Duns Scotus-Bibliography - The Catholic University of America

Duns Scotus-Bibliography - The Catholic University of America Duns Scotus-Bibliography - The Catholic University of America
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Articles and Book Chapters 219 2543 — Vos, Antonie. “On the Philosophy of the Young Duns Scotus: Some Semantical and Logical Aspects.” In Mediaeval Semantics and Metaphysics: Studies Dedicated to L. M. de Rijk, Ph.D., on the Occasion of His 60 th Birthday, edited by E. P. Bos, 195– 220. Artistarium Suppl. 2. Nijmegen: Ingenium Publishers 1985. 2544 — Vos, Antonie. “The Indispensability of Freewill: Scotus Can Speak for Himself.” Medioevo 30 (2005): 171–90. 2545 — Vos, Antonie. “The Scotian Notion of Natural Law.” Vivarium 38 (2000): 197– 221. 2546 — Vos, Antonie. “The Theoretical Centre and Structure of Scotus’ ‘Lectura”: Philosophy in a New Key.” In Via Scoti: Methodologia ad mentem Joannis Duns Scoti. Atti del Congresso Scotistico Internazionale Roma 9–11 marzo 1993, edited by Leonardo Sileo. Vol. 1, 455–73. Rome: Edizioni Antonianum, 1995. 2547 — Vos, Antonie. “Thomas en Duns over de goddelijke wil.” In Werkgroep Thomas van Aquino, Jaarboek 1983, 7–30, Utrecht, 1983. 2548 — Vos, Antonie. “Thomas’ en Duns’ theorie van de goddelijke alwetendheid.” In Werkgroep Thomas van Aquino, Jaarboek 1982, 40–68. Utrecht, 1982. 2549 — Wald, Berthold. “‘Accidens est formaliter ens’: Duns Scotus über die Inhärenz der Akzidenzien.” Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie 30 (1998): 59–70. 2550 — Wald, Berthold. “Accidens est formaliter ens: Duns Scotus on Inherence in His Quaestiones subtilissimae on Aristotle’s Metaphysics.” In Aristotle in Britain during the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the International Conference at Cambridge, 8–11 April, 1994. Organized by the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, edited by John Marenbon, 177–93. SIEPM Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale 5. Turnhout: Brepols, 1996. 2551 — Wald, Berthold. “Die Bestimmung der ratio legis bei Thomas von Aquin und Duns Scotus: Zur Frage der Inkompatibilität oder Kontinuität mittelalterlicher Naturrechtstheorien.” In Mensch und Natur im Mittelalter, edited by Albert Zimmermann and Andreas Speer, 662–81. Miscellanea mediaevalia 21/2. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992. 2552 — Wald, Berthold. “Subsistence and Relation: The Derivation of the Political from the Concept of Person in Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus.” In Les philosophies morales et politiques au Moyen Âge. Actes du IX e Congrès international de philosophie médiévale, Ottawa, 17–22 août 1992, edited by B. Carlos Bazán, Eduardo Andújar, and Léonard G. Sbrocchi. Vol. 3, 1365–74. Publications du Laboratoire de la pensée ancienne et médiévale. New York, Ottawa, and Toronto: Legas, 1995. 2553 — Wanke, Otto. “Thesen zur Naturrechtslehre des Johannes Duns Scotus.” Wissenschaft und Weisheit 32 (1969): 197–218.

220 Duns Scotus Bibliography 2554 — Ward, Bernadette Waterman. “Hopkins, Scotus, and von Balthasar: Philosophical Theology in Poetry.” In Theological Aesthetics after Von Balthasar, edited by Oleg V. Bychkov and James Fodor, 67–77. Ashgate Studies in Theology, Imagination, and the Arts. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. 2555 — Ward, Thomas M. “Animals, Animal Parts, and Hylomorphism: John Duns Scotus’s Pluralism about Substantial Form.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (2012): 531–58. 2556 — Watson, S. Y. “A Problem for Realism: Our Multiple Concepts of Individual Things and the Solution of Duns Scotus.” In John Duns Scotus 1265–1965, edited by John K. Ryan and Bernadine M. Bonansea, 61–82. Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy 3. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1965. 2557 — Watson, S. Y. “Univocity and Analogy of Being in the Philosophy of Duns Scotus.” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 32 (1958): 189–205. 2558 — Weiler, Gabriel. “Verehrung und Kult des seligen Johannes Duns Scotus vor allem in Köln und in der Minoritenkirche, der Grabeskirche des Seligen.” In Błogosławiony Jan Duns Szkot 1308–2008: Materiały Międzynarodowego Sympozjum Jubileuszowego z okazji 700-lecia śmierci bł. Jana Dunsa Szkota, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 8–10 kwietnia 2008, edited by Edward Iwo Zieliński and Roman Majeran, 101–16. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010. Polish translation: “Kult błogosławionego Jana Dunsa Szkota w Kolonii i w kościele franciszkanów, miejscu grobu Błogosławionego,” ibid., 118–32. 2559 — Wengert, R. G. “The Development of the Doctrine of the Formal Distinction in the Lectura Prima of John Duns Scotus.” The Monist 49 (1965): 571–87. 2560 — Werbeck, Wilfrid. “Valor et applicatio missae: Wert und Zuwendung der Messe im Anschluß an Johannes Duns Scotus.” Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 69 (1972): 163–84. 2561 — Werner, Hans-Joachim. “‘Aliquod malum est in entibus’ – Duns Scotus über den Begriff des Bösen.” In Johannes Duns Scotus 1308–2008: Die philosophischen Perspektiven seines Werkes / Investigations into His Philosophy. Proceedings ofThe Quadruple Congress” on John Duns Scotus, part 3, edited by Ludger Honnefelder et al., 501–19. St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute Publications; Münster: Aschendorff, 2010. 2562 — Werner, Hans-Joachim. “‘Incommunicabilitas’ et ‘libertas’: la métaphysique de la personne selon Thomas d’Aquin et Duns Scot.” Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 83 (1999): 21–33.

Articles and Book Chapters 219<br />

2543 — Vos, Antonie. “On the Philosophy <strong>of</strong> the Young <strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong>: Some Semantical<br />

and Logical Aspects.” In Mediaeval Semantics and Metaphysics: Studies Dedicated to<br />

L. M. de Rijk, Ph.D., on the Occasion <strong>of</strong> His 60 th Birthday, edited by E. P. Bos, 195–<br />

220. Artistarium Suppl. 2. Nijmegen: Ingenium Publishers 1985.<br />

2544 — Vos, Antonie. “<strong>The</strong> Indispensability <strong>of</strong> Freewill: <strong>Scotus</strong> Can Speak for Himself.”<br />

Medioevo 30 (2005): 171–90.<br />

2545 — Vos, Antonie. “<strong>The</strong> Scotian Notion <strong>of</strong> Natural Law.” Vivarium 38 (2000): 197–<br />

221.<br />

2546 — Vos, Antonie. “<strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>oretical Centre and Structure <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong>’ ‘Lectura”:<br />

Philosophy in a New Key.” In Via Scoti: Methodologia ad mentem Joannis <strong>Duns</strong> Scoti.<br />

Atti del Congresso Scotistico Internazionale Roma 9–11 marzo 1993, edited by<br />

Leonardo Sileo. Vol. 1, 455–73. Rome: Edizioni Antonianum, 1995.<br />

2547 — Vos, Antonie. “Thomas en <strong>Duns</strong> over de goddelijke wil.” In Werkgroep Thomas<br />

van Aquino, Jaarboek 1983, 7–30, Utrecht, 1983.<br />

2548 — Vos, Antonie. “Thomas’ en <strong>Duns</strong>’ theorie van de goddelijke alwetendheid.” In<br />

Werkgroep Thomas van Aquino, Jaarboek 1982, 40–68. Utrecht, 1982.<br />

2549 — Wald, Berthold. “‘Accidens est formaliter ens’: <strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong> über die Inhärenz der<br />

Akzidenzien.” Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie 30 (1998): 59–70.<br />

2550 — Wald, Berthold. “Accidens est formaliter ens: <strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong> on Inherence in His<br />

Quaestiones subtilissimae on Aristotle’s Metaphysics.” In Aristotle in Britain during the<br />

Middle Ages. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the International Conference at Cambridge, 8–11 April,<br />

1994. Organized by the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie<br />

Médiévale, edited by John Marenbon, 177–93. SIEPM Rencontres de Philosophie<br />

Médiévale 5. Turnhout: Brepols, 1996.<br />

2551 — Wald, Berthold. “Die Bestimmung der ratio legis bei Thomas von Aquin und <strong>Duns</strong><br />

<strong>Scotus</strong>: Zur Frage der Inkompatibilität oder Kontinuität mittelalterlicher<br />

Naturrechtstheorien.” In Mensch und Natur im Mittelalter, edited by Albert<br />

Zimmermann and Andreas Speer, 662–81. Miscellanea mediaevalia 21/2. Berlin and<br />

New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992.<br />

2552 — Wald, Berthold. “Subsistence and Relation: <strong>The</strong> Derivation <strong>of</strong> the Political from<br />

the Concept <strong>of</strong> Person in Thomas Aquinas and John <strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong>.” In Les philosophies<br />

morales et politiques au Moyen Âge. Actes du IX e Congrès international de philosophie<br />

médiévale, Ottawa, 17–22 août 1992, edited by B. Carlos Bazán, Eduardo Andújar, and<br />

Léonard G. Sbrocchi. Vol. 3, 1365–74. Publications du Laboratoire de la pensée<br />

ancienne et médiévale. New York, Ottawa, and Toronto: Legas, 1995.<br />

2553 — Wanke, Otto. “<strong>The</strong>sen zur Naturrechtslehre des Johannes <strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong>.”<br />

Wissenschaft und Weisheit 32 (1969): 197–218.

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