Rapporto annuale 2007 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario ...

Rapporto annuale 2007 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario ... Rapporto annuale 2007 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario ...

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IRFMN CONTRIBUTI E CONTRATTI Abbott GmbH & Co. KG Amgen, Milano ASL 2 Piemonte. Assessorato alla Salute, Comune di Milano Association pour la recherché sur la SLA, France Bristol-Myers Squibb Boehringer Ingelheim CURE Epilepsy Dipartimento di Salute Mentale, Azienda Ospedaliera Niguarda Ca’ Granda, Milano Dana Foundation Evidentia Medica, Grottaferrata (Roma) Fondazione Cariplo, Milano Fondazione Mariani, Milano Fondazione Italo Monzino, Milano FP6, European Union Glaxo-SmithKline, Italy Hospice "via di Natale Franco Gallini", Aviano (PN) Human Frontiers Scientific Programme IMPHA II, DG-SANCO, Public Health and Consumers' Protection (Directorate General Istituto Comprensivo Statale "G.D. Romagnosi", Carate Brianza (MI) I.R.I.S Istituto Superiore di Sanità Janssen-Cilag H. Lundbeck A/S, Danimark Ministero della Ricerca Scientifica Ministero della Salute MND Association, UK Newron Ospedale “Casa Sollievo” di San Giovanni Rotondo Pharming Regione Lombardia, Assessorato alla Famiglia e Solidarietà Sociale e Assessorato alla Sanità, Milano Rimoldi e Bergamini Sanofi-Aventis SELECTA MEDICA, Pavia Servier Laboratories, Parigi Sigma-Tau Telethon Unione Nazionale Associazioni per la Salute Mentale – UNASAM Vertex 89 RAPPORTO ATTIVITA’ 2007

IRFMN SELEZIONE PUBBLICAZIONI SCIENTIFICHE APPARSE NELL'ANNO 2007 Albani D., Batelli, S., Pesaresi, M. Prato, F., Polito L. Forloni G. Pantieri R. A novel PSENEN mutation in a MCI patient with positive family history for Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer & Dementia 3: 235-238 (2007) Albani, D., Artuso V. Roiter, I. Batelli, S., Prato, F. Pesaresi, M. Galimberti, D. Scarpini, E., Bruni, A., Franceschi, M. Piras MR., Confaloni, A. and Forloni G. Presenilin-1 mutation E318G represents a risk factor for familial Alzheimer’s disease in the Italian population and affects Aβ(1-40) production. Neurobiol Aging, 28:1682-8 (2007) Barbato A, Agnetti G, D'Avanzo B, Frova M, Guerrini A, Tettamanti M. Outcome of a community-based rehabilitation program for people with mental illness who are considered difficult to treat. J Rehabil Res Devel 44: 775-784 (2007) Bartfai T, Sanchez-Alavez M, Andell-Jonsson S, Schultzberg M, Vezzani A, Danielsson E, Conti B. Interleukin-1 system in CNS stress: seizures, fever, and neurotrauma. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1113:173-7 (2007) Baviera M, Invernizzi RW, Carli M. Haloperidol and clozapine have dissociable effects in a model of attentional performance deficits induced by blockade of NMDA receptors in the mPFC. Psychopharmacology (Berl) published online. (2007) Beghi. E. Epilepsy. Current Opinion in Neurology 20: 169-174 (2007) Beghi, E., A. Millul, A. Micheli, E Vitelli, G. Logroscino, and SLALOM Group. Incidence of ALS in Lombardy, Italy. Neurology 68: 141-145 (2007) Beghi, E., T. Mennini, C.Bendotti, P. Bigini, G. Logroscino, A.Chiò, O. Hardiman, D. Mitchell, Swingler, B.J. Traynor, A. Al Chalaby. The heterogeneity of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a possible explanation of treatment failure. Curr Med Chem 14: 3185-3200 (2007) Begley, CE., G.A. Baker, E. Beghi, J. Butler, D. Chisholm, J.T. Langfitt, P. Levy, C. Pachlatko, S. Wiebe, K.L. Donaldson on behalf of the ILAE Commission on Healthcare Policy. Cross-country measures for monitoring epilepsy care. Epilepsia 48: 990-1001 (2007) Biasini E, Medrano AZ, Thellung S, Chiesa R, Harris DA. Multiple biochemical similarities between infectious and non-infectious aggregates of a prion protein carrying an octapeptide insertion. J Neurochem. 2007 [Epub ahead of print] Bigini P, Repici M, Cantarella G, Fumagalli E, Barbera S, Cagnotto A, De Luigi A, Tonelli R, Bernardini R, Borsello T, Mennini T. Recombinant human TNF-binding protein-1 (rhTBP-1) treatment delays both symptoms progression and motor neuron loss in the wobbler mouse. Neurobiol Dis. 2007 Nov 12; [Epub ahead of print] Borsello, T. Forloni, G. JNK signaling: a target to prevent neurodegeneration. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 13: 875-886 (2007) Borsello T, Centeno C, Riederer IM, Haefliger JA, Riederer BM. Phosphorylation-dependent dimerization and subcellular localization of islet-brain 1/c-Jun N-terminal kinaseinteracting protein 1. J Neurosci Res. 85: 3632-41 (2007) Burattini C, Burbassi S, Aicardi G, Cervo L.Effects of naltrexone on cocaine- and sucrose-seeking behaviour in response to associated stimuli in rats. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. Epub 2007 Mar 5 Burbassi S, Cervo L. Stimulation of serotonin(2C) receptors influences cocaine-seeking behavior in response to drug-associated stimuli in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). Epub 2007 Sep 27 Caccia, S. N-dealkylation of 1-arylpiperazine derivatives: disposition and metabolism of the formed 1-arylpiperazines. Curr. Drug Met., 8: 612-622 (2007) Calcagno E, Canetta A, Guzzetti S, Cervo L, Invernizzi RW. Strain differences in basal and post-citalopram 90 RAPPORTO ATTIVITA’ 2007

