Rapporto annuale 2007 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario ...

Rapporto annuale 2007 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario ... Rapporto annuale 2007 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario ...

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IRFMN SELEZIONE PUBBLICAZIONI SCIENTIFICHE APPARSE NELL'ANNO 2007 Abdulla J, Barlera S, Latini R, Kjoller-Hansen L, Sogaard P, Christensen E, Kober L, Torp-Pedersen C A systematic review: Effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition on left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction in patients with a myocardial infarction and in patients with left ventricular dysfunction Eur J Heart Fail 2007; 9: 129-135 Barlera S, Specchia C, Farrall M, Chiodini BD, Franzosi MG, Rust S, Green F, Nicolis E, Peden J, Assmann G, Collins R, Hamsten A, Tognoni G, PROCARDIS Consortium Multiple QTL influence the serum Lp(a) concentration: a genome-wide linkage screen in the PROCARDIS study Eur J Hum Genet 2007; 15: 221-227 Boccanelli A, Cacciatore G, Mureddu GF, De Simone G, Clemenza F, De Maria R, Di Lenarda A, Gavazzi A, Latini R, Masson S, Porcu M, Vanasia M, Gonzini L, Maggioni AP, AREA IN-CHF Baseline characteristics of patients recruited in the AREA IN-CHF study (Antiremodelling Effect of Aldosterone Receptors Blockade with Canrenone in Mild Chronic Heart Failure) J Cardiovasc Med 2007; 8: 683-691 Chiodini B, Franzosi MG, Barlera S, Signorini S, Lewis CM, D'Orazio A, Mocarelli P, Nicolis E, Marchioli R, Tognoni G, GISSI, SIBioC-GISSI Prevenzione Group Apolipoprotein E polymorphisms influence effect of pravastatin on survival after myocardial infarction in a Mediterranean population: the GISSI-Prevenzione study Eur Heart J 2007; 28: 1977-1983 Cicoira M, Maggioni AP, Latini R, Barlera S, Carretta E, Janosi A, Soler Soler J, Anand I, Cohn J, Val-HeFT Investigators Body mass index, prognosis and mode of death in chronic heart failure: Results from the Valsartan Heart Failure Trial Eur J Heart Fail 2007; 9: 397-402 Evangelista V, De Berardis G, Totani L, Avanzini F, Giorda CB, Brero L, Levantesi G, Marelli G, Pupillo M, Iacuitti G, Pozzoli G, Di Summa P, Nada E, De Simone G, Dell'Elba G, Amore C, Manarini S, Pecce R, Maione A, Tognoni G, Nicolucci A Persistent platelet activation in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with low doses of aspirin J Thromb Haemost 2007; 5: 2197-2203 Fiordaliso F, De Angelis N, Bai A, Cuccovillo I, Salio M, Serra DM, Bianchi R, Razzetti R, Latini R, Masson S Effect of Beta-adrenergic and renin-angiotensin system blockade on myocyte apoptosis and oxidative stress in diabetic hypertensive rats Life Sci 2007; 81: 951-959 Grasselli G, Gattinoni L, Kavanagh B, Latini R, Laupacis A, Lemaire F, Pesenti A, Suter P, Slutsky A, Tognoni G Feasibility, limits and problems of clinical studies in Intensive Care Unit Minerva Anestesiol 2007; 73: 595-601 Krum H, Latini R, Maggioni AP, Anand I, Masson S, Carretta E, Ingrilli' F, Pettinati G, Glazer R, Tognoni G, Cohn J Statins and symptomatic chronic systolic heart failure. A post-hoc analysis of 5010 patients enrolled in Val-HeFT Int J Cardiol 2007; 119: 48-53 Latini R, Masson S, Anand I S, Missov E, Carlson M, Vago T, Angelici L, Barlera S, Parrinello G, Maggioni AP, Tognoni G, Cohn J N, Val-HeFT Investigators Prognostic value of very low plasma concentrations of troponin T in patients with stable chronic heart failure Circulation 2007; 116: 1242-1249 Sarto P, Balducci E, Balconi G, Fiordaliso F, Merlo L, Tuzzato G, Pappagallo GL, Frigato N, Zanocco A, Forestieri C, Azzarello G, Mazzucco A, Valenti M T, Alborino F, Noventa D, Vinante O, Pascotto P, Sartore S, Dejana E, Latini R Effects of exercise training on endothelial progenitor cells in patients with chronic heart failure J Card Fail 2007; 13: 701-708 127 RAPPORTO ATTIVITA’ 2007

