Prospettive Sociali e Sanitarie

Prospettive Sociali e Sanitarie

Prospettive Sociali e Sanitarie


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L. R. Olsen, E. L. Mortensen, P. Bech<br />

485 Validity of HoNOS in identifying frequently hospitalized patients with ICD-10 mental disorders<br />

P. Bech, J. Bille, S. Waarst, M. Wiese, L. Borberg, P. Treufeldt, L. Kessing<br />

492 Functional disability of mental disorders and comparison with physical disorders: a study among the general<br />

population of six European countries<br />

M. A. Buist-Bouwman, R. De Graaf, W. A. M. Vollebergh, J. Alonso, R. Bruffaerts, J. Ormel, the ESEMeD/MHEDEA<br />

2000 investigators<br />

501 Outcomes in adulthood for children with foetal growth retardation. A linkage study from the Nord-Trøndelag<br />

Health Study (HUNT) and the Medical Birth Registry of Norway<br />

J. Ø. Berle, A. Mykletun, A. K. Daltveit, S. Rasmussen, A. A. Dahl<br />

510 Seasonal changes in clinical status in bipolar disorder: a prospective study in 1000 STEP-BD patients<br />

E. Friedman, L. Gyulai, M. Bhargava, M. Landen, S. Wisniewski, J. Foris, M. Ostacher, R. Medina, M. Thase<br />

Book reviews<br />

518 Treating and preventing adolescent mental health disorders. What we know and what we don't know Judith B.<br />

Nissen<br />

518 New thinking about mental health and employment Povl Munk-Jørgensen<br />

Acta psychiatrica scandinavica, n 1 vol 114, 2006<br />

Editorial<br />

1 Risperidone long-acting injection in practice – more questions than answers?<br />

David Taylor<br />

Review article<br />

3 Does antipsychotic withdrawal provoke psychosis? Review of the literature on rapid onset psychosis (supersensitivity<br />

psychosis) and withdrawal-related relapse<br />

J. Moncrieff<br />

Original articles<br />

14 Health resource utilization associated with switching to risperidone long-acting injection<br />

C. L. Young, D. M. Taylor<br />

21 Serum concentrations of risperidone and 9-OH risperidone following intramuscular injection of long-acting<br />

risperidone compared with oral risperidone medication<br />

R. Nesvåg, M. Hendset, H. Refsum, L. Tanum<br />

27 Differences in resting energy expenditure and body composition between patients with schizophrenia and healthy<br />

controls<br />

B. M. Nilsson, A. H. Forslund, R. M. Olsson, L. Hambraeus, F.-A. Wiesel<br />

36 The incidence and prevalence of schizophrenia varies with latitude<br />

S. Saha, D.C. Chant, J.L. Welham, J.J. McGrath<br />

40 Prevalence of Toxoplasma infection in first-episode schizophrenia and comparison between Toxoplasmaseropositive<br />

and Toxoplasma-seronegative schizophrenia<br />

H.-L. Wang, G.-H. Wang, Q.-Y. Li, C. Shu, M.-S. Jiang, Y. Guo<br />

49 Height, weight and body mass index in early adulthood and risk of schizophrenia<br />

H. J. Sørensen, E. L. Mortensen, J. M. Reinisch, S. A. Mednick<br />

55 Validity and reliability of the CAPE: a self-report instrument for the measurement of psychotic experiences in the<br />

general population<br />

M. Konings, M. Bak, M. Hanssen, J. van Os, L. Krabbendam<br />

Case report

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