List of Participants - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

List of Participants - Millennium Development Goals Indicators

List of Participants - Millennium Development Goals Indicators


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2011 International Conference<br />

on the <strong>Millennium</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Goals</strong> Statistics<br />

October 19-21, 2011<br />

Dusit Thani Hotel, Makati City, Philippines<br />

UNSD<br />

NSCB<br />

<strong>List</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Participants</strong><br />

UN DESA<br />

Statistics Division, United Nations<br />

Paul Cheung<br />

Director<br />

Statistics Division<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Economic and Social Affairs<br />

United Nations<br />

Two United Nations Plaza, DC2-1670<br />

New York, NY 10017<br />

Statistics Division, United Nations<br />

Francesca Perucci<br />

Chief<br />

Statistical Planning and <strong>Development</strong> Section<br />

UNSD, DESA<br />

2 UN Plaza, DC2-1652<br />

New York, NY 10017<br />

Statistics Division, United Nations<br />

Yongyi Min<br />

Statistician<br />

Statistical Planning and <strong>Development</strong> Section<br />

UNSD, DESA<br />

2 UN Plaza, DC2-1646<br />

New York, NY 10017<br />

Statistics Division, United Nations<br />

Sara Duerto Valero<br />

Associate Statistician<br />

Statistical Planning and <strong>Development</strong> Section<br />

UNSD, DESA<br />

2 UN Plaza, DC2-1648<br />

New York, NY 10017<br />

E-mail: paul.cheung@un.org<br />

Tel.: (212) 963-2563<br />

Fax: (212) 963-9851<br />

E-mail: perucci@un.org<br />

Tel.: (212) 963 0212<br />

Fax: (212) 963 9851<br />

E-mail: min3@un.org<br />

Tel.: (212) 963 9296<br />

E-mail: duertovalero@un.org<br />

Tel.: (212) 963 2038<br />


Population Division, United Nations<br />

Vladimira Kantorova<br />

Population Affairs Officer<br />

Fertility and Family Planning Section<br />

Population Division/DESA<br />

United Nations<br />

2 UN Plaza, DC2-1934<br />

New York, NY 10017<br />

E-mail: kantorova@un.org<br />

Tel.: (+1) 212 963 9699<br />

UN Agencies<br />

International Labour Organization (ILO)<br />

Theodoor Sparreboom<br />

Economist<br />

Employment Trends Team<br />

Employment Sector<br />

International Labour Organization (ILO)<br />

Suite 8-30<br />

4, route des Morillons<br />

CH-1211 Geneva 22<br />

Switzerland<br />

International Labour Organization (ILO)<br />

Valentina Stoevska<br />

Labor Statistician<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

International Labour Organization (ILO)<br />

Suite 8-30<br />

4, route des Morillons<br />

CH-1211 Geneva 22<br />

Switzerland<br />

International Telecommunication Union<br />

(ITU)<br />

Vanessa Gray<br />

ICT Data and Statistics Division<br />

Telecommunications <strong>Development</strong> Bureau<br />

International Telecommunications Union (ITU)<br />

CH-1211 Geneva 20<br />

Switzerland<br />

The World Bank<br />

Johan A. Mistiaen<br />

Senior Economist-Statistician<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Data Group<br />

