0-TESTO COMPLETO.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

0-TESTO COMPLETO.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

0-TESTO COMPLETO.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia


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TEL.14 – Manipulation of serotonin transmission on behavioural and neurochemical deficits…<br />

analyzed in different brain areas to widely evaluate brain aminergic metabolisms<br />

in different forms of HPA.<br />

PHE blood levels will be analyzed in each mouse to evaluate the degree of<br />

HPA.<br />


1) To investigate effects of 5-HTP treatment during critical postnatal<br />

period to prevent mental retardation in phenylketonuric subjects.<br />

Animals – Homozygote (-/-) PAH enu2 (ENU2) mice, obtained by heterozygous<br />

mating, will be used for all experiments. At postnatal day 28, animals (sex<br />

matched) will house 2-4 per standard breeding cage with food and water ad<br />

libitum on a 12:12h dark: light cycle (light on 07.00 am -07.00 pm h).<br />

Experimental groups – Three groups of ENU2 mice (WT-sal ENU2-sal, ENU2<br />

5-HTP) will be collected from male pups derived from a total of thirty matings<br />

(n= 36; n= 8 for each group) and exposed to experimental treatment between<br />

14-21 postnatal days.<br />

WT-sal and ENU2-sal mice will be i.p. treated with saline, twice to day.<br />

ENU2-5-HTP mice will be i.p. treated with 5-HTP (20 mg/kg, twice to day).<br />

Behavioural experiments will start when animals reached 8 weeks of age.<br />

Drugs – Chloral hydrate and 5-HTP will be purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St-<br />

Luis, MO), dissolved in saline (0.9% NaCl) and injected i.p. in a volume of 10<br />

ml/kg.<br />

Behavioural Testing – All mice will be submitted to behavioural tests (Object<br />

Recognition Test. Spatial Novelty Test and Morris Water Maze using modifications<br />

of the basic protocol, in random order) to evaluate behavioural profile.<br />

Experimental procedures are previously reported [Cabib et al. 2003;<br />

Vorhees and Williams 2006]. All tests where videotaped by means of a camera<br />

placed within the sound-attenuated cubicle and connected with a recorder<br />

placed outside the cubicle. Later on, an experimenter unaware of the treatment<br />

conditions quantified behaviour, using the Observer program (Version<br />

3.0, System for Macintosh, Noldus, Wageningen 1997).<br />

2) To evaluate effects of 5-HTP treatment in different forms of HPA (control,<br />

mild HPA, mild PKU and classic PKU.<br />

Animals – See previous paragraph.<br />

Experimental groups – Cntr group will be composed by BTBR wild-type mice<br />

(n=10; PHE < 4 mg/dl);<br />

– m-HPA group will be composed by BTBR wild-type mice daily treated<br />

with phenylalanine (1-2 mg/g body wt) for two weeks (n=10; PHE 4-10 mg/dl);<br />

– m-PKU group will be composed by ENU2 mice maintained to a mildly<br />

low-PHE diet (Mucedola, Italy) (n=10; PHE 4-10 mg/dl);<br />

– c-PKU group will be composed by untreated ENU2 mice (n=10; PHE ><br />

20 mg/dl).<br />

2009 791

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