IRFMN Saunders CL, Chiodini B, Sham P, Lewis CM, Abkevich V, Adeyemo AA, de Andrade M, Arya R, Berenson GS, Blangero J, Boehnke M, Borecki IB, Chagnon YC, Chen W, Comuzzie AG, Deng HW, Duggirala R, Feitosa MF, Froguel P, Hanson RL, Hebebrand J, Huezo-Dias P, Kissebah AH, Li W, Luke A, Martin LJ, Nash M, Ohman M, Palmer LJ, Peltonen L, Perola M, Price RA, Redline S, Srinivasan SR, Stern MP, Stone S, Stringham H, Turner S, Wijmenga C, Collier DA Meta-analysis of genome-wide linkage studies in BMI and obesity Obesity 2007; 15: 2263-2275 Silletta MG, Marfisi RM, Levantesi G, Boccanelli A, Chieffo C, Franzosi MG, Geraci E, Maggioni AP, Nicolosi GL, Schweiger C, Tavazzi L, Tognoni G, Marchioli R, GISSI-Prevenzione Coffee consumption and risk of cardiovascular events after acute myocardial infarction. Results from the GISSI (Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell'Infarto miocardico)-Prevenzione trial Circulation 2007; 116: 2944-2951 Staszewsky L, Wong M, Masson S, Barlera S, Carretta E, Maggioni AP, Anand IS, Cohn JN, Tognoni G, Latini R, Valsartan Heart Failure Trial Investigators Clinical, neurohormonal, and inflammatory markers and overall prognostic role of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with heart failure: data from the Val-HeFT Heart Failure Trial J Card Fail 2007; 13: 797-804 SELEZIONE PUBBLICAZIONI DIVULGATIVE APPARSE NELL'ANNO 2007 Avanzini F, Marelli G, Donzelli W, Sorbara L, Palazzo E, Bellato L, Colombo E, De Martini M, per il Gruppo di Studio DDD Protocollo di infusione di insulina a gestione infermieristica per il controllo intensivo della glicemia. G It Diabetol Metab 2007; 27: 202-211. Clavenna A, Bonati M, Campi R, Labate L, Nobili A, Pasina L, Tettamanti M, Monesi L, Marzona I, Roncaglioni M C, Bortolotti A, Fortino I, Locateli G W, Giuliani G La prescrizione di farmaci per i bambini e gli anziani nella ASL di Lecco Ricerca & Pratica 2007; n.135: 100-112 Marchioli R, Marfisi R M, Borrelli G, Chieffo C, Franzosi M G, Levantesi G, Maggioni A P, Nicolosi G L, Scarano M, Silletta M G, Schweiger C, Tavazzi L, Tognoni G Efficacy of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids according to clinical characteristics of patients with recent myocardial infarction: insights from the GISSI-Prevenzione trial J Cardiovasc Med 2007; 8: s34-s37 Masson S, Latini R An update on N-terminal pro-brain-type natriuretic peptide for risk stratification in chronic heart failure Eur Cardiov Dis 2007; 1: 35-38 Masson S, Latini R, Tacconi M T, Bernasconi R Incorporation and washout of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids after diet supplementation in clinical studies J Cardiovasc Med 2007; 8 suppl 1: s4-s10 128 RAPPORTO ATTIVITA’ 2007

IRFMN<br />

Saunders CL, Chio<strong>di</strong>ni B, Sham P, Lewis CM, Abkevich V, Adeyemo AA, de Andrade M, Arya R, Berenson GS,<br />