The World Bank<br />

1818 H St. NW Washington, DC<br />

20433 USA<br />

E-mail: sparreboom@ilo.org<br />

Tel.: (41 22) 799 7142<br />

E-mail: stoevska@ilo.org<br />

Tel.: (41 22) 799 6433<br />

Fax: (41 22) 799 6957<br />

E-mail: Vanessa.Gray@itu.int<br />

Tel.: (41 22) 730 5028<br />

Fax: (41 22) 730 6449<br />

E-mail: jmistiaen@worldbank.org<br />

Tel.: (1 202) 473-3802<br />


The World Bank<br />

Neil Fantom<br />

Manager<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Data Group<br />

The World Bank<br />

1818 H St. NW Washington, DC<br />

USA<br />

UNDP<br />

Usman Iftikhar<br />

Policy Advisor<br />

304 East 45 St.<br />

10 th Floor, New York<br />

New York, 10017<br />

United Nations Conference on Trade and<br />

<strong>Development</strong> (UNCTAD)<br />

Samuel Munyaneza<br />

Economic Affairs Officer<br />

United Nations Conference on Trade<br />

and <strong>Development</strong> (UNCTAD)<br />

E-8059<br />

Palais des Nations<br />

1211 Geneva 10<br />

Switzerland<br />

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)<br />

Edilberto Loaiza<br />

Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Adviser<br />

Technical Division<br />

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)<br />

605 3rd Avenue,<br />

New York, NY 10017<br />

United Nations Human Settlements<br />

Programme (UN-Habitat)<br />

Gora Mboup, Ph.D.<br />

Chief, Global Urban Observatory<br />

United Nations Human Settlements<br />

Programme (UN-Habitat)<br />

P.O. Box 30030 Nairobi, Kenya<br />

E-mail: nfantom@worldbank.org<br />

Tel.: (202) 473 3323<br />

E-mail: usman.iftikhar@undp.org<br />

Tel. : (212) 906 5153<br />

E-mail: Samuel.Munyaneza@unctad.org<br />

Tel.: (41 22) 917 5540<br />

Fax: (41 22) 907 0044<br />

E-mail: loaiza@unfpa.org<br />

Tel.: (212) 297 5281<br />

Fax: (212) 297 4930<br />

E-mail: gora.mboup@unhabitat.org<br />

Tel.: 254-20-7625031<br />

Fax: 254-20-7623080<br />

UN Women<br />

Papa A. Seck<br />

Policy Specialist in Statistics<br />

UN Women<br />

866 United Nations Plaza, # 249-05<br />

New York, New York, 10017<br />

E-mail: papa.seck@unifem.org<br />

Tel.: (1 917) 484 8052<br />

Fax: (1 212) 223-3712<br />


United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)<br />

Claes Johansson<br />

Senior Adviser, Data Dissemination<br />

DevInfo Global Administrator<br />

Statistics and Monitoring Section<br />

United Nations Children’s Fund<br />

Three United Nations Plaza<br />

New York, New York 10017<br />

World Health Organization (WHO)<br />

Dr. Dongbao Yu<br />

Epidemiologist<br />

HIV/AIDS and STI Unit<br />

World Health Organization Western Pacific<br />

Regional Office<br />

UN Ave., 1000 Manila<br />

The Philippines<br />

E-mail: cjohansson@unicef.org<br />

Tel.: (212) 326 7305<br />

E-mail: yud@wpro.who.int<br />

Tel.: (632) 528 9711 (direct)<br />

Fax.: (632) 521 1036<br />

Regional Commissions<br />

Economic and Social Commission for Asia<br />

and the Pacific<br />

Harumi Shibata<br />

Statistician<br />

Economic and Social Commission for Asia<br />

and the Pacific<br />

United Nations Building<br />

Rajdamnern Nok Av<br />

Pranakorn Bangkok<br />

10200 Thailand<br />

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)<br />

Raj Gautam Mitra<br />

Chief<br />

Demographic and Social Statistics Section<br />

African Centre for Statistics<br />

United Nations Economic Commission for<br />

Africa<br />

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia<br />

Economic Commission for Latin America<br />

