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garigebis baTilobis dros gadamwyvetia swored garigebis mxareTa mier gamovlenili nebis<br />

samarTlebrivi Sinaarsis dadgena. amdenad, TvalTmaqcuri garigebis dros nebis gamomvleni mxareebi<br />

igivea, rac dafaruli garigebis mxareebi. ama Tu im garigebis fiqtiurobis mTavar ganmsazRvrel<br />

faqtorad gvevlineba Sesabamisi ganzraxvis ararseboba. kerZod, moCvenebiTi garigeba<br />

baTilia imdenad, ramdenadac is ar emyareba WeSmarit ganzraxvas. gasaTvaliswinebelia, rom am<br />

SemTxvevaSi, moiTxoveba ara mxolod gamovlenili nebis namdvilobis, aramed sakuTriv namdvili<br />

nebis dadastureba, rac gansxvavebuli kategoriebia. anu, SesaZlebelia pirma moCvenebiT gamoavlinos<br />

neba, magram es ar aris sakmarisi garigebis namdvilobisaTvis, radgan gamoxatvis garda<br />

aucilebelia, piris mier WeSmariti nebis gamovlena. saqarTvelos samoqalaqo kodeqsis 52-e muxlis<br />

Tanaxmad, nebis gamovlenis ganmartebisas neba unda dadgindes gonivruli gansjis Sedegad,<br />

da ara martooden gamoTqmis sityvasityviTi azridan. 29<br />

bibliografia:<br />

1. marina musxeliSvili, socialuri dialogi saqarTveloSi, Tbilisi, 2011;<br />

2. Junko Ishikawa. Key Features of National Social Dialogue: A Social Dialogue Resource Book.<br />

Geneva, International Labour Offi ce, 2003.<br />

3. Social Dialogue in Developing Countries, A Desk Study, prepared for Norad, March 2011.<br />

4. E.M.Brandolini et al, “Europe as our common future: the European welfare model”, INPDAP,<br />

Rome 2007<br />

5. R. Thamarajakshi,Overview. Best practices in social dialogue. Role of social dialogue<br />

6. European Commission Communication on the European Social Dialogue, COM(2002) <strong>34</strong>1<br />

7. Habermas and the European Social Dialogue: Deliberative Democracy as Industrial Democracy?<br />

Ruth Dukes* and Emilios Christodoulidis<br />

8. A. Sivananthiran; C.S. Venkata Ratnam Edited by. Best practices in social dialogue. Role of<br />

social dialogue<br />

9. Social Dialogue. ILO. http://www.ilo.org/public/english/dialogue/themes/sd.htm<br />

10. Adalberto Cardoso, “Industrial Relations, Social Dialogue and Employment in Argentina, Brazil<br />

and Mexico”, ILO, Geneva, 2004<br />

11. HLF4 KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION SPACE - Social Dialogue in East Africa<br />

12. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2010, U.S. Department of State. http://www.state.gov/g/<br />

drl/rls/hrrpt/2010/index.htm.<br />

13. A Dufresne, C.Degryse and P.Pochet (eds), “The European Sectoral Social Dialogue, actors,<br />

developments and<br />

14. challenges”, Brussels, 2006.<br />

15. S Clauewaert, ‘2011: 20 Years of European Interprofessional Social Dialogue: Achievements and<br />

Prospects’ (2011) 17 Transfer 169-79<br />

16. UEAPME v Council of the European Union Case T-135/96; discussed in B Bercusson,<br />

‘Democratic Legitimacy and European Labour Law’ (1999) 28 Industrial Law Journal 153<br />

17. A Lo Faro, Regulating Social Europe: Reality and Myth of Collective Bargaining in the EC Legal<br />

Order (Hart2000)<br />

18. C Barnard, ‘The Social Partners and the Governance Agenda’ (2002) 8 European Law Journal 80-<br />

101; Oliver Gerstenberg and Charles F. Sabel: ‘Directly-Deliberative Polyarchy: An Institutional<br />

Ideal for Europe?’ in C Joerges (ed) Good Governance in Europe’s Integrated Market (Oxford<br />

University Press 2002); J Bohman and W Rehg (eds), Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason<br />

and Politics (MIT Press 1997)<br />

19. European Commission DG for Employment and Social Affairs, Report of the High Level Group<br />

on Industrial Relations and Change in the EU (European Communities, January 2002), 25<br />

20. European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee on “Temporary Agency Work” Work Program<br />

2011 – 2012.<br />


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