Rapporto annuale 2007 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario ...

Rapporto annuale 2007 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario ...

Rapporto annuale 2007 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario ...


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IRFMN<br />


Catalan Institute of Oncology, Institut d’Investigaciò Biomé<strong>di</strong>ca de Bellvitge (IDIBELL),<br />

Cancer Prevention and Control Unit, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spagna<br />

Center of Oncology, Dept. of Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention, Varsavia, Polonia<br />

Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) and Municipal Institute of<br />

Me<strong>di</strong>cal Research (IMIM), Barcellona, Spagna<br />

Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, Boston, USA<br />

Hôpital Necker - Enfants Malades, Centre of the Association Claude Bernard on Auto-immunes<br />

<strong>di</strong>seases, Parigi, Francia<br />

International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lione, Francia<br />

International Epidemiology Institute (IEI), Rockville, USA<br />

International Life Science Institute (ILSI), Bruxelles, Belgio<br />

National Cancer Institute, Environmental Stu<strong>di</strong>es Section, Bethesda, USA<br />

National Cancer Institute, Ra<strong>di</strong>ation Epidemiology Branch, Bethesda, USA<br />

National School of Public Health, WHO, Atene, Grecia<br />

Registre Vaudois des Tumeurs, Institut Universitaire de Médecine Sociale et Préventive,<br />

Losanna, Svizzera<br />

Senologic International Society<br />

Society for Internet in Me<strong>di</strong>cine<br />

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, Barcellona,<br />

Spagna<br />

University of Athens Me<strong>di</strong>cal School, Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Atene, Grecia<br />

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Department of Clinical Sciences, Las Palmas de<br />

Gran Canaria, Spagna<br />

Vanderbilt University, Department of Me<strong>di</strong>cine, School of Me<strong>di</strong>cine, Nashville, USA<br />


Advances in Therapy (Eva Negri)<br />

Alimentazione e Prevenzione (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Digestive and Liver Disease (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

European Journal of Cancer Prevention (Carlo La Vecchia, Associate E<strong>di</strong>tor)<br />

European Journal of Nutrition (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Evidence Based Dermatology (Carlo La Vecchia, Liliane Chatenoud)<br />

International Journal of Cancer (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Journal of Nephrology (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Nutrition and Cancer (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Portale Partecipasalute.it – http://www.partecipasalute.it (Eugenio Santoro)<br />

Revisiones en Ginecologìa y Obstetricia (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Revista Española de Nutriciò Comunitaria (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Società Italiana Attività Regolatorie News, SIARNews (Eugenio Santoro)<br />

The Lancet, e<strong>di</strong>zione italiana (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

Tumori (Carlo La Vecchia)<br />

178<br />

RAPPORTO ATTIVITA’ <strong>2007</strong>

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