and the Caribbean (ECLAC)<br />

Pauline Stockins<br />

MDG Statistician<br />

Statistics and Economic Projections Division<br />

Economic Commission for Latin America<br />

and the Caribbean (ECLAC)<br />

Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura<br />

Santiago, Chile<br />

E-mail: shibata@un.org<br />

Tel.: (662) 288 1830<br />

E-mail: rmitra@uneca.org<br />

Tel.: (+251) 11 544 3144<br />

E-mail: Pauline.Stockins@cepal.org<br />

Tel.: (562) 210 2194<br />

Fax: (562) 210 2472<br />

Other Organizations<br />


Asian <strong>Development</strong> Bank<br />

Kaushal Joshi<br />

Senior Statistician<br />

Asian <strong>Development</strong> Bank<br />

6 ADB Avenue<br />

Mandaluyong City<br />

Philippines<br />

Organization for Economic Co-operation<br />

and <strong>Development</strong> (OECD)<br />

Simon Scott<br />

Head, Statistics and Monitoring Division<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Co-operation Directorate<br />

Organisation for Economic Co-operation<br />

and <strong>Development</strong><br />

2, rue André Pascal<br />

75775 Paris Cedex 16<br />

France<br />

Secretariat <strong>of</strong> the Pacific Community (SPC)<br />

Gerald Haberkorn<br />

Manager<br />

Statistics for <strong>Development</strong> Programme<br />

Secretariat <strong>of</strong> the Pacific Community<br />

B.P.D5, 98848 Nouméa Cédex<br />

New Caledonia<br />

DevInfo, Community Systems Foundations<br />

John Toner<br />

Program Associate<br />

DevInfo, Community Systems Foundation<br />

219 South Main Street, Suite 206<br />

Ann Arbor 48104, MI<br />

USA<br />

E-mail: kjoshi@adb.org<br />

Tel.: (632) 632 5969<br />

Fax: (632) 636 2361<br />

E-mail: Simon.Scott@oecd.org<br />

Tel.: (33 1) 4524 1560<br />

Fax: (33 44) 306 146<br />

E-mail: GeraldH@spc.int; spc@spc.int<br />

Tel.: (687) 26 01 21<br />

Fax: (687) 26 38 18<br />

E-mail: jtoner@devinfo.info<br />

Tel.: 9810017515<br />

ASEAN Secretariat<br />

Agus Sutanto<br />

Senior Officer<br />

ASEANstats<br />

ASEAN Integration Monitoring Office<br />

The ASEAN Secretariat<br />

70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja<br />

Jakarta, Indonesia<br />

E-mail: sutanto@asean.org<br />

Tel.: (62-21) 724 3372 ext. 275<br />

Fax: (62-21) 739 8234, 724 3504<br />


ASEAN Secretariat<br />

Lia Emalia<br />

Technical Officer<br />

ASEANstats<br />

ASEAN Integration Monitoring Office<br />

The ASEAN Secretariat<br />

70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja<br />

Jakarta, Indonesia<br />

Email: emalia@asean.org<br />

Tel.: (62-21) 724 3372 ext. 385<br />

Fax: (62-21) 739 8234, 724 3504<br />

EASCAB<br />

Budi Budiman<br />

EASCAB Junior Expert on MDGs<br />

EU-ASEAN Statistical Capacity Building<br />

Programme<br />

The ASEAN Secretariat 70A<br />

Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta<br />

Indonesia<br />

E-mail: budiman@bps.go.id<br />

Telephone No. : (6281) 294 81985<br />

Countries<br />

Bangladesh<br />

Md. Shahjahan Ali Mollah<br />

Director General<br />

Bangladesh Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Planning<br />

Parishankhan Bhaban<br />

E-27/A, Agargoan<br />

Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh<br />

Brazil<br />

Leonardo Athias<br />

IBGE-Researcher<br />

Av. Republica do Chile, 500, 8' andar<br />

Centro<br />

Rio de Janeiro - RJ<br />

20031-170<br />

Brazil<br />

Brunei Darussalam<br />

Nuratiqah Binti Jumat<br />

Assistant Statistical Officer<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