IRFMN<br />


Abbott GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Amgen, Milano<br />

ASL 2 Piemonte.<br />

Assessorato alla Salute, Comune <strong>di</strong> Milano<br />

Association pour la recherché sur la SLA, France<br />

Bristol-Myers Squibb<br />

Boehringer Ingelheim<br />

CURE Epilepsy<br />

Dipartimento <strong>di</strong> Salute Mentale, Azienda Ospedaliera Niguarda Ca’ Granda, Milano<br />

Dana Foundation<br />

Evidentia Me<strong>di</strong>ca, Grottaferrata (Roma)<br />

Fondazione Cariplo, Milano<br />

Fondazione Mariani, Milano<br />

Fondazione Italo Monzino, Milano<br />

FP6, European Union<br />

Glaxo-SmithKline, Italy<br />

Hospice "via <strong>di</strong> Natale Franco Gallini", Aviano (PN)<br />

Human Frontiers Scientific Programme<br />

IMPHA II, DG-SANCO, Public Health and Consumers' Protection (Directorate General<br />

<strong>Istituto</strong> Comprensivo Statale "G.D. Romagnosi", Carate Brianza (MI)<br />

I.R.I.S<br />

<strong>Istituto</strong> Superiore <strong>di</strong> Sanità<br />

Janssen-Cilag<br />

H. Lundbeck A/S, Danimark<br />

Ministero della Ricerca Scientifica<br />

Ministero della Salute<br />

MND Association, UK<br />

Newron<br />

Ospedale “Casa Sollievo” <strong>di</strong> San Giovanni Rotondo<br />

Pharming<br />

Regione Lombar<strong>di</strong>a, Assessorato alla Famiglia e Solidarietà Sociale e Assessorato alla Sanità,<br />

Milano<br />

Rimol<strong>di</strong> e Bergamini<br />

Sanofi-Aventis<br />


Servier Laboratories, Parigi<br />

Sigma-Tau<br />

Telethon<br />

Unione Nazionale Associazioni per la Salute Mentale – UNASAM<br />

Vertex<br />

89<br />

RAPPORTO ATTIVITA’ <strong>2007</strong>

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