish<br />

Poets<br />

Habib Gerez House of Art<br />

14:00:<br />

Erensya Sefaradi, Explanatory and Demonstrative<br />

Sepharadic Music<br />

Schnei<strong>de</strong>rtempel Art Center<br />

14:30-15:30:<br />

Panel: "Sehrin Otekisi: GALATA" Yöneten: Edhem<br />

El<strong>de</strong>m, katilanlar:Ayhan Aktar, Mehmet Ali Kiliçbay,<br />

Mario Levi<br />

Osmanli Bankasi Müzesi<br />

14:30-15:30:<br />

Debate Session: "Istanbul"'s other: GALATA"<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>rator: Edhem El<strong>de</strong>m. Participants:Ayhan<br />

Aktar, Mehmet Ali Kiliçbay, Mario Levi<br />

Osmanli Bank Museum<br />

15:45:<br />

Piano Recital by Renan Koen & Melodias Epicas<br />

Quintet<br />

"La Boda Lirica". Lyri Wedding Songs<br />

The Ashkenaz Synagogue<br />

17:00:<br />

Yinon Muallem Quartet Teaser<br />

Galata Tower Piazza<br />

16:00:<br />

Yeshua Aroyo-Jerfi Aji Concert: Broadway Tunes<br />

The Ashkenaz Synagogue<br />

17:10:<br />

Berna Sidi Piano Recital "Kol Nidrei and Sephardic<br />

Songs"<br />

Accompanied by Öykü Koço_lu (viola) and _zzet<br />

Bana's Sefaradisio Choir<br />

18:00-18:45:<br />

Los Pasaros Sefaradis Concert<br />

Turkish-Sefardic Popular Songs<br />

Galata Tower Piazza<br />

21:30-23:00:<br />

Yinon Muallem Quartet<br />

Nardis Jazz Club<br />


Kiev:<br />

Tuesday, September 6, <strong>2005</strong>:<br />

Celebration in Jewish restaurants<br />

The holiday will be organized in all Jewish<br />

restaurants such as "Tzimes", "Abraham's tent" and<br />

"Haifa".<br />

Sunday, September 4, <strong>2005</strong>:<br />

Book presentation<br />

During the holiday, there will also be the<br />

presentation of the book "Jewish cuisine" in the<br />

informational agency "Ukrinform".<br />

This book was published by the Jewish Foundation<br />

of Ukraine.<br />

Informational Agency<br />

International Theater Festival<br />

in the Children Musical Theater<br />

On the 4th of September, it is planned to open the<br />

5th International theatre festival "Wan<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

stars".<br />

In this festival, the collectives from Israel, USA,<br />

Poland, Russia and Ukraine will take part.<br />

The spectacles will be from 4 till 7 o'clock in the<br />

evening.<br />

Lviv:<br />

Seminar "Peculiarities of the Jewish Cooking"<br />

Topics of the seminar:<br />

- Khashrut – the base of Jewish cooking<br />

- Peculiarities of Cooking of Sephardim and<br />

Ashkenasim<br />

- Specificity of the festive Jewish cooking (Pessah,<br />

Purim, Rosh-ha-Shana etc.)<br />

- Mutual influence of the Jewish cooking and the<br />

cooking of other places, where Jews live (e.g.<br />

Polish, Ukrainian, and Byelorussian cooking)<br />

- Jewish cooking and mo<strong>de</strong>rn vitology (science<br />

about health), including special kinds of Jewish<br />

cooking (e.g. for el<strong>de</strong>rly people or pregnant<br />

women).<br />

"Let’s cook Jewish dishes!"<br />

- Demonstration and tasting the dishes of the<br />

Jewish cooking<br />

- Personal remembrances about the Jewish<br />

cooking.“Grandmother Recipes”<br />

- Demonstration the books about the Jewish<br />

cooking<br />

- Native Jewish melodies<br />

58 59


60<br />




GERMANY Mr. Konrad PFLUG konrad.pflug@lpb.bwl.<strong>de</strong><br />

Mr. Bernhard KUKATZKI quazz@gmx.<strong>de</strong><br />

Mrs. Gabriela SCHLICK<br />

gabriela.schlick@stadt-frankfurt.<strong>de</strong><br />

Mrs. Benigna SCHÖNHAGEN jkm-ags@t-online.<strong>de</strong><br />

AUSTRIA Mr. Georg HABER<br /><br />

Mrs. Hannah LANDSMANN<br />

BELGIUM M. Daniel DRATWA<br />


BULGARIA Mme Hanna LORER (<br />

Mrs. Julia DANDALOVA<br />

Mr. Samouil COHEN<br /><br />



SPAIN Mrs.Assumpció HOSTA secretaria@redju<strong>de</strong><br />

Mr. Rafael PÉREZ DE LA CONCHA www.redju<strong>de</strong><br />

Mr. Manuel MOTILVA<br />




HUNGARY Mrs.Andrea DEAK andrea<strong>de</strong><br /><br /><br />

ITALY Mrs. Sira FATUCCI giornata<strong>de</strong><br /><br />

Mrs.Annie SACERDOTI<br />

LITHUANIA Mr.Alfredas JOMANTAS<br /><br />

NORWAY Mrs. Henriette KAHN<br /><br />

HOLLAND Mrs.Vivian COLLAND<br />

POLAND Mr. Jerzy KICHLER<br />

PORTUGAL Mrs. Esther MUCZNIK<br />


Mrs. Petra TOMKOVÁ<br /><br />

ROMANIA Mr.Vladimir SIMON<br />


Mr. Hayley SYMONS<br /><br />


SERBIA Mr. Davor SALOM<br />



TURKEY Mr. Silvyo OVADYA<br />

Mr. Izel ROZENTAL<br /><br />

Mrs. Karen GERSON SARHON<br />

UKRAINE Dr.Vadim GOLEMBO<br /><br />

Mr.Arkady MONASTIRSKY<br /><br />

62<br />


COMPARATIVE DATA 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

COMPARAISON CHIFFRÉE 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

European Day of Jewish Culture 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

European Day of Jewish Culture <strong>2005</strong><br />

Progression of activities<br />

European Day of Jewish Culture 2001-<strong>2005</strong><br />

1200<br />

180.000<br />

1000<br />

164.970<br />

135.304 894 137.218<br />

1005<br />

160.000<br />

140.000<br />

139.785<br />

Countries<br />

26<br />

258<br />

800<br />

600<br />

120.000<br />

500<br />

433<br />

102.108<br />

478<br />

123.402<br />

569<br />

120.000<br />

100.000<br />

80.000<br />

Participants<br />

Number of<br />

activities<br />

1.014<br />

Cities<br />

400<br />

322<br />

60.000<br />

200<br />

0<br />

3<br />

264<br />

40.000<br />

200<br />

207<br />

189<br />

185<br />

146<br />

49<br />

16<br />

23<br />

15<br />

23<br />

25<br />

26<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 <strong>2005</strong><br />

40.000<br />

20.000<br />

0<br />

Type of Activities<br />

European Day of Jewish Culture <strong>2005</strong><br />

Progression of the number of participants<br />

European Day of Jewish Culture 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

Countries Cities Activity Participants<br />

Participation Progression of Cities<br />

European Day of Jewish Culture 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

Progression of the number of Countries<br />

European Day of Jewish Culture 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

64 65

COMPARAISON CHIFFRÉE 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

European Day of Jewish Culture 1999-<strong>2005</strong><br />

66<br />


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