Jln ‘C Spg 22 No.13 Kg Perpindahan Mentiri,<br />

Jln Kota Batu BU2129<br />

Negara Brunei Darussalam<br />

E-mail: dg@bbs.gov.bd;<br />

s_alimollah@yahoo.com<br />

Tel.: (88-02) 911-2589<br />

Fax: (88-02) 911-1064<br />

E-mail: leonardo.athias@gmail.com<br />

Tel.: (55) 21 7237 7857<br />

Fax: (55) 21 2142 0363<br />

E-mail: atiqah_she@hotmail.com<br />

Tel.: +6738186761<br />


Brunei Darussalam<br />

Norizan Binti Abdullah<br />

Statistics Officer<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

Jln ‘C Spg 22 No.13 Kg Perpindahan Mentiri,<br />

Jln Kota Batu BU2129<br />

Negara Brunei Darussalam<br />

Brazil<br />

Leonardo Athias<br />

IBGE-Researcher<br />

Av. Republica do Chile, 500, 8' andar<br />

Centro<br />

Rio de Janeiro - RJ<br />

20031-170<br />

Brazil<br />

Cambodia<br />

Lay Chan<br />

Deputy Director <strong>of</strong> Department<br />

National Institute <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

No. 386, Monivong Blvd., Boueng Keng Kang I,<br />

Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh<br />

Cambodia<br />

E-mail: izan229@hotmail.com<br />

Tel.: +6732233344<br />

E-mail: leonardo.athias@gmail.com<br />

Tel.: (55) 21 7237 7857<br />

Fax: (55) 21 2142 0363<br />

E-mail: lay.chhan@gmail.com<br />

Tel.: (855 12) 883 419<br />

Fax: (855 23) 213 650<br />

Cambodia<br />

Chintha Long<br />

Deputy Director General<br />

National Institute <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Planning<br />

386 Blvd. Monivong<br />

Phnom Penh, Cambodia<br />

China<br />

Xinli An<br />

Division Director <strong>of</strong> Special Survey Division<br />

National Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics <strong>of</strong> China<br />

No. 57 Yuetan Nanjie<br />

Beijing, China<br />

Dominican Republic<br />

Leidy Darihana Zabala De Los Santos<br />

Analyst, MDG<br />

Oficina Nacional de Estadística<br />

Edif Juan Pablo Duarte<br />

Av. Mexico y Leopoldo Navarro<br />

E-mail: longchintha@yahoo.com<br />

Tel.: (855 12) 733 612<br />

Fax: (855 23) 213 650<br />

E-mail: anxinli@stats.gov.cn<br />

Tel.: (86) 10 68782765<br />

Fax: (86) 10 68576354<br />

E-mail: leidyzabala_61@hotmail.com<br />

Tel.: (809) 682 7777 - 292<br />


India<br />

Hiranya Borah<br />

Director<br />

Social Statistics Division<br />

Central Statistics Office<br />

India<br />

E-mail: hbmb@rediffmail.com<br />

Tel.: 911126109321<br />

Fax: 911126108404<br />

Indonesia<br />

Happy Salvatore Hardjo<br />

Director<br />

People’s Welfare Statistics<br />

Badan Pusat Statistik<br />

Jalan Dr Sutomo No 6 – 8<br />

Jakarta 10710<br />

Indonesia<br />

Republic <strong>of</strong> Kazakhstan<br />

Ainur Dossanova<br />

Head<br />

Division <strong>of</strong> Gender Statistics<br />

and <strong>Indicators</strong> <strong>of</strong> MDG<br />

Agency on Statistics<br />

Astana, 010000, 8, st. Orinbor,<br />

House <strong>of</strong> Ministries, 4th entrance<br />

Agency on Statistics, Republic <strong>of</strong> Kazakhstan<br />

E-mail: happy@bps.go.id<br />

Tel.: (6221) 3863681<br />

Fax: (6221) 3863681<br />

E-mail: A.Dosanova@stat.kz<br />

Tel.: (7) 7172 74 92 62<br />

Fax: (7) 7172 74 93 43<br />

Lao People's Democratic Republic<br />

Thirakha Chanthalanouvong<br />

Director<br />

Social Statistics Division<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Statistics, MPI<br />

