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marTlmsajuleba<br />

N3<br />

da<br />

kanoni<br />

(b) uxelmZRvanelebs, waaqezebs, an xels Seuwyobs aRniSnuli danaSaulis<br />

Cadenas, Tu es danaSauli Cadenilia an iyo misi Cadenis mcdeloba.<br />

47<br />

romis statutis 25(3)(b)-e muxlTan mimarTebaSi dawvrilebiT ix.: William A.<br />

Schabas – The International Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Rome Statute, Oxford<br />

University Press, Oxford, 2010, gv. 430-dan.<br />

48<br />

Sead. Florian Jessberger and Julia Geneuss – On the Application of a Theory of Indirect<br />

Perpetration in Al Bashir, 6 JICJ, 2008, gv. 865.<br />

49<br />

ix.: romis statutis 25(3) (d)-e muxli: 3. sasamarTlos iurisdiqciaSi<br />

Semavali danaSaulis Camden pirs, winamdebare wesdebis Sesabamisad,<br />

ekisreba sisxlis samarTlis pasuxismgebloba da isjeba, Tu es piri: (d)<br />

nebismieri sxva saxiT xels uwyobs saerTo mizniT moqmed pirTa jgufis<br />

mier danaSaulis Cadenas an Cadenis mcdelobas. aseTi xelSewyoba unda<br />

xdebodes ganzrax, anda (i) miznad isaxavdes jgufis danaSaulebrivi miznis<br />

ganxorcielebas an danaSaulebrivi saqmianobis gagrZelebas, Tu aseTi<br />

mizani an saqmianoba moicavs sasamarTlos iurisdiqciaSi Semavali<br />

danaSaulis Cadenas; an (ii) xorcieldebodes imis winaswari SegnebiT, rom<br />

jgufi miznad isaxavs danaSaulis Cadenas.<br />

50<br />

ix.: Florian Jessberger and Julia Geneuss – On the Application of a Theory of Indirect<br />

Perpetration in Al Bashir, 6 JICJ, 2008, gv. 865; JCE-s da 25(3) (d) muxlTan<br />

mimarTebaSi ix.: Thomas Weigend – Intent, Mistake of Law, and Co-perpetration in the<br />

Lubanga Decision on Confirmation of Charges, 6 JICJ, 2008, gv. 477-478.<br />

51<br />

ix.: Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, par. 3<strong>34</strong>-33; ix.<br />

aseve: William A. Schabas – The International Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Rome<br />

Statute, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, gv. 436-437.<br />

52<br />

ix.: romis statutis 28(b)-e muxli.<br />

53<br />

ix.: Theresa Giamanco – The Perpetrator Behind the Perpetrator: A Critical Analysis of the<br />

Theory of Prosecution Against Omar Al-Bashir, 25 TICLJ, 2011, gv. 239; 242-243.<br />

54<br />

ix.: iqve, gv. 2<strong>34</strong>; aseve, ix.: romis statutis 28(b)(iii)-e muxli.<br />

55<br />

ix.: Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Decision Pursuant to Atricle 61(7)(a) and (b) of<br />

the Rome Statute on the Charges (ICC-01/05-01/08), Pre-Trial Chamber II, 15 June 2009,<br />

par. <strong>34</strong>2.<br />

56<br />

ix. William A. Schabas – The International Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Rome<br />

Statute, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, gv. 458.<br />

57<br />

ix.: Tavi I I , III.<br />

58<br />

Sead. Jens David Ohlin – Second-Order Linking Principles: Combining Vertical and<br />

Horizontal Modes of Liability, 25 LJIL, 2012, gv. 784.<br />

59<br />

Sead. Elies Van Sliedregt – Individual Criminal Responsibility in International Criminal Law,<br />

Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, gv. 169.<br />

60<br />

Sead. Florian Jessberger and Julia Geneuss – On the Application of a Theory of Indirect<br />

Perpetration in Al Bashir, 6 JICJ, 2008, gv. 866.<br />

61<br />

ix.: Tavi VII.<br />

62<br />

Sead. Theresa Giamanco – The Perpetrator Behind the Perpetrator: A Critical Analysis of the<br />

Theory of Prosecution Against Omar Al-Bashir, 25 TICLJ, 2011, gv. 242-243.<br />

63<br />

ICC-ze miweril gamowvevebTan dakavSirebiT dawvrilebiT ix.: Fatou Bensouda<br />

– Challenges Related to Investigation and Prosecution at the International Criminal Court<br />

wignSi Roberto Bellelli (ed.) – International Criminal Justice, Ashgate, Farnham, Repr., 2011,<br />

gv. 131-142.<br />

64<br />

Sead. Jens David Ohlin – Second-Order Linking Principles: Combining Vertical and<br />

Horizontal Modes of Liability, 25 LJIL, 2012, gv. 784.<br />


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