LOOKAROUND da 1 a 84 itinerari storici.cdr

LOOKAROUND da 1 a 84 itinerari storici.cdr

LOOKAROUND da 1 a 84 itinerari storici.cdr


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Arte & cultura: due passi tra la storia<br />

The origins of what is known as the Roman bridge are uncertain, although it<br />

seems plausible that in the distant past it may have served to cross the river<br />

Sarca at the point where the ancient roadways from Arco and Laghel<br />

reached the hamlet of Ceniga. The inscription on the parapets record that it<br />

was rebuilt in 1719 after the river had flooded, and again in 1868 following<br />

its demolition on the orders of the Austrians in the event of a third war of<br />

independence.<br />

2 Chiesa di Sant'Antonio<br />

Costruita <strong>da</strong>lle Comunità di Dro e Ceniga<br />

nella secon<strong>da</strong> metà del Seicento al posto di<br />

una precedente edicola miracolosa che<br />

aveva fama di ri<strong>da</strong>re la vita ai bambini nati<br />

morti. Conserva opere importanti: in<br />

particolare l'altare maggiore attribuito a<br />

Domenico Rossi <strong>da</strong> Mori, la vecchia cornice<br />

del primitivo capitello e alcune tele di<br />

pregevole fattura.<br />

Sie wurde von den Gemeinden Dro und Ceniga<br />

in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jh. erbaut, und zwar<br />

an der Stelle, an der sich ein Kapitell befand,<br />

dem nachgesagt wurde, <strong>da</strong>ss es <strong>da</strong>s Wunder<br />

bewirke, tot geborene Kinder zum Leben zu<br />

erwecken. Sehenswertes im Kircheninneren:<br />

Insbesondere der Hochaltar - er wird Domenico<br />

Rossi aus Mori zugeschrieben -, die alte<br />

Umrahmung des primitiven Kapitells und einige<br />

wertvolle Gemälde.<br />

It was built by the communities of Dro and Ceniga in the second half of the<br />

th<br />

17 century in the place of a pre-existing miraculous shrine which was<br />

reputed to bring stillborn children back to life. There are some significant<br />

works, in particular the main altar attributed to Domenico Rossi <strong>da</strong> Mori, the<br />

old cornice of the primitive capital, and some beautifully executed paintings.<br />

3 Chiesa di San Sisinio<br />

Situata nella piazza principale di Dro, accanto alla parrocchiale<br />

ottocentesca, presenta conservata soltanto l'abside, sulla facciata<br />

della quale si trovano due formelle paleocristiane. Assai bello<br />

l'antico portale che rivela l'importanza dell'edificio ricor<strong>da</strong>to già nel<br />

Duecento.<br />

Sie befindet sich am Hauptplatz von<br />

Dro, neben der Pfarrkirche aus dem<br />

19. Jh. Von der Kirche San Sisinio<br />

blieb nur die Altarnische erhalten,<br />

mit zwei frühchristlichen Kassetten.<br />

Besonders eindrucksvoll ist <strong>da</strong>s<br />

antike Portal, <strong>da</strong>s die ehemalige<br />

Bedeutung der Kirche, die schon im<br />

13. Jh. erwähnt wird, voll zum<br />

Ausdruck bringt.<br />

Situated in the main piazza of Dro,<br />

th<br />

beside the 19 century parish<br />

church, only the apse remains of the<br />

church and two early Christian<br />

panels can be seen on the facade.<br />

A lovely old doorway shows the<br />

importance of the building which is<br />

th<br />

recorded in the 13 century.<br />

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