Souphanouvong Road,<br />

Vientiane Capital City, Lao PDR<br />

Lao People's Democratic Republic<br />

Soulysack Phommasack<br />

Deputy Director<br />

Social Statistics Division<br />

Souphanouvong Road,<br />

Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR<br />

Malaysia<br />

Sharuddin Shafie<br />

Deputy Director<br />

Labour Force and Statistics Division<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

Block C6, Complex C<br />

Federal Government Administrative Centre,<br />

62514 Putrajaya, Malaysia<br />

E-mail: chanthara_th@yahoo.com<br />

Tel.: (856) 21 214740<br />

Fax: (856) 21 242022<br />

E-mail: psolysack@yahoo.com<br />

Tel.: (856) 20 55628092<br />

Fax: (856) 21 242022<br />

E-mail: sha@stats.gov.my<br />

Tel.: (603) 88857879<br />

Fax: (603) 88889233<br />


Mexico<br />

Enrique Ordaz<br />

Director-General<br />

Analysis and Research<br />

Instituto Nacional de<br />

Estadística y Geografía (INEGI)<br />

Av. Héroe de Nacozari 2301<br />

Frac. Jardines del Parque<br />

C.P. 20276<br />

Aguascalientes, Ags., México<br />

Mongolia<br />

Lkham Narantsogt<br />

Officer <strong>of</strong> Statistical Research Department,<br />

National Statistical Office<br />

Government building III, Baga toiruu-44,<br />

Sukhbaatar district,<br />

Ulaanbaatar-20A, Mongolia<br />

Morocco<br />

Noure Ddine Ibnoussina<br />

Direction de la Statistique<br />

Haut Commissariat au Plan<br />

Rue Mohamed Belhassan el Ouazani,<br />

Haut Agdal, 10001, Rabat<br />

Maroc, BP. 178<br />

Myanmar<br />

Khin Mar Aye<br />

Assistant Director<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> National Planning and Economic<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Office No. 1, Ministry <strong>of</strong> National Planning and<br />

