0-TESTO COMPLETO.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

0-TESTO COMPLETO.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

0-TESTO COMPLETO.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia


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Sezione III: Attività per progetti<br />


1. Our first specific objective is to investigate effects of 5-HTP treatment<br />

during critical postnatal period to prevent cognitive delay in phenylketonuric<br />

subjects.<br />

Three groups of ENU2 mice will be used for these experiments: wild-type<br />

treated with saline (WT-sal, n=8), ENU2 treated with saline (ENU2-sal, n=8),<br />

and ENU2 treated with 5-HTP (20 mg/kg, twice to day; ENU2-5-HTP, n=8).<br />

Animals to belonging to different groups will be exposed to treatment<br />

between 14-21 postnatal days, a critical period characterized by of brain<br />

amine deficits in PKU pups.<br />

Effect of 5-HTP will be evaluated on behavioural test performances<br />

(Object Recognition Test, Spatial Novelty Test, Spontaneous Alternation Test,<br />

Morris Water Maze in standard and modified protocols) in adult ENU2 mice.<br />

2. HPA refers any consistent excess of blood PHE levels, including classical<br />

PKU. There are also several intermediate degrees of HPA, in which blood<br />

PHE levels are mildly elevated.<br />

So, our second objective is the development of animal models of different<br />

degrees of HPA (control, mild HPA, mild phenylketonuria (PKU) and classic<br />

PKU) on the base of plasma phenylalanine (PHE) concentrations). This aim is<br />

based on the idea that different concentrations of blood PHE interfere differently<br />

with cognitive functions.<br />

– BTBR wild-type mice will be the control group (cntr, PHE < 4 mg/dl);<br />

– BTBR wild-type mice drinking PHE-containing water (10 g/L) to<br />

achieve and keep a status of mild hypeprhenylalaninemia (PHE 4-10 mg/dl)<br />

for two weeks (m-HPA, n=10);<br />

– ENU2 mice will be maintained to a mildly low-PHE diet (Mucedola,<br />

Italy) to develop a mouse model of mild phenylketonuria (m-PKU; n=10, PHE<br />

4-10 mg/dl);<br />

– ENU2 mice will be the classic PKU model (c-PKU; n=10; PHE > 20<br />

mg/dl).<br />

Behavioural and neurochemical phenotyping will be performed on control<br />

(cntr), mild HPA (m-HPA), mild PKU (m-PKU) and classic PKU (c-PKU)<br />

mice.<br />

A different group of cntr (n=10), m-HPA (n=10), m-PKU (n=10) and<br />

c-PKU (n=10) mice will be treated with 5-HTP (20 mg/kg i.p., twice to day).<br />

For behavioural phenotyping, all mice will be submitted to several behavioural<br />

tests to evaluate motor (Open Field Test, Rotarod Test and Grooming<br />

activity), cognitive (Object Recognition Test, Spatial Novelty Test, Spontaneous<br />

Alternation Test, Morris Water Maze using modifications of the basic<br />

protocol) and emotional (Porsolt’s Test) performances, in random order.<br />

For neurochemical phenotyping, direct evaluation of fronto-cortical<br />

aminergic neurotransmission will be evaluated by technique of in vivo intracerebral<br />

microdialysis during the exposure to psychological experiences<br />

known to affect cortical neurotransmission (restraint stress).<br />

Moreover, tissue levels of 5-HT, DA, NE and theirs metabolites will be<br />

790 2009

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