Blangero J, Boehnke M, Borecki IB, Chagnon YC, Chen W, Comuzzie AG, Deng HW, Duggirala R, Feitosa MF,<br />

Froguel P, Hanson RL, Hebebrand J, Huezo-Dias P, Kissebah AH, Li W, Luke A, Martin LJ, Nash M, Ohman M,<br />

Palmer LJ, Peltonen L, Perola M, Price RA, Redline S, Srinivasan SR, Stern MP, Stone S, Stringham H, Turner S,<br />

Wijmenga C, Collier DA<br />

Meta-analysis of genome-wide linkage stu<strong>di</strong>es in BMI and obesity<br />

Obesity <strong>2007</strong>; 15: 2263-2275<br />

Silletta MG, Marfisi RM, Levantesi G, Boccanelli A, Chieffo C, Franzosi MG, Geraci E, Maggioni AP, Nicolosi GL,<br />

Schweiger C, Tavazzi L, Tognoni G, Marchioli R, GISSI-Prevenzione<br />

Coffee consumption and risk of car<strong>di</strong>ovascular events after acute myocar<strong>di</strong>al infarction. Results from the GISSI<br />

(Gruppo Italiano per lo Stu<strong>di</strong>o della Sopravvivenza nell'Infarto miocar<strong>di</strong>co)-Prevenzione trial<br />

Circulation <strong>2007</strong>; 116: 2944-2951<br />

Staszewsky L, Wong M, Masson S, Barlera S, Carretta E, Maggioni AP, Anand IS, Cohn JN, Tognoni G, Latini R,<br />

Valsartan Heart Failure Trial Investigators<br />

Clinical, neurohormonal, and inflammatory markers and overall prognostic role of chronic obstructive pulmonary<br />

<strong>di</strong>sease in patients with heart failure: data from the Val-HeFT Heart Failure Trial<br />

J Card Fail <strong>2007</strong>; 13: 797-804<br />


NELL'ANNO <strong>2007</strong><br />

Avanzini F, Marelli G, Donzelli W, Sorbara L, Palazzo E, Bellato L, Colombo E, De Martini M, per il Gruppo <strong>di</strong><br />

Stu<strong>di</strong>o DDD<br />

Protocollo <strong>di</strong> infusione <strong>di</strong> insulina a gestione infermieristica per il controllo intensivo della glicemia. G It Diabetol<br />

Metab <strong>2007</strong>; 27: 202-211.<br />

Clavenna A, Bonati M, Campi R, Labate L, Nobili A, Pasina L, Tettamanti M, Monesi L, Marzona I, Roncaglioni M<br />

C, Bortolotti A, Fortino I, Locateli G W, Giuliani G<br />

La prescrizione <strong>di</strong> farmaci per i bambini e gli anziani nella ASL <strong>di</strong> Lecco<br />

Ricerca & Pratica <strong>2007</strong>; n.135: 100-112<br />

Marchioli R, Marfisi R M, Borrelli G, Chieffo C, Franzosi M G, Levantesi G, Maggioni A P, Nicolosi G L, Scarano<br />

M, Silletta M G, Schweiger C, Tavazzi L, Tognoni G<br />

Efficacy of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids accor<strong>di</strong>ng to clinical characteristics of patients with recent myocar<strong>di</strong>al<br />

infarction: insights from the GISSI-Prevenzione trial<br />

J Car<strong>di</strong>ovasc Med <strong>2007</strong>; 8: s34-s37<br />

Masson S, Latini R<br />

An update on N-terminal pro-brain-type natriuretic peptide for risk stratification in chronic heart failure<br />

Eur Car<strong>di</strong>ov Dis <strong>2007</strong>; 1: 35-38<br />

Masson S, Latini R, Tacconi M T, Bernasconi R<br />

Incorporation and washout of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids after <strong>di</strong>et supplementation in clinical stu<strong>di</strong>es<br />

J Car<strong>di</strong>ovasc Med <strong>2007</strong>; 8 suppl 1: s4-s10<br />

128<br />

RAPPORTO ATTIVITA’ <strong>2007</strong>

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