Economic <strong>Development</strong>, Nay Pyi Taw,<br />

Myanmar<br />

Republic <strong>of</strong> Moldova<br />

Ala Negruta<br />

Head, Social Statistics Department<br />

National Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

106 Grenoble Str., Cmisinall<br />

2019 Republic <strong>of</strong> Moldova<br />

E-mail: enrique.ordaz@inegi.org.mx<br />

Tel.: (524) 4991 05446<br />

E-mail: lkham@nso.mn<br />

Tel.: 976-51-261502<br />

Fax: 976-11-324518<br />

E-mail: ibnoussina65@hotmail.com<br />

Tel.: (2 126) 60102145<br />

Fax: (2 123) 537773217<br />

E-mail: elegantmyanmar@gmail.com<br />

Tel.: (95) 67407260<br />

Fax: (95) 67407084<br />

E-mail: ala.negruta@statistica.mol<br />

Tel.: +37322403078<br />

Fax: +37322220146<br />

Thailand<br />

Bhumisuk Khananurak<br />

Plan and Policy Analyst,<br />

National Economic and Social <strong>Development</strong><br />

Board (NESDB) 962 Krung Kasem rd,<br />

Pomprab, Bangkok 10100 , THAILAND<br />

E-mail: Bhumisuk@nesdb.go.th<br />

Tel.: (668) 1801-2958<br />

Fax: (662) 281-2803<br />


Thailand<br />

Oarawan Sutthangkul<br />

Senior Statistician<br />

National Statistical Office<br />

The Government Complex<br />

2nd floor Building B<br />

Chang Watthana Rd.<br />

Bangkok 10210<br />

E-mail: oarawan@nso.go.th<br />

Tel.: (+660) 2141 7489<br />

Fax: (+660) 2143 8130<br />

Uganda<br />

Thomas Rutaro<br />

Senior Officer<br />

Statistical Coordination Services<br />

Uganda Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

Plot 9, Colville Street<br />

PO Box 7186<br />

Kampala<br />

Uganda<br />

United Republic <strong>of</strong> Tanzania<br />

Elide S. Mwanri<br />

Principal Statistician<br />

National Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics<br />

P.O. Box 796<br />

Dar-es-Salaam<br />

United Republic <strong>of</strong> Tanzania<br />

Vanuatu<br />

Simil Johnson<br />

Government Statistician<br />

National Statistics Office<br />

E-mail: thomas.rutaro@ubos.org/<br />

Trutaro2000@yahoo.com<br />

Tel.: (+256) 4147 06109, +256 414706000<br />

Fax: (+256) 4142 37553<br />

E-mail: elidemwanri@yahoo.com<br />

Tel.: (+255) 2221 22722<br />

Fax: (+255) 2221 30852<br />

E-mail: sjohnson@vanuatu.gov.vu<br />

Tel.: (678) 22111/ 22110<br />

Fax: (678) 24583<br />

Viet Nam<br />

Nguyen Van Lieu<br />

Deputy-Director General<br />

General Statistical Office<br />

6B Hoang Dieu<br />

Hanoi<br />

Vietnam<br />

Viet Nam<br />

Do Anh Kiem<br />

Deputy Director<br />

Social & Environmental Statistics Department<br />

General Statistics Office<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Planning and Investment.<br />

No 6B Hoang Dieu Street<br />

Ha Noi, Viet Nam.<br />

E-mail: nvlieu@gso.gov.vn<br />

Tel.: (84-4) 37-339-339<br />

Fax: (84-4) 846-4345<br />

E-mail: dakiem@gso.gov.vn<br />

Tel.: (844) 913 050836<br />

Fax: (844) 3734 3990<br />


Local <strong>Participants</strong><br />

Philippines<br />

Romulo A. Virola<br />

Secretary General<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)<br />

Midland Buendia Building<br />

403 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City<br />

Philippines<br />

Lina V. Castro<br />

Assistant Secretary General<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board<br />

Midland Buendia Building<br />

403 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City<br />

Philippines<br />

Raymundo J. Talento<br />

Director, Economic Statistics Office<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board<br />

Midland Buendia Building<br />

403 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City<br />

Philippines<br />

Candido J. Astrologo, Jr.<br />

Director, National Statistical Information<br />

Center (NSIC) and Subnational Statistics<br />

Office<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)<br />

Midland Buendia Building<br />

403 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City<br />

E-mail: ra.virola@nscb.gov.ph<br />

Tel.: (+632) 895 2395 / 897 2171<br />

Fax: (+632) 896 1778<br />

E-mail: lv.castro@nscb.gov.ph<br />

Tel.: (+632) 896 4665<br />

Fax: (+632) 896 1778<br />

E-mail: rj.talento@nscb.gov.ph<br />

Telefax: (+632) 896 2481<br />

E-mail: cj.astrologo@nscb.gov.ph<br />

Telefax: (+632) 890 8456<br />

Philippines<br />

Jessamyn O. Encarnacion<br />

Director, Social Statistics Office<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)<br />

Midland Buendia Building<br />

403 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City<br />

E-mail: jo.encarnacion@nscb.gov.ph<br />

Tel.: (+632) 896 1730<br />

Fax: (+632) 896 7981<br />


Philippines<br />

Cynthia S. Regalado<br />

OIC-Director, Programs, Policies and<br />

Standards Office<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)<br />

Midland Buendia Building<br />

403 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City<br />

Philippines<br />

Bernadette B. Balamban<br />

Chief, Social Sectors A Division<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)<br />

Midland Buendia Building<br />

403 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City<br />

E-mail: cs.regalado@nscb.gov.ph<br />

Tel.: (+632) 895 2439<br />

Fax: (+632) 895 2436<br />

E-mail: bb.balamban@nscb.gov.ph<br />

Telefax.: (+632) 896 7981<br />

Philippines<br />

Mechelle M. Viernes<br />

Statistical Coordination Officer II<br />

Social Sectors A Division<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)<br />

Midland Buendia Building<br />

403 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City<br />

E-mail: mm.viernes@nscb.gov.ph<br />

Telefax.: (+632) 896 7981<br />

Philippines<br />

Estrella Turingan<br />

Regional Head<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board<br />

Regional Division XI<br />

2/F Amparo Bldg., J.P. Laurel Ave.,<br />

Bajada, Davao City<br />

Philippines<br />

E-mail: nscbxi@yahoo.com<br />

Telefax: (6382) 227 6213<br />

Philippines<br />

John Frederick P. de Guia<br />

Consultant / Resource Person<br />

National Statistical Coordination Board<br />

Midland Buendia Building<br />

403 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City<br />

E-mail: jfpdeguia@yahoo.com<br />

Telefax: (632) 896 7981<br />

Philippines<br />

Eduardo Martin R. Meñez<br />

Assistant Secretary<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Foreign Affairs (DFA)<br />

Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City<br />

E-mail:<br />

Tel.:<br />

Fax:<br />


Philippines<br />

Celia M. Reyes<br />

Senior Research Fellow <strong>of</strong> the Philippine<br />

Institute for <strong>Development</strong> Studies<br />

and Director, Poverty and Economic Policy -<br />

Community Based Monitoring System Network<br />

(PEP-CBMS)<br />

Philippine Institute for <strong>Development</strong> Studies<br />

106 Amorsolo St., Legaspi Village<br />

Makati City, Philippines<br />

E-mail: celmreyes@yahoo.com<br />

Tel.: (632) 892-7385<br />

Fax: (632) 816-1091<br />

Philippines<br />

Malou Mangahas<br />

Executive Director<br />

Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism<br />

107 Scout De Guia Street, Criselda Building II<br />

Barangay Sacred Heart Quezon City 1102<br />

Metro Manila, The Philippines<br />

E-mail: mcmangahas@pcij.org;<br />

pcij@pcij.org<br />

Tel.: (632) 410-4763 to 64<br />

Fax: (632) 410-4768 to 69<br />

Philippines<br />

Augusto Rodriguez<br />

Social Policy Specialist<br />

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)<br />

30F Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza<br />

Makati City<br />

E-mail: arodriguez@unicef.org<br />

Tel.: (02) 9010178<br />

Fax:<br />

Philippines<br />

Daniel Q. Duma<br />

DevInfo Specialist<br />

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)<br />

30F Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza<br />

Makati City<br />

E-mail: dumadanielq@gmail.com<br />

Tel.: (632<br />

Fax: (632)<br />

Philippines<br />

Corazon Urquico<br />

Team Leader<br />

United Nations <strong>Development</strong> Program (UNDP)<br />

30F Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza<br />

Makati City<br />

E-mail: corazon.urquico@undp.org<br />

Tel.: (632) 901-0229<br />

Fax: (632) 901-0200<br />


Philippines<br />

Antolin Fernando<br />

Program Associate<br />

United Nations <strong>Development</strong> Program (UNDP)<br />

30F Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza<br />

Makati City<br />

E-mail: fernando.antolin@undp.org<br />

Tel.: (632) 901-0227<br />

Fax: (632) 901-0200<br />

Philippines<br />

Erlinda M. Capones<br />

Director, Social <strong>Development</strong> Staff<br />

National Economic and <strong>Development</strong> Authority<br />

(NEDA)<br />

12 Escriva Drive, Ortigas Center<br />

Pasig City<br />

E-mail: emcapones@neda.gov.ph<br />

Tel.: (632) 631-3758<br />

Fax: (632) 631-5435<br />

Philippines<br />

Luz Bautista<br />

Program Coordinator, UNDP Portfolio on<br />

Poverty Reduction and Support for the MDGs<br />

Social <strong>Development</strong> Staff, 4 th Floor<br />

NEDA sa Pasig Bldg.,<br />

12 Escriva Drive, Ortigas Center<br />

Pasig City<br />

E-mail: labautista@neda.gov.ph<br />

Tel.: (632) 631-3758/631-2189<br />

Fax: (632) 631-5435<br />

Philippines<br />

Karen V. Castro<br />

Program Associate, UNDP Portfolio on Poverty<br />

Reduction and Support for the MDGs<br />

Social <strong>Development</strong> Staff, 4th Floor<br />

NEDA sa Pasig Bldg.,<br />

12 Escriva Drive, Ortigas Center<br />

Pasig City<br />

E-mail: kvcastro@neda.gov.ph<br />

Telefax.: (632) 631-5435<br />

Philippines<br />

Melissa C. Pascua<br />

Economics and Statistics Analyst<br />

Asian <strong>Development</strong> Bank(ADB)<br />

No.6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City<br />

Metro Manila<br />

E-mail: mpascua@adb.org<br />

Tel.: (632) 632-6439<br />

Fax: (632) 636-2361<br />


Philippines<br />

Willa Boots J. Tolo<br />

Acting Bank Officer II<br />

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)<br />

5Storey Bldg., BSP Complex<br />

A. Mabini Street<br />

Malate, Manila<br />

E-mail: wtolo@bsp.gov.ph<br />

Tel.: (632) 708-7228<br />

Fax: (632) 302-3878<br />

Philippines<br />

Teresa V. Peralta<br />

Director<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Labor and Employment Statistics<br />

(BLES)<br />

3/F DOLE Bldg., Gen. Luna<br />

Intramuros, Manila<br />

E-mail: terevperalta@gmail.com<br />

Tel.: (632) 527-3000 local 310<br />

Fax: (632) 527-5506<br />

Philippines<br />

Ma. Teresa E. Edora<br />

Supervising Labor and Employment Officer<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Labor and Employment Statistics<br />

(BLES)<br />

3F DOLE Bldg., Intramuros, Manila<br />

E-mail: ma.teresa_edora@yahoo.com<br />

Tel.: (632) 527-3000 local 317<br />

Fax: (632) 527-9311<br />

Philippines<br />

Novel V. Bangsal<br />

Director II<br />

Congressional Planning and Budget<br />

Department (CPBD)<br />

House <strong>of</strong> Representatives<br />

Batasan Complex<br />

Quezon City<br />

E-mail: novelbangsal@gmail.com<br />

Tel.: (632) 931-9392<br />

Fax: (632) 931-6519<br />

Philippines<br />

Vincent Leyson<br />

Director III<br />

National Household Targeting System<br />

for Poverty Reduction<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Social Welfare and<br />

<strong>Development</strong><br />

Batasan Pambansa Complex<br />

Constitution Hills, Quezon City<br />

Philippines<br />

Bella C. Nuñez<br />

Statistician III<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Environment and Natural<br />

Resources (DENR)<br />

E-mail: valeyson@dswd.gov.ph<br />

Telefax: (632) 931 8130<br />

E-mail: bellenunez@yahoo.com<br />

Telefax.: (632) 925-8278<br />


Philippines<br />

Aiza Dilidili<br />

Statistician II<br />

Commission on Higher Education (CHED)<br />

G/F HEDP Bldg., C.P.Garcia Street<br />

UP Diliman, Quezon City<br />

E-mail:<br />

adilidili@ched.gov.ph/aldilidili@gmail.com<br />

Telefax: (632) 441-1169<br />


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