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Port Everglades Opens New Cruise Terminal<br />

Although the goal is to move guests quickly through the terminal so they<br />

can begin their cruise vacation, those who arrive early will be able to relax<br />

on the upper level <strong>of</strong> the terminal with seating available to accommodate<br />

up to 3,000 passengers. Once there, they can recharge electrical devices<br />

and stay connected through free wireless Internet access and children<br />

can enjoy the colorful playground area.<br />

Shades <strong>of</strong> green with blue accents represent the sea and sky on the<br />

exterior <strong>of</strong> Cruise Terminal 18, while the interior is bathed in natural light<br />

from a 4,000-square-foot skylight in the center and a massive window<br />

at the entranceway. The skylight is made up <strong>of</strong> opaque panels that are<br />

designed to allow diffused natural light into the main open area.<br />

Renowned international artist Michele Oka Doner was selected through<br />

Broward County's Art in Public Places program to create a work <strong>of</strong> art<br />

on the center floor <strong>of</strong> the new terminal. Embedded in the floor is a<br />

beautiful 3,000-square-foot deep green and blue terrazzo centerpiece<br />

inlaid with an eight-foot diameter globe in cast bronze that is depicted in<br />

a spinning manner and approximately 200 bronze sea pods. Enhancing<br />

the movement are great sweeps <strong>of</strong> iridescent mother-<strong>of</strong>-pearl simulating<br />

the trade winds that circle the Earth. The composition in its entirety<br />

is buoyant and dramatic, a work <strong>of</strong> art that speaks <strong>of</strong> travel by wind,<br />

currents, and ultimately boarding the ship.<br />

Oasis <strong>of</strong> the Seas is expected to generate $6.2 million in revenue for Port<br />

Everglades in the coming year, which is derived from marine services and<br />

passenger fees. Total economic impact from the 292,000 passengers<br />

that sail on the Oasis <strong>of</strong> the Seas this year is expected to top $266 million<br />

and generate nearly $9 million in state and local taxes.<br />

In addition, the study anticipated that more than 1,414 new construction<br />

jobs were created as a result <strong>of</strong> the Cruise Terminal 18 expansion.<br />

grazie alla rete senza fili gratuita, mentre i bambini si potranno<br />

divertire nella colorata area giochi.<br />

Sfumature verdi con accenti blu richiamano il mare ed il cielo<br />

sulla facciata esterna del Cruise Terminal 18, mentre l’interno é<br />

immerso nella luce naturale proveniente da un lucernario centrale<br />

ampio 4.000 piedi quadrati, e da un’imponente finestra posta<br />

all’ingresso. Il lucernario é composto da pannelli opachi, ideati per<br />

diffondere la luce naturale nell’area aperta principale.<br />

Il famoso artista internazionale Michele Oka Doner é stato scelto<br />

attraverso il programma Broward County's Art in Public Places<br />

affinché creasse un’opera d’arte sul piano centrale del nuovo<br />

terminal. Incastonata nel pavimento c’e’ infatti una bellissima<br />

opera d’arte ampia 3.000 piedi quadrati, dai colori verde e blu<br />

intenso, con al centro un globo di bronzo dal diametro ampio<br />

otto piedi, dipinto in movimento, e decorata da circa 200<br />

animaletti di mare in bronzo. Ad esaltare il movimento ci sono<br />

poi delle grandi linee in cangiante madreperla che rappresentano<br />

gli alisei che circondano la Terra. L’effetto complessivo di questa<br />

composizione é nel contempo allegro e drammatico, un’opera<br />

d’arte che parla di viaggi guidati da vento e correnti, ed alla fine<br />

l’imbarco sulla nave.<br />

É stimato che nel prossimo anno la Oasis <strong>of</strong> the Sea genererà<br />

entrate pari a $6,2 milioni per il porto di Port Everglades, derivanti<br />

dai servizi marittimi e dalle quote sul biglietto dei passeggeri.<br />

L’impatto economico complessivo derivante dai 292.000<br />

passeggeri che viaggeranno sulla Oasis <strong>of</strong> the Seas é previsto<br />

possa raggiungere i $266 milioni e generare quasi $9 milioni tra<br />

tasse statali e locali.<br />

Inoltre, grazie all’espansione del terminal crocieristico sono stati<br />

generati più di 1.414 posti di lavoro.<br />

La divisione che si occupa di ingegneria e costruzione portuale<br />

del Broward County Public Works Department ha supervisionato<br />

il progetto di costruzione del Terminal 18. Il progetto è stato<br />

impostato, pianificato, programmato ed implementato con<br />

successo dalla divisione a partire da settembre 2007. L’appaltatore<br />

generale era la Hewitt-Kier Construction Inc., mentre lo studio<br />

di architettura era Bermello Ajamil & Partners, Inc. Consulenza<br />

aggiuntiva è stata fornita da Hammond & Associates, Inc., Lakdas/<br />

Yohalem Engineering, Inc. e Cordova Rodriguez & Associates, Inc.<br />

Maggiori informazioni su Port Everglades, gestito dal Board <strong>of</strong><br />

County Commissioners della contea di Broward, sono disponibili<br />

su Internet all’indirizzo www.porteverglades.net, via email<br />

PortevErglades@broward.org, o al numero +1-954-523-3404.<br />

The Broward County Public Works Department's Seaport Engineering and<br />

Construction Division spearheaded the Cruise Terminal 18 construction<br />

project. The project was laid out, planned, scheduled and successfully<br />

implemented by this Division beginning in September 2007. The general<br />

managing contractor was Hewitt-Kier Construction Inc. and the architect<br />

was Bermello Ajamil & Partners, Inc. Additional sub-consultant work was<br />

completed by Hammond & Associates, Inc., Lakdas/Yohalem Engineering,<br />

Inc. and Cordova Rodriguez & Associates, Inc.<br />

More information on Port Everglades, which is governed by the Broward<br />

County Board <strong>of</strong> County Commissioners, is available on the Internet at<br />

www.porteverglades.net, by e-mailing PortEverglades@broward.org, or<br />

by calling 954-523-3404.<br />


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