Duns Scotus-Bibliography - The Catholic University of America

Duns Scotus-Bibliography - The Catholic University of America Duns Scotus-Bibliography - The Catholic University of America
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Articles and Book Chapters 201 2325 — Sheppard, J. A. “Two Theories of Signification in the Writings of John Duns Scotus.” Franciscan Studies 58 (2000): 289–312. 2326 — Sheppard, J. A. “Vita Scoti.” Franciscan Studies 60 (2002): 291–323. 2327 — Shibuya, Katsumi. “Duns Scotus on ‘ultima realitas formae.’” In Giovanni Duns Scoto: Studi e ricerche nel VII Centenario della sua morte in onore di P. César Saco Alarcón, edited by Martín Carbajo Núñez. Vol. 1, 379–94. Rome: PAA – Edizioni Antonianum, 2008. 2328 — Shibuya, Katsumi. “スコトゥスの 個 体 化 の 理 論 に 対 するオッカムの 批 判 [Ockham’s critique of the Duns Scotus’s theory of individuation.]”『 中 世 思 想 研 究 』 Studies in medieval thought 35 (1993): 73–92; 243–44. 2329 — Sileo, Leonardo. “Filosofia, medicina e teologia: Il concepimento di Maria nella svolta teoretica di Duns Scoto.” In Giovanni Duns Scoto: Studi e ricerche nel VII Centenario della sua morte in onore di P. César Saco Alarcón, edited by Martín Carbajo Núñez. Vol. 2, 39–89. Rome: PAA – Edizioni Antonianum, 2008. 2330 — Sileo, Leonardo. “Giovanni Duns Scoto nel suo tempo e nel moderno.” In Giovanni Duns Scoto, edited by Giovanni Lauriola, 51–71. Bari: Levante, 1992. 2331 — Sileo, Leonardo. “I soggetti della Teologia e il soggetto della metafisica: dalla soluzione di Tommaso d’Aquino alle soluzioni di Giovanni Duns Scoto.” Antonianum 76 (2001): 207–22. 2332 — Silva Rosa, José Maria. “Da metafísica da contingência à existentia como liberdade em Duns Escoto.” Itinerarium 55 (2009): 495–511. 2333 — Silva Santos, Bento. “Guilherme de Ockham versus João Duns Scotus: identidade e diferença entre intelecto agente e intelecto possível.” Veritas: Revista de filosofia (Porto Alegre) 49/3 (2004): 545–52. 2334 — Smith, Eustace. “John Duns Scotus and Ecumenical Dialogue.” In De doctrina Ioannis Duns Scoti. Acta Congressus Scotistici Internationalis Oxonii et Edimburgi 11– 17 sept. 1966 celebrati. Vol. 3, 767–76. Studia Scholastico-Scotistica 3. Rome: Commissionis Scotisticae, 1968. 2335 — Soares Leite, Thiago. “Ontologia e teoria dos transcendentes na Metafisica de Duns Scotus.” In João Duns Scotus (1308–2008): homenagem de scotistas lusófonos, edited by Luis A. De Boni, 206–23. Porto Alegre: EST Edições; Bragança Paulista: EDUSF, 2008. 2336 — Soczewka, Roman Aleksander. “Siedem rękopisów ze zbiorów archiwum prowincjalnego franciszkanów w Warszawie o doktrynie filozoficzno-teologicznej bł. Jana Dunsa Szkota [Seven manuscripts from the archive of the Conventual Friars in Warsaw related to John Duns Scotus’s doctrine].” In Błogosławiony Jan Duns Szkot 1308–2008: Materiały Międzynarodowego Sympozjum Jubileuszowego z okazji 700- lecia śmierci bł. Jana Dunsa Szkota, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 8–

202 Duns Scotus Bibliography 10 kwietnia 2008, edited by Edward Iwo Zieliński and Roman Majeran, 763–70. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010. 2337 — Söder, Joachim R. “Die wiederentdeckte Frau – von Michael Scotus zu Johannes Duns Scotus.” In Wahrheit auf dem Weg: Festschrift für Ludwig Hödl zu seinem fünfundachtzigsten Geburtstag, edited by Manfred Gerwing and Heinrich J.F. Reinhardt, 226–46. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters – Neue Folge Band 72. Münster: Aschendorff, 2009. 2338 — Söder, Joachim R. “La doctrine scotiste de la contingence dans la Reportatio I A.” In Duns Scot à Paris, 1302–2002. Actes du colloque de Paris, 2–4 septembre 2002, edited by Olivier Boulnois, Elizabeth Karger, Jean-Luc Solère, and Gérard Sondag, 375–86. Textes et études du Moyen Âge 26. Turnhout: Brepols, 2004. 2339 — Söder, Joachim R. “Notwendigkeit – Kontingenz – Freiheit.” In Zwischen Weisheit und Wissenschaft: Johannes Duns Scotus im Gespräch, edited by Franz Lackner, 170– 78. Franziskanische Forschungen 45. Kevelaer: Edition T. Coelde, 2003. 2340 — Söder, Joachim R. “Von der Ontokosmologie zur Ontologik.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 108 (2001): 33–40. 2341 — Solaguren, Celestino. “Contingencia y creación en la filosofía de Duns Escoto.” In De doctrina Ioannis Duns Scoti. Acta Congressus Scotistici Internationalis Oxonii et Edimburgi 11–17 sept. 1966 celebrati. Vol. 2, 297–348. Studia Scholastico-Scotistica 2. Rome: Commissionis Scotisticae, 1968. 2342 — Solaguren, Celestino. “Contingencia y creación en la filosofía de Duns Escoto.” Verdad y vida 24 (1966): 55–100. 2343 — Solano Aguirre, Francisco. “Pecado original y conocimiento de Dios. Consideraciones en los límites de la filosofía y teología según el pensamiento de Duns Escoto.” Estudios franciscanos 52 (1951): 97–102. 2344 — Solère, Jean-Luc. “Scotus Geometres: The Longevity of Duns Scotus’s Geometric Arguments against Indivisibilism.” In La réception de Duns Scot / Die Rezeption des Duns Scotus / Scotism through the Centuries. Proceedings ofThe Quadruple Congress” on John Duns Scotus, part 4, edited by Mechthild Dreyer, Édouard Mehl, and Matthias Vollet, 139–54. St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute Publications; Münster: Aschendorff, 2013. 2345 — Soleri, Giacomo. “Studi scotisti di gnoseologia e di teodicea.” Sapienza 9 (1956): 70–83, 205–21. 2346 — Solinas, Stefano. “Il diritto naturale in Duns Scoto.” In Diritti umani e libertà in Duns Scoto: VII. Convegno internazionale di studi scotistici, edited by Giovanni Lauriola, 151–60. Quaderni Scotistici 15. Alberobello, Bari: AGA, 2000. 2347 — Solinas, Stefano. “Il Diritto naturale.” Quaderni di Studi Scotistici 2 (2005): 73–85.

202 <strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong> <strong>Bibliography</strong><br />

10 kwietnia 2008, edited by Edward Iwo Zieliński and Roman Majeran, 763–70. Lublin:<br />

Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010.<br />

2337 — Söder, Joachim R. “Die wiederentdeckte Frau – von Michael <strong>Scotus</strong> zu Johannes<br />

<strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong>.” In Wahrheit auf dem Weg: Festschrift für Ludwig Hödl zu seinem<br />

fünfundachtzigsten Geburtstag, edited by Manfred Gerwing and Heinrich J.F.<br />

Reinhardt, 226–46. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und <strong>The</strong>ologie des<br />

Mittelalters – Neue Folge Band 72. Münster: Aschendorff, 2009.<br />

2338 — Söder, Joachim R. “La doctrine scotiste de la contingence dans la Reportatio I A.”<br />

In <strong>Duns</strong> Scot à Paris, 1302–2002. Actes du colloque de Paris, 2–4 septembre 2002,<br />

edited by Olivier Boulnois, Elizabeth Karger, Jean-Luc Solère, and Gérard Sondag,<br />

375–86. Textes et études du Moyen Âge 26. Turnhout: Brepols, 2004.<br />

2339 — Söder, Joachim R. “Notwendigkeit – Kontingenz – Freiheit.” In Zwischen Weisheit<br />

und Wissenschaft: Johannes <strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong> im Gespräch, edited by Franz Lackner, 170–<br />

78. Franziskanische Forschungen 45. Kevelaer: Edition T. Coelde, 2003.<br />

2340 — Söder, Joachim R. “Von der Ontokosmologie zur Ontologik.” Philosophisches<br />

Jahrbuch 108 (2001): 33–40.<br />

2341 — Solaguren, Celestino. “Contingencia y creación en la filos<strong>of</strong>ía de <strong>Duns</strong> Escoto.” In<br />

De doctrina Ioannis <strong>Duns</strong> Scoti. Acta Congressus Scotistici Internationalis Oxonii et<br />

Edimburgi 11–17 sept. 1966 celebrati. Vol. 2, 297–348. Studia Scholastico-Scotistica 2.<br />

Rome: Commissionis Scotisticae, 1968.<br />

2342 — Solaguren, Celestino. “Contingencia y creación en la filos<strong>of</strong>ía de <strong>Duns</strong> Escoto.”<br />

Verdad y vida 24 (1966): 55–100.<br />

2343 — Solano Aguirre, Francisco. “Pecado original y conocimiento de Dios.<br />

Consideraciones en los límites de la filos<strong>of</strong>ía y teología según el pensamiento de <strong>Duns</strong><br />

Escoto.” Estudios franciscanos 52 (1951): 97–102.<br />

2344 — Solère, Jean-Luc. “<strong>Scotus</strong> Geometres: <strong>The</strong> Longevity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong>’s Geometric<br />

Arguments against Indivisibilism.” In La réception de <strong>Duns</strong> Scot / Die Rezeption des<br />

<strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong> / Scotism through the Centuries. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> “<strong>The</strong> Quadruple<br />

Congress” on John <strong>Duns</strong> <strong>Scotus</strong>, part 4, edited by Mechthild Dreyer, Édouard Mehl,<br />

and Matthias Vollet, 139–54. St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute Publications;<br />

Münster: Aschendorff, 2013.<br />

2345 — Soleri, Giacomo. “Studi scotisti di gnoseologia e di teodicea.” Sapienza 9 (1956):<br />

70–83, 205–21.<br />

2346 — Solinas, Stefano. “Il diritto naturale in <strong>Duns</strong> Scoto.” In Diritti umani e libertà in<br />

<strong>Duns</strong> Scoto: VII. Convegno internazionale di studi scotistici, edited by Giovanni<br />

Lauriola, 151–60. Quaderni Scotistici 15. Alberobello, Bari: AGA, 2000.<br />

2347 — Solinas, Stefano. “Il Diritto naturale.” Quaderni di Studi Scotistici 2 (2005): 